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How to Develop Your Own Handwriting Style

Get your writing noticed by having your own unique style. Or if you just want to create your own
handwriting. Of course, it should be readable by others. Enjoy!


1 Begin by looking up fonts on the internet. You can find ideas here[1] .
2 Examine your normal handwriting. Figure out what you think you would be able to do with it.
(i.e. Bringing your lines closer together, crossing double t's as one letter)
3 Decide how you want your handwriting to look. It should probably reflect your personality.
For example, if you're a "tough guy" you probably don't want frilly writing.
4 Begin by writing something you would like to see in your handwriting. Your name is
probably a good start.
5 Whenever you write something, write it in your handwriting. That way you get used to
writing with it. Take your time.
6 Write out the alphabet in your personal script. If you find something you don't like or that
looks out of place, change it a little so it looks good.
7 Practice at least once daily. This helps you perfect the script, remember how to write it, and
be able to write with it faster.
8 When you think you've perfected it, write a paragraph about anything. Ask your family or
friends to read it. If they can without any difficulty, congratulations, you've made your own
personal handwriting script! If they have trouble, either morex or try and clean up the
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Your writing is a statement of who you are. If you think of yourself as a neat, preppy, organized
person, work on making your letters neater, and maybe rounder. If you are loud and brash,
make your writing sharper.
Try practicing by writing the alphabet slowly in lower and uppercase letters. As you get better,
write faster, but don't let it become sloppy.

If you're a sloppy writer, try to find a way to write messily but still make it look good. Smaller
letters, connected letters, and slanting can help.

Remember to consider your grip on the pen. It should be just enough pressure to hold it and
form letters - pushing too hard interrupts the natural flow of writing.

If you find that you chicken scratch, try altering the angle of your wrist. Remember to write with
your whole arm, not just your hand. Try rounding the letters more.

Stick with your choice. It won't look good to switch back and forth between your old and new


Write slowly at first to ensure you can write the script. As you get better, try writing faster.

Keep it as legible as possible!

Don't teach anyone unless you want others writing like you.

Try your best!

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