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Proper Noun -specific name of person, place, animal

Common Noun - general name of thing, place

Abstract Noun - ideal concept that you cannot touch

- ex. loyalty cove, freedom, information,

Collective Noun- group of people, animals, things that can be called as one.

Individual Noun - Noun that

can be counted.

Rules To make noun plural:

 sh, s-, ch, x, 0 - add es

 O is preceded by a vowel no need for ES ex. radios, stereo
 Y is preceded by a consonant -add “ies”

ex. armies, mommies

 Y is preceded by a consonant -add only s.

 if word ends in L and F

Change f to VES

ex. Thieves, wifes, life

except. roof, cuffs , gulf , grief, safe

brief proof , leaf.

 - there are words in this category which have

 both plural forms.
 There are words that are already in plural such as Tongs,
 There are words that change in spelling

mice- mouse foot to feet, Child to children

 Whark
 staff
 hoof
 scarf.

A few nouns form their plural in an irregular way

 Man
 woman
 Datum
 Goose
 Foot
 Child
 Nucleus
 mouse
 Ox
 Some nouns have similar singular and plural form
 swine
 beer,
 sheep
 Fish (also fishes)
 Some nouns are used only in plural
a) Names of instrument having 2 parts forming a kind of pair: Scissors , tongs, spectacle
b) Names of articles, dress, trousers and breeches

yousers. drawers

of dresse

f breecher.

certain names of of ameri billiard

draught, cares f Somives.

A compound nown normally forms if

alural by adding cr A The

praciple word.

coaf of mail 6. man-of was

2. son-in-law f . locker on

La passer buy

Grammatical Distnction 27.

2. Uncountable Non-

- Maurer (2000:106) assert that there

au mames of things that cannot be

Cented in their nama cense because

the cast in Massform.

Eckersley, t E erseley (1972:20) affirm

that this is hown stanas for substances

. * Normale tatel a Vingular verb:

accomodation behavou derred chaos,

furniture luggage, rcevery traffic thane

& weather



possesive case ownership)

Rule #1: Form the possesive of most

proper, nous by adding an

ne possesive of most sing was common cos


Rullo 42. Use only an

the 20ssessive

Jesus e moses

apostrophe te foro

of the names

e other ancient




to the end of plural nouns

end in -5."


To show joint ownership form

the posetsive on the last werd.

- Monito A Trisha's dogs.

to show individual ownership form the

ВИeitre 3 oh hdc.


ex. Nonito's e Trisha's dogs.

Sake's e Cuenca's boxes of Lollipops

with a compound word as phrase,

form the posessive ley Adeling

C apostrophe


and an




to the

X. commanders in Cheifs

possesive form



of Jade

came to me

Jade's cats

carved on

my heart.

. 0 The parables of Jesus are

Jesus' parables.

assignment @ g h


date Name, ruspete


Functions of Nouns

v subsecs T nominative case)

- Direct object ( offective case)

ir possessive

| The committee is perwarding Ann the report to

To whom the object is girem :), Indirect object.

Sreceiver of direct object

> answers WHO

what is the given object -25 Direct object.

> receiver of action.

-7 answers the question





prefides laus dyartment.


in predicate Noun = tabbing another

rencanos tu subject.

ex is she rode her bitte with Jane.

-b object of a prepositions - if is after af a


serbject of the preparation

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