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Host: Good morning everyone! Welcome to our Christmas party with the theme taken form Matthew
1:23: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which
means “God with us”

Host: Indeed, God is with us throughout this year

Host: To kick off our celebration today, let us all rise for the opening prayer to be led by our science
teacher Ma’am Jenny and this will be followed right away by the singing of the national
anthem with our selected students.

(Opening prayer)
(National Anthem)

Host: Please all be seated.

Host: Good morning ISDians! How are you today? I hope you are all excited to showcase your
talents. But before that, let us hear first a message from our beloved principal, Ma’am Vyvyan

(Ma’am Vyvyan Lazaro’s message)

Host: Thank you Ma’am Vyvyan for your wonderful message. And now let us witness the talent of this
cute little girl, as she sings ______________. May I call on Zaira to be on stage now?
(on stage) A round of applause for her please.

(Zaira singing)

Host: Thank you Zaira for sharing your talent to us and to Zaira’s mother Ma’am _____ for
supporting our program and your little one.

Host: We should not forget the very essence of celebrating Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ
and to give us a Christmas message, please help me welcome Pastor Roldan.

(Pastor Roldan’s message)

Host: Thank you so much Pastor for an awe-inspiring message. Now, to give us a visual explanation of
Jesus’ nativity, let us all welcome the Primary students!

(Jesus’ nativity)

Host: Thank you so much kids for that cute and magnificent drama presentation and thank you Ma’am
Cessa for guiding the students.

Host: At this moment, let us begin the production numbers that were prepared by our junior and senior
high school students. Let’s be entertained by a fusion of talents from our grades 7, 8 and 9 selected
students. Let’s give them a round of applause please!

Host: Thank you students for that wonderful production number. Another performers will entertain us
today. The busiest students in ISD, as they are having their work immersion from different partner
companies of Immanuel School of Davao. Despite of their busyness, they still find time to practice to
show everyone their talent. Please a round of applause for Grade 12 Malachi students!


Host: Thank you so much my baby boys and baby girls. Now, let us enjoy and be enthralled by the
next performers. This level have the most students in one section combining all the strands. They have
different personalities and they have different skills and talents. The most competitive and participative
level I must say. Please help me welcome the Grade 11 Revelations!


Host: Wow! That was so great! Thank you for that fabulous performance. The next presenter is

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