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Slab Bridge Design Example

Solid Slab Bridge Design

A simple span concrete slab bridge with clear span length (S) of 9150 mm is
shown below. The total width (W) is 10,700 mm, and the roadway is 9640 wide
(WR) with 75 mm (dW) of future wearing surface.
The material properties are as follows: Density of wearing surface ρw = 2250
kg/m3; concrete density ,ρc = 2400 kg/m3; concrete strength f’c = 28 MPa, Ec =
26 750 MPa; reinforcement fy = 420 Mpa, Es = 200,000 MPa; n = 8.
Requirements:-Design the slab reinforcement base on AASHTO-LRFD (2007)
Strength I and Service I (cracks)Limit States.
Cross section

1. Select Deck Thickness

2. Determine Live Load Equivalent Strip Width (AASHTO and
a. Interior strip width: 
i. Single-lane loaded:
L1 = lesser of actual span length and 18,000 mm
W1 = lesser of actual width or 9000 mm for single lane
loading or 18,000 mm for multilane loading

ii. Multilane loaded:

b. Edge strip width:
Eedge = the distance between the edge of the deck and the inside
face of the barrier + 300 mm + ½ strip width < full strip or
1800 mm
Eedge = 530 + 300 +3287/2 = 2324 mm > 1800 mm
Eedge = 1800 mm

3. Dead Load

Slab: Wslab = (0.49) (2400) (9.81) (10–3) = 11.54 kN/m2

Future wearing: Wfw = (0.075) (2250) (9.81) (10–3) = 1.66 kN/m2
Assume 0.24 m3 concrete per linear meter of concrete barrier
Concrete barrier: Wbarrier = (0.24) (2400) (9.81) (10–3) = 5.65 kN/m2
4. Calculate Live-Load Moments
Moment at midspan will control the design.

a. Moment due to the design truck

MLL-Truck = (214.2) (4.575) — (145) (4.3) = 356.47 kN⋅m

b. Moment due to the design tandem

MLL-Tandem = (95.58) (4.575) = 437.28 kN⋅m.

c. Moment due to lane load:

6. Reinforcement Design
a. Interior strip:
Assume No. 25 bars, d = 490 – 25 – 12.5= 452.5 mm.table
The required reinforcements are calculated using Eqs. (9.11), (9.16), and (9.17).
Neglect the compression steel and set bw = b for sections without compression

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