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CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION TO ORGANITION system wide porcess of planned change

DEVELOPMENT aimed toward improving overall

organization effectiveness by way of
enhanced congruence of such key
DEFINITION OF ORGANIZATION organization dimensions as external
DEVELOPMENT environment, mission, strategy, etc..
 The definition broadens the range and
1) WARNER BURKE (1982) interest of OD
 Using behavioural science technology,
research and theory to change an
organization’s culture *Worley and Feyerherm suggest that for a
 Focus on culture as the target of change process to be called organization
2) WENDELL FRENCH (1969) i. It must focus on or result in the
 Gradually imporving an orgaization’s change of some aspect of the
problem solving capabilitie with the help organizational system
of external or internal behavioural-scientis ii. There must be learning or the transfer
consultants of knowledge or skill to the
 Concerned with OD’s long term focus and organization
the use of consultants iii. There must be evidence of
improvement in or an intention to
3) RICHARD BECKHARD (1969) improve the effectiveness of the
 Planned, organization-wide, and managed organization
from the top to increase organization
effectiveness adn health through planned
interventions in the orgaizations’s ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
processes’, using behavioural science
 Od is refer to applying behavioural science
knowledge to the strategies and
 The definition adress the process of OD
structures that lead to organizational
4) MICHAEL BEER (1980)
 A system-wide process fo data collection
i. OD applies to changes in strategy,
adn analysis. Real development occures
structure and process of an entire
when an organization works actively with
system such as orgnaization,
a change agent
department or work group
 The definition adress the process of OD
- A change program aim at modifying
organization’s strategy
 A soft approach that describes a process
ii. OD is based on application and
of change undertaken incrementally
transfer of behavioral science
knowledge and practice, include
microconcepts such as leadership,
 Based on a set of values, largely group dynamics and work design and
humanistic, application of the behvioral macroapproach such as strategy,
sciences and open system theory, OD is a
organization design adn culture DIFFERENT BETWEEN OD AND OT
- To neglect the personal and social
characteristics of a system.

iii. OD concern wih managing planned

- OD is more adaptive process for
planning and implementing change
than a blueprint for how things should
be done

iv. OD involves the design,

implementation and subsequent
reinforcement of change
- It moves beyond the initial efforts to OD CHARACTERISTIC
implement a change program to a
1) Planned
longer term concern for making sure
 OD is more adaptive process for planning
the new activites sustain within the
and implementing change than a blueprint
for how things should be done
 It involves planning to diagnose and solve
v. OD is oriented to improving
organization problems
organizational effectiveness
2) Incremental
- To solve its own problem and
 OD is the preferred option for
continually improve itself which OD
organisations that wish to continually
helps organization members gain skill
improve their products and services in an
and knowledge to conduct these
incremental manner.
activities by involve them in the
3) Proactive
change process
 OD as it may be implemented proactively
(take action to improve) and gradually
ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION therefore minimise the disturbance within
the organization
 OT is a type of change process that 4) Long Term
perceived as volatile and reactive to  Requires initial effort and long term
environmental forces. OT require short concern for making sure the new activities
term strategies with the intention to sustain within organization
stabilise in the long term reverting back to 5) Internal Focus
using OD methodologies.  Focus is on building the organisation’s
ability to assess its current functioning and
to achieve its goals
6) Total System
 OD is oriented to improving the total
system by which the organisation and its
parts in the context of the larger WHAT SHAPE ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE?
environment that impacts on them
OT CHARACTERISTIC  Globalization trend require organization
to change and develop in order to sustain
1) Unplanned in the industry
 The organization does not planning for  E.g: Volkswagen plan to be no. 1 car
any change that need to be conducted to provider in the world by 2018. They
adapt with the current situation. Such as collaborate with DRB Hicom to assemble
the organization required to sell their VW car in Pekan, Pahang
assets when their loss are extremly high.  Globalization opens new market and
2) Dramatic sources of innovation and capital for
 The current situation enforce the organizations, but the risk of economic
organization to dramatically change the problem in one sector spread rapidly to
entire of the system or management to other sectors
ensure their sustainability. Such as the
organization need to hire foreign people 2. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
to do the manual work as minimum wages  The emergence of new technology
is implemented. changing how works is performed and
3) Reactive knowledge is used
 The organization only take action on  E.g: The emergence of technology in
current event. Such as when economic managing employee’s information force
downturn by which employers tend to the organization to change the human
terminate the employees. resource information system.
4) Short Term  Internet has enabled new forms of work
 The organization need to put their effort such as virtual teams and telecommuting
in order to achieve the short term goal. which has enable many companies to
Such as in order to enter the global outsource customer service functions .
market, they need to control the local
market first by keep improving their 3. MANAGERIAL INNOVATION
product or services.  Due to the globalization and emergence of
5) External Focus new technology, organization has to
 Response to external pressures that may innovate their management to suit with
contribute threat or opportunites to the the current requirement.
organization. Such as using an advanced  E.g: Need of having strategic alliances,
system in terms of maximizing the networks, virtual corporation, distribution
production to growth faster than their that provide organizations with new ways
competitors. of thinking about how to manufacture
6) Specific Focus goods and deliver services.
 The organization are tend to focus on the  Change innovation such as downsizing, or
problems that avoid them to achieve their reengineering can reduce the size of
goals. For example: To increase the organization and increase their flexibility
customer satisfaction, they need to  Involving employees in key decisions and
change from manual system to automatic paying for performance
system which is faster and easier.
HISTORY OF OD  4 types management system suggested by
Rensis Likert to describe the relationship,
5 Major that develop OD practices:
involvement, and roles of managers and
i. LABORATORY TRAINING subordinates in industrial settings:
 OD emerge from the development of a) Exploitive authoritative system
training group (also known as T-Group) - An autocratic, top down approach to
pioneered by Kurt Lewin and other leadership
research team members. - managers tend to use threats, fear,
 The participants will discuss and learn and punishment to motivate their
from the interactions, personal growth, workers.
leadership and group dynamics. - Little interaction between employer
and employee
 2 conclusions from the experiment:
- Decision making primarily made by
 Group interaction is a rich learning
top management
b) Benevolent authoritative system
 Group building process has the
- Employees are allowed a little more
potential for learning to be occurred
interaction, communication and
and transferred to the back home
decision making BUT within limited
boundaries defined by management
 The practical aspects of T-groups
- Major policy decisions are still left to
techniques become known as team
those at the top.
building - a process for helping work
c) Consultative system
gorups become more effective in
- Greater employee interaction,
accomplish task adn satisfying member
communication and decision making.
- Managers will talk to their
 Expansion of the T-Group into difference
subordinates about problems and
businesses, situations, industry introduced
action plans before they set
the term ‘OD’.
organizational goals.
- Management still make major
 Action research began in the 1940s when
- Productivity is good, and employee
John Collier, Kurt Lewin and William
are moderately satisfied with
Whyte discovered that research must be
closely link to action in managing change.
d) Participative group system
 Action research involve a few different
- managers and staff involved in all
steps such as determining the problem,
levels of decision making
data collection, data analyses, feeding
- Work groups are highly involved in
back the data, take action.
setting goals, decision making,
improving methods and appraising
 Participative management emerge from
- Managers are fully aware of the
the belief that human relation approach is
problems that go on in the lower-
one of the best way to manage
levels of the organization.
- All organizational goals are accepted IMPORTANT ROLES OF OD
by everyone because they were set
through group participation. 1. OD (through its model and theories) helps
- There is a high level of responsibility the organization to plan change.
and accountability of the 2. Provide a lot more opportunities to those
organizational goals in all of the who plan a professional career in the field
employees. (internal or external consultant).
- Achieve high level of productivity,
quality and member satisfaction 3. To create awareness among organizations
towards internal and external challenges
iv. PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY OF WORK and help the organization to be more
LIFE flexible, adaptable and effective.
 The concept of OD has been broaden
4. By understanding OD, it provides the
when Eric Trist and colleagues found that
required skills for manager and
technical and human relations are
subordinates to diagnose complex
problems and find solutions.
 This led to the participative decision
(union and management) in WORK
DESIGN that affect greater satisfaction
and productivity by employee.
 Quality work life will keep employee
motivated by a combination of good
reward, conducive working environment,
challenging project etc.
 And now, Quality work life receives a lot
of attention among global players as a
strategy for OD

 Nowadays, organization facing a lot more
challenges such as emergence of new
technology, complexity of political and
social environment. These new trends
require strategic perspective from OD +
planned change.
 What is strategic perspective? It is an
ALIGNMENT in an organization’s
environment, strategy and organization
 These situations influenced OD practice
such as OD practitioners must have the
technical skills to develop organization, do
research and survey feedback.

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