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Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Perilaku_BABS * 50 100.0% 0 .0% 50 100.0%


Perilaku_BABS * Kejadian_DIare Crosstabulation


iya Tidak Total

Perilaku_BABS BABS Count 23 3 26

% of Total 46.0% 6.0% 52.0%

TIDAK BABS Count 3 21 24

% of Total 6.0% 42.0% 48.0%

Total Count 26 24 50

% of Total 52.0% 48.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 28.851a 1 .000

Continuity Correctionb 25.888 1 .000

Likelihood Ratio 32.553 1 .000

Fisher's Exact Test .000 .000

Linear-by-Linear Association 28.274 1 .000

N of Valid Cases 50

a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 11.52.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Tests of Homogeneity of the Odds Ratio

Asymp. Sig. (2-

Chi-Squared df sided)

Breslow-Day .000 0 .

Tarone's .000 0 .

Tests of Conditional Independence

Asymp. Sig. (2-

Chi-Squared df sided)

Cochran's 28.851 1 .000

Mantel-Haenszel 25.370 1 .000

Under the conditional independence assumption, Cochran's statistic

is asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution, only if
the number of strata is fixed, while the Mantel-Haenszel statistic is
always asymptotically distributed as a 1 df chi-squared distribution.
Note that the continuity correction is removed from the Mantel-
Haenszel statistic when the sum of the differences between the
observed and the expected is 0.

Mantel-Haenszel Common Odds Ratio Estimate

Estimate 53.667

ln(Estimate) 3.983

Std. Error of ln(Estimate) .870

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .000

Asymp. 95% Confidence Common Odds Ratio Lower Bound 9.744

Interval Upper Bound 295.578

ln(Common Odds Ratio) Lower Bound 2.277

Upper Bound 5.689

The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio estimate is asymptotically normally distributed under the
common odds ratio of 1.000 assumption. So is the natural log of the estimate.

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