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Lesson Plan in English

Grade 8

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
A. define themes found in a Japanese haiku;
B. compose a haiku poem;
C. share to the class their haiku composition.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Haiku
Reference: Ela-Literacy page. 36.
 Manila paper
 Speaker
 Pens or pencils, white board marker
 Laptop, or projector to access lesson

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Review of previous lesson
Motivation: The teacher will play sound about nature and let the students listen
to it.
 While the students are listening to the sound, write the following
on the board:
 Line 1: 5 syllables
 Line 2: 7 syllables
 Line 3: 5 syllables
B. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
 Now ask the students to think of one important moment in their
lives and compose a poem using the theme about nature. The
guidelines listed on the board.
 When all students have finished their haiku poems, ask them to
read/share their haiku poems with the class.

b. Analysis
 The teacher gives a brief discussion.

c. Abstraction
 Ask: Does the form and brevity of haiku poetry make it
more or less engaging?
 The Teacher calls at least three (3) students to do the
d. Application
 Group the students into four (4). The students must get the
importance if Haiku poem and write a short reflection in a
manila paper. They only given 10 minutes to do the task.
 Each group is given the chance to evaluate the other group
output by giving the scores base on the following critieria:
Content - 20 points
Cleanliness of work - 5 points
Team work - 5 points
Total = 30 points
 Allow them to ask questions for clarifications.
IV. Evaluation
 Direction: In a 1/4 sheet of paper, compose at least three
(3) Haiku poem.
 Look around you and find an inspiration to make a Japanese
haiku poem.
V. Assignment:
 Have students research some well-known haiku poems. Now have
them analyze the form of each poem. Do they follow the 5-7-5
pattern ?

Prepared by:

Caneda. Mae Joy

Carinal, Roque

Gutierrez, Shannel

Libaton, Anna Dominique

Muring, Via Alleah

Pena, Cheryl

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