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Stress Management in the corporate


Deadlines are scarier than exams or dates, Bosses are stricter than professors. Outside the world of
academics, the lessons that are taught are tougher and trust me there will be no professors to guide.
That feeling of being helpless, pressure of performance, meeting deadlines and impressing your
seniors often leads to unmanageable stress. The most difficult thing about working in a corporate
world is there are seldom any second chances, you must give it all that you got. There has been no
mystery behind the science of co-dependence of physical and mental health on each other, and too
much stress at an early stage in your life can have irreversible damage to your health, so it is
important to manage this inevitable stress. Working long hours can be overwhelming where the
work doesn’t end, and your seniors just do not seem to be happy with you. There are a few things
that I learned along the way and would like to share my experience.
1. Watch the tone you speak in with your seniors: Over chat or in-person, please
be mindful of the way you talk to your seniors because trust me the content doesn’t
matter unless the tone used is correct, “How you say it” makes the difference, even
if you are correct there will always be a polite way to put it. For example, if you think
that the presentation of certain report can be different and better then the best way
to say it can be “Hey, I think we can try something like this”, do not try to be
instructive unnecessarily, try avoiding rubbing them off wrongly.
2. Leave your work in office: I know this sounds impossible, but, make sure that
you make time for yourself, your hobbies and family and your life’s well-being, your
job can be a major part of your life, but it can’t be your life in entirety.
3. Have a confidant: Stress becomes unmanageable when it piles up, so it is good
to talk it out, try not being part of office gossip, find a friend outside your office or
different team or line and talk to them to relieve some of the stress.
This is crucial that you understand that this is to vent out and not become a person
who never stops complaining.
4. Own your career: As a subordinate there are a lot of things that you might have
to put up with done by your superiors, however you shouldn’t tolerate anything
unethical. You need to speak up and speak up without fear. Ask for challenging work
if you want to develop yourself. Do not burn yourself out, know what is expected of
you and deliver accordingly.
5. Patience and Meditation: Meditation is one exercise that will make you more
sorted internally and you can be more patient with people and situations you come
“This shall pass too” is an age-old phrase and stands tall till date. Understand
whatever you say or do defines you. Be careful how to react to situations and be
The situations can be undeniably difficult, but you should be undeniably tough and patient.
Remember to be polite and stern. Get on the saddle and ride the world! All the best.

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