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New insights into iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia

Clara Camaschella ⁎
Vita Salute University and IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online xxxx Recent advances in iron metabolism have stimulated new interest in iron deficiency (ID) and its anemia (IDA),
common conditions worldwide. Absolute ID/IDA, i.e. the decrease of total body iron, is easily diagnosed based
Keywords: on decreased levels of serum ferritin and transferrin saturation. Relative lack of iron in specific organs/tissues,
Iron deficiency and IDA in the context of inflammatory disorders, are diagnosed based on arbitrary cut offs of ferritin and trans-
Anemia ferrin saturation and/or marker combination (as the soluble transferrin receptor/ferritin index) in an appropriate
clinical context. Most ID patients are candidate to traditional treatment with oral iron salts, while high hepcidin
levels block their absorption in inflammatory disorders. New iron preparations and new treatment modalities are
available: high-dose intravenous iron compounds are becoming popular and indications to their use are increas-
ing, although long-term side effects remain to be evaluated.
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction transferrin (or total iron binding capacity) and transferrin saturation
(or saturated iron binding capacity). The rapid advances of the field
Iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) are common lead physicians uncertain of the tests to be prescribed and of their inter-
medical conditions worldwide; still uncertainties exist on their correct pretation: which ferritin cut off levels are indisputable indexes of ID? Is
diagnosis and treatment. This insecurity is related at least in part to a re- there room for testing soluble transferrin receptor (sTFRC) or red cell
cent broader interpretation of ID, but especially to the explosive knowl- zinc protoporphyrins in ID? Are serum hepcidin level measurements
edge of iron metabolism in the last 20 years, that makes physicians useful in ID and by which method should they be evaluated? Which is
uncertain of which approach to iron disorders is correct. A further the role of the novel reticulocyte or red cell indexes, as reticulocyte he-
level of complexity derives from the increasing number of conditions moglobin content (RHC) or percent hypochromic red cells (HRC), now
(with high prevalence) recognized as associated with altered iron me- provided by automated counters? When have I to suspect a genetic
tabolism. While it is easy to diagnose ID and IDA due to decreased iron form of IDA? Moreover, once the diagnosis of IDA is established, how
intake, increased iron demands, chronic blood loss or decreased intesti- have I to treat patients? Is oral iron therapy still up to date? What
nal absorption, it is definitely more complex to recognize ID when it is about patients who are intolerant or non-compliant to oral iron thera-
masked by chronic inflammatory disorders. Inflammatory cytokines in- py? Concerning intravenous iron, which is the best protocol: is it the
fluence iron metabolism: they stimulate hepcidin production, cause use of multiple low doses or a single high-dose injection? Finally, in
iron sequestration in macrophage stores and decrease saturation of cir- the era of disease prevention, uncertainties exist as to whether only
culating transferrin and thus tissue iron availability. Variable degrees of IDA should be treated or whether treatment should be started earlier
inflammation characterize several common human disorders, such as in ID before anemia develops. ID goes across all medical specialties of in-
atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. ID together ternal medicine from hematology to gastroenterology, nephrology, on-
with inflammation is common in many types of cancer and in chronic cology, infectious diseases, cardiology, pneumology not to mention
kidney disease (CKD), both in patients undergoing dialysis and in pre- obstetrics and gynecology, surgery etc.… Guidelines may vary according
dialysis state. ID and iron restriction may occur in the elderly, often af- to specialties and often, because of the above raised questions guide-
fected by multiple comorbidities, as well as in middle age overweight lines do not provide clear-cut answers [1].
subjects and in obese individuals at any age. This review aims at clarifying the general problem of ID and IDA and
A further problem is related to the diagnostic approach. Classic tests at providing at least some clues to tackle the above questions. Etiology,
for diagnosis are blood cell count, serum ferritin, serum iron and signs and symptoms, traditional diagnosis and treatment of IDA are ex-
tensively discussed in recent reviews [2,3]. Here the ambition is to ex-
⁎ Vita Salute University & San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Via Olgettina, 58-20132
plore and discuss the novelties in the field. However, the issue is in
Milano, Italy. rapid evolution; this explains the heterogeneity of guidelines and even
E-mail address: their lack of agreement.
0268-960X/© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Camaschella C, New insights into iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, Blood Rev (2017),
2 C. CamaschellaBlood Reviews xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

2. Iron metabolism mediates iron flux from cytosol to mitochondria in erythroblasts, in re-
sponse to the high requirements of iron for heme and hemoglobin syn-
Iron is a trace element indispensable for all cell life. As a heme con- thesis [18]. SLC25A28 encodes mitoferrin 2, which transfers iron to
stituent it participates to hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes and en- mitochondria for heme and iron sulfur cluster biogenesis in non-
zymes synthesis and is essential for respiration, mitochondrial function erythroid cells. Poly (rC) binding protein 1 (PCBP1), a ubiquitous cyto-
and energy production. As a component of iron-sulfur clusters iron is es- solic chaperone, delivers iron to the storage protein ferritin [19]. The
sential for the prosthetic group of enzymes involved in cell proliferation, Nuclear Receptor Coactivator 4 (NCOA4) is emerging as the cargo pro-
DNA repair, heme synthesis and many other functions, including the ac- tein that addresses ferritin to autophagosomes for degradation [20] in
tivity of Iron Regulatory Protein 1 (IRP1) which, when acquires the iron- a process called “ferritinophagy” and has been reported to be important
sulfur cluster, ceases to control iron acquisition and acquires the role of for the recovery of stored iron in case of need [21].
aconitase, the enzyme that converts citrate to isocitrate in the tricarbox-
ylic acid [4]. This inter-conversion strengthens the iron role in both me- 2.2. Iron regulation
tabolism and energy production.
Iron is conserved in mammals. Iron derived from erythrocyte break- A tight regulation of the available iron is operated at both cellular
down is quickly recycled to the circulating iron carrier transferrin by and systemic level: the two systems cooperate to ensure perfect homeo-
macrophages. Iron from damaged muscles is locally recycled to stasis of the metal, providing adequate organs supply and avoiding both
regenerating fibers [5] and iron released from damaged red cells in ID and iron overload.
the circulation, e.g. in acute intravascular hemolysis, is recycled by a
“on demand” transient population of liver macrophages [6]. Virtually 2.2.1. Cellular iron regulation
all body iron is reutilized prevalently in erythropoiesis, as only 1 mg In all cells iron homeostasis is maintained through the function of
iron is lost daily and is replaced by an equal amount absorbed from du- Iron regulatory proteins (IRP1 and IRP2). IRP1 is ubiquitous and works
odenal enterocytes. The capacity to absorb iron may increase, but re- at the normal oxygen concentration, while IRP2 is active in hypoxia
mains lower than the capacity of erythropoiesis expansion; this is one through a hypoxia responsive element (HRE) located in its promoter
reason why IDA may easily develop after blood loss (or even blood do- [4]. Well-known effects of IRP2 are the induction of erythropoietin syn-
nation), if iron stores are limited. thesis in the kidney [22,23] and the increased expression of intestinal
DMT1, DCYTB and ferroportin in hypoxia [13]. High iron levels abolish
2.1. Iron trafficking the IRP function: on one side iron favors the interconversion of IRP1 to
aconitase through the acquisition of the iron/sulfur cluster, on the
The iron carrier transferrin is produced and secreted in the circula- other side iron induces the degradation of IRP2 [24]. The high number
tion by all cells, mainly by the hepatocytes. In normal condition one of genes regulated by IRPs indicates that a wide network of mRNAs
third of transferrin is bound to iron representing the “saturated” trans- and proteins are iron-dependent [25]. IRPs are also essential for mito-
ferrin. However, only diferric transferrin (one transferrin molecule chondrial function. Combined inactivation of both IRP1 and IRP2 genes
bound to two molecules of iron) is the natural high-affinity ligand of in hepatocytes, the cells central to body iron homeostasis, cause hepatic
transferrin receptor 1 (TFRC) that imports iron in most cells including steatosis, due to a mitochondriopathy because of deficiency of the elec-
the hemoglobin synthesizing erythroblasts in bone marrow. Transferrin tron chain transport and of the tricarboxylic acid, liver failure and death,
is itself a regulator of iron homeostasis, as assessed in animal models, strengthening that IRPs play a critical role for mitochondrial and liver
through its ability to bind, although with lower affinity than TFR1, the function [26].
second transferrin receptor, TFR2, which is an iron sensor in the liver
[7] and in erythroid cells [8]. Tfr1 KO mice die during embryonic life be- 2.2.2. Systemic iron regulation
cause of severe anemia and brain abnormalities [9], while Tfr1 selective Systemic iron homeostasis is ensured by the hepatic hormone
inactivation in different organs showed that this receptor is indispens- hepcidin. Hepcidin is an antimicrobial peptide mainly produced by the
able for heart [10], skeletal muscle [11] and intestine [12] function. liver, which controls both iron entering to plasma from absorptive
Tfr1 haplo-insufficient mice have ID in the absence of anemia, with re- sites and iron released from stores. Hepcidin performs its function by
duced total body iron and also low MCV and MCH [9]. Additional players binding and degrading the sole cell iron exporter ferroportin [27], an
in TFR1 endosomal cycle are Solute Carrier Family 11 Member 2 ubiquitous protein, which is highly expressed on macrophage surface
(SLC11A2) commonly called Divalent Metal-Transporter-1 (DMT1) and enterocyte basolateral membrane. Hepcidin is mainly controlled
and the metalloreductase Six-Transmembrane Epithelial Antigen of at transcriptional level and its expression increases in response to in-
Prostate 3 (STEAP3). DMT1 on the apical membrane of the duodenal creased circulating and tissue iron, inflammatory cytokines (especially
enterocytes uptakes iron and other metals from the lumen and works IL-6) and metabolic needs. Hepcidin transcription is suppressed by
in tight association with the membrane ferrireductase DCYT-B. The ex- erythropoiesis expansion, ID and hypoxia [4], testosterone [28] and like-
pression of DMT1, DCYT-B as well as of ferroportin, are highly increased ly other stimuli. Among the proposed hepcidin inhibitors TMPRSS6,
by HIF-2alpha in hypoxia; thus the iron flux from the lumen and its encoding matriptase 2 [29], is the liver inhibitor, which, cleaving the
transfer to the circulation is enhanced [13]. Mutations of DMT1 lead to BMP co-receptor hemojuvelin [30], attenuates the BMP signaling
a recessive disorder that causes an atypical form of microcytic anemia, pathway and hepcidin transcription. Erythroferrone is considered the
with increased transferrin saturation and increased total body iron erythroid regulator produced by maturing erythroblasts, which sup-
[14], also defined “anemia, hypochromic microcytic, with iron overload presses hepcidin when erythropoiesis is expanded, through a still un-
1 (AHMIO1)” (OMIM #206100). Other iron transporters as SLC39A14 known mechanism [31].
(Zip14), a member of metal-ion transporters family, known to transport In absolute ID hepcidin suppression is a compensatory mechanism
zinc [15] and low voltage calcium channels play a role in iron uptake in that allows increased iron acquisition from the intestinal lumen. Low
specific tissues. Zip14 has been shown to uptake non-transferrin-bound hepcidin also accounts for the positive response to orally administered
iron (NTBI), which increases in plasma when transferrin saturation is pharmacologic iron, provided that the intestinal mucosa is intact [32].
high, and to import it in acinar cells of the pancreas and in hepatocytes
[16]. Low voltage calcium channels have been proposed to import iron 3. Classification of iron deficiency
in the heart [17] in condition of iron overload.
Several other proteins are involved in intracellular iron trafficking. Traditionally and based on etiology and pathophysiology we distin-
SLC25A37 encodes mitoferrin 1, a mitochondrial iron transporter that guish absolute and relative ID, based on laboratory and clinical results ID

Please cite this article as: Camaschella C, New insights into iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, Blood Rev (2017),
C. CamaschellaBlood Reviews xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

(without anemia) and IDA [2]. Deficiency of iron is usually acquired, al- Table 2
though a genetic predisposition toward ID exists and a genetic form of Main causes of iron deficiency/iron deficiency anemia.

iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia [33] is recognized as a rare dis- Type of cause Condition Mechanism
ease. A tentative classification of the different types of ID is shown in Increased Infancy, adolescence Rapid growth
Table 1. requirements ESA treatment Acute expansion of
erythroid mass
3.1. Absolute iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia Pregnancy: 2nd and 3rd trimester Expansion of maternal
and fetal erythroid
The term ID defines the condition in which iron stores are reduced or Low intake Malnutrition Insufficient iron in the
even depleted in the absence of overt anemia, indicating that iron sup- diet
ply to erythropoiesis is still maintained. Relative ID refers to conditions Vegetarians, vegans Reduction of
bioavailable iron
in which iron is lacking in specific tissues/organs, but total body iron is
Decreased intestinal Gastrectomy, duodenal by pass, Decreased absorptive
not decreased, reflecting an altered iron distribution. It should be absorption bariatric surgery, celiac sprue, surface
strengthened that anemia is the easiest recognizable sign of ID. In prin- inflammatory bowel diseases
ciple lack of iron may affect tissues/organs other than erythropoiesis, as Atrophic gastritis Increased pH
skeletal muscles, heart, brain, but ID of tissues other than erythroid mar- Helicobacter pylori infection Increased pH
Proton pump inhibitors, H2 Drug-induced
row remains unrecognizable by using traditional tests. It is often
claimed that symptoms as fatigue, muscle weakness, reduced physical IRIDA High hepcidin levels
performance, cognitive impairment may be due to muscle or brain ID. (TMPRSS6 mutations)
However, at present the correct interpretation of these symptoms as Chronic kidney disease Reduced hepcidin
signs of ID is only retrospective, when they abate after iron therapy. excretion
Chronic blood loss Site of bleeding
Restless leg syndrome may be associated with neurological inflammato- Benign, malignant lesions, Gastrointestinal tract
ry disorders, drugs and in a proportion (about one third) of the cases has hookworm
been ascribed to systemic ID [34]. Salicylates, corticosteroids, Drug-induced
Depending on the etiology, ID may progress to frank anemia in some, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
but not in all cases. When IDA is the result of progressive ID, usually de-
Uterine bleeding, hematuria, Genitourinary system
velops rather slowly and for this reason may be well tolerated. The diag- intravascular hemolysis (e.g.
nosis of IDA requires laboratory testing, since symptoms may be paroxysmal nocturnal
present, but are unspecific and often are overlooked. For discussion of hemoglobinuria)
all possible symptoms reported in IDA see [35]. Bleeding defects (hereditary Any organ/system
hemorrhagic telangiectasia)
Conditions that predispose to ID and IDA (Table 2) are increased iron Regular blood donors Blood letting
requirements, as occurs in children during growth and in young women Multiple Chronic kidney disease, Increased
during the fertile age, because of menses and pregnancies. Other condi- mechanisms inflammatory bowel diseases, proinflammatory
tions as reduced iron intake, chronic blood loss and defective absorption associated with obesity cytokines, increased
inflammation hepcidin
are well known and their assessment is part of the workout of ID, espe-
Chronic heart failure Uncertain
cially when anemia is present. IDA is highly prevalent in children and pathogenesis
young females in developing countries with prevalence attaining 40% Acute blood loss Major surgery Postoperative anemia
in preschool children, around 30% in young females and up to 38% in (concomitant ID)
pregnant women respectively [36,37]. Also in high-income countries Adapted from reference [2],
children and females, especially pregnant females, remain the top risk
categories [37]. IDA may coexist with other nutritional anemias, espe-
cially in developing countries or in elderly people. of reduced absorption underlying conditions might be Helicobacter pylo-
Since chronic blood loss from the gut and reduced iron absorption ri infection, celiac disease, autoimmune gastritis and even Inflammatory
are the most frequent causes, the investigation of ID/IDA may lead to Bowel Diseases (IBD). A meta-analysis of ID in patients infected with
discover gastrointestinal disorders, even severe or malignant. In case Helicobacter pylori concluded that there is an “increased likelihood of
depleted iron stores in relation to Helicobacter pylori infection” and
that its eradication improves ID [38]. ID and IDA are more common in
celiac patients than in the general population, and, in the absence of
Table 1 specific symptoms, the condition often goes undiagnosed [32]. Correct
Classification of iron deficiency (and iron deficiency anemia).
diagnosis is important since the introduction of the gluten-free diet
Mechanisms may restore iron absorption. Autoimmune gastritis, a common cause
Based on pathophysiology of megaloblastic anemia may be a rare cause of IDA [32].
Absolute iron deficiency Decreased iron stores Several drugs interfere with iron absorption (proton pump inhibi-
Relative iron deficiency Iron deficiency in selected tissues with tors, H2 blockers) or favor blood losses (aspirin, anticoagulants, non-
normal/high iron stores
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and should always be considered
(e.g. iron restricted erythropoiesis,
ID in chronic heart failure) in patient evaluation.
ID/IDA, in addition of other nutritional deficiencies, may complicate
Based on clinical data
both Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and gastric banding, procedures used in
Iron deficiency Decreased iron stores, absence of anemia
Other tissue deficiency manifestations? bariatric surgery to control severe obesity and diabetes. It should be
Iron deficiency anemia ID + anemia of variable degree considered that patients often are iron deficient before surgery and
Microcytic and hypochromic red cells that nutritional deficiencies may persist or exacerbate after surgery
Based on inheritance [39]. ID is commonly reported in obese subjects due to their high
Genetic (rare) serum hepcidin and reduced iron absorption because of adiposity-
IRIDA Constitutive excess hepcidin production related inflammation. Measuring erythrocyte incorporation of iron iso-
Acquired (common) Increased iron demands, decreased intake, topes has demonstrated that obese subjects do not show the physiologic
blood loss, reduced absorption
up-regulation of iron absorption that is typical of ID and that this

Please cite this article as: Camaschella C, New insights into iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, Blood Rev (2017),
4 C. CamaschellaBlood Reviews xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

negative effect improves after bariatric surgery [40]. Monitoring nutri- multiple causes including ID, vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency and
tion and iron levels is mandatory in these patients. inflammation.
ID is reported in patients with chronic heart failure, likely secondary In chronic congestive heart failure the relationship of IDA and ID
to reduced iron absorption or decreased intake. The proportion of pa- with inflammation/hepcidin is less clear [42].
tients with ID/IDA (up to 30–50%) differs in the different series and ac-
cording to the cut-off of iron parameters used to define ID [41]. Both 3.3. Genetic iron deficiency
anemia and ID are negative prognostic factors in chronic heart failure,
associated with increase in all causes of death and with specific cardio- 3.3.1. Iron refractory iron deficiency anemia
vascular mortality [42]. Iron refractory iron deficiency anemia (IRIDA, OMIM #206200) was
Why cardiomyocytes develop ID in heart failure remains unknown. first recognized in 2008, following the discovery of the TMPRSS6 gene
Recently studies in murine models of ID have provided some clues to that encodes the liver hepcidin inhibitor transmembrane protease ser-
this problem. Cardiomyocyte targeted deletion of TFR1 that induces ID ine 6, also called matriptase 2 [29]. IRIDA is an autosomal recessive dis-
exclusively in the heart irrespective of systemic iron levels, results in de- ease, due to mutations of TMPRSS6 gene [33]. Normally TMPRSS6 blocks
fective heart contraction, ventricle dilation and heart failure in mice the hepcidin activation by the BMP/SMAD pathway, cleaving the co-
[10]. Conditional deletion of IRPs in cardiomyocytes leads to decrease receptor hemojuvelin from hepatocyte plasma membrane [30]. High
iron-sulfur cluster synthesis and mitochondria electron transport hepcidin levels consequent to inactivating mutations of TMPRSS6 in
chain, decreased left ventricle systolic function and mitochondrial respi- IRIDA block iron absorption from the gut and iron release from macro-
ratory capacity in response to stress. Interestingly, all defects are phages, leading to very low levels of circulating iron, which are insuffi-
corrected by intravenous infusions of high iron dose [43]. cient to the erythropoiesis needs. Epidemiological data are lacking: from
ID is common in blood donors, especially females, and limits the do- the available reports the disease is spread all over the world, but is rare,
nations frequency. ID (and mild anemia) are often diagnosed in young occasionally found in different countries and in different ethnic groups.
endurance athletes, especially females, due to hemolysis, blood loss As gathered from its name, the disease cannot be corrected by oral iron
and mild inflammation and may impair sport performance. supplementation, and is Epo-resistant. It usually requires parenteral, in-
travenous iron especially when the iron needs are high as occurs in chil-
dren [46].
3.2. Anemia of chronic disease or anemia of inflammation - relationship
Other genetic disorders affecting iron genes, as DMT1 and STEAP3
with ID
deficiencies are characterized by defective iron utilization in erythropoi-
esis, while atransferrinemia, known since long time has a defect in iron
3.2.1. Anemia of chronic disease or anemia of inflammation
release to erythropoiesis. All strengthen the concept that the transferrin
Anemia of chronic disease or anemia of inflammation (ACD) is a
receptor pathway is essential for hemoglobin production in erythro-
moderate anemia, usually observed in patients with clinically relevant
blasts, but may be dispensable in other cells (as hepatocytes or pancre-
pathologic conditions such as cancer, chronic infections, autoimmune
atic cells) that acquire iron through other transporters. Accordingly IDA
diseases, CKD and in general in all conditions characterized by persis-
in these disorders has atypical features, being associated with high
tent and high production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Anemia re-
transferrin saturation and increased iron stores that reflect the reduced
flects the severity of the basal condition and reverses when the basal
use of iron in erythropoiesis [for review see [14]].
disease is successfully treated.
Cytokines as IL-1β, γ-Interferon and TNF-α negatively influence
3.3.2. Genetic susceptibility to ID
erythropoiesis: they reduce Erythropoietin (Epo) production, Epo re-
The identification of IRIDA has suggested the existence of genetic
ceptor expression on erythroid cells and in general Epo responsiveness.
susceptibility to develop ID. Genome Wide Association Studies, includ-
Moreover they induce alterations of iron metabolism to the aim of se-
ing a recent meta-analysis, indicate that TMPRSS6 genetic variants asso-
questering iron from the circulation [44]. Hepcidin expression, in-
ciate with erythrocyte and iron traits in Caucasians and Asian
creased under the stimulus of IL-6, IL-1beta and IL-22 [45], causes
populations [47,48]. However, there are inter-ethnic variations in the
ferroportin degradation, decreased intestinal iron absorption, macro-
association [49]. Interestingly the most common TMPRSS6 variant,
phage iron withholding and iron restricted erythropoiesis. For this rea-
rs855791, which causes a non-synonymous change in the catalytic do-
son serum ferritin is usually high, while transferrin saturation is
main of the protease, due to the substitution of valine for alanine at po-
decreased. However, true ID may develop in the same setting, challeng-
sition 736 (A736V), has been shown to influence serum hepcidin levels
ing the correct diagnosis.
in normal individuals [50].
ID may represent a problem in blood donors after repeated dona-
3.2.2. Iron deficiency anemia associated with anemia of chronic disease tions and in female donors even after a single donation [51]. The genetic
Coexistence of IDA and ACD in the same patient is not unusual and susceptibility to ID has been shown to have implications for blood dona-
makes the diagnosis complex. To recognize ID in the context of ACD is tion. As an example, female carriers of the 736A allele of rs855791 in
not an academic issue, because iron treatment may reduce patient TMPRSS6, which is associated with low hepcidin levels [50], have a de-
symptoms and ameliorate the clinical performance. Classic examples creased risk to develop ID after blood donation, at variance from carriers
are chronic infections (e.g. malaria, but also bacterial or viral infections), of the high-hepcidin 736V variant [51]. The evaluation of SNPs of iron
CKD and IBD. In endemic areas malaria contributes to increase hepcidin genes such as HFE, Transferrin (TF), TMPRSS6 in N14.000 Swedish
levels, preventing iron absorption in subjects who may have IDA for nu- blood donors, carried out in order to define the effect on serum ferritin
tritional causes. Control of malaria may ameliorate iron deficiency and levels, showed that TMPRSS6 736V was negatively associated to iron
improve response to iron treatment [36]. Another example in the stores in males [52]. In addition the allele G of rs1800562 in HFE, corre-
same low-income areas is hookworm infection, an important cause of sponding to the normal cysteine at position 282, where the mutation of
ID, because of chronic blood loss that may be associated with inflamma- type 1 hemochromatosis (cysteine to tyrosine, C282Y) occurs, associ-
tion; also this condition is reversible, at least in part, after deworming ates with lower iron stores in both gender. In the same gene the allele
treatment. C of the other variant rs179945, corresponding to the histidine at posi-
IDA with inflammation is a hallmark of CKD, because chronic blood tion 63 where the H63D (histidine-Naspartic acid) substitution occurs,
loss may be concomitant with inflammation in the late stages of the dis- associates with lower iron stores only in males, while the homozygous
ease. IDA may be further worsened by the use of erythropoiesis stimu- state for the same allele associates with ID in female donors [52]. Further
lating agents. IBD are a common cause of anemia, often due to studies in progress will help to improve and personalized blood

Please cite this article as: Camaschella C, New insights into iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, Blood Rev (2017),
C. CamaschellaBlood Reviews xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

donation and at the same to prevent the development of ID in donors, Circulating soluble transferrin receptor and serum hepcidin are po-
especially if females. tentially useful biochemical markers that are discussed separately.

4. Diagnosis of IDA and ID 4.2.1. Soluble transferrin receptor (sTFRC)

TFRC is cleaved by a membrane protease in the erythroid cells when
The diagnosis of IDA is usually easy based on few biochemical it is not stabilized by diferric transferrin: thus serum soluble transferrin
markers. Low levels of serum iron, transferrin saturation and serum fer- receptor (sTFRC) levels are increased in ID [57] and also in acute eryth-
ritin are a straightforward combination for diagnosis of ID. However, the ropoiesis expansion, that induces a condition of relative ID. Usually de-
same diagnosis can become challenging in the presence of other dis- termining sTFRC is not needed for the diagnosis of ID. However, a recent
eases, especially inflammatory conditions, or when it is caused by rare meta-analysis of results related to its use have shown that the assay has
inherited defects of iron metabolism [53]. The identification of ID with- a high sensitivity (86%) and specificity (75%) [58], but lower than that of
out anemia is also simple when ID is absolute, but difficult in association serum ferritin cut off placed at b30 ng/ml [55].
with other conditions. The levels of serum soluble transferrin receptor (sTFRC) have been
proposed to help the differential diagnosis of ID with ACD and especially
in identifying ID in the context of inflammation, as sTFRC levels are not
4.1. Conventional tests increased when erythropoiesis is attenuated. However, general agree-
ment is lacking [59]. The test has been used in epidemiologic studies
ID can be diagnosed by simple tests. Interpretation of serum ferritin in Africa; as an example it is utilized in malaria endemic areas to identify
levels may be problematic when levels are increased, but when in the children with ID because sTFRC levels at variance with ferritin are more
low range ferritin deficiency equals ID. In absolute ID, especially in the stable in inflammation [55]. However, it is scarcely used for individual
presence of anemia (IDA) ferritin is usually b 15 ng/ml in adults and diagnosis. The ratio between sTFRC - whose levels are high in ID and
b12 ng/ml in children [54]. Levels lower than 30 ng/ml are accepted normal/low in inflammation - and log ferritin - whose levels are low
as a sensitive and specific cut off which correlates with the absence of in ID and normal/high in inflammation - may help in recognizing IDA
iron stores in the bone marrow and thus identifies absolute ID [55]. in the setting of ACD. Several authors suggest that within this context
Serum iron and transferrin saturation (or saturated iron binding ca- the ratio of sTFRC and log ferritin is the most useful test [44]. Unfortu-
pacity, IBC) provide a measure of iron available for erythropoiesis, inde- nately the levels of sTFRC (and, thus, the sTFRC–ferritin index) depend
pendently from iron stores. However, if chronic inflammation is present on the assay used and lack of standardization among different immuno-
both parameters are reduced and thus of limited utility. Transferrin assays hampers both the comparison among different studies and the
saturation b 16% is an accepted cut off for ID [56], but transferrin satura- use of the test in clinical practice.
tion may also decrease in inflammation.
In longstanding anemia, red cells are microcytic and hypochromic, as 4.2.2. Serum hepcidin
shown by low MCV and MCH and increased RDW: however, the diag- Serum hepcidin is a promising novel biomarker for the diagnosis of
nostic value of red cell indexes is limited: their changes occur late be- iron disorders. It is decreased in ID [60,61] and levels may become unde-
cause of long life span of red cells. Automated blood cell counters may tectable in severe cases of IDA [62]. Hepcidin levels show a circadian
provide several indexes to assess hypochromia and microcytosis, not rhythm and thus the test should be done in the morning at fast. The re-
only of mature red blood cells but also of young reticulocytes. Reticulo- sults should be interpreted in the light of the clinical context. To exclude
cyte hemoglobin content (RHC) estimates the amount of iron available inflammation CRP should be assessed. Also renal and liver function tests
for erythropoiesis in the previous 3–4 days and is an early index of ID; should be measured [62], considering that hepcidin levels tend to in-
since the changes occur rapidly it is especially useful to identify re- crease with the decrease of glomerular filtration rate and to decrease ac-
sponders to iron supplementation or individuals who develop iron defi- cording to hepatocytes damage. In chronic kidney disease hepcidin is
ciency after erythropoietin injection. The percentage of hypochromic increased because of both decreased excretion and concomitant inflam-
red cells (% HRC) reflects and estimates recent iron reduction. Unfortu- mation. In chronic liver disease hepcidin levels are decreased, as albu-
nately these red cell indexes, proposed and useful i.e. in patients with min, reflecting the deficiency of the hepatocyte synthetic capacity.
CKD treated with erythropoietic stimulating agents, are of limited The indications to hepcidin dosage remain limited to selected condi-
value in chronic ID. In addition they are not extensively used in clinical tions. There is a general agreement that the dosage may be useful to
practice and suitable counters may not be available in low-income confirm IRIDA [2,62,63], because levels are constitutionally high or nor-
settings. mal, in any case inappropriate to ID where levels should be low/unde-
tectable. Hepcidin dosage may thus represent an alternative to
4.2. Old and new tests TMPRSS6 gene sequencing in IRIDA. A pilot study has suggested that
serum hepcidin levels might be useful to guide the choice between
Perl's staining has been for longtime the gold standard for diagnosis oral or intravenous iron for therapy [64], but large studies are not avail-
of ID, as it visually demonstrates the absence of stainable iron in the able. Whether serum levels of hepcidin might be an index of ID even
bone marrow smears, both in erythroblasts and in macrophages. At within ACD, in condition of chronic inflammation [62] is an interesting
present it is exceptionally used, since it requires the minimally invasive possibility still under investigation. Hepcidin levels in African children
procedure of bone marrow aspiration. In addition the absence of iron in in malaria areas have been proposed to identify those who would ben-
erythroblasts may occur in inflammation, although in this case iron is efit of iron supplementation [65].
present, even abundant, in macrophages. As in the case of sTFRC also with hepcidin dosage different tests are
The dosage of erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrins is used for screening available. Hepcidin is measured either by Mass Spectroscopy, that is not
ID, especially in low-income countries, because it is a cheap and simple at hand in routine laboratories, or by immunochemical methods by
test. However, it is unspecific, since protoporphyrins are increased also means of ELISA commercial kits. Both methods may reveal the bioactive,
in hemoglobinopathies, sideroblastic anemia, inflammation and lead 25 amino acid peptide but the results may considerably differ according
poisoning. to the procedure used. Lack of harmonization among the different tests,
Serum erythropoietin (EPO) is increased in IDA and its increase is as in the case of sTFRC, makes it difficult to compare different studies
exponentially related to anemia severity. However, EPO measurement and hampers the clinical use of hepcidin dosage, since reference values
is useless, since it increases in any type of anemia able to induce remain method-dependent. A recent study has shown a good correla-
hypoxia. tion among the different methods [66]: this observation suggests that

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6 C. CamaschellaBlood Reviews xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

it is possible to utilize an available test when validated [62] and opens Table 3
the possibility of a clinical use of hepcidin testing in the near future. Indications to intravenous iron therapy.

Condition Defect Mechanisms or examples

5. Treatment Intolerance to Gastrointestinal side effects Mucosa iron toxicity
oral iron
5.1. Oral iron therapy Refractoriness Gastric-duodenal surgery Reduced absorption (high pH,
to oral iron decreased absorptive surface)
Helicobacter pylori Reduced absorption, blood loss
Low/undetectable hepcidin levels ensure effective absorption of oral
iron in most cases of IDA. Iron salts, especially iron sulfate, remain the Celiac disease Reduced absorption
gold standard of oral treatment. High and divided doses are traditionally Autoimmune atrophic Reduced absorption
recommended in IDA, but recent studies are challenging these tradition- gastritis
al habits. Inflammatory bowel disease Mucosal damage by oral iron,
(IBD) reduced absorption
To limit common gastrointestinal side effects preparations other IRIDA: iron refractory iron TMPRSS6 recessive mutations,
than iron salts as liposomal iron, iron-based phosphate binders, heme deficiency anemia high hepcidin
iron polypeptide, seem to be better absorbed and tolerated and appear Rapid Severe IDA Example: pregnancy (2nd, 3rd
promising [67]. However, at present the limited published data require correction of trimester)
anemia Chronic bleeding not Example: congenital coagulation
confirmation in larger prospective studies; moreover the molecular
needed manageable with oral iron disorders
mechanism of absorption remains to be investigated. ESA in CKD Intravenous iron more Functional ID due to
As shown in a recent meta-analysis, gastrointestinal side effects are efficacious than oral iron erythropoietic expansion and high
more common with oral than with intravenous iron [68]: they may be hepcidin levels because of low
caused by non-absorbed iron, which is potentially toxic for the gastroin- excretion and inflammation
Chronic heart High iron local needs? Clinical trials in progress
testinal mucosa, because of its oxidative properties. Attempts are ongo-
ing to reduce the dose of supplemented iron, without losing efficacy. Substitute for Refusal for personal reasons Jehovah witnesses
Changes of gut microbiota profile have been reported in African chil- blood Perioperative anemia Elective surgery (orthopedic,
dren, who underwent an iron fortified diet: from the benign Lactobacil- transfusions (Transfusion sparing abdominal…)
lus species that do not need iron, to the unfavorable pathogen
ACD (selected Anemia of cancer patients Erythropoiesis expansion
enterobacteria and changes were accompanied by calprotectin increase, cases) treated with ESA after
as a sign of gut inflammation [69]. Different microbiota changes have chemotherapy
been reported after oral compared with intravenous iron in IBD [70]. Adapted from reference [2],
Traditionally oral iron has been administered in divided doses. How-
ever, the rapid increase of hepcidin in response to iron administration
[71] has strengthened its negative influence on the absorption of the adverse events or infections [77]. However, based on post-marketing re-
second daily doses. Moretti et al. [72]measuring the absorption of an ports the European Medicine Agency (EMA) recommendations remain
iron isotope, in young non-anemic women with ferritin restrictive, suggesting that when considering parenteral iron the rela-
levels ≤ 20 ng/ml showed that the oral administration of 60 mg iron sul- tionship of risks/benefits should always be evaluated and several rules
fate on alternate day maximized fractional iron absorption, increased ef- adopted. Among them iron should be administered only by trained
ficacy and reduced gastrointestinal side effects, thereby improving staff, in a suitable location with resuscitation facilities access. Iron infu-
tolerance. On the contrary when administered daily but in refracted sion should be always slow, especially in the first minutes of administra-
doses, the second dose was less absorbed because blocked by high tion and the patient carefully monitored. Patients with history of iron or
hepcidin levels secondary to iron increase. This pilot study might pave drug allergies should be carefully evaluated before treatment and likely
the way to novel strategies of oral iron schedules [73]. However, the excluded. Because of lack of safety data women in the first trimester of
sample size was small, the investigation was limited to 2 days and the pregnancy should be excluded from intravenous treatment.
study included only ID non-anemic women. Traditional indications to intravenous iron are well established
This condition will likely benefit of intermittent treatment (e.g. when absorption is expected to be low or random, as after gastric-
60 mg iron on alternate days); it is not yet clear whether the same treat- duodenal surgery or in case of malabsorption [2]. We have learnt that
ment would benefit IDA where iron absorption is expected to be great- oral iron is useless if inflammation coexists and hepcidin levels are
er, because hypoxia magnifies the intestinal iron import by increasing high. Oral iron is less effective than intravenous iron when associated
the expression of iron transporters, especially DMT1 and ferroportin with erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESA) in CKD [78]. The use of
[13] in duodenal enterocytes. oral iron is potentially dangerous and should be avoided in active IBD
Iron should be cautiously used in special circumstances. In malaria [79] that represents an indication to intravenous iron.
endemic areas iron supplementation in the attempt to correct ID may Novel commercial compounds allow the administration of high iron
increase parasitemia or even clinical malaria in children [74] and dose (up to 1 g) in a single injection in order to replace the total amount
might have negative effects also in other types of infection like diarrhea of iron needed in one-two doses. This approach may be convenient in
and acute respiratory infection [36,75]. This iron/infections link [76] selected cases, allowing not only to correct the hemoglobin deficit, but
suggests that further studies should be implemented to define the pos- also to rapidly reintegrate the stores [35].
itive and negative effects of iron supplementation in developing coun- For the description of the different preparations and the details on
tries, which have the highest prevalence of ID and IDA. iron administration readers are referred to a previous review [35]. The
. issues of iron adverse effects, their prevention and management are
well discussed in [80]. It has been suggested that intravenous iron is
5.2. Indication to intravenous iron treatment underutilized because of the wrong perception of immediate harmful
side effects [35]. It is possible that the attitude will change in the future,
Indications to intravenous iron are increasingly recognized (Table 3) since the increased use of the novel preparations seem to confirm the
in parallel with the awareness that modern compounds have less side lack of immediate dangerous side effects in the clinical settings.
effects when compared to old preparations. In a meta-analysis of Long-term side effects remain to be assessed especially related to the
N10,000 patients enrolled in clinical trials i.v. iron (compounds available potential toxicity due of iron accumulation or the development of infec-
on the market) were not associated with increased risk of severe tions. Most randomized clinical trials seem reassuring. However,

Please cite this article as: Camaschella C, New insights into iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, Blood Rev (2017),
C. CamaschellaBlood Reviews xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7

patients included in trials have short follow-up hence the trials have not Practice points
the power to assess long-term consequences, even in the clinical set-
tings with more experience of intravenous iron treatment, as in CKD • Patients should be carefully evaluated to define the cause of ID (in-
[81]. creased iron requirements, defective iron intake, reduced intestinal
absorption or blood loss). In case a pathological cause is identified
5.3. Special conditions iron supplementation should be combined with treatment of the un-
derlying cause.
Intravenous iron and especially a high dose iron schedule seem ef- • Absolute ID is diagnosed by serum ferritin b 30 ng/ml and may be ac-
fective in ameliorating the physical performance in chronic heart failure, companied or not by anemia (IDA).
improving NYHA (New York Heart Association) class and quality of life, • Diagnosis of ID in the setting of inflammatory diseases relies on higher
even independently from the correction of anemia. Results have been ferritin cut offs (b100 ng/ml) or even higher values, in the presence of
obtained in prospective trials of intravenous iron versus placebo [82, low transferrin saturation (b20%) in CKD and congestive heart failure.
83]. Since serum ferritin is usually high in these patients (ID is diag- The sTFR/ferritin index is proposed but scarcely used in clinical prac-
nosed even with levels up to 300 ng/ml, when transferrin saturation is tice. Hepcidin dosage has limited indications; at present it is preva-
b20%); considering the positive results of iron treatment the condition lently a research test.
is taken as a possible example of ID limited to the heart tissue. • Oral iron salts are the first choice of treatment in most cases. The need
Why cardiomyocytes become susceptible to ID in chronic heart fail- of a prolonged treatment and intestinal side effects are the major
ure is unclear and why iron is required in high dose to correct ID and im- drawbacks of oral iron therapy. Indications to intravenous iron are in-
prove cardiac energy is intriguing and requires further studies. The tolerance or refractoriness to oral therapy, defective intestinal absorp-
models of selective heart ID in transgenic mice [10,43] described in tion including high hepcidin levels and need of rapid hemoglobin
Section 3.2 may likely provide experimental support to explain the clin- (Hb) increase. Others will be added based on ongoing and future stud-
ical response observed in patients. ies.
Patient blood management is enforced worldwide to better use of • Clinical trials have shown that intravenous iron preparations (includ-
blood components. Postoperative IDA is an important problem for ing single high dose injection) have an acceptable low rate of immedi-
transfusional medicine, recently addressed to spare blood transfusions. ate side effects; in the lack of specific data, long- term safety of high
In addition, anemia in the perioperative period is associated with in- dose iron remains to be established.
creased morbidity and mortality. It is traditionally treated with alloge-
neic blood transfusions that, in turn, carry the risk of a negative
outcome [84]. Thus recently the problem of using intravenous iron has Research agenda
been addressed to correct intraoperative blood loss and to spare blood
transfusions. Ideally patients should be evaluated and treated preoper- • Studies aimed at better understanding the dynamic of intestinal iron
atively. However, a recent randomized clinical trial on patients who absorption might lead to develop better tolerated and efficacious
underwent major orthopedic and abdominal surgery evaluated the ef- oral compounds and to define novel protocols of iron administration.
fects of administering postoperative high dose of intravenous iron on • The identification of biomarkers of selective tissues ID (muscles, heart,
anemia, iron stores, need of blood transfusions and outcomes at brain) would provide useful tools to guide therapy.
4 weeks after surgery. The study concluded that hemoglobin and iron • Large studies should assess whether hepcidin dosage may help the
parameters are improved and need of transfusion decreased in the identification of ID in the context of inflammation.
iron arm versus standard care [85]. Treating patients who undergo elec- • Indications to intravenous iron therapy should be established based
tive surgery with high iron in a single injection is a sort of primary pre- on the results of randomized clinical trials comparing intravenous
vention of ID/IDA in patients undergoing major surgery. Even in this versus oral compounds in specific clinical conditions and aiming at
case it is likely that intravenous iron is able to overcome the effect of evaluating anemia correction, iron stores, immediate and possibly
high hepcidin secondary to postoperative cytokine activation. long-term side effects.

6. Summary and future directions Conflict of interest

ID due to increased iron requirements, decreased intake, poor ab- CC is a member of the Iron Core Steering Committee of Vifor Pharma
sorption or blood loss, is associated with reduction of total body iron, and has received honoraria from Vifor Pharma.
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Please cite this article as: Camaschella C, New insights into iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, Blood Rev (2017),

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