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Fera Fajarwati

Business Leadership

Five practice exemplary leadership

There is five model such as model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the
process, enabling other to act, encourage the heart.
Kouzes and Posner created their Five Leadership Practices model after researching
people's personal experiences of excellent leadership. From this, they claimed that
"good leadership is an understandable and universal process" involving five practices
and, within each of those, two key behaviours.

Key behavior Detail

Set the example by The leader sets an example. Define the

behaving in ways that shared behavioural standards and then
reflect the shared exemplify them. Kouzes and Posner
values. also believe it is essential to achieve
Model the Way some small wins to build momentum.
Achieve small wins that
build confidence,
commitment and
consistent progress.

Envision an uplifting, Leaders should begin work on their

Inspiring a exciting, meaningful vision before enlisting others to refine it
Shared Vision future. and make it theirs. Emphasis on
visualisation and the use of powerful
Enlist others in a evocative language to capture the vision
common vision by to inspire others.
appealing to their
values, interests, hopes
and dreams.

Search out challenging The leader is an agent for change -

opportunities to change, questioning, challenging and seeking
grow, innovate and new ideas. Taking risks, experimenting,
Challenge the improve. learning from and allowing for
Process mistakes. Importantly, encouraging new
Experiment, take risks
ideas to flourish.
and learn from any

Foster collaboration by Building a spirit of trust and

promoting cooperative collaboration. Encouraging people to
goals and building share information. Kouzes and Posner
trust. believe that leaders must disclose what
Enabling they believe and care about and, when
Others to Act Strengthen people's
necessary, show some vulnerability.
ability by delegating
This also entails delegating power,
power, developing their
believing in others, and investing in
competence and
followers' training and education.
offering visible support.

Recognise individual Praise and celebration.

Encourage the contributions to the
Heart success of the project.
Celebrate team

Each of The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership corresponds with six behaviors
from the thirty-item Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). Across continents, The
Five Practices have survived the test of time. Although the context may have
changed since we began our work more than thirty years ago, the content has
remained constant. The fundamental behaviors, actions, and practices of leaders have
remained essentially the same since we first began researching and writing about
leadership. Much has changed in the world, but there’s a whole lot more that’s
stayed the same. The Planner is designed to facilitate your exploration of the timeless
fundamentals that you must master in order to excel as a leader.

1. I set a personal example of what I expact of other
2. I talk about future trends that will influence how our work gets done
3. I seek out challenging oppoertunities that test my own skills and abilities
4. I develop cooperative relationship among the people I work with
5. I praise people for a job well done
6. I spend time and energy making certain that the people I work with adhere to
the principles that standards we have agreed on
7. I describe a compelling image of what our future could be lik e
8. I challenge people to try out new and innovative ways to do their work
9. I actively listen to disverse of view
10. I make it a point let people know about confidence in tgheir abilities
11. I follow through on the promises and commitments that I make
12. I appeal to other to share an exciting dream of the future
13. I search outside the formal boundaries of my organization for innovative
ways to improve what we do
14. I treat other with dignity and respect
15. I make sure that the people are creatively reward for their contribution to the
success of our project
16. I ask for feedback on how my action affect other people’s performance
17. I show other long term interest can be realized by enlisting on a common
18. I ask “what can we learn?” when things don’t go as expected
19. I support the decisions that the people make on their own
20. I publicly recognize people who exemplify commitment to shared values
21. I build consensus around a common set of value of running out organization
22. I paint the “big picture” of what we aspire to accomplish
23. I make certain that we set achievable goals, make concrete plans, and
establish measurable milestones for projects and programs that we work on
24. I give people a great deal of freedom and choice in deciding how to do their
25. I find ways to celebrate accomplishments
26. I am clear about my philosophy of leadership
27. I speak with genuine conviction about the higher meaning and purpose of our
28. I experiment and take risks, even when there is a chance of failure.
29. I ensure that people grow in their job by learning new skills and depelopimg
30. I give the members of the team lots of appreciation and support their
My Result
Model the Inspiring a Challenge Enabling Encourage
way shared vision the process other to act the heart
1 3 2 3 3 2 4 2 5 4
6 3 7 3 8 2 9 2 10 2
11 4 12 4 13 3 14 4 15 4
16 3 17 3 18 3 19 4 20 3
21 3 22 3 23 3 24 3 25 2
26 2 27 3 28 2 29 4 30 4
Jumlah 3 Jumlah 3,16 Jumlah 2,5 Jumlah 3,16 Jumlah 3,16
Based on the table the lowest is challenge the process and the value is 2,5. the
second is model the way with the value 3.
From these results. The smallest value is meant for how we can develop our
activities to be more maximized

For leadership development activities

A. model the way
State 1: Schedule time to clearly outline what you expect of others. Then
objectively review how I live up to those same expectations. Show up
unannounced and take over a task from one of team member something
that might not be the most pleasant (yet necessary) part of the person’s
job. Create a blog that publishes both promises and your progress toward
meeting these commitments. Invite team members or constituents to
comment and participate in the ongoing posts.
State 6 : Schedule a recurring time each week to walk around workspace
and personally check in with colleagues. When discover an example of
someone living up to the team’s or organization’s standards, be sure to
acknowledge the person and praise effort.
state 11: To ensure will have time to do what say Iwill do, go through my
calendar and decline some meetings that there is no reason for me to
State 16 : Once a month, take a team member out for coffee or lunch. Ask
to the people what I am doing that helps work, and what I am doing that
hinders that work.
State 21 : Make a list of values in your organization. Include the company
values and the operating values of team (the mutually understood norms
for how you work together) and ensure that this list is visible to team.
Conduct a team meeting to elicit the team’s understanding of its operating
State 26: Write a short personal leadership mission statement and hang it
in clear sight. a time to record yourself sharing your philosophy of
leadership and listen to it again to assure it is clear and concise.
B. challenge the process
State 3 : Identify one skill that i need to expand or test. What can I do
within thirty days to test this skill? Reflect on an area of leadership that I
would like to improve and seek out a project that will help develop that
area. Choose a task, role, or department within organization that would
like to learn more about. Then find an expert in that choice and ask that
person to teach you everything knows.
State 8: Ask yourself what processes may need to change based on client
or partner feedback. Challenge those I work with to come up with a brief
outline of five new ways to do that process. Have them discuss “Why
won’t that one work?” and “Why will that one work?”
State 13: sk team members to read a book, watch
a movie, or interview people from other industries about how they
achieve excellence, provide customer service, ensure their products are of
high quality, educate their team, etc., and discuss what they learned with
the team.
State 18: Do a project debriefing for both those that are successful and
those that had a few hiccups along the way. Ask, “What do we need to
move forward? What have we learned that made us better or that needs
State 23 : Make goals, plans, and milestones visible to all. As a team,
review the project and ask the team to develop the needed goals, plans,
and milestones needed to achieve completion.

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