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Nowadays, electronic cigarette or vape in layman’s term has been a new trend claiming
that it can be an alternative to traditional cigarette. The e-cigarette is composed of three main
components: a rechargeable lithium battery, vaporizing chamber and a cartridge that contains the
liquid nicotine. The lithium battery is the most critical part of the e-cigarette and responsible for
activating the device to charge the atomizer inside the cartridge. The vaporizing chamber, also
known as the atomizer, is responsible for vaporizing the nicotine liquid within the cartridge.
Attached to one end of the battery is a LED indicator light; the indicator light becomes active when
the user inhales (D. Nguyen et. al.).

One of the highlight why consider quitting is the vape juice that is sold in the market. Vape
juices are typically made by mixing nicotine and flavorings with a solvent — often propylene
glycol, vegetable glycerine, or a mixture of the two. Scientists analyzing commercial vape juices
have detected new chemicals in the mixtures that aren’t listed on the ingredients label (when there
is one). And based on the compounds’ chemical structures, it looked like they formed when
flavorings reacted with the propylene glycol — but no one knew what exactly was going on, or
whether these compounds made it from the vape juice and into users lungs (Strongnin, 2018).
Moreover, E-cigarettes don’t need nicotine to harm your health. Aldehydes, organic components
often associated with aromas (such as those of berries), and other additives used for flavoring on
the GRAS list are understood to be safe for food — not smoking or vaping. Previous studies have
looked at the effects of these ingredients when subjected to heat or vaporization and found that
they can cause the formation of formaldehyde and other cancer-causing chemicals, in addition to
causing irritation and inflammation of the lungs.

Since the popularity of vaping has grown, the term “popcorn lung” has hit the mainstream
is a way that would almost be laughable, if there were anything funny about pulmonary
obstruction. The medical name is “bronchiolitis obliterans,” can results from exposure to many
different chemicals that cause inflammation and obstruction of the bronchioles, the smallest
passages in the lungs.
But the specific chemical associated with popcorn lung symptoms is diacetyl, a food
additive that was once used to make popcorn taste buttery without butter. That’s where the name
comes from – BO was first linked to diacetyl when workers in a popcorn factory began getting

So what is the vaping-popcorn lung connection? Most high-end vape makers don’t use
diacetyl, but in 2015, more than half of the mass-market e-cigarettes studied were found to contain
the chemical – especially flavored vape juice. The diacetyl makes the flavors richer, but because
the vapor is being breathed in, it exposes users to the risk of popcorn lung, which increases the
longer these liquids are vaped. Particularly concerning is the fact that diacetyl is primarily found
in flavored e-liquids – which tend to be more appealing to teenagers.

Unfortunately, many people, including teenagers, are under the impression that e-cigarettes
are safe or that they are effective in helping people quit smoking regular cigarettes. Studies by the
FDA show that e-cigarettes contain some of the same toxic chemicals as regular cigarettes, even
though they don’t have tobacco. There is evidence that some of these toxic chemicals can cause
DNA damage that can cause cancer. More important, the reports of teens and adults who died or
were hospitalized due to vaping are proof that vaping can be extremely dangerous even after just
a few weeks, months, or years.


Although researches claimed that it is safer than the traditional cigarette, it is not a
guarantee that it won’t have an effect on one’s health. I do understand your situation that you only
want to give some lesson to your mom but there are a lot of ways to do it without risking your own
health. I won’t ask you to quit but I hope you consider it HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

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