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Thinking, Concept Formation ,Resoning and Problem solving

Reported by: Leo C. Pilayan

What is reasoning ?
Reasoning= is a higher level of thinking which is characterizerd by systematic and step wise mental
procedures with more controlled and selective nature
Like genuine thinking it revolve a difine a purpose or goal.
Like thinking there is mental exploration instead of motor
Features of reasoning
1.It is a higher level of thinking.
2.It is purposeful.
3.It is systematic .
4.It is well controlled.
Types of reasoning
1.Deductive reasoning =it just opposite to inductive is reasoning here one start completely agreeing with
some already discovered or re-established generalizes fact of the principle and types to apply to particular
2.Inductive reasoning = in this type of reasoning we usually follow the process of induction is the way of
proving of statement or angle is true one particular cases it will be true in cases .
3. Linear reasoning
Syllogism= is form of reasoning in which a statement is given followed by a second statement by a second
statement the problem is to determine the truth or falsity
Problem solving = a systematic process which , defines a problematic situation ( where there is a gap
between actual and expected or the situation is vague , or there is something that is unsatis factory )
identifies the problem as an opportunity.
Is a process used in discovering the correct sequence of alternatives leading to a goal or to an ideational
solution .
What is decision making ?
= Decision making is a cognitive function of selecting the correct option from the available choices beliefs
or pattern of action.
Is a cognitive function which defines a problem,discovers the causes of problem ,and executing a solution
from among several possible solutions.
1. Correct perception .
2. Creative and critical thinking.
3. Accurate Emotional control .
4.Accurate intuition .
5. Previous Experiences .
Problem awareness
The first step of problem solving behaviour is concerned his awareness of the difficulty or problem
that need solution.
Problem understanding
The difficulty or problem felt by the individual should be proud. Identified by a careful analysis . he
should be clear about what exactly is his problem
Collection of relevant information
In this step the individual is required to collect all the relevant information .mu
Formulation of possible solution
In this step the individual is required in nature of his problem one may then engage in some serious
cognitive activities to think or the various possibilities for the solution of the ones problem
Dewey in his book book how to think describe the steps of the method of scientific thinking are also the
steps for problem sovling thus:
1.Becoming aware of the problem= Dewey defines a problem as a felt need implying that a problem is a
personal matter that what may be a problem for one may not for another .
2. Clarification of the problem = here the learner defines the exact nature of the problem , investigates the
relevant information available and assimilates these data
3.Emergence of the hypothesis = these sometimes come as inspirations which may come suddenly like
insight, gegerally , a hypothesis is arrived at after a systematic and often laborious consideration
4. Elaboration of the hypothesis = must be evaluated in terms of its consistency or relevance or
implication to a principle in other words it may necessitate another hypothesis to see its consistency with
known facts .
5.Testing the hypothesis = the leraner sets about testing tha validity of the hypothesis it may involve
various degree of trial and error and insight,
6.Generalization= it is a process of forming an idea or judgment which is applicable to an entire class of
objects ,people or events includes the ability to apply solutions from one solution to another .
The ability to solve problem is not inborn or innate but develops gradually with training and experience it
has been found out also out also that intelligience is not necessarily synonymous with good prolem –
solving ability.

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