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First Monthly Test

Grade 11 Religion

A. Multiple choice: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. What does Apostles Creed mean?
a. Faith of the Apostles
b. Faith of Jesus Christ
c. Faith of Virgin Mary
d. Faith of God the Father
2. Which of the following is part of the Articles of Faith?
a. History of the creed
b. Overview of its statement
c. Importance of its doctrine
d. All of the above
3. On the history of the apostle’s creed, which of the following focuses on the apostles creed?
a. Development of the creed
b. Purpose of the creed
c. A and b
d. A only
4. It was once believe and taught that the apostles creed was written in the first century by the __________?
a. Jesus Christ
b. 12 apostles themselves
c. Virgin Mary
d. None of the above
5. The question of who wrote the apostles creed is an open one because ___________?
a. They do not have an author signed for it
b. They have an author but they do not know who is it
c. They do not have author
d. None of the above
6. This creed is so similar to apostle’s creed that many scholars believe that apostles creed to be simply a later version of
a. Apostles creed
b. Roman creed
c. Babylonian creed
d. None of the above
7. A creed is not the same as scripture?
a. The statement is false
b. The statement is true
c. It depends
d. None of the above
8. What is the first step of the purpose of apostle’s creed?
a. Look for the churches traditional teachings as affirmations of scripture
b. See the apostles creed was intended to summarize the churches traditional
c. Look for the scripture as the original repository of true doctrine
d. Look for the development as the original repository of true doctrine
9. The fact that dedicated Christians has always affirmed that scripture is the basis of our _________?
a. Doctrine
b. Bible
c. Koran
d. None of the above
10. Origen taught the scripture in all its part was the word of ________?
a. Apostles
b. Jesus Christ
c. Virgin Mary
d. Joseph
11. The early church relied strongly on _______as the basis for all its doctrine?
a. Development
b. Scripture
c. Overview
d. All of the above
12. It is reasonable to wonder why the church felt it was necessary to preserve its ____________?
a. Scripture
b. Development
c. Overview
d. Traditional teachings
13. The church used this for testing doctrine?
a. Rule of Faith
b. Rule of the Bible
c. Rule of the Apostles
d. Rule of Jesus Christ
14. What is the goal of preserving the church’s traditional teachings?
a. To ensure that the churches did not stray from the original meaning of scripture
b. To ensure that the bible did not stray from the original meaning of scripture
c. To ensure that the apostles creed did not stray from the original meaning of scripture
d. To ensure that the roman creed did not stray from the original meaning of scripture
15. The early church used creeds to train new believe in the ___________?
a. Basics of the traditional teachings
b. Basics of the faith
c. Basics of the scripture
d. Basics of the bible

B. Enumeration: Give what is ask in the following questions.

Write the names of the 12 apostles


C. Fill in the blank. Supply the missing word.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ. His only son our Lord, Who was
___________ by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under ___________ Pilate, was _______________, died
and was buried. He descended into hell, the third day He rose again from the dead, He ascended into heaven, is seated at the
right hand of God the Father Almighty, from ______ _____ He shall come to ____________ the living and the dead. I believe
in the _________________, the Holy Catholic Church, the _____________ of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the ___________
of the body and life everlasting. Amen.

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