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2019 – 2020





PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT TIMETABLE ...............................................................................................3

PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT POINTERS ...................................................................................................3
1. PE ..........................................................................................................................................................3
2. English...................................................................................................................................................3
3. TIK ........................................................................................................................................................3
4. Musik.....................................................................................................................................................3
5. Physics...................................................................................................................................................3
6. Biology...................................................................................................................................................3
7. Mandarin ..............................................................................................................................................3
WRITTEN ASSESSMENT TIMETABLE....................................................................................................4
WRITTEN ASSESSMENT POINTERS .......................................................................................................5
1. ENGLISH .............................................................................................................................................5
2. BAHASA INDONESIA .......................................................................................................................5
3. IPA.........................................................................................................................................................7
4. SCIENCE..............................................................................................................................................8
5. MATEMATIKA...................................................................................................................................9
6. MATHEMATICS ................................................................................................................................9

Semester 1, Academic Year 2019 - 2020

Day, Date Day, Date

8A 8B 8A 8B

Monday, Monday,
English Mandarin Mandarin
4 Nov 2019 11 Nov 2019
Tuesday, TIK TIK Tuesday,
5 Nov 2019 Biology Biology 12 Nov 2019
Wednesday, Wednesday,
English Music Music
6 Nov 2019 13 Nov 2019
Thursday, PE PE Thursday,
7 Nov 2019 Physics Physics 14 Nov 2019
Friday, Friday,
8 Nov 2019 15 Nov 2019


1. PE
Material(s) : senam lantai

2. English
Material(s) : Argumentative Speech (With Q&A Session by student)
Requirements : Prepare original speech (3 paragraphs, 5 sentences/ paragraph).
Choices of topics:
a. What is the Role of Youth to Contribute in The Development of Indonesia?
b. Why is character/integrity important?
c. Finding Your Identity, Building Your Future: How do you do it?

3. TIK
Material(s) : Packaging (Grade 8)

4. Musik
Material(s) : Memainkan lagu pop dengan menggunakan piano.

5. Physics
Material(s) : Making simple circuit
Requirements : small cable, infra board, lamps, wire, baterai, and switch

6. Biology
Topic : Reproduction in plants
Material(s) : 2 kinds of flowers (provided by student)

7. Mandarin
Topic : Story telling
Material(s) : Express yourself Lesson 7 & Lesson 10

Semester 1, Academic Year 2019-2020


Day, Date Subject Time Duration

Bahasa Inggris 07.30 – 09.00 90 minutes

18 November 2019
Science 09.30 – 11.00 90 minutes

Bahasa Indonesia 07.30 – 09.30 120 minutes

19 November 2019
Mathematics 10.00 – 12.00 120 minutes

IPA 07.30 – 09.30 120 minutes
20 November 2019

Kamis, 120 minutes

Matematika 07.30 – 09.30
21 November 2019


Cambridge Secondary 1 Test Type
No Materials Indicators
1 Reading 1. being able to process and comprehend a range of different text
types, topics and genres;
2. reading texts of different lengths and showing understanding of
gist, detail, attitude and opinion, showing awareness of coherence
and cohesion

2 Grammar 1. understanding and using different forms of words and combining

them effectively into phrases and sentences;
2. understanding the structure of the language and exhibiting
knowledge through usage

3 Vocabulary 1. understanding and using a range of words, phrases and

2. showing lexical awareness at both phrase and sentence level

4 Function 1. understanding and using particular words and phrases in order to

convey messages and achieve specific linguistic aims


No Materi Indikator
1 Teks Berita 1. Menjelaskan Pengertian teks berita
2. Menganalisis Unsur-unsur berita (5 W + 1H)
3. Menganalisis Ringkasan dan penyimpulan berita.
4. Menganalisis Langkah-langkah menyimpulkan pokok- pokok
5. Mengidentifikasi Tanggapan terhadap isi berita.
6. Menganalisis unsur-unsur teks berita (membanggakan dan
memotivasi) yang didengar dan dibaca.
7. Menganalisis Struktur teks berita yang meliputi Kepala berita
8. Menganalisis Struktur teks berita yang meliputi Tubuh berita
9. Menganalisis Struktur teks berita yang meliputi Ekor Berita
10. Menganalisis Kaidah- kaidah kebahasaan teks berita.
11. Menganalisis Bahasa baku dan tidak baku (pengayaan)
12. Membuat Ringkasan dan penyimpulan berita.
13. Menyajikan isi dari berita(membanggakan dan memotivasi)
yang dibaca dan didengar

2 Teks Iklan, Slogan, 1. Menjelaskan Pengertian Teks Iklan, Slogan, Poster

Poster 2. Menganalisis Unsur-unsur Teks Iklan, Slogan, Poster

No Materi Indikator
3. Menganalisis unsur-unsur iklan, slogan, dan poster.
4. Menjelaskan cara menyusun teks iklan, slogan, poster
5. Menganalisis pola penyajian dan kebahasaan teks iklan, slogan,
atau poster (yang membuat bangga an memotivasi) dari berbagai
sumber yang dibaca dan didengar
6. Membuat isi iklan, slogan, atau poster (membanggakan dan
memotivasi) dari berbagai sumber
7. Menyajikan isi iklan, slogan, atau poster (membanggakan dan
memotivasi) dari berbagai sumber
8. Membuat gagasan, pesan, ajakan dalam bentuk iklan, slogan, atau
poster secara lisan dan tulis

3 Teks Eksposisi 1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks ekposisi

2. Menganalisis unsur-unsur teks eksposisi:gagasan dan fakta-fakta
3. Menjelaskan langkah-langkah Menyusun teks eksposisi.
4. Menganalisis struktur teks eksposisi
5. Menganalisis isi teks eksposisi (berupa artikel ilmiah populer dari
koran/ majalah) yang diperdengarkan atau dibaca
4 Teks Puisi 1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks puisi
2. Menganalisis unsur-unsur teks puisi (perjuangan, lingkungan
hidup, kondisi sosial, dan lain-lain)
3. Menganalisis unsur-unsur pembentuk teks puisi
4. Mengelompokan puisi berdasarkan periodesasi
5. Menganalisis unsur-unsur pembangun teks puisi (perjuangan,
lingkungan hidup, kondisi sosial, dan lain-lain) yang
diperdengarkan atau dibaca.
6. Membuat kesimpulan tentang unsur-unsur pembangun dan makna
teks puisi yang diperdengarkan atau dibaca.
5 Teks Eksplanasi 1. Menjelaskan pengertian teks eksplanasi
2. Menganalisis ciri-ciri teks eksplanasi berdasarkan pola/
struktur teks eksplanasi
3. Menganalisis gagasan umum dalam teks eksplanasi.
4. Menjelaskan langkah- langkah meringkas isi teks eksplanasi
berdasarkan gagasan umumnya
5. Menganalisis informasi dari teks ekplanasi berupa paparan
kejadian suatu fenomena alam yang diperdengarkan atau
dibaca dengan memperhatikan struktur, unsur kebahasaan,
dan isi secara tertulis.
6. Menganalisis teks eksplanasi berupa paparan kejadian suatu
fenomena alam yang diperdengarkan atau dibaca.
7. Menganalisis ragam isi teks eksplanasi
8. Menganalisis struktur teks eksplanasi
9. Menjelaskan kaidah teks eksplanasi.
10. MenjelaskanPola-pola pengembangan teks eksplanasi.
11. Menyimpulkan pengertian, ciri-ciri berdasarkan pola/struktur
teks eksplanasi

3. IPA

No Materi Indikator

1. Sistem Gerak pada 1. Menentukan fungsi rangka pada manusia

Makhluk Hidup 2. Menjelaskan perbedaan kartilago dan osteon
3. Menentukan bentuk tulang penyusun rangka tubuh manusia
4. Menentukan jenis sendi yang digunakan pada aktivitas manusia
5. Menjelaskan cara kerja otot (antagonis - sinergis)
6. Menjelaskan perbedaan jenis-jenis otot (lurik, polos, jantung)
7. Menjelaskan penyebab gangguan dan kelainan pada sistem gerak
dan upaya mencegah/mengatasinya
8. Menjelaskan sistem gerak pada hewan air, udara dan darat
9. Membedakan sistem gerak pada tumbuhan : endonom,
higroskopis, esionom
10. Membedakan gerak tumbuhan tropisme, nasti, dan taksis

2. Struktur & Fungsi 1. Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi morfologi akar, batang, daun,
Tumbuhan bunga, buah, dan biji
2. Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi jaringan pada akar
3. Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi jaringan pada batang
4. Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi jaringan pada daun
5. Mencontohkan teknologi terinspirasi dari struktur jaringan


No Materi Indikator
1. Gerak Benda 1. Mengenali gerak lurus pada benda
2. Mengidentifikasi hubungan gerak dan gaya dalam kehidupan
3. Mengetahui contoh kasus Hukum Newton 1, 2 dan 3
2. Usaha dan Pesawat 1. Mengidentifikasi perbedaan antara usaha dan gerak benda
Sederhana 2. Menunjukkan contoh pesawat sederhana yang dipakai dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari
3. Menganalisa keuntungan yang diperoleh dari penggunaan
pesawat sederhana pada kehidupan sehari-hari
3. Tekanan Zat dan 1. Memahami konsep tekanan
Penerapannya 2. Menyelidiki tekanan pada benda padat
3. Menyelidiki tekanan zat cair pada kedalaman tertentu
4. Memahami hukum archimedes
5. Memahami prinsip pompa hidrolik


No Materials Indicators
1 Reproduction in 1. Explain asexual reproduction in flowering plants and animals
humans 2. Explain part of flower and pollination process in plants
3. Explain female and male reproductive organs and its function
4. Describe menstrual cycle and determine fertile or infertile ovum
5. Define how a human egg fertilized and the process
6. Explain sexually transmitted infections
2 Inheritance 1. Explain definition chromosomes, genes, genotype, phenotype,
homozygous, heterozygous, dominant, recessive
2. Determine differences between mitosis and meiosis
3. Explain monohybrid inheritance
4. Determine offspring using pedigree diagrams
5. Explain differences discontinuous and continuous variation
6. Explain about adaptation, selective breeding, natural and
artificial selection

No Materials Indicators
1 Electrical quantities, 1. Describe the formation of electrostatic charge by friction
electricity, and 2. Distinguish the magnetic properties of soft iron and steel
magnetism 3. Identify the parts and material used to make an electromagnet
4. Calculate the current flow if the charge and time known
5. Calculate the current, voltage, or resistance based on Ohm’s Law
6. Describe the use of ammeter and voltmeter in an electric circuit
2 Electric circuits 1. Predict which lamp will lit when certain switch is closed in an
electric circuit
2. Determine the reading of voltmeter in a series circuit that contains
2 resistor at 3 different position
3. Determine current flow at every branches in a series-parallel
circuit at 2 different point based on given information
4. Calculate the total resistance in a series-parallel circuit
5. Calculate the power of an electronic device if the energy
consumed and time needed known

No Materials Indicators

1 Metals 1. State the characteristics of metals

2. Describe the reactions between metals and acid
3. Describe the reactions between metals and oxygen
4. Describe the reactions between metals and water / steam
5. Describe the competition reaction of metals in aqueous solution
6. Identify the name of the ore of certain metal
2 Air and Water 1. Identify function of chlorine in water treatment process
2. Identify the composition of atmosphere
3. Determine the harmful effect of pollutants : CFC, Sulfur oxide,
Nitrous Oxides and Carbon dioxide

No Materials Indicators

4. Explain the process of global warming / global climate change,

with concern to greenhouse effect
5. State the chemical reaction that produce ammonia by word


No Materi Indikator

1 Relasi dan Fungsi 1. mendefinisikan relasi dari himpunan

2. menentukan domain, kodomain, dan range dari diagram yang
3. menentukan rumus sebuah fungsi
4. menentukan sebuah fungsi melalui diagram panah, himpunan
pasangan berurutan atau diagram cartesius
5. menentukan korespondensi satu-satu dari diagram yang disajikan
6. menentukan banyak pemetaan yang dapat dibuat jika diketahui
dua himpunan yang akan dihubungkan
7. menentukan banyak korespondensi satu-satu yang dapat dibentuk
8. menghitung nilai fungsi atau bayangan dari suatu nilai yang
9. menentukan nilai a jika fungsi diketahui
10. menentukan hasil nilai sebuah fungsi dalam bentuk aljabar
11. menentukan bentuk fungsi jika nilai dan data fungsi diketahui
12. menyelesaikan masalah sehari-hari yang berhubungan dengan
relasi dan fungsi

2 Sistem Persamaan 1. Menjelaskan SPLDV dalam berbagai bentuk dan variabel

Linear Dua Variabel 2. Menentukan himpunan penyelesaian SPLDV dengan substitusi dan
3. Membuat matematika dari masalah sehari-hari yang berkaitan
dengan SPLDV
4. Menyelesaikan matematika dari masalah yang berkaitan dengan
sistem persamaan linear dua variabel dan penafsirannya

No Materials Indicators
1 Chapter 1: Direct and 1. Solve simple problem involving direct proportion
Inverse Proportions 2. Solve simple problem involving inverse proportion
3. Write down an equation connecting two quantities which are
directly proportional to each other and use the rule to solve
problems involving direct proportion
2 Chapter 3: Expansion 1. Perform expansion of simple algebraic expression
and Factorisation of 2. Perform expansion of algebraic expressions of the form (a ± b) (c
Quadratic Algebraic ± d) and (a ± b) (c ± d ± e).
Expressions 3. Perform expansions of algebraic expressions using the rules of
perfect squares (a ± b)2, and the expansion of (a + b)(a – b).

No Materials Indicators
3 Chapter 4: Further 1. Perform expansions of algebraic expressions using the rules of
Expansion and perfect squares (a ± b)2, and the expansion of (a + b)(a – b).
Factorisation of 2. Factorise simple algebraic quadratic expression
Algebraic Expressions 3. Factorise algebraic expressions by grouping the common factor.

4 Chapter 5: Quadratic 1. Solve quadratic equations by factorisations

Equations and Graphs 2. Express word problems in the form of quadratic equations and
solve these problems by factorisations
3. Identify important features of quadratic graphs y = ax2 when a
takes on positive and negative values.
4. Construct a table of values for x and y for a quadratic function.
5. Plot a quadratic graph from a table of values with/without the aid
of a curved rule.
6. Identify the equation of a line of symmetry of a quadratic graph.
7. Find the values of x and y from the quadratic graph by locating the
point/s of intersection of a graph and the Cartesian axis
8. Identify the maximum or minimum points of certain quadratic
equations graph
9. Express word problems into quadratic equation and solve the
problem using graphical method.

5 Chapter 6: Algebraic 1. Simplify simple algebraic fractions involving single terms.

Fractions and Formulae 2. Simplify algebraic fractions with polynomials by using
3. Perform multiplication and division of simple algebraic fractions.
4. Find the HCF and LCM of algebraic expressions.
5. Perform addition and subtraction of simple algebraic fractions.
6. Solve simple equations involving algebraic fractions.
7. Express problems that involve algebraic fractions in the form of
equations and solve them.
8. Change the subject of a simple formula.
9. Changing the subject of a formula involving squares, square roots,
cubes and cube roots etc.

6 Chapter 8: Pythagoras’ 1. Identify a right-angled triangle and its hypotenuse.

Theorem 2. Define the Pythagoras’ theorem and its converse and use proper
symbols to express the relationship.
3. Apply the Pythagoras’ theorem to find the unknown side of a
right-angled triangle when the other two sides are given.
4. Solve word problems involving right-angled triangles using
Pythagoras’ theorem.


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