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Coordinate Conjunctions Practice

Choose the best completion for each sentence.

1. I remember most of the Spanish that I studied, but __________.

a. I also remember French
b. I read a book in Spanish last month
c. I have forgotten most of my Arabic
2. When I get sick, I go to the doctor’s office, or __________.
a. the doctor gives me medicine
b. I just take some vitamins
c. the doctor can’t help me
3. John lived in Germany for years, yet __________.
a. he speaks fluent German
b. he can’t speak German
c. he doesn’t speak English
4. I needed some flour to bake a cake, so __________.
a. I ate cake
b. I went to the store
c. it was my mom’s birthday
5. I got my haircut last week, for __________.
a. it was really long
b. now it’s short
c. I also dyed my hair
6. It rains a lot here, but __________.
a. the ground is wet
b. it seldom hails
c. I like storms
7. I need to cast my ballot for the new law. I might vote ‘yes’, or __________.
a. I voted ‘no’
b. I don’t like new laws
c. I might vote ‘no’
8. Rebecca is very close to her stepdad, yet __________.
a. she has never met her biological father
b. she is also close to her mom
c. she talks to him every day
9. I don’t have a car, and __________.
a. I don’t have a bike
b. I have a bike
c. I like cars
10. On Fridays, I get home late, or __________ depending on traffic.
a. I don’t like to be late
b. I get home early
c. do I get home early
11. I have never ridden a motorcycle, nor __________.
a. do I ever plan on riding one
b. have I ever plan on riding one
c. will I ever planned on riding one

Combine the two simple sentences into one compound sentence using NOR.

12. I don’t eat sushi. I don’t eat hamburgers.

13. I have never seen the movie. I have never read the book.

14. I didn’t do the homework. I didn’t study.

15. I won’t tell you my secret. My brother won’t tell you his secret.

16. I wasn’t very good at soccer as a kid. I wasn’t very good at basketball.

17. I didn’t eat breakfast yesterday. I won’t eat breakfast tomorrow.

18. The professor doesn’t speak loudly enough. He doesn’t annunciate well.

19. My sister hasn’t called me yet this week. She hasn’t emailed me.

20. I’m not going to call him. I’m not going to text him.

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