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Solar energy

An explosion of a huge speck in an infinite space

led to the formation of a giant nebula 4.5 billlion
years ago ,which was itself a boon by nature and
time itself . Sun, the star of our solar system is the
accumulation of gases which gives us light , heat
and energy ,these elements are itself the reason of
life on earth . The bundle of photons transferred
by the sun and the sufficient distance from it
provides us a certain temperature in which the
lives of all the living organisms thrives upon. Its
true that the way the planets revolves around the
sun, we are dependent on it for the facilitation of
our living . Earth has changed since 4.5 billion
years ago whether it is the growing population or
pollution which gathers increase in demands for
survival in the planet . In the recent years we can
see a rapid exhaustion of natural resources like
coal and petroleum with respect to our needs.
Sun is the major renewable resource . With time
man has learned to tame this energy of this giant
ball of heat and light to meet the demands of the
present world presently solar energy provides us
with 0.15% of the world’s power, but it has a total
capacity of providing a potential of 5000 times as
much energy as the world actually uses . The
innovations in the field of science and technology
have allowed us to exploit the energy of the sun
with more and more efficiency in this course of
time.It was the idea of the inventors Gerald
pearson, Daryl chapin and Calvin souther fuller we
can utlilse solar energy into solar power. These
masterminds proposed and invented solar cells.
The main ingredient responsible for the working of
solar panels. The conversion solar energy in to
solar power is done by solar power plants.
Commercially, the first solar power plant was set
to work for the betterment of environment in
Mojave desert in California.The installation of
several power plants till now has not only
reduced the consumption of fossil fuels but
has also created sustainable for meeting the
ever growing energy requirements of the
world . we all have seen small calculators
with solar cells to charge their batteries . and
in the recent time we have also seen
aeroplanes with solar panels engraved on its
wings. Solar impulse is such an aircraft which
completed a circle around the world using
solar energy solely as its source of power.
Elon musk the founder of Tesla corporation
has a subsidiary company(solar city) which
specialises in solar energy roof tops. Such
roof tops can be installed on the terrace of
any house and the required amount is
sufficient to produce free electricity for your
homes. GIGA factory 1 is an example of
achievement in productions of solar power
which produces 70 GWh of solar electricity
using solar rooftops installed on its terrace
which is equivalent to 70 millions joules of
energy produced in one hour. Likewise, there
are some important applications of solar
energy these days like solar coolking ,solar
vehicles, solar desalination , high temperature
heat process in industrial areas, solar air
conditioning, solar chimneys and solar
vehicles etc.Solar power has reduced the
release of carbon emissions around the world
which is the reason of major destruction of our
environment and degradation of ozone layer.
Use of solar energy as a fuel is pollution free
and prevention for global warming on earth.
Photovoltaics is the general mode for the
generation of energy these are are arrays of
cells containing a solar photovoltaic material
that converts solar radiation into direct current
electricity. Solar cells produce direct current
(DC) electricity from sunlight, which can be
used to power bulb/equipment or to recharge
a battery, however, for grid connected power
generation; an inverter is required to convert
the DC to alternating current (AC) which
gathers many advantages and a major
disadvantage .
Adavantages are:- long life, easy installation,
pollution free and viable for remote
areas.Disadvantage :-high inital cost due to
silicon wafer present in the cell.
Photovoltaic cells are the reason for
applications in pocket calculators , toys,
irrigation pump in villages,solar geysers etc.
Use of solar energy has helped us in
numerous ways and use of solar power is
itself a mark for a better future.

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