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m³: In compliance to ISO 13686
Requirements: Natural Gas Quality
By Jessol Salvo, Science Research Specialist

Copyright 2015 Jessol Salvo

Smashwords Edition

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Natural Gas is composed of hydrocarbon gases such as Methane (CH 4), Ethane (C2H6), Propane (C3H8) and
Butane (C4H10), with some inert gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) and Nitrogen (N 2). It is relatively easy
to determine the Superior Calorific Value or High Heating Value of any natural gas mixture. Just
remember that the total energy (heat) content of a natural gas mixture is equal to the sum of the energy
(heat) content of its components, this law follows the First Law of Thermodynamics or the Law of
Conservation of Energy and can be expressed in an Energy Balance Equation.

Energy Balance:
HHVnatgas = ΣHHVcomponents = HHVCH4(X CH4) + HHVC2H6(XC2H6)+HHVC3H8(XC3H8) + HHVC4H10 (XC4H10)…
This is relatively easy if the unit of measurement of energy (heat) is in terms of mass such as pounds
(lbs.) or kilos (kg). Most Engineering Handbooks have prescribed the Calorific Values of natural gas
components in terms or lbs. or kg. These Calorific Values are constant regardless of their pressure and

From Engineering Handbooks:

The Challenge – Express Parameters in Volume
rather than Mass:
However, the challenge lies in determining the High Heating Value of various natural gas mixtures
measured in terms of volume such as m³ rather than mass such as lbs. or kg. Traditionally, natural gas
parameters are expressed in mass such as Btu/lb. or MJ/kg. Note that gases behave differently at
different temperatures and pressures, i.e., gas densities vary with respect to changes in pressure and

ISO Standards such as ISO 13686 entitled “International Standard – Natural Gas Quality Designation”
require natural gas parameters to be expressed in volume (m³) rather than the traditional way of
expressing them in mass such as lbs. or kilos.

The Need for a Density Equation:

In order to comply with ISO requirements, the work around would be to develop a density equation to
enable us to work with units expressed in mass and convert them to units expressed in volume. The
density equation would have to be expressed as a function of pressure and temperature since ISO 13443
require natural gas measurements be anchored in standard temperatures and pressures of 288.15°K
(15°C) and 1.01325 bars (1 atm) as reference conditions.

The density equation can be derived from the Ideal Gas Law:

Substituting, we arrive at the following density equation:

Density equation = f (P, T):

This equation is now a function of pressure and temperature, thus we can account for gas behavior at
standard temperatures and pressures.

The Need for a Molecular Weight Equation:

The equation also requires that we know the molecular weight of the natural gas mixture. Since natural
gas mixtures can vary depending on the concentration of each of its components, thus natural gas
molecular weight will also vary.

It can be stated that the molecular weight of a natural gas mixture is equal to the sum of the molecular
weight of its components. This principle is derived from Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures and the Molar
Fraction Law:

MWnatgas = ΣMW components = MWCH4(X CH4) + MWC2H6(XC2H6) + MWC3H8(XC3H8) + MWC4H10 (XC4H10)…

The Molecular Weight of natural gas components and air is as follows:

Periodic Tables: Molecular Weights

With these derived formulas, we can now proceed in determining natural gas parameters expressed in
volume m³. Now let’s try using these formulas based on data of known natural gas fields as follows:

Richest Natural Gas Mix: Nigeria LNG

Molecular Weight:
MWnatgas = ΣMW components = MWCH4(X CH4) + MWC2H6(XC2H6) + MWC3H8(XC3H8) + MWC4H10 (XC4H10)…

= 16.043g/mole(.879) + 30.07g/more(.055) + 44.09g/mole(.04) + 58.12g/mole(.025) +


Molecular Weight Nigeria gas = 19.00g/mole

Density (ρ): at standard temperature and pressure (STP)

Density (ρ) Nigeria gas = 0.803 gram/liter or kg/m³

Now that we know the Molecular Weight and Density of the richest natural gas mix, we can proceed
determining other parameters required in the ISO quality standards, such as Relative Density (d),
Superior Calorific Value or High Heating Value (HHV), and Wobbe Index (WI).

Determining Superior Calorific Value expressed in

Volume m³:
Going back to the equation and applying this to the richest natural gas mix:

HHVnatgas = ΣHHVcomponents = HHVCH4(X CH4) + HHVC2H6(XC2H6)+HHVC3H8(XC3H8) + HHVC4H10 (XC4H10)…

Note again that in the equation, Superior Calorific Value is a function of the sum of the energy (heat)
contributed by each natural gas component. Since available data on calorific values are based on mass
such as Btu/lbs. or MJ/kg, we would need to apply the density equation on each natural gas component
before we can come up with the Superior Calorific Value of the entire natural gas mix.

Going back to the Molecular Weights of each natural gas component and the density equation, we come
up with these computations:

Density of Methane at STP:

Density of Ethane at STP:

Density of Propane at STP:

Density of Butane at STP:

Density of Air at STP:

Note that we have accounted for the density of each natural gas component with standard temperature
and pressure as reference condition in accordance to ISO requirements. With these values, we can now
determine the Superior Calorific Value of each natural gas component by multiplying these values with
their known Calorific values expressed in mass such as Btu/lbs. or MJ/kg

Given High Heating Values (SCV) in kg from Engineering Handbook:

High Heating Values (SCV) in m³ at STP conditions given derived densities (ρ):
Applying the Energy Balance Equation and given the % share of each natural gas component, we can
now determine the Superior Calorific Value as follows:

Given composition of richest natural gas mix:

Apply this on the Energy Balance Equation:

HHVnatgas = ΣHHVcomponents = HHVCH4(X CH4) + HHVC2H6(XC2H6)+HHVC3H8(XC3H8) + HHVC4H10 (XC4H10)…

HHVnatgas =37.7Mj/m³(.879) + 65.99MJ/m³(.055) + 93.89Mj/m³(.04) + 142.80Mj/m³(.025) + 0(.001)

HHVnatgas = 43.75MJ/m³

Determining Wobbe Index (WI) in m³:

Another major requirement in the ISO for natural gas quality standards is the determination of Wobbe
Index (WI). Wobbe Index is defined as the Superior Calorific Value or High Heating Value divided by the
square root of the relative density of the natural gas mixture.

The equation requires that we derive first the relative density of the natural gas mixture. Relative density
is defined as the density of the natural gas mixture divided by the density of air at standard temperature
and pressure.

Since density (ρ) of air and the richest natural gas mixture has already been determined earlier, relative
density is thus computed as follows:
Thus Wobbe Index is determined as follows:

The same process can be repeated to determine the Superior Calorific Value of ANY natural gas mix. All that is
needed is to specify the % share of each natural gas component in the total volume mix.

Determining Methane Number (MN):

Methane Number (MN) is a rating indicating the knocking characteristics of natural gas as fuel for
internal combustion engines. It is comparable to the Octane Number for petroleum products such as
gasoline; i.e., the higher the Methane Number, the better it is for internal combustion engines.

There are three ways to determine Methane Number, However for this discussion, we will use the GRI
method since this is the method where we can manually compute for the Methane Number given the %
volume share of each natural gas component.

From ISO 15403, the equation used for determining Methane Number via GI Method is given as follows:

Linear Coefficient Relation:

MON = (137.78Xmethane) + (29.948Xethane) + (-18.193Xpropane) + (-167.062Xbutane) + (181.233XCO2) + (26.994XN2)

Correlation between MON and MN:

MN = 1.445 x (MON) – 103.42

MON = Motor Octane Number
MN = Methane Number

Note that “X” represents the % volume share of each natural gas component. Methane Number unit
less, however it is a function of % volume share of each natural gas component, not by quantity of mass.

Again, given the composition of the richest natural gas mix:

MON = (137.78Xmethane)+(29.948Xethane)+(-18.193Xpropane)+(-167.062Xbutane)+(181.233XCO2)+(26.994XN2)

MON = (137.78(.879))+(29.948(.055))+(-18.193(.04))+(-167.062(.025))+(181.233(0))+(26.994(.001))
MON = 117.88

MN = 1.445 x (MON) -103.42

MN = 1.445 x (117.88) -103.42

MN = 66.91

Significance of Natural Gas Parameters:

The following table summarized important natural gas parameters and its significance

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