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(Coverage starts on Sydney and moves to the right with her as she walks)


Is college getting you down? Are professors actually taking attendance? Do you
have an F in a few classes because you never study or turn anything in? Well,
buddy do I have something for you: Work Ethic. Work Ethic is an age old remedy
that fights any transgressions in poor jobs done, failing will power, or plain
laziness. Since the dawn of the 1960’s people have been plagued with what
seems to be an incurable apathy towards anything and everything they have to
do. Now, in just one pill a day, you can gain back what time you’ve lost and/or

(Camera shift over to Malcom)


Since started Work Ethic I have seen an increase grades, immune

system, and over all physic. (Flashed arm muscles like a jock)

(Coverage Change: Camera cuts to Kristin and Stephanie seemingly on a date acting
so fucking fake.)


We both… (they giggle)


Since we both started using Work Ethic we have seen a dramatic increase in
our individual endeavors but we have also experienced euphoric changes in our

Yeah, thanks to Work Ethic, our relationship is stronger than ever (grabbing
Steph’s hand).

(Final Camera Change: Camera goes to a master of some college kidsTM around a
table overexerting themselves. The Camera stops at Sydney at the head the table.)


Thanks to the once a day, low risk, pill that has the world buzzing,

millions of people are finally experiencing what it means to have purpose and do
a job well done! I hope you will join the Work Ethic family.


Work Ethic has not yet been approved by the FDA, and may cause symptoms
such as chronic need to do work, anxiety with no cure, hate-fueled depression
of one’s self when tasks are not completed, and over saturation of the tear
ducts. If you or anyone you know is allergic to physical or mental labor, Work
Ethic is not suggested. Patent pending.

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