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Hammad Kareem 15-ARID-4459

Clinical Signs

 Weight loss
 Intermittent fever
 Edematous swelling of lower part of abdomen
 Bilateral enlargement of pre scapular lymph nodes
 Corneal opacity
 Lacrimation
 Anemia
 Improper gate (Ataxia)
 Circular movement
 Abortion

 Diaminazene Diaceturate (3-5 mg/kg Intra muscular)
1. Fatribanal Sachet by FATRO company having 15 ml solution
Its single dose is used
2. Treptowan by NAWAN company having 15 ml solution
Its single dose is used
 Quinapyramine sulphate (3-5 mg/ kg Sub Cut)
1. Quina-CS Injection (2.5gm / Vial) by SELMORE Pharmaceuticals
Each vial contains: Quinapyramine Sulphate 1.5gm, Quinapyramine Chloride 1.0gm
2. Quinapyramine Injection (Therapeutic) B. Vet. C. (2.5 gm/ vial) by Pharmax India Private
 Each Vial Contains
 Quinapyramine sulphate B. Vet. C. (1.5 gm)
 Quinapyramine chloride B. Vet. C. (1 gm)
 One ampule of sterile water for injection (15 ml)
 Fly Repellent (Eco Fleece) must be used and proper husbandry resistant breeds must be kept

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