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To teach the students it was important to know which class they were studying and based
on that we were able to teach them various subjects particularly Maths and English. Majorly,
in terms of education point of view we found many students struggled to solve some basic
mathematics questions. Moreover, we analyzed that there was a gap in children’s
understanding and we adopted newer ways to reduce ways to reduce that gap through
stimulation games and innovative & innovative ways to teach them basic mathematics rules
and concepts. Our last few visits were focused towards children in reducing the
understanding gap in the student’s understanding of various concepts. Being from a Maths
background, I was facing difficulties to teach them various concepts due to the language
barriers but my south Indian friends in my group really helped me to reduce that barrier.

Cleanliness -

Another importance thing to note that people were not very much aware to keep their
surroundings clean which will eventually helped their health and family health as well. There was
lack of motivation in the people to keep their surroundings clean as they weren’t aware of the
various problems that it could lead to their health of the family in the future. To overcome these
things and to create awareness we arranged the cleanliness drive on the last day of or field visit. We
laid emphasis on not to use plastic bags, hygiene factors, how to keep your surrounding clean, don’t
litter and how to make proper use of dustbins.

Medical -

There was lack of proper medical facilities in the village and nearest hospital was quite far away
because many of the villagers faced many problems. During our survey of the village, when we were
talking to various villagers the common problem that came was the lack of proper medical facilities
and most of the people were really upset about this. Therefore, if medical camps can be set up
monthly it will really benefit them and it will have a huge impact on their lives.
2. One of the main aims of karma yoga was to adapt experiential learning. It was really helpful as I
was able to realize my social responsibilities to the society. Moreover, it helped to develop
leadership skills as well through improvement in our overall personalities. One meaning of
personality refers to the impressions a person makes on others. The view of personality emphasizes
a person’s social reputation and reflect not only a description but also an evaluation of the person in
the eyes of others. Being from north India it was very difficult for me to understand the language.
Moreover, with the help of some south Indian friends in my group, I was able to be part of many
conversation which ranges from their problems in the village, teaching younger kids and water
storage problems. There were learnings through our various visits like how to build trustworthiness,
conscientiousness and to how to innovate in new ways so that to get people attention regarding
various issues. Although, Karma yoga focused towards adapting social responsibilities it was
important to also what factors or what emotions were involved to realize these responsibilities. We
were able to build empathy towards them as most of the people and children had financial problems
back at home. We were able to motivate them to study hard by teaching basic understandings of
various subjects like teaching Bodmas rules, algebra, grammar and basic introduction about them. It
was important for the children to realize in which field they were good which would eventually will
be helping them for their long term goals. Through the motivational, we have to look ahead as well
because we will be the managers in the future and the onus will be on us to continue to motivate
team members and inspire them. I would like to apply these concepts in practical terms which help
me in my career and for my overall personal growth. Moreover, if think in terms of leadership skills I
was able to initiate various activities which included bringing new children to study, teaching them
mathematics and actively participated in cleanliness drive at the village. Also, through various
activities I was able to influence many people and children. Leaders have a responsibility to
encourage participation, there we may need to solicit participation from quieter people in the
groups as these people can make valuable contribution to the group when given a chance. Hence,
we use these measures in our group to improve participation and efficiency of our team mates.
Personally also if I would like to apply these concepts in practical terms which help me in my career
and for my overall personal growth The MBTI test helped me to know more about myself . I hope
that it would act as a motivating factor and drive me to achieve my goals going forward. In the
future, when I am part of any Organisation I would like to implement these approaches which will
eventually help my career in the long run.


Firstly, how to effectively work in teams and team management is really important in any situation.
Agenda and objective of every assignment should be clearly defined to avoid confusion within team
members. There were many times when it lead to confusion and problems in the group during our
field visits due to lack of proper objective stated. Moreover, working in the groups helps to build
inter-personal skills and improved coordination between team members. Priority should be given to
group’s objective task rather than accomplishing individual’s goals through various tasks. Several
ways in which tasks vary are particularly relevant to leadership. Another important way in which
tasks vary is in terms of task feeding which refer to the degree to which a person accomplishing a
task receive information about performance from performing the task itself.


Thirdly, motivation and how to motivate people is key to any task. Motivation doesn’t come just
from outside or through external factors but also from inside as well because I believe intrinsic
factors of motivation are more important for a person’s overall growth as it gives them a sense of
purpose as well. I can very much relate internal motivation as it played a very important role in my
life and will continue to play in my life. One major factor which I feel today really works is constant
feedback which helps me to analyze where I am going wrong, how to improve my weakness and
how to perform better next time. I also think Goal setting can be major motivating factor in an
organization as it helps in implementing effective performance targets. Goals plays a critical role in
every individual’s life and proper utilization of them results greater success, better outcomes and
higher personal satisfaction.

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