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Book review

 Title : the Challenge of Democracy

 Chapter : Freedom, Order, or Equality
 Author : 1. Kenneth Janda
2. Jeffery N. Berry
3. Jerry Gold Man
 Publisher : Suzanne Jean
 Executive Editor : Carolyn Merrill
 Acquisitions Editor : Edwin Hill
 Development Editor : Betty Slack
 Assistant Editor : Kate MacLean
 Media Editor : Laura Hildebrand
 Marketing Manager : Lydia LeStar
 Marketing Coordinator : Joshua Hendrick
 Senior Marketing Communications Manager :Heather Baxley
 Content Project Manager : Alison Eigel Zade
 Art Director : Linda Helcher
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 Print Buyer : Fola Orekoya
 Rights Acquisition Specialist, Image : Mandy Groszko
 Senior Rights Acquisition Specialist, Text : Katie Huha
 Production Service : Cadmus Communications
 Interior and Cover Designer : Rokusek Design
 Compositor : Cadmus Communications

In this book review the Challenge of Democracy with the focused aspect is the chapter
1 which is about the Freedom, Order, or Equality, the author of this book more concentrate
about the interventions of the government in society to control the citizen, moreover the author
achieves the stated purpose of the chapter which are explained about the government should
make the decisions, why, And how.

This book were more kind explained about the government purpose and the government
policy toward their citizen, in order to provide freedom, order, or equality in society that can
have an impact toward the countries itself. Furthermore, the ways of the government making
policy in democracy country, because the most concentrate in this book were more in
democracy, however in democracy system government should have the consideration towards
the policy which one that has the most important part, is that to give an order to the citizen, or
giving freedom to the citizen, or giving equality. In this book the countries that main idea were
United State of America.
According to the observations about the book’s strengths, this book were mentioning
very accurate data that provided in the pages of 19-23 and other pages, with the comparisons
toward others countries, which make this book lot easier to understand and to be observed.
Furthermore, this book already achieve what the purpose of the chapter one which already
mentioning strength argument about the main idea of the chapter about the freedom, order or
equality with the data that provided that make it proven that make the strength of the book

However, every book have the weaknesses, according to our observations about the
weaknesses of this book were more in the ways of the author looking toward the actors that
was explained, as we can see in this sentences” we have said little about how government
should make its decisions.” (Kenneth Janda, 2012) In that sentences we can see that the ways
of the authors observations were more in one side did not become the central person toward
the problem, however this sentences were just part of one chapter we cannot conclude yet what
ways or the point of views of the authors.

In conclusions, toward the strength and the weaknesses of the book we can learn very
much of new sources and new data about democracy that were happen in this world. Indeed,
the weaknesses were appear in order to develop and to make the book greater, and the strength
with very accurate data and trusted sources that make the reader easier to understand toward
the ways of the government taking the decisions that impact the society in Freedom, Equality,
or Order. If we as the reviewers have to give the values of this book we are going to give 9out
to 10.

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