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Why do some “solopreneur” consultants crush it year aIer year while others never make the leap from
side-hustling and part-Pme freelancing?

I’ll let you in on their secret in just a moment, but here’s what’s crazy to me… Even though there’s so
much free informaPon online, most people struggle when they try to start and grow their own
consulPng business.

Does any of this sound familiar?

‣ You don’t know how to aVract and keep clients who are willing to pay you a monthly retainer.

‣ Your income is up and down every month (feast and famine).

‣ You discount your services just to close deals (that end up being bad clients).
‣ You send proposals to hot leads and then they disappear off the planet.

So why does this happen?

When all you have is random informaPon, you’re forced to piece together an ineffec8ve, temporary
“band-aid” solu8on. What you need is a proven, baVle-tested system.

But I’ve found that most people overcomplicate things!

They want to build fancy websites, funnels, and automaPons, while spending months twiddling with
slick markePng soIware and apps, before they ever get a single client. Just STOP…

If you want to build a successful consulPng business, the secret is to focus on 3 things:

MISSION - Who you serve and how you serve them.

MRR REVENUE - How you a3ract profitable (easy) clients.

METHOD RESULTS - How you retain clients and scale up fast.

I call this the “MRR Method” and I’m confident in its power to explode the monthly recurring revenue
in your consulPng business.


For those reading this who don’t know me, my So, if you’re in a difficult place right now or
name is Brian Downard. And I can sPll vividly you’re not where you want it to be
remember what it was like when I was following yet, remember this:
all the random advice I found online…
You’re going to face challenges at
All I wanted was to earn enough to
live comfortably and have the freedom to do every stage of your business.
whatever I wanted, whenever I felt like it. I
wanted clients to come to me instead of having The people who end up being more successful
to be on the hunt 24/7. than everyone else do so because they never
give up. They have failed over and over again to
But my reality was that I was a college dropout. I get where they are. Embrace (even celebrate)
could barely afford to put gas in my car to visit those challenges and know that it’s part of the
my girlfriend, or even pay the interest on my game.
credit card bills (let alone pay down my debt). I
knew there was a beVer way, I just couldn’t see it Stop comparing yourself to everyone else’s
yet… humble-brag posts on Instagram, and do this
And I didn’t realize it at the Pme, but the MRR
Method is what ul8mately saved my business. Use systems like the one I’m about to teach you
and find communi8es of likeminded people (like
It allowed me to turn the Pdes in my favor, and our Laptop Empire Entrepreneurs group) to fast-
the following year I reached six-figures with forward your business. You CAN side-step all the
zero debt. bullshit, increase your monthly recurring revenue,
and live life on your terms.


The “MRR Method”

Let’s move on to the actual methodology…

And let me just warn you. This guide isn’t full of fluff. I’m not just going to educate you on a part of
my process and make you pay for the rest, or just briefly scratch the surface. We’re going deep!

I’m literally going to break down my enPre methodology step-by-step; along with specific ac8ons you
should be taking if you want to make progress and get results in the next few days.

Ready for it? Let’s break this down…

The MRR Method is made up of 3 parts. Each part has 3 steps for a total of 9 steps.

Mission, Revenue, and Results.


Mindset Quick Wins Fulfillment

Audience Sales Case Studies

Offer Lead GeneraPon Systems

This is a system you can follow, not just tacPcs and strategies: you can get those anywhere.

I want to offer you something unique to help create more recurring revenue in your consulPng business.

Let’s talk about Mission first…


Your Mission…

(I know you like that Mission Impossible reference.) But in this case, “Mission” in the MRR Method is
broken down into 3 steps: mindset, audience, offer.

But before you can set off on your mission, you need to do some mental “housekeeping.”

Otherwise, jumping into all of this without preparing yourself would be like going on a week-
long excursion into the jungle with zero supplies. You’re gonna have a bad Pme.

So, let’s get your mindset right…


First things first, you need to make sure you’re not making decisions based on scarcity.

What does that mean? It means that if you’re desperate to make money right now, it’s going to make
everything more difficult and stressful.

That might mean working a part-Pme (or full-Pme) job while you’re gemng your business off the ground.
Or maybe you’re in school right now, and you’re starPng to realize there’s a beVer way…

Whatever situaPon you’re in, you should protect your passion and business. Be careful: if you bet
everything on your business too soon, and things don’t pan out as quickly as you hope… it can
be devastaPng to your income and ego.

I won’t let that happen to you. 😃

Next, it’s important that you believe your skills are valuable.

For some this is obvious, but from personal experience and speaking with other consultants, somePmes
we struggle with imposter syndrome. We start asking ourselves quesPons like “why would someone hire

Stop that. You are valuable. The skills you have are valuable. There are a lot of people who would pay
you good money for those skills…


You just need to discover your personal area of exper8se by taking ac8on.

Seriously, if you have creaPve, analyPcal or really any kind of markePng experience, it’s your obliga8on
to share those giUs with other businesses so you can help them grow.

Start by building confidence by actually doing it! That might even mean working for free to get some
experience when you’re just starPng out. (Eventually you can outsource the delivery to other people!)

Then with that confidence, you can start to command premium prices and scale up…

In fact, I recommend to all of my students that they never, charge per hour (even if it’s at premium rates).

Instead I tell them to charge based on the amount of value their client receives from their work (more
on that later).

In this guide we’ll talk about what you should be focusing on, but it’s also important to know what you
should NOT be focusing on.

Here’s a list of some things that will hold you back when you’re trying to get off the ground:

‣ Endlessly tweaking your website.

‣ Consuming too much content, not enough acPon.

‣ CreaPng content before you have clients.

‣ Working on your logo or business cards.
‣ Playing around with markePng soIware and apps.

This “busy work” can feel good but only fuels procrasPnaPon. Ac8on doesn’t always equal progress.
Make sure you’re taking the right ac8ons! That’s what you’re here to learn right?

Okay, moving on… Next, we need to talk about your audience.


In a perfect world, who do you want to serve? Ideally, your audience is at the intersecPon of:

‣ What you’re good at (or have deep knowledge of)

‣ What you like / enjoy
‣ What makes good money



😊 Your ideal

💪 💸

I recommend that you define this as quickly as Regardless of the niche you seVle on, clients in
possible, don’t overthink it and don’t let it limit every industry come in all shapes and sizes; so
which clients take on when you’re just starPng. it’s important that you know what to look for and
the red flags to avoid.
You might seVle on the fitness niche but the
opportuniPes that come your way end up being But before I list those for you, keep this in mind:
in the chiropractor niche.
You want to “help winners win
That’s why it’s smart to define an audience, but
you should s8ll remain open to new more.”
opportuni8es that come your way.
That means finding businesses who are already
I get it… doing well and helping them to do even beVer.

When you’re new and/or have inconsistent I can tell you from personal experience, trying to
income, somePmes you need to take the jobs turn a startup or struggling business into a
you get. winner is damn near impossible. You don’t want
that kind of stress…
But I recommend that you carve out your own
specific niche over 8me, so you can build a Instead, you want clients who are easy to work
brand around that space and become the go-to with and easy to get results for!
person for those businesses. Mine is paPo


Here’s what else to be looking for:

✓ Established businesses who have been around for a while

✓ Projects that have the potenPal to be long-term

✓ Your services will bring them tremendous value

✓ Their customers spend a lot of money (high lifePme value)

✓ Already spending money on adverPsing (online or off)

✓ They have a solid sales team or sales process (high conversion rate)

Here are red flags to avoid:

๏ Their business is their hobby or something they do part-Pme

๏ They are struggling to stay in business and want you to save them

๏ They need a lot of sales (high-volume) from the leads you send them to break even

๏ People who offer profit share agreements (unPl you’ve got more experience)

๏ Startups who don’t have a proven business model, sales process or revenue

But before you can start to idenPfy these traits in potenPal clients, it’s important you define and know
who your ideal customers are. When you do that, it’s far easier to reach them and create opportuniPes.

Here’s some of the basic things you should know:

‣ Where do they spend Pme? (events, conferences, etc.)

‣ Where can I connect with them online? (Facebook, LinkedIn, groups, etc.)

‣ What do they struggle with most in their business?

‣ What do they value most in their business? (customer service, leads, etc.)

‣ What do they want to achieve with their business?

‣ What are their objecPons to buying?

What’s awesome about these types of quesPons is that you don’t just have to ask yourself or Google…
You can approach business owners with these quesPons and tell them you’re doing “research.”

They are less threatened because you’re not pitching, you’re learning more about your audience and
opening the door for possible clients and referrals. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves yet… 😃

Let’s talk about your offer.



Don’t worry if you think I’m going to make you pick one thing and you’ll be stuck with that forever…

Your offer can change and evolve as you get a beVer understanding of your audience and how your
services are delivered.

For example, I used to build iPhone apps for small businesses. We realized people didn’t want our

Eventually, I stopped doing apps and offered websites + “inbound markePng” services on retainer
that covered every aspect of my clients’ online markePng, and it worked great!

So we thought we could trim down our offer to focus only on social media lead generaPon…
That didn’t work as well, and we lost clients.

Since then we’ve gone back to offering end-to-end inbound markePng services to make sure we can
serve clients at a higher level and get them beVer results.

The lesson here? Move fast, break things and learn from your mistakes. (that’s why I’m here to help!)

So, here’s what you need to do before you craI an offer:

Audit your passion and skills.

Based on the audience you want to serve and what you know about them, where do you have
overlapping skills where you can you provide them with HUGE value? Because here’s the thing…
If you want to 2x, 3x, or even 10x your rates, you need to charge based on the amount of value you
create, and not how much 8me it takes. That’s why it’s so crucial that you choose the right clients AND
the right services for them.

Equally important as pricing based on value is packaging your services so that clients pay you every
month on a fixed recurring basis. Focus on creaPng ongoing value, goodwill and relaPonships with your
clients and they will reward you with their business and referrals.

The day I started doing that was the day my business really started to gain tracPon. It allowed me to
leave my part-Pme job delivering pizza and start a real business.

So, for those of you who are charging hourly… chances are you’re compePng on price and are at risk of
becoming a commodity. That’s a fight to the boVom of the price barrel that you don’t want to win.

On the flip side, when you can charge premium prices, you’re no longer compePng on price.


When you charge what you’re worth, hi^ng This is where your offer really starts to develop.
your income goals becomes easier. You can You’re creaPng systems to execute the tasks
serve clients on a higher-level, and you’re no around delivering your services; so you’re
longer taking orders like a tacPcian. You become not customizing projects for every client and
a strategist and trusted partner. You earn more then aVaching a price to that based on how
while making a bigger impact. much value you know it can bring clients.

It’s crazy, but when you work with the right Want to learn more about this? Click here to
clients, you can actually do less work, yet bring check out my interview with Will Blunt.
them far more value than if you did everything What about working for free?
under the sun for a small, struggling business.
The only Pme that you should work for free is
Make sure you read that twice because when you’re just starPng out and you need the
it’s important. experience under your belt.

Once you start to get a beVer feel for where you But ideally, you’ll only do this for a client or two
can provide the most value for your audience, before you gain the confidence to start charging
and what the best ways to serve them are, you more for your work.
can begin to “producPze” your services.
Let’s talk about revenue… You know, that thing
that will keep you in business.

Just wanted to pop in and say Brian Downard's products are MIND BLOWING!
I went from 0-10 clients in less than a month and I wouldn't have been able

to produce the results that I produced for my clients without Brian's help.

I landed my first FB client this morning! Not only that - his HR guy was there
and wanted me to do his FB ads too! So two clients in the space of an hour!
Big thank you to Brian Downard for moSvaSng me and pulling my finger. Last
September I was homeless, sleeping in my local gym, I told everyone I never

want to be in that situaSon again and this is the start!



Alright, let’s move onto the fun stuff… We’re going to break down how you actually make that cheddar!
(AKA find and keep clients who pay you month aXer month.)

I always recommend to new students the same exact thing I recommend to new clients: iden8fy the
low-hanging fruit and places in your business where you can find quick wins. I want you to get results
as quickly as possible…

You could technically categorize these quick wins as “lead generaSon strategies” which we’ll get to later in
this secPon, but with the MRR Method, these come before any other type of lead genera8on.


If you need clients right now… Screw all the funnel building, stop doing cold outreach or whatever
you’re doing and just do these 3 things:

1. Reach out to past and/or current clients.

If you’ve already been in the game for a liVle bit and have some clients, they are the best place for you
to go and quickly find a retainer client.

Assuming the relaPonship went well, they already know, like and trust you. Use that to your advantage
by semng up phone calls to see where you can contribute some more value. Don’t go into this with an
agenda… Just listen and see where you can provide value.

What if you’re brand new and have no clients at all? Number 2 is for you!

2. Ask your online friends with a single post.

Something that I’ve seen a lot of people doing that works well is to post to your personal Facebook
page that you’re starPng to help businesses and are willing to offer your services for free for a week in
exchange for a tesPmonial. (Shoutout to Dan Henry for this simple trick)

If they like the results they agree to give you a tesPmonial and possibly retain you. But again, your main
goal here is to get some experience under your belt and create a case study (more on that later).

You could post something like this…


I’m looking for 5 business to take on for 7-day trials as case
studies for my new consulting business.

If you’re interested in using [your service] to [benefits]. I’ll set

up everything and won’t charge you for my services. All I ask is
for a short testimonial if you’re happy with the work.

Tag a business owner, leave a comment below or send me a

message and we can set up a short call to see if I can help.

People have seen mixed results doing this because it all comes down to who’s on your friend list…

If you’re only connected with your mom and your dog online, this probably won’t work for you.

So, let’s talk about a foolproof way to find clients regardless of where you’re at on your journey…

3. Build a personal referral network.

This one Pp has the potenPal to earn you a lot of money so listen up…

Create a list of 50 people you know, and write down whether they would be a good fit OR if they
could refer you to people who would be a good fit for your services.

Find these people in your phone’s contact list, Facebook friends, Instagram followers, LinkedIn
connecPons, people you’ve emailed recently, local or online groups you’re part of, etc.

Some people on your list might end up not being a good fit for either category: that’s fine! Remove
them, and add another who does.

Your goal now is to use that list to help get your first (or next) clients.

Get in contact with the people on that list however you’re most comfortable. Facebook message, email,
phone, etc.

Keep in mind, these people don’t want a veiled, Trojan Horse pitch…


That means when you’re reaching out, do so by asking people for their feedback and opinions. Speak
about your offer in 3rd-person; so it’s about how someone else would benefit from the offer, and not
about the person you’re speaking with.

This is subtle, but you’re looking for opinions and possible referrals. Only if they’re personally
interested themselves, they can take the iniPaPve and ask how to get involved.

Focus on the people who show the most excitement and ask the most ques8ons about your offer.
They will be your early advocates and “ground team” who can refer you or become clients themselves.

Regardless of how you uPlize these quick wins, your main goal is get phone calls with poten8al clients.

Your goal is NOT to pitch over messages or email. You simply want meePngs. (Ideally in person and face
to face, but a Zoom call or regular telephone can work too.)

Now that you’ve created some opportuniPes for yourself, here's where your sales skills come into play.


But here’s the thing about sales most people get But if you’re just starPng out and/or need clients
backwards… People love buying, but they hate fast, don’t spend Pme worrying about this unPl
being sold to. That means sales is not about you’ve created some income for yourself.
pitching, it’s about helping.
Eventually, aIer your first round of clients, you
You help by asking smart quesPons and really should set up some kind of applicaPon that
listening carefully to your prospect’s responses. you require people to complete before your
phone call. It further establishes you as an expert
Your goal is to see IF you can help them, not if and weeds out anyone who might be a bad fit, so
they have enough money to buy your offer you’re not wasPng Pme.
(which they might not even need).
So, once you get to the actual phone/Zoom call
Like I menPoned before, the messages and calls or in-person meePng, remember, you’re
leading up to your actual meePngs aren’t for not desperately pitching people.
pitching. But you can, however, use them to “pre-
frame” your potenPal clients. This should come as a relief to those who are
afraid of sales…
Pre-framing is a simple way of establishing you
as an expert while overcoming their possible Don’t go in with the mindset that you have to
objec8ons before you ever get on the phone or close this deal. Go in asking yourself if this
meet. person is a good fit for your business and can
you genuinely help them.
Typically, this is done with strategically wriVen
content (like case studies).


You can uncover this by asking a series of simple ques8ons:

‣ How do people currently find your business?

‣ What’s worked best for you in the past? What hasn’t worked?

‣ What are you hoping to change about how your markePng?

‣ What are you working on right now?

‣ What are your biggest challenges with that?

‣ Who are your main compePtors?

‣ What’s the average lifePme value of a customer?

‣ How many leads do you need to close one customer?

What you’re doing here is building desire for your offer. I call this the PGS Technique.

That stands for pain, gap, and solu8on.

You’re idenPfying where they want to be; why it’s painful where they are at; what the gap between
those two places looks like; and whether or not you have the soluPon to fill that gap.

Don’t be afraid to give away some BIG value and quick wins on your call.

If their intenPons are to steal all your ideas for themselves, they were never going to hire you in the first
place. Chances of them running with your ideas are slim, but it can happen!

Why do this? It’s all about reciprocity. People want to help people who helped them. Be a helper!

Then, if you’ve determined they are a good fit, you just repeat your prospect’s words back to them
and “prescribe” them your offer.

For example:

“So you’re telling me you need more leads in the off-season because
business is slow and you think promoSng regular promoSons and growing
a social media audience can help? Would you like me to help with this?
Great, here’s what I recommend..."


Think about it… Any good doctor wouldn’t just You’re killing it! Now you’re more qualified than
give you some random medicine unPl they 90% of marketers to sell. So, let me share with
knew exactly how to help you. Selling your you something that you’ll love…
consulPng services is essenPally the same thing.
If you can execute this process, you never need
The last thing you’ll need to do is overcome to write another proposal. You’ve already won
objecPons… That’s why it’s a smart idea to have their business. Don’t ruin the relaPonship by
answers for possible objec8ons planned out in sending a confusing, long-winded proposal.
advance. Here are the common ones:
SPck with a simple 4-5 page terms of service
‣ This is too expensive. (TOS) agreement that simply states:

‣ We already have someone who does

‣ What you’ll do for them
‣ What’s expected of them
‣ I’m not sure if this will work for me.
‣ How much it costs
‣ The Pming isn’t right.
‣ Protects you from being sued for any loss of
income or copyright issues
Here’s a helpful Pp… If they say “I need Pme to
think about it,” then make them choose a
specific date that they will get back to you with Alright, let’s keep building on your momentum!
an answer so they don’t leave you hanging.
Let’s talk about how you can fill your pipeline
with potenPal clients and deals.


You’re probably wondering why sales comes before lead generaPon in the MRR Method right?

Back in the quick win secPon, we capitalized on your current relaPonships and did some light
lead generaPon. You need your sales skills to be sharp for those opportuniPes.

Now we can move onto more advanced (but not complicated) ways of generaPng leads (without spending
any money on ads) so you can fill your pipeline.

Let me be honest with you… There is no perfect, one size fits all solu8on to lead genera8on.

We all have different networks, skills, and tolerances for rejecPon; so my goal is to make this as pain-
free as possible. We can do this by focusing on building know, like and trust with people, instead of
hi^ng them up cold with an agenda to sell them.

Let’s break down my 4 go-to strategies for lead generaPon.


1. Referrals / Referral Program

We already talked about some of this in the quick win secPon above, but referrals go far beyond your
personal network.

AIer you’ve exhausted your list of 50 people, make sure that you’re conPnuing to idenPfy people who
could potenPally refer you.

Family, friends, local acquaintances, current/past client, and more.

You can literally build a 6-figure, even 7-figure consulPng business with referrals (if you’re good enough at
what you do).

I even recommend that you take this a step further by crea8ng some kind of referral program to
incen8vize people to take ac8on.

For example, my clients get a free month (or big discount) for every client they refer to me.

Referrals are hands-down the best place to find good clients who already know, like and trust you.
Always start here.

2. The “Network In Your Pocket” Hack

With all these fancy social networks people seem to forget there’s a real world out there.

Yes, real people who share similar interests actually get together in groups OFFLINE. Crazy right?! 😉

So, here’s what you should do. Download the MeetUp app (or just visit their website) and lookup local
business meet ups. The BNI and Leads are common examples.

MeePng people face-to-face in your community who are already well connected can seriously increase
the number of opportuni8es and leads you airact.

These groups exist to bring business owners together to support AND refer each other, but don’t
limit yourself to just the MeetUp app!

During the Pme you spend researching your ideal audience, you should have uncovered a few events
or conferences they like to aVend.

If your schedule and budget permit, these can be game-changing events where you can meet dozens
of poten8al clients in a short period.


3. Strategic Partnerships

One of the common quesPons I get from people is “how do I get in front of my target audience at scale?”

The quickest way (aside from paid ads) is to establish partnerships with people and brands who already
have access to the audience you want to serve.

For example, other agencies and consultants who have too much work, or don’t specialize in your area
of experPse, can send you clients.

Or publicaPons like blogs and magazines that are wriVen for the people you want to serve. They have
thousands of targeted readers. There’s no shortage of opPons.

There are two ways I like to approach partnerships:

‣ The first is called a “strategic” partnership, and it’s the most effecPve. This is when you find a
business who needs help servicing the clients they already have. They already have systems in place
to get clients, and they need smart people to help service them. You can be that person! You’re either
going to fulfill demand for a popular service they offer, or even beVer, fill a gap in their services they
don’t have in-house.

‣ The second way to approach this is to create “content” partnerships where you team up with people
who have access to the audience you want. Then, you create and co-brand some valuable content.
This could be a blog post, video, sales leVer, etc. Then you promote that content through your
partner to your ideal audience with some kind of call to acPon to schedule Pme with you.

Wondering what the easiest way is to create these types of relaPonships?

It’s simple: create value for the people you want to partner with.

For example, you could promote them to your audience through an interview, or maybe help contribute
some content for their blog/podcast/etc. and flip that into something bigger.

One simple email landed me a column in a niche magazine. Don’t overcomplicate it!

4. Rela8onship Marke8ng With Social Media

While this last strategy won’t typically be as effecPve as the previous three, with the right approach
(value first) and some paPence, it can create incredible results.

Basically, you iden8fy your target audience on social media and make an effort to build rela8onships
with them by leading with value. Both Facebook and LinkedIn work great for this.


My friend Adam Urbanski taught me In your first interacPon, you’re simply saying
this technique. EssenPally you “tap” people on hello and that you’re glad to connect because of
the shoulder and establish some common the common ground you share.
AIer they open a dialog (or if they don’t respond
AIer you establish a connecPon, you make them to your “hello” message), you can suggest some
chase you by politely hin8ng at or offering to relevant content and ideas you have for them.
send them some relevant content or ideas.
This simple tweak literally doubled my response-
You’re probably thinking this sounds like cold rate on LinkedIn.
outreach. But when you’re reaching out because
there’s some common ground between you, it’s Not only do these people have the potenPal to
far more effecPve. turn into customers, they can help fuel the last
3 strategies we discussed by referring you,
How do you create this common ground? recommending the best industry events
and establishing partnerships with them.
Choose a specific audience to serve (like we
talked about before) and idenPfy people who are This comes down to consistency and crea8ng a
in your “extended network.” rou8ne around outreach. And make sure to
exhaust your other lead generaPon opPons
You can find these people with a LinkedIn search before you start down this path…
(3rd and 2nd degree connecSons), in niche
Facebook groups, and for you markePng ninjas Woah… That was a lot to take in. Glad you’re sPll
out there, you can idenPfy people based on who here with me.
likes certain posts on Facebook.
This stuff seriously has the power to level up
For example, if there’s an industry your business so let’s keep moving…
trade magazine for your niche who posts to
Facebook all the Pme, see who likes and
comments on their posts. (Like that one? 😉 )

I’ve spent thousands of dollars in courses throughout my life and I must say
that there are not as many out there as thorough or methodically planned as
Brian’s system. He truly lays out the best tools and tacScs for consistency

landing and retaining new digital markeSng clients.



The last piece of the MRR Method is Results!

Here are the 3 steps: fulfillment, case studies, and systems.


SomePmes we get so caught up in chasing clients we forget that we actually have to deliver real results
for our clients and keep them happy month aIer month. That’s how you stay in business and earn a
monthly retainer.

That’s why starPng the relaPonship off on the right foot through “onboarding” is key. But before you
onboard them, aIer you close a deal, make sure you get paid!

I recommend using FreshBooks. Don’t start working unPl you’re paid. Don’t learn the hard way like me!

Here’s what you need to effecPvely onboard them aIer you’re paid:

‣ Restate what their expectaPons should be for the project. (Pmelines, results, etc.)
‣ Who is their ideal audience?
‣ What assets do they have that you’ll need? (email list, photos, content, etc.)

‣ Access to accounts (ad accounts, social media, website, analyPcs, etc.)

‣ What tools are they using or need?

‣ Who is the main point of contact? What are everyone’s roles?

‣ What do you require/expect from them?
‣ What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) you’ll report on?

‣ Where are your KPIs at right now? (get a baseline)

This will get you everything you need to get started. Then from here, it’s all about delivering quality
work. There are two ways to go about this:

First, you can personally deliver the services for clients. I recommend doing this at least for a few
months so you can have a deep understanding of the process and what clients need.

Then, as you grow and/or need new skill sets for your clients, the smartest thing to do is build a
trusted team of people you can outsource work to.


Like we talked about towards the beginning of Your goal by creaPng case studies is to show
this guide, ge^ng clients to pay you a fixed other people the “before and aXer photos” of your
recurring monthly retainer is the quickest way clients and the transforma8ons you helped
to build a profitable business. them achieve.

So, if you want to keep clients month aUer This establishes you as an expert and proves that
month, here’s what you should be doing: you know what you’re talking about.

‣ Regular communicaPon (at least once a week Having case studies makes marke8ng and
iniPally, then aIer the client is up and running, selling your services 10x easier because you’re
every other week is fine). valida8ng that what you do actually gets
‣ Over-deliver on your promises if possible
(especially for your first clients).
People will read your case studies and come to
‣ Regular reporPng on progress, deliverables, you saying, “I want that!”
and results (you can automate this).
The key performance indicators (KPIs) you define
The last thing I’ll say about fulfillment is that you with clients will determine which numbers you
should star8ng to think about how to increase should be tracking and documenPng.
the size of your retainers and in which ways you
can bring more value to your clients so you Even if your work isn’t number driven, and it’s
don’t always have to hunt for new ones. more about the creaPvity you bring to the table,
show your work off in a porkolio.
Having a plan for this will help increase your
monthly recurring revenue. Alright, now let’s talk
about case studies…


When people become your clients, they’re not

just buying deliverables, they’re buying
outcomes. That’s why it’s crucial that you
document and share your results with the world.

Even failed campaigns and clients can serve as

valuable lessons to you and future clients. That’s
why case studies are so important.

Case studies are kinda like those before and aIer

photos of people who transformed their bodies.


The easiest way to do this is to create a simple website/blog where you can share and promote these
case studies. Even if you don’t have much organic traffic at first, at least you’ve got a place to send

But remember, keep your priori8es straight. No clients yet? You don’t need a website right now…

Let’s move on to the final part of the “Results” stage and bring the MRR Method full circle…


Like I said at the very beginning of this guide, you’ll face challenges at every stage of our businesses.

And you might think, “hey, once I get a few clients I’ll be on easy street.” But that’s not really the case.

Once your business starts to pick up speed, you’ll need to create systems to keep you mo8vated and
on track.

First thing you’ll need are goals. It might seem obvious, but aIer you reach your first goal of gemng a
few clients on retainer, you’ll need to set your sights higher.

Set realisEc income goals and work backward from that so you know
exactly what you need to do in order to reach them.

For example, want to earn $100,000 this year? That means you either need 5 clients paying you
roughly $1,666 per month or just 3 clients paying you $2,777 per month. Doesn’t sound too hard

Next, you’ll want to create some kind of rou8ne around those goals to make sure you’re staying on

Then you’ll want to start iden8fying any 8me-sucking ac8vi8es in your rou8ne and either eliminate
them or hire them out to a sub-contractor / virtual assistant.

This is why I’m such an advocate of producPzing your services; so you can create systems around how
you deliver results, and ulPmately take the delivery off your plate enPrely.

Here’s what’s really great about the MRR Method… What you learned here in the “Results” stage feeds
back into the other two stages.

Your results will help you define who you serve and how you serve them, as well as help op8mize
your lead genera8on and sales processes.


What Should You Do Next?

The MRR Method was created to help you get more retainer clients for your consul8ng business, and
I’m confident it’s one of the quickest ways to start and grow a profitable consulPng business.

Here’s a recap of the MRR Method and what we covered in this guide:

Mission: Mindset, Audience, Offer

Revenue: Quick Wins, Sales, Lead GeneraPon
Results: Fulfillment, Case Studies, Systems

Here’s what the MRR Method can do for you:

‣ Lay the foundaPon for a profitable consulPng business.

‣ Help aVract recurring consulPng client(s) and end the “feast and famine.”

‣ Establish goals to replace your current income by learning how to package and sell retainers.
‣ Create systems that aVract clients to you, so you’re not always on the hunt.

‣ Learn how to sell without being a scumbag or scaring people away

‣ MoPvaPon to overcome challenges you’ll face along the way.


MRR I’m on a mission to help 50 consultants start and grow profitable consul8ng
businesses this year using the MRR Method in my 8-week, done-with-you
METHOD program the “Recurring Clients Academy.”

Want to be our next success story? Here’s how…

Send me a Facebook message (link on the next page) so we can find a Pme to hop on a quick call and talk
about what it looks like if you want help on implemenPng the MRR Method in your business…

You can try to figure this out by yourself, but chances are you’re going to waste a lot of Pme. And let’s
be honest… Pme is more valuable than money. Let me help you shortcut the path to recurring clients.

Just like Andrew K. who landed 10 clients within 1 month and quickly scaled to six-figures…

Or Carl, who was homeless but took acPon and landed 2 clients in one day and turned his life around…


Or Julian who had spent thousands on informaPon but was able to finally start making progress in bugs
consulPng business with this system….

And Jamie, who’s been able to aVract more clients and serve them more effecPvely using this material…

H O W I S T H I S P R O G R A M D I F F E R E N T/ B E T T E R ?

‣ Unlike a course where you’re on your own, in the Recurring Clients Academy, you receive 1-on-1
expert mentorship to help you focus on what and how to execute, without losing focus or
‣ We teach the “MRR Method” (Mission, Revenue, Results) which focuses on increasing your monthly
recurring revenue, and is a proven system for aVracPng and delivering for clients that write you a
check month aIer month.

‣ Plug and play scripts, templates, tools and more, that helped me earn six-figures as a solopreneur
consultant and earned my clients’ millions of dollars.

Here’s what I want you to do, if the MRR Method sounds like something that could help your business…

Click the link below and I’ll get on the phone with you to see where you’re at and see if you’re a good
fit for the Recurring Clients Academy; I want to make sure I can help you get results using this system.

But I can’t help everyone…

I can only help people who are willing to take massive ac8on, be pushed outside of their comfort
zone and invest in themselves.

Here are the two types of people we can provide the most value to:

1. People who are just gemng started or have been side-hustling for a short period of Pme, so they
have another income or other focus (like school) but want help starPng a real consulPng business that
earns you more money.

2. People who have been in the consulPng or freelancing game for a while now, but can’t crack more
than $5,000 per month (or get paid consistently), so you need help refining and growing your current

Ready to level up your consulPng business with monthly recurring revenue in the next 60 days?




I help people start and grow profitable consulPng

businesses. AIer creaPng a six-figure consulPng
business as a solopreneur I knew I had to share my
journey with other people so they can learn how
to do the same.

More than 200,000 people visit my site every year

to learn about building beVer consulPng
businesses, increasing their monthly recurring
revenue, gemng more done in less Pme and
making a bigger impact on the people they serve.



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