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1)It is an experiment of repeated trials, each trials has two possible outcomes; success or failure.

• Answer: binomial distribution

2)Indicates the number of successes that occur during a given time interval or in specified region in a
poisson experiment.

•Answer: poisson probability distribution

3) Also known as the Gaussian distribution, is a probability distribution that is symmetric about the mean,
showing that data near the mean are more frequent in occurrence than data far from the mean

Answer: Normal Distribution

Made by: Kylene Roque

4. At a car park there are 100 vehicles, 60 of which are cars, 30 are vans and the remaining vehicles are
jeepneys. If every vehicle is equally likely to leave, find the probability of a van leaving first?




Answer: 3/10

Made by: Sebastian Geluz

5.It is the mean of the absolute deviation of a set of data about the datas mean also called the ____.

•Answer: Mean absolute deviation

6.It is a small group or bunch of something _____.

•Answer: Cluster

7._________ is the nth root of a prof of n factors

•Answer: Geometric mean

Made by: Evalyn Atizado

8. We use this to make judgments of the probability that an observed difference between groups is a
dependable one or one that might have happened by chance in this study.

•Answer: Inferential Statistics

9. Variables that are not numerical.

•Answer: Qualitative Variables

10. A random variable where the data can take infinitely many values.

•Answer: Continuous Random Variable

Made by: Allyza Cruz

11._____ is between 0 and 1, and sum of all the probabillities is equals to 1.

Answer: Discrete random variable

12. It is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values.

Answer: Standard deviation

Made by: Kenneth Banayad

13. A woman is pregnant and she is having twins. Find the probability of her having:

a.) all boys

b.) all girls

c.) 1 boy and 1 girl


a.) 25%

b.) 25%

c.) 50%

Made by: Jetro Madulid

14. It is a Theorem wherein the sample size n increases, the sampling distribution of the means
approaches a normal distribution.

 Answer: Central Limit Theorem

15. It is any numerical quantity that characterizes a given population or some aspect of it. It tells us
something about the whole population.

 Answer: Parameter

Made by: Decymae Corpuz

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