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This assignment has to be done in pairs following these formatting guidelines:

- Length: 6 pages (cover, table of contents, and appendices are not included in the
page count).
- Font: Arial or Times New Roman.
- Font size: 11.
- Line spacing: 1.5.
- Alignment: Justified.

The assignment has to be written in this Word document and has to follow the
instructions on quotes and references detailed in the Study Guide.

Also, the assignment has to be submitted following the procedure specified in the
document: “Subject Evaluation”. Sending it to the tutor’s e-mail is not allowed.

It is strongly recommended to read the assessment criteria, which can be found in the
document “Subject Evaluation”.


Assignment instructions:

Design a questionnaire to retrieve information on a group of students and their learning


The assignment has to include the following sections:

a) Description of the context the questionnaire is designed for (institution,

characteristics of the course, number of students, etc.).
b) Questionnaire proposal.
c) Justification of questionnaire design: all the questions included in the
questionnaire must be justified regarding the group of students it is designed for
and the contents covered in “Individual factors in the learner’s development”.

Important: you have to write your personal details and the name of the subject on
the cover (see the template on the next page). You have to include a table of
contents after the cover. Assignments that do not fulfil these conditions will not
be corrected.



Ronald Ramírez Porras

Login: COFPMTFL2934593

Maritza Román
Login: COFPMTFL2942848

Group: 3






To begin with, I would like to describe the context in which the following questionnaire is
being taken; Located in the village of Andinapolis in the rural area of the municipality of
Trujillo, Antonio José de Sucre school is an institution that covers an approximate
population of 336 students of both genres, its village has an economy mainly based on
coffee and green banana, with some crops of blackberry, Granadilla, and Lulo. It is
considered that climate goes from hot to cold, being rainy much of the year and related
with its population, it can be said it is a vulnerable one, belonging to strata one and two,
depending in large part on the productive dynamics of coffee crop fields.

Bearing in mind the context described above, it has been concluded that the language
to carry out the questionnaires in order to reach a better understanding of the questions
from the students of this institution must be their mother tongue, which in this particular
case was Spanish, due to, it was very important for the researchers of the project called
“Integración del inglés y la didáctica en ciencias sociales a través de CLIL y la
Matriz de Interpretación Social: un acercamiento desde la escritura en zona rural”
to diagnose how teachers and their methodology from these areas were perceived by
students as well as the way learning was acquired by them (students from Antonio José
de Sucre).

For this reason, the questionnaires were divided into six phases regarding to the teacher,
topics, class management, learning, evaluation and thoughts for researchers to establish
a diagnosis and be able to implement the project which consists in developing a tool that
can help teachers from both areas (social studies and English as a foreign language) in
their methodologies to foster critical thinking among students from a rural area through
a bilingual approach (CLIL) seeing social studies content in the foreign language aiming
to develop meaningful learning.

Therefore, the questions from one of the questionnaires called “TEST DE

INGLÉS”1, will be analyzed one by one explaining the intention and the purpose of each
of them.

El presente test, cuenta con la estructura de identificación del tipo de aprendizaje que percibe el
estudiante en su proceso formativo, teniendo como lineamiento central el aprendizaje significativo en las
Áreas de Ciencias sociales e Inglés, se parte de la propuesta de Alonso Honey, y se atempera por el
encuestador al lenguaje y comprensión de los estudiante del nivel básico de bachillerato del Colegio de




En el proceso de mejoramiento continuo que se pretende en las Áreas de Ciencias

Sociales e Inglés, su opinión es fundamental para los docentes que conforman el comité
de dichas Áreas; por tanto, se le pide ser lo más objetivo y sincero posible dando
respuesta a las preguntas que se plantean en el presente test, por ello se le aclara que
las respuestas que usted de no tendrán ninguna repercusión o relación con las notas de
los períodos académicos que usted cursa en la institución, por tanto, siéntase seguro al
momento de contestar, pues ningún docente tendrá acceso a la información a menos
que usted lo desee y lo autorice.
El presente test, se realiza para identificar las formas y modos en los cuales usted
considera puede alcanzar un mayor aprendizaje de los temas vistos en el aula de clase
y la relación de éstos con su entorno inmediato.
A partir del momento cuenta con 60 minutos, para responder, teniendo en cuenta una
escala de uno a cinco (1 a 5), siendo uno (1) la calificación más baja y cinco (5) la
calificación más alta.
Por favor seleccione la casilla que usted considere cumpla con las expectativas de su
Marque con una “X” sobre la casilla que usted considere cumpla con las expectativas
de su respuesta.
Escala valorativa del
1 Muy bajo
2 Bajo
3 Medio
4 Alto
5 Muy Alto

Tuluá Valle del Cauca. El presente se utilizará como fuente primaria para la realización de una propuesta
didáctica centrada en la articulación del Idioma Inglés con las Ciencias Sociales..


1. Preguntas sobre el docente

A. Durante las clases, el docente demuestra conocimiento pleno sobre

todas las temáticas abordas de la lengua extranjera-inglés, en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5

B. El docente utiliza estrategias didácticas con las cuales usted puede

Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
los temas
1 2 3 4 5 vistos en
clase de forma significativa, en un nivel:

C. El docente permite un aprendizaje que usted puede relacionar con su

entorno (familia, colegio sociedad), en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5

2. Preguntas sobre las temáticas

A. Encuentra usted relación de importancia entre las temáticas vistas en

clases de la lengua extranjera-inglés y la sociedad en la que vive, en un
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5

B. Considera que las temáticas vistas en clase tienen que ver sólo con la
lengua extranjera-inglés en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5
C. Considera que las temáticas vistas en clase articulan más disciplinas
sociales como la antropología, la economía, la sociología y la filosofía en
un nivel:


Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto

1 2 3 4 5

3. Preguntas sobre la clase

A. Durante el desarrollo de la clase, la dinámica del curso es activa en

participación, con preguntas y mostrando interés, en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5

B. Durante la clase, se tiene acceso a medios didácticos tales como vídeos,

libros, juegos temáticos y demás que le permitan desarrollar interés en la
clase, en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5

C. Considera usted que la clase es didáctica en un nivel:

Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5

4. Preguntas sobre sobre el aprendizaje:

A. Cuando aprende los temas vistos en clase puede relacionarlos de forma

significativa en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5

B. Cuando aprende los temas vistos en clase, reflexiona y discute sobre

ellos en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5


C. Cuando participa de forma activa, siente que su aprendizaje se

incrementa en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5

D. Siente que la metodología de utilizar las cuatro habilidades del idioma

(leer, escribir,escuchar y hablar) en clase, en vez de realizar ejercicios
sólo con contenidos gramaticales, le permite un aprendizaje:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5

5. Preguntas sobre la evaluación

A. Las evaluaciones que realiza el docente son enfocadas sólo en

contenidos gramaticales en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5

B. Las evaluaciones del docente le permiten ser analítico y comparar las

temáticas con la realidad del mundo, en un nivel:

Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto

1 2 3 4 5 C. En las
evaluaciones hay posibilidad de explicar con sus propias palabras y no
con las
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5
por el
docente y los libros o vídeos, en un nivel:


A. Considera usted que las temáticas vistas en clase son útiles para poner
en práctica en su entorno, en un nivel:


Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto

1 2 3 4 5

B. Considera que la lengua extranjera-Inglés puede ayudar a comprender

de mejor forma la sociedad en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5
C. Considera que su pensamiento tiene importancia en el proceso
orientado por el docente, en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5
D. Discute las temáticas vistas en clase, con su grupo familiar, social y
demás en un nivel:
Muy bajo Bajo Medio Alto Muy Alto
1 2 3 4 5


Questions about the teacher:

A. In this first question, we need to identify the teacher’s aptitude

perceived so far by the students described in this regard, based
on Prodomou (1992). This scholar investigated the qualities of
good and bad teachers according to students' perspectives.

B. At this point the didactic strategies that have been used and
perceived by students will provide an ideal environment to CLIL.
Incidentally, we must not forget Palacios, I.,Gassó, E., Ball,
P.(nd) “The implication is that learning strategies are not fixed,
immutable characteristics, but something which we, as
teachers, can help our students to develop through specific
pedagogical practices. That is, we can 'teach' students to
become more efficient learners of a foreign language.

C. According to meaningful learning theory learned information has

to be completely understood and can be used to make
connections with other previous knowledge. In this way, as
Zhen. P (2010) said “The starting point in any teaching program
is to determine whether teaching is needed and, if needed, to
specify what that teaching should accomplish. So making
analysis of the learners’ needs is of vital importance to the
success of teaching”.


Questions about the topics:

A. It is relevant the students recognize the relation between the social

science and language learning because it offer a wide range of
contextualized language. According to Palacios, I.,Gassó, E., Ball,
P.(nd) “On the map, there is a clear predominance in Europe for the
category 'Any subject may be chosen for CLIL from among those
on offer', meaning that in theory, no subject on the standard
curriculum is considered inappropriate or unworkable. There are
tendencies, nevertheless. Twelve countries teach through the
target language using science or social science subjects. This
would seem to be a coherent choice”.

B. We can’t forget the students perceptions, especially in a country

where historically all the subjects have been seen isolated, in this
question students could think of previous English activities where
they have include other topics such as mathematics, geography,
history and cultural themes, in this regard Palacios, I.,Gassó, E.,
Ball, P.(nd) have claimed…no subject on the standard curriculum is
considered inappropriate or unworkable.

C. We pretend in this las point to emphasize the two preceding


Questions about the class:

A. Motivation is one of the main aims here, in this way an active

participation will cultivate a well CLIL process, added to that,
Palacios, I.,Gassó, E., Ball, P.(nd) claimed, “teachers usually try to
motivate younger learners intrinsically - for example, by getting their
students interested in the activity for its own sake. With children,
this might mean using activities which involve a visual stimulus (for
example, pictures), or an aural stimulus (for example songs), or a
physical stimulus (for example games involving physical
movement, such as 'musical chairs').

B. Here Karimi and Sanavi, (2014) teachers design syllabuses and

materials in which relevance to the students’ needs and interests
are of great importance. Moreover, it helps students improve their

C. Here it is essential to know if students are aware of the didactics

units in their classes, in this way they will have better disposition to
CLIL method, which will be used to integrate two linguistic subjects
in an organized plan of activities constructed on didactic


Questions about learning:

A. Kellet and Ding (2004) state that "Learners can and do provide reliable
responses if questioned in a manner that they can understand and about
events that are meaningful to them". In this way students in the
Integrated Learning will generate meaningful relations between these two

B. Cognitive style factor in Palacios, I.,Gassó, E., Ball, P.(nd) “refers to the
manner in which the learner perceives, monitor, conceptualizes and
recalls linguistic information” and one of its characteristics is reflective-
impulsive thinking, with the identification of characteristic in this context,
In this way, the questionnaires will provide three types of information:
factual, behavioral and attitudinal information Al-Hamlan and
Baniabdelrahman, (2015). The questionnaire design may vary depending
on the purpose of the teacher. Behavioral information is one of the most
important factors for success in language learning.

C. As Dewey (1976) states that the goal of education is to promote active

learners through social interaction and participation. The implementation
of this question is an outstanding opportunity to empower students by
allowing them to be part of the decision-making process, thus giving the
affective filter a chance to be used to their advantage.

D. Communication strategies and skills are almost exclusively restricted to

the oral production level in both subjects Social Science and English. By
promoting student’s communicative skills instead of grammar we can
motivate and resolve communication problems in first and second

Questions about assessment:

A. At this point, our questionnaire seeks the students to open their

view of assessment into communicative, and regard grammar as a
part of it and not the whole. Palacios, I.,Gassó, E., Ball, P.(nd) Great
emphasis was placed on the individual's capacity to deal with
grammatical concepts and the ability to translate. Predictably, the
findings reported did not reveal definite correlations between
language aptitude and the learner's language proficiency, because,
as we now know, language proficiency does not consist of mere
knowledge of grammar.

B. Assessment in CLIL relates to the idea of simply to ensure that if

the teacher according to Palacios, I.,Gassó, E., Ball, P.(nd) “is


testing conceptual content (and this relates to 'objectives') then

you must ensure that the language demand is not so great as to
disable the student from expressing his/her understanding of that

C. As a one of the aims in CLIL the language is better assessed,

Palacios, I.,Gassó, E., Ball, P.(nd) “as the vehicle for expressing
the conceptual marterial. Nothing more. The subject teacher does
not assess language for its own sake.”

Questions about way of thinking:


Al-Hamlan, S. and Baniabdelrahman, A. (2015) A Needs Analysis Approach to

EFL Syllabus Development for Second Grade Students in Secondary Education
in Saudi Arabia: A Descriptive Analytical Approach to Students’ Needs.
American International Journal of Contemporary Research 5(1) Retrieved from

Karimi, P. and Sanavi, R. (2014) Analyzing English Language Learning Needs

among Students in Aviation Training Program. Urmia University, Iran. Retrieved

Kellet and Ding ‘Middle childhood’ in Fraser et al (eds) (2004) Doing research
with children and young people, London, Sage.

Palacios, I.,Gassó, E., Ball, P.(nd). Individual Factors in the Learner’s

Development. Spain, FUNIBER

Prodomou, L. (1992). Mixed-Ability Classes. London and Basingstoke:

Macmillan Publishers.

Zhen. P (2010). On Needs Analysis and College English Teaching in China.

Finland. ACADEMY PUBLISHER: Retrieved



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