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1. Ramaswamyand Namakumari – Marketing Management – Mac Millan Revised Ltd.

2. Philip Kotler – Marketing Management – Prentice-Hall of India.
3. Philip Kotler and Armstrong – Marketing Management.

1. What is marketing? [R1 Page No:7]
According to American Marketing Association – “Marketing is an organisational
function and set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to
customers and for managing relationships in a way that benefits both the organisation
and the stakeholder.”
According to Kotler – “A societal process by which individuals and groups
obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging
products and services of value with others.”
2. What are the core concepts of marketing?[R1 Page No:10]
a) Need/ want/ demand
b) Products- goods/ services/ place.
c) Value/ cost/ satisfaction
d) Exchange/ transaction
e) Relationship/ networking
f) Market
g) Marketers/ prospects
3. What do you mean by marketing network?[R1 Page No:15]
Marketing network is made up of the company and its customers, employees,
suppliers, distributors, advertisement agencies, retailers, research & development with
whom it has built mutually profitable business relationship.
4. What is marketing environment?[R1 Page No:94]
The market environment is a marketing term and refers to all of the forces
outside of marketing that affect marketing management’s ability to build and
maintain successful relationships with target customers.
5. What is micro environment?[R1 Page No:95]
The microenvironment refers to the forces that are close to the company and
affect its ability to serve its customers. It includes the company itself, its suppliers,
marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics.
6. What is macro environment?[R1 Page No:95]
The macro environment refers to all forces that are part of the larger society
and affect the microenvironment. It includes concepts such as demography, economy,
natural forces, technology, politics, and culture.
7. What do you mean by internal environment? [R1 Page No:96]
All factors that are internal to the organization are known as the 'internal
environment'. They are generally audited by applying the 'Five Ms' which are Men,
Money, Machinery, Materials and Markets.
8. What are the three key perspectives on the marketing environment?[R1 Page
 Macro-environment.
 Micro-environment.
 Internal environment.
9. What is demographic environment?[R1 Page No:95]
Demography refers to studying human populations in terms of size, density,
location, age, gender, race, and occupation. This is a very important factor to study
for marketers and helps to divide the population into market segments and target
10. List out any four laws which affects business in India. [R1 Page No:100]
a) Indian Contract Act 1872
b) Factories Act 1948
c) Minimum Wages Act 1948
d) Essential Commodities Act 1955
11. What are the supply sources for production?[R1 Page No:15]
a) Land
b) Labour
c) Capital
d) Machinery and equipment etc.
12. What is economic environment? [R1 Page No:99]
Economic environment is the most significant component of the marketing
environment. It affects the success of a business organisation as well as its survival.
The economic policy of the Government, needless to say, has a very great impact on
business. Some categories of business are favourably affected by the Government
policy, some adversely affected while some others remain unaffected. The economic
system is a very important determinant of the scope of private business and is
therefore a very important external constraint on business.
13. Name some of the factors influencing the general economic conditions of a
country? [R1 Page No:7]
a) Price levels
b) Employment trends
c) Impact of Government policy
d) Economic systems
14. Mention the need of marketing department to collaborate with HRM. [R1 Page
a) Research and develop new product ideas
b) Meet production targets
c) Create an ambitious and competent sales team

15. What do you mean by controllable forces? [R1 Page No:7]

Controllable forces consist of marketing policies and marketing strategies.
Marketing policies are framed by the firm depending on its marketing philosophy. The
top management is responsible for framing broad policies. Marketing strategies are
developed by middle level management.


1. What is marketing? Explain the nature and scope of marketing. [R1 Page No: 7]
a. Definition
b. Nature of marketing
o Marketing is an Economic Function
o Marketing is a Legal Process by which Ownership Transfers
o Marketing is a System of Interacting Business Activities.
o Marketing is a Managerial function.
o Marketing is a social process.
o Marketing is a philosophy based on consumer orientation and satisfaction.
o Marketing had dual objectives – profit making and consumer satisfaction.
c. Scope of Marketing
o Study of Consumer Wants and Needs
o Study of Consumer behaviour
o Production planning and development
o Pricing Policies
o Distribution
o Promotion
o Consumer Satisfaction
o Marketing Control
2. Describe the core concepts of marketing. [R1 Page No: 10]
a) Introduction
b) Customer Orientation
c) Competition Orientation
d) Ability to respond to environmental changes before competition does
e) Consumer Orientation
f) Integrated approach to exploiting market opportunities
g) Futuristic approach
h) Highly developed marketing systems
i) Marketing culture
j) Speed
k) Marketing vs. Selling
o Managerial Process involving analysis, planning and control.
o Carefully formulated programs and not just random actions.
o Voluntary exchange of values; no use of force or coercion. Offer
o Selection of Target Markets rather than a quixotic attempt to win every
market and be all things to all men.
o Purpose of marketing is to achieve Organizational Objectives. For
commercial sector it is profit. For non-commercial sector, the
objective is different and must be specified clearly.
o Marketing relies on designing the organization’s offering in terms of
the target market’s needs and desires rather than in terms of seller’s
personal tastes or internal dynamics. User-oriented and not seller-
o Marketing utilizes and blends a set of tools called the marketing mix –
product design, pricing, distribution and communication. Too often
marketing is equated either with just advertising or with just personal
b) Conclusion
3. Explain the factors of micro-environment. [R1 Page No: 105]
i) Introduction
ii) Factors of micro-environment
o Customers
o Employees
o Suppliers
o Shareholders
o Media
o Competitors
iii) Conclusion
4. Explain the components of macro-environment. [R1 Page No: 101]
i. Introduction
ii. Components of macro-environment
o Demographic Environment
o Economic Environment
o Physical Environment
o Technological Environment
o Political Environment
o Legal Environment
o Social and Cultural Environment
iii. Conclusion
5. What are the importance of international marketing? Explain in detail. [R1 Page No:
o Introduction
o Importance of international marketing
o Important to expand target market
o Important to boost brand reputation
o Important to connect business with the world
o Important to open door for future opportunities
o Conclusion
6. Elaborate the relationships of marketing with other functional areas. [R1 Page No:
i. Introduction
ii. Importance of international marketing
o Operations management/production
o Finance department
o Human Resource Management
iii. Conclusion

Part –A

1. Define consumer behavior. [R1 Page No: 100]

Consumer behavior is the process and activities people engage in when searching
for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services so as to
satisfy their needs and desires.
2. What are the psychological factors influencing the consumer behavior? [R1 Page No:
 Consumer Needs and Motivation
 Perception
 Learning
 Belief and Attitude
3. What are the social factors influencing the consumer behavior? [R1 Page No: 114]
 Reference Group
 Role and Status
 Family
4. What do you mean by the term culture? [R1 Page No: 114]
Culture simply refers to values and beliefs in which one is born and brought up.
It is a set of Ideas, Customs, Values, Art and Belief that are produced or shaped by a
society and passed on from generation to generation. Culture influence what we eat
and wear, how we relax and where we live etc.
5. What is sub culture? [R1 Page No: 114]
It is based on religion, language, geographic region, nationality, age etc. It is
a segment within a large culture that shares a set of beliefs, values or activities that
differ in certain respects from those of the main or overall culture. The food habits are
different in different parts of India.
6. What are the personal factors influencing the consumer behavior? [R1 Page No: 115]
 Age
 Stages in the Life Cycle
 Occupation and Economic Status
 Life Style
 Personality
 Self-Image
7. Who are deciders? [R1 Page No: 106]
A person who decides on any component of a buying decision; whether to buy,
what to buy, how to buy, or where to buy
8. What is social class? [R1 Page No: 114]
A social class is a group of people with similar values, interest and behavior
within a society. Consumers buying behavior is determined by the social class to
which they belong rather than by their income alone. The social class is based on
income, education, occupation, family history, wealth, lifestyle, area of residence etc.
9. What are the economic factors influencing the consumer behavior? [R1 Page No:
 Personal Income
 Family Income
 Income Expectations
 Savings
 Liquidity Position
 Consumer Credit
10. What are the environmental factors influencing the consumer behavior? [R1 Page
No: 116]
 Political Situation
 Legal Forces
 Technological Advancements
 Ethical Considerations
11. What is post purchase behavior? [R1 Page No: 117]
It refers to the behavior of a consumer after purchasing a product. After
the consumer has actually purchased the product/brand he will be satisfied or
dissatisfied with it. If he is satisfied with the product he would regularly buy the
brand and develop a loyalty. He recommends the brand to his friends and relatives.
The negative feeling which arises after purchase causing inner tension is known as
Cognitive Dissonance (or Post Purchase Dissonance). The post purchase dissonance
is also called Buyer’s Remorse.
12. Who is a gate keeper? [R1 Page No: 117]
The person(s) who controls information or access, or both, to decision makers and
influencers (It also is used to indicate the individual who controls decision making by
controlling the purchase process. In a traditional family, the mother often functions as
the gatekeeper between the child and his/her exposure to the mass media and the
purchase of toys or products. In an organization, the purchasing agent is often the
gatekeeper between the end user and the vendor of products or services

13. What is limited decision making? [R1 Page No: 119]

Buying product occasionally. When you need to obtain information about
unfamiliar brand in a familiar product category, perhaps. Requires a moderate amount
of time for information gathering.
14. What do you mean by product mix? [R1 Page No: 148]
Product mix is a combination of products manufactured or traded by the same
business house to reinforce their presence in the market, increase market share and
increase the turnover for more profitability. Normally the product mix is within the
synergy of other products for a medium size organization. However large groups of
Industries may have diversified products within core competency. Larsen & Toubro
Ltd, Godrej, Reliance in India are some of the examples.
15. What is the concept of positioning? [R1 Page No: 136]
Although there are different definitions of Positioning, probably the most
common is: "A product's position is how potential buyers see the product", and is
expressed relative to the position of competitors. Positioning is a concept in
marketing which was first popularized by Al Ries and Jack Trout in their bestseller
book “Positioning - a battle for your mind".
It is the result of differentiation decisions. It is the act of designing the
company's offering and identity (that will create a planned image) so that they occupy
a meaningful and distinct competitive position in the target customer's minds. The
end result of positioning is the creation of a market-focused value proposition, a
simple clear statement of why the target market should buy the product.

Part –B
1. Enumerate the factors influencing the consumer behavior? [R1 Page No: 114]
o Introduction
o Cultural Factor
o Social Factor
o Personal Factor
o Psychological Factor.
o Conclusion
2. Write in detail about the consumer decision making process. [R1 Page No: 115]
o Introduction
o Problem recognition
o Gathering Information
o Alternative education
o Purchase decision
o Post-purchase behavior/buyer's remorse
o Conclusion
3. Elaborate the stages of market segmentation. [R1 Page No: 126]
o Introduction
o Geographic segmentation
o Demographic segmentation
o Psychographic segmentation
o Behavioral segmentation
o Conclusion
4. What are the types of consumer buying behavior? [R1 Page No: 113]
o Introduction
o Routine Response/Programmed Behavior.
o Limited Decision Making.
o Extensive Decision Making/Complex high involvement, unfamiliar,
expensive and/or infrequently bought products. High degree of
economic/performance/psychological risk.
o Impulse buying, no conscious planning.
o Conclusion
5. Explain the needs of market segmentation. [R1 Page No: 127]
o Introduction
o Reduction in expenses
o Improved cash flow
o Improved productivity
o Improved manufacturing quality
o Improved service delivery
o Improved employee working conditions/benefits.
o Improvement in market share/competitive position
o Need for education
o Involvement with social trends
o Specific - relating to product/service characteristics
6. Write in detail about the product positioning process. [R1 Page No: 136]
o Introduction
o Defining the market in which the product or brand will compete
o Identifying the attributes
o Collecting information from a sample of customers about their perceptions
of each product on the relevant attributes.
o Determine each product's share of mind.
o Determine each product's current location in the product space.
o Determine the target market's preferred combination of attributes.
o Examine the fit between
The position of your product
The position of the ideal vector
o Position.
o Conclusion
Part –A

1. What is a product? [R1 Page No: 143]

Product refers to the goods and services offered by the organisation. A pair of shoes,
a plate of dahi-vada, and a lipstick, all are products. All these are purchased because they
satisfy one or more of our needs. We are paying not for the tangible product but for the
benefit it will provide. So, in simple words, product can be described as a bundle of benefits
which a marketer offers to the consumer for a price.
2. Define product development. [R1 Page No: 145]
Product Development can be defined as "creating, innovating, or developing
entirely a new product, or presenting an existing product with enhanced utility, improved
features, more appealing design, better quality and reliability to satisfy the requirements of its
3. What are the functions of product development? [R1 Page No: 147]

1. Creation of an entirely new product or upgrading an existing product,

2. Innovation of a new or an existing product to deliver better and enhanced services,
3. Enhancing the utility and improving the features of an existing product,
4. Continuous improvement of a product to satisfy rapidly changing customer needs and

4. Mention the stages of product life cycle. [R1 Page No: 150]

1. Introduction,
2. Growth,
3. Maturity, and
4. Decline

5. What do you mean by Price? [R1 Page No: 175]

Price is the amount that is charged by marketer of his offerings or the amount
that is paid by consumer for the use or consumption of the product. Price is crucial in
determining the organization's profit and survival. Adjustments in price affect the demand
and sales of the product. Marketers are required to be aware of the customer perceived value
of the product to set the right price.
6. What is the advantage of using skimming pricing policy? [R1 Page No: 178]
The advantage of using a Skimming pricing policy is that you can theoretically
get the maximum profit from each level of customer. You need to bear in mind however that
you can only charge the high price for your product when there are no close substitutes.
7. What is meant by Target costing? [R1 Page No: 180]

Also the firm may attempt Target Costing (TG). TG is when a firm estimates a new
product’s desired functions & determines the price that it could be sold at. From this price the
desired profit margin is calculated. Now the firm knows how much it can spend on
production whether it be engineering, design, or sales but the costs now have a target range.
The goal is to get the costs into the target range.

8. What is retailing? [R1 Page No: 184]

Retailing is a distribution process, in which all the activities involved in selling the
merchandise directly to the final consumer (i.e. the one who intends to use the product) are
included. It encompasses sale of goods and services from a point of purchase to the end user,
who is going to use that product.
9. Define wholesalers. [R1 Page No: 186]

The word ‘Wholesaler’ has been derived from the word ‘Wholesale’ which means
to sell goods in relatively large quantities or in bulk. A wholesaler, in the words of S.E.
Thomas ‘is a trader who purchases goods in large quantities from manufacturers and sells to
retailers in small quantities.

10. What is promotion? [R1 Page No: 212]

Promotion represents the different methods of communication that are used by
marketer to inform target audience about the product. Promotion includes - advertising,
personal selling, public relation, and sales promotion.
11. What do you mean by advertising? [R1 Page No: 210]
Advertising is any paid form of media communication. This includes print ads in
magazines, trade journals and newspapers, radio and TV announcements, Web-based
visibility-building, and billboards. Advertising is a non-personal promotional activity
because the seller has no direct contact with the potential customer during the
communication process.
12. What is the role of public relations in marketing? [R1 Page No: 216]

These activities promote a positive image, generate publicity and foster goodwill
with the intent of increasing sales. Generating favorable media coverage, hosting special
events and sponsoring charitable campaigns are examples of public relations

13. What is direct selling? [R1 Page No: 218]

Otherwise called as multilevel selling and network selling, that involves door to door
selling or at home sales parties. Here, in this process the sales person of the company visit the
home of the host, who has invited acquaintances, the sales person demonstrate the products
and take orders.
14. What does the term skimming in marketing refers to? [R1 Page No: 176]
From a business perspective, this pricing objective is concerned with skimming
maximum profit in the initial stage of a product's life cycle. Because the product is new,
offering new and superior advantages, your company can charge a relatively high price
because you are catering to customers with a higher willingness to pay, i.e. the early
15. Differentiate the growth and maturity stage of product life cycle [R1 Page No: 150]
Part –B
1. Explain product life cycle in detail. [R1 Page No: 150]
o Introduction
o Diagram
o Stages of product life cycle
o Introduction
o Growth
o Maturity
o Decline
o Conclusion
2. Enumerate the objectives of pricing. [R1 Page No: 175]
o Introduction
o Pricing for Profit
o Sales-related Objectives
o Competition-related Objectives
o Customer-related Objectives
o Market Penetration
o Skimming
o Stabilising
o Survival
o Conclusion
3. Write in detail about the price setting procedure. [R1 Page No: 177]
o Introduction
o Selecting the Pricing Objective
o Determining Demand
o Estimating Costs
o Analysing Competitors’ Costs, Prices, and Offers
o Selecting a Pricing Method
o Selecting the Final Price
o Conclusion
4. What are the various kinds of advertising media? Explain with an example [R1 Page
No: 210]
o Introduction
o Television
o Infomercials
o Radio advertising
o Print advertising
o Online advertising
o Billboard advertising
o Mobile billboard advertising
o In-store advertising
o Covert advertising
o Celebrities

5. Explain product development process in detail. [R1 Page No :152 ]

o Definition
o Idea Generation
o Idea Screening
o Concept Development
o Market Strategy Development
o Business Analysis
o Product Development
o Test Marketing
o Commercialization

6. What is sales promotion? Explain its activities with an examples [R1 Page No: 212]
o Definition
o Sales promotion activities
o Buy-One-Get-One-Free (BOGOF)
o Customer Relationship Management (CRM) incentives such as bonus
points or money off coupons.
o New media - Websites and mobile phones that support a sales
promotion. For example, in the United Kingdom, Nestle printed
individual codes on KIT-KAT packaging, whereby a consumer would
enter the code into a dynamic website to see if they had won a prize.
Consumers could also text codes via their mobile phones to the same
o Merchandising additions such as dump bins, point-of-sale materials and
product demonstrations.
o Free gifts
o Discounted prices
o Joint promotions between brands owned by a company, or with another
company's brands
o Free samples
o Vouchers and coupons.
o Competitions and prize draws
o Cause-related and fair-trade products
o Finance deals

Part –A

1. What do you mean by augmented product? [R1 Page No:]

The Augmented Product refers to all additional factors which sets the product
apart from that of the competition. And this particularly involves brand identity and image.
2. What is a Brand? [R1 Page No:]

The name associated with one or more items in the product line that is used to
identify the source or character of the items. For example, Palm Pilot is one brand of

3. Mention the concept of product classification. [R1 Page No:

The concept of “product classification” consists of dividing products according to

specific characteristics so that they form a structured portfolio. In general, manufacturers use
an informal product classification system but there are also many standardized methods of
product classification devised by various industry organizations.

4. What is product mix? [R1 Page No:]

Product mix is a combination of products manufactured or traded by the same
business house to reinforce their presence in the market, increase market share and increase
the turnover for more profitability. Normally the product mix is within the synergy of other
products for a medium size organization. However large groups of Industries may have
diversified products within core competency. Larsen & Toubro Ltd, Godrej, Reliance in
India are some of the examples.
5. What are ways to lengthen the product line? [R1 Page No:]
a) Line stretching
b) Line filling.
6. What is two-way stitch? [R1 Page No:]
Companies serving the middle market may decide to stretch their line in both
directions. Tata Motors had Multi-purpose Utility Vehicles (MUV) like Sumo and Safari
targeted for middle segment of the market. It had launched Indica for lower segment of the
market as well as Indigo Marina and Indigo Estate for up-market consumers.
7. Mention the aim of branding. [R1 Page No:]
The aim of branding is to convey brand message vividly, create customer loyalty,
persuade the buyer for the product, and establish an emotional connectivity with the
customers. Branding forms customer perceptions about the product. It should raise customer
expectations about the product. The primary aim of branding is to create differentiation.
8. What is branding equity? [R1 Page No:]
Brand Equity is the value and strength of the Brand that decides its worth. It can also
be defined as the differential impact of brand knowledge on consumer’s response to the
Brand Marketing. Brand Equity exists as a function of consumer choice in the market place.
9. What are the types of labeling? [R1 Page No:]
o Brand label
o Grade label
o Descriptive label
o Informative label
10. What is primary packaging? [R1 Page No:]
Primary packaging is the material that first envelops the product and holds it. This
usually is the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the package which is in direct contact
with the contents.
11. What is line stretching? [R1 Page No:]
This occurs when a company lengthens its product line beyond its current range.
This is a frequent measure taken by companies to enter new price slots and to cater to new
market segments.
12. What are the motives of line filling? [R1 Page No:]
o Reaching for incremental profits
o Trying to satisfy dealers who complain about lost sales because of missing
items in the line
o Trying to utilise the excess capacity
o Trying to be the leading full-line company
o Trying to plug holes in the product-line to keep out the competitors
13. What are the ways to Position the Brand? [R1 Page No:]
The ways to position the brand are:
o Use situations
o Emphasizing Tangible Benefits
o Linking to uses
o Head-on competitive positioning
o Life-style positioning
o Benefits offered.

14. What is brand identity? [R1 Page No:]

A product identity, or brand image are typically the attributes one associates with a
brand, how the brand owner wants the consumer to perceive the brand - and by extension the
branded company, organization, product or service. The brand owner will seek to bridge the
gap between the brand image and the brand identity.
Brand identity is the total proposal/promise that an organization makes to
consumers. The brand can be perceived as a product, a personality, a set of values, and a
position it occupies in consumer’s minds. Brand identity is all that an organization wants the
brand to be considered as. It is a feature linked with a specific company, product, service or
individual. It is a way of externally expressing a brand to the world.
15. What is packaging? [R1 Page No:]
Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products
for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of design,
evaluation, and production of packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system
of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use. Packaging
contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells. It is fully integrated into
government, business, institutional, industry, and personal use.
Part –B
1. Briefly explain the Philip Kotler’s five product levels.
o Introduction
o Diagram
o Core Product
o Generic Product
o Expected Product
o Augmented Product
o Potential Product
o Conclusion

2. What is product hierarchy? Explain its levels. [R1 Page No:

o Definition
o 7 levels of hierarchy
o Examples
3. Describe in detail about the product classification. [R1 Page No: ]
o Introduction
o Diagrams
o Classification of products on the basis of shopping habits.
o Classification of products on the basis of durability and tangibility.
o Classification of products based on industrial consumption
o Conclusion
4. Explain labeling & its types with an examples [R1 Page No: ]
o Introduction
o Brand label
o Grade label
o Descriptive label
o Informative label
o Conclusion

5. Write in detail about the product line decision. [R1 Page No: ]
o Definition
o Two ways to lengthen the product line
o Line Stretching
o Line filling
o Examples
6. Enumerate product mix. [R1 Page No:
o Definition( 2 marks)
o Sales and profits (3 marks)
o Market profile (3 marks)
o Write the attributes of product mix (4 marks)
o Diagram (2 marks)
o Examples (2 marks)

Part –A
1. What is digital marketing? [R1 Page No: ]
2. Mention the goal of web analytics. [R1 Page No: ]
The ultimate goal of analytics is to identify actionable insights on monthly basis
which can help to make favorable changes to the website gradually. This in turn ultimately
leads to strong profits in long term.
3. What are the uses of E mail marketing? [R1 Page No: ]
You can interact with the customers to answer their queries using automatic
responders and enhance the customer experience with your website.
You can offer the options such as signing-in to subscribe to your newsletter. You
can make the emails catchy and crisp, so that they don’t make recipients annoyed. Also, you
can use selected best words in the subject line to boost the open rate
4. What do you mean by Blogs? [R1 Page No: ]
Blogs are web pages created by an individual or a group of individuals. They are
updated on a regular basis. You can write blogs for business promotion
5. What do you mean by Banners? [R1 Page No:]
Banners are long strips of cloth with a slogan or design. They are carried for
demonstration, procession, or hung in a public place. There are internet banners in parallel to
tangible banners for advertising.
6. What is green marketing? [R1 Page No:]

Green marketing is the marketing of environmentally friendly products and services.

It is becoming more popular as more people become concerned with environmental issues
and decide that they want to spend their money in a way that is kinder to the planet.

7. What do you understand by the term CRM? [R1 Page No:]

Customer relationship management (CRM) consists of the processes a company uses
to track and organize its contacts with its current and prospective customers. CRM software
is used to support these processes; information about customers and customer interactions
can be entered, stored and accessed by employees in different company departments. Typical
CRM goals are to improve services provided to customers, and to use customer contact
information for targeted marketing.
8. Write notes on brand communities. [R1 Page No:]
Company personnel work for increasing the social bonds and personalizing customer
relationships. In essence, thoughtful companies turn their customers into clients. The
difference being that the customers are part of the mass market, whereas clients are the
conspicuous and known. Some companies arrange meetings, of their customers, thus
developing special sort of social groups called brand communities.
9. Describe FMP and CMP. [R1 Page No:]
 Frequently Marketing Programs (FMPs) are designed to provide reward to
customers who buy frequently and or in substantial amount. Frequency marketing is
an acknowledgement of the fact that 20% of customers might account for 80% of its
Typically the first company to introduce and FMP gains the most, especially if
competitors are slow to respond after that the competitors respond FMP can become a
financial burden to all offering companies.

 Club Marketing Programs (CMP) is practiced by some companies. Club

membership are made open to everyone who purchases a product service or, it can be
restricted to an affinity group or to those willing to pay a small fee.

Although open clubs one good for building a customer database, limited club member
are more powerful long term loyalty builders.

10. Mention the purpose of CRM building. [R1 Page No:]

o Adding financial benefits
o Adding social benefits
o Adding structural Ties
11. Benefits of Green marketing. [R1 Page No:]
Green marketing can involve a number of different things, such as creating an eco-
friendly product, using eco-friendly packaging, adopting sustainable business practices, or
focusing marketing efforts on messages that communicate a product’s green benefits.
12. Mention some of the social media marketing [R1 Page No:]
o Google Plus
o LinkedIn
o Pinterest
o Twitter
o Facebook, etc.
13. Uses of social media marketing [R1 Page No:]
It assures that you remain connected to the existing or potential customers, build
awareness about the products and services, create interest in and desire to buy your product,
and interact with the customers on their own terms and convenience.
14. What is SEO? [R1 Page No:]
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
It is the activity of optimizing web pages or complete website in order to make
them search engine friendly, thus getting higher position in the search results. It contributes
to overall rankings of the keywords through influencing factors such as appropriate titles,
meta descriptions, website speed, links, etc.
15. What is the purpose of mobile advertising? [R1 Page No:]
It is creating awareness about the business and promoting it on smart phones that
people carry with them inseparably.

Part –B

1. Explain the methods of green marketing. [R1 Page No:]

i. Definition

ii. Methods of green marketing

a. Using eco-friendly paper and inks for print marketing materials

 Skipping the printed materials altogether and option for electronic marketing
 Having a recycling program and responsible waste disposal practices
 Using eco-friendly product packaging
 Using efficient packing and shipping methods
 Using eco-friendly power sources
 Taking steps to offset environmental impact

2. What is CRM? How it is useful for a company? What mistakes do companies make
while implementing CRM? [R1 Page No:]

i. Introduction & conclusion


3. Illustrate the different levels of customer relationship building. [R1 Page No:]

i. Introduction

ii. Different levels of customer relationship building

 Basic Marketing
 Reacting Marketing
 Accountable Marketing
 Proactive Marketing
 Partnership Marketing
iii. Conclusion

4. Explain the approaches of CRM building. [R1 Page No:]

i. Introduction

ii. Approaches

 Adding financial benefits

a) Frequently Marketing Programs

b) Club Marketing Programs

 Adding social benefits

a) Brand communities.

 Adding structural Ties

b) value creation

iii. Conclusion

5. Explain the features of rural markets. [R1 Page No:]

i. Introduction

ii. Features of rural markets

➢ Large, Diverse and Scattered Market

➢ Major Income of Rural consumers is from Agriculture

➢ Standard of Living and Rising Disposable Income of the Rural Customers

➢ Traditional Outlook

➢ rising literacy levels

➢ Diverse Socioeconomic background
➢ Infrastructure Facilities

iii. Conclusion

6. Describe in detail about the elements of digital marketing [R1 Page No:]
i. Introduction

ii. Elements of digital marketing.

 SEO Friendly Website

 Web Analytics
 Online Advertising
 Mobile Advertising
 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
 Social Media Marketing
 Email Marketing
 Content Marketing
 Blogs
 Banners
 Internet Forums

iii. Conclusion

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