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Practical Ways to Live a Happier Life Today

1- Jgn putus hubungan dengan Tuhan..sangka baik dgn Dia (kisah wanita kematian suami,anak..tenang)..tiada apa yg
terkesan didunia ini jika bersamaNya...

2. Be kind in small ways. (( if you can’t do great small thing in a great ways)) cth great ways; istiqomah

3. Be appreciative of other people. Sifat berterima kasih..haiwan anjing

4. Cut back on the time you spend with most negative person in your life. And spend more time with the most positive
person(s).( left group yg tak berfaedah))

5. Cut out or cut down on the most negative media influence in your life.. Surround yourself with
positive people/things.

6. Mencuba sesuatu ilmu/kemahiran baharu setiap hari (contoh beri salam kepada orang yang kita tak

7. Let go of one thing from your past (Redha)..(dunia ini tak semua yg kita suka kita akan dapat...tapi)
- when you let go (redha), you create a space in your hert/life for something better from Allah
(Yosof Estern)
- tidak redha, umpama mata kail ditarik daripada kulit dan tiada keinginan untuk memutuskannya

8. Forgive people. Memaafkan semua orang (Jiwa besar)..

apa tanda sudah maafkan orang yg kita benci? Akhlak Nabi...Q “forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness but deserve and need

9. Hindari perkara yang tiada faedah.Avoid conflict..sprt konflik,debat topic remeh dll – “Never argue with someone who believes
their own lies” (mahatma Gandhi)

10. Appreciate yourself. Spend 5 minutes tonight with thinking about or writing down in journal the things you can appreciate about

11. Senyum untuk gembira jgn tunggu saat gembira utk senyum...tolong walaupun anda perlu ditolong...
- “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”

12. Fikirkan dan kembalikan keimanan bahawa dunia ini seketika...ada pembalasan

13. Percaya/terima....Stress adalah kehidupan...tiada kehidupan tanpa stress

14. Help Others...berkongsi gembira Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared (Gautama

# kisah budak nerd nak bunuh diri ditolong dgn harapan kawan2

15- Learn from self mistakes and others mistakes..wiseman learn from others mistakes

16- “Never argue with someone who believes their own lies” (mahatma Gandhi)

17- Buang sifat dengki...lahirkan gembira pada kegembiraan orang lain ((( the greatest happiness is to make other happy)) – if you
judge people you have no time to love them))

18- Menerima perbezaan- perbezaan adalah kehidupan-berlapang dada

19- Selesaikan masalah satu persatu

20- As-Sabr

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