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MAISIE young woman

KEIGHAN young man
JJ Maisie’s son (NARRATOR)

Sound loud bar, people talking loudly and
aggressively, a glass breaks, chairs move along the
floor, a toilet flushes in the background
DRUNK STRANGER: Hey kid… you!
JJ: Um… hi?
DRUNK STRANGER: I know who you are. Your mom’s Maisie
Cosco right? Oh my god, I can’t believe I just ran
into you in the bar down the street. Do you know how
famous your mom is? Tell me everything.
JJ: Um. Yeah, you would think so.
PERSON 2: Sorry about my friend here JJ. But I’m
kinda interested too… you got a minute?
JJ: Yeah why not.
PERSON 2: Your mother was a brilliant woman who did
so much for our world. All for you.
JJ: It’s important that I carry on her legacy by
telling this story. So, here we go (exhales
SCENE 2: EXT. San Francisco apartment
JJ: I was about 9 months old when things really kick
started. Me and my mom lived together in a small
apartment opposite some sleazy motel, windows looking
out right onto the freeway.
SOUND blinking lights,
followed by loud cars, honking horns, cars speeding,
police sirens,
Other than speeding cars and loud engines belonging
to 16 year old boy racers tryna show off their
modified parts, our ears were also blessed with
hookers being honked at or wolf whistled from dirty
old men stumbling out of the motel bar.
SOUND wolf whistle, door
opening and stumbling feet, someone falling into a
wall, high heels on hard floor
And more than twice a week those hookers would be
shouting, screaming at those dirty men.
JJ: What a place to raise a kid, right? The
disgusting streets of downtown San Francisco. Not
even a nice sidewalk for me to ride my bike on when I
got a bit older. But that was life for us. I loved
it. It was just me and my mom against the world. We
were inseparable.
Maisie was British born and moved here for a better
life after she was sick of her parents drilling their
views into her head.
Our government is corrupt by the way- remember
Hitler? Well… yeah. Same sorta deal. Colour has been
banned for about 40 or so years now. The younger
generations had only so much as heard of it.
SOUND Birds chirping
Apparently the sky used to be blue, grass was green,
and flowers were all kinds of colours but after the
year 2020, factories poisoned skies and waters,
rendering them grey and dull. The air was thick, no
sun, and so no flowers. Grass and other plants had
wilted and died. Again, just greys. Boring greys.
This gave Dennis Myers the idea for the colour ban.
PERSON 2: Ugh, that guy. Who elected him president?
DRUNK STRANGER: He was a dictator. ‘Hitler 2.0’ we
called him (snorts)
SOUND Eerie silence, echoing
footsteps, heavy breathing, followed by a knock on a
door and something sliding open.
JJ: My mom was a rebel though. She loved the idea of
colour. That it could provide happiness. Back in 2062
there were these underground illegal parties that
were full of colour. Colourful lights, colourful
walls, floors, decorations- everything. Good music
and good people. It’s where people went to feel a bit
better when this bleak world was too much for them.
My mom’s best friend Keagan ran these colour parties.
STRANGER 2: I heard about him. I read somewhere that
him and Maisie were dating?
JJ: I’m sure that’s what he told the press. He was
basically my dad. He’s always been around for me and
her, he loves her too. She liked him but was never
serious about ‘them’ and tried to keep it casual- but
he was fully in love with her. Her free spirit, her
rebellious ‘I don’t care’ attitude. She would meet
him at his underground place most weekends to get
spray-paint from him. I’ll get more into that in a

SCENE 3: EXT. Alleyway leading

MAISIE: Hey Keagan.
DOORMAN: (thick Brooklyn accent) Keagan ain’t here
right now.
MAISIE: I was literally just on the phone to him. Let
me in Eric.
SOUND Peep-hole slides shut and door
MAISIE: (sarcastically) Thanks Eric, love you!
ERIC: (Grunts)


SOUND Busy party with lots of
people excitedly talking, loud drum and bass music,
good energy
MAISIE: (muffled shouting) Keagan, hey!
KEAGAN: (muffled shouting, far away) Hey girl! Sorry,
excuse me, s’cuse me- sorry! (Gets closer) Hey
Maisie. How you be-
MAISIE: (fast) yeah, yeah hiya. Have you got the
stuff? I’m going out tonight.
KEAGAN: Where’s JJ?
MAISIE: (impatiently) Keagan. He’s fine. Just sort me
the cans so I can get back to him quicker (laughs)
KEAGAN: (sounds defeated) Yep, alright. Here they
SOUND large bag is picked up, zip is
zipped closed, and canisters rattle inside.
MAISIE: Awesome, thank you so much!
SOUND short kiss
KEAGAN: You know I miss you, right?
MAISIE: You know we’re keeping this casual don’t you
MAISIE: Then act like it, yeah?
SOUND Canisters in bag rattle and material
of the bag is loud against her clothes, party sounds
get louder. Door opens then closes, walking then car
engine starting.
JJ: Maisie was a rebel. Not only did she go to these
colour parties, where if you got caught, they’d shoot
you there and then, she took paint and in the middle
of the night, she’d spray paint the sides of
buildings with colour. There was a huge bounty out
for the ‘ghost painter’. A few million. The people
referred to her as a modern day Banksy, as, of
course, nobody knew who she was. It gave people to
see colour for the first time, so people wouldn’t
forget and completely give in to the suppression from
Dennis Myers and his little Nazi officials.


SOUND Car engine stopping, then bag being
pulled, seatbelt unclicking, getting out of car and
slamming door, and walking. Set bag down and shake
spray-paint cans
They referred to her as the enemy, someone who should
be feared and taken down. She wanted to get her
message to the people though. Colour will not be
forgotten. We will fight for it. We will fight this
SOUND spray-paint cans spray
She began to paint. She would tell me stories about
how her work was heavily influenced by artists like
Banksy- political and beautiful. I wish I could have
seen it.
SOUND Police sirens in distance
MAISIE: Oh no.
SOUND zipping bag and picking it up, fast-
paced steps and out of breath breathing
JJ: That was the night that decided everything for
her. She managed to evade the police and hid in some
back alley. They’d seen her though. They now know the
person they were looking for. I mean- who knows if
they saw her face or if they just now knew they were
looking for a girl now, which would narrow down their
search. Maisie was well known for her loud opinions
and behaviour. She knew she didn’t have much time
SOUND phone ringing, heavy breathing
MAISIE: (panicked) Keagan (takes a breath) I almost
got caught (laughs) the police…-
KEAGAN: What!? Why are you laughing, are you OK??
MAISIE: Yeah I’m fine (clears throat) just a bit
shaken up. Wow- the adrenaline.
KEAGAN: Jeez Mais, you got to be more careful.
MAISIE: Ugh, don’t lecture me, I know what’s at
stake. I’m doing it all for him, remember?
JJ: Keagan wanted more than anything to be the most
important thing in Maisie’s life but he knew that her
son came first and he knew that he wouldn’t have that
any other way. He offered to look after me and helped
out as often as he could.
MAISIE: (Exhales loudly) I got to get home. I’ll give
it a minute in case the cops are still lurking.
KEAGAN: Ok… be safe.
SOUND phone call ends


SOUND crickets chirping, echoing footsteps,
and men speaking angrily in the distance and a car
engine running and cars passing overhead
MAISIE: Oh my god…
KEAGAN: Maisie!
MAISIE: (Startled) Oh my god… what’s happening?
KEAGAN: They’re from the CIA, I’ve only been here a
few minutes but they’re doing something in your
MAISIE: (Worried) JJ!
KEAGAN: Don’t! They’ll arrest you and kill you.
You won’t be much use to them then.
MAISIE: I can’t just stand and watch, my son’s in
KEAGAN: This is the only way you can help him.
MAISIE: They knew it was me. They know. They’re
taking him. They do stuff like this all the time.
What are they going to do to him?
KEAGAN: You just got to calm down.
SOUND Van doors close and vehicle moves
forward and drives away
JJ: My mom was seen as a beacon of hope for so many.
People saw her as a leader for the movement. She knew
this. If she died for me, no one else would take her
place? As much as she loved me- it was saving me or
the world.
DRUNK STRANGER: What did she pick?
SOUND smack over the head
STRANGER 2: He’s alive ain’t he?
JJ: Yeah… it’s not as simple as that…

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