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Smart Meter for the IoT

F. Abate, M. Carratù, C. Liguori, M. Ferro V. Paciello
Department of Industrial Engineering (DIIn) Department of Electrical Engineering and Information
University of Salerno University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - Fisciano (SA) Via G. Di Biasio, 43 - Cassino (FR)
{fabate, mcarratu, tliguori, mferro}

Abstract — In recent years, smart devices are increasingly. These The intelligent city concept has been introduced in this
devices allow making cities smart, enabling communication not context as a strategic device to contain modern urban production
only among people but also among things, creating a new system factors in a common framework and to emphasize the growing
nowadays known by the term IoT (Internet of Things). A smart importance of information and communication technologies
city is based on a smart grid that allows to intelligently manage the (ICT), social and environmental capital in defining the
power grid. In order to do this, the network must have intelligent competitiveness profile of cities, moving towards sustainability
meters that can communicate bidirectionally with the network. and ecological measures both in control and energy saving,
This market has led to a proliferation of smart meters that give the optimizing mobility and security solutions The significance of
opportunity to measure the consumption of each single device in
the two sets of social and environmental capital points to the
homes. The most part of smart meters are based on a chip that
calculates the parameters needed to estimate energy consumption.
need for a long way to go to distinguish intelligent or smart cities
In this paper, the authors consider a smart meter based on a from those with a greater technological burden, drawing a clear
common chip that calculate the power consumption and the meter line between them, what goes below the name of smart cities and
characterization is reported. digital cities respectively. The first thing to take into account, in
order to have a smart city is to consider the smart grid
Keywords: Smart City, Smart Grid, Smart Meter, AMI, Demand opportunity. It is clear that the grid of the 21st century will be a
Side Management, Open metering, IoT. "Smart Grid".

I. INTRODUCTION Due of the global demand for worldwide electricity, and to

the ground gained by renewable energy and distributed
The smart city [1] in urban planning and architecture is a set generation, most electric grids, designed and built decades ago,
of urban planning strategies (see Fig. 1) aimed at optimizing and are now struggling to meet these new challenges. In this context,
innovating public services so as to link the material the study of smart grids is introduced, which provides the
infrastructures of cities "with capital human, intellectual and network of intelligent and optimized elements and
social lives of those who live in them" thanks to the widespread configurations that can facilitate management operations. First
use of new technologies for communication, mobility, the of all, it should be specified that the experimentation pursues two
environment and energy efficiency, in order to improve the different strands, namely network intelligence at national level
quality of life and meet the needs of citizens, businesses and and the creation of as independent networks as possible, the size
institutions [2]. of which varies according to initial production and consumption
Urban performance depends not only on the provision of hypotheses. In the second line there are the most futuristic
material infrastructures in the city (physical capital), but also, solutions, but already in the first there are important novelties
and increasingly, from the availability and quality of that will revolutionize the way to consume energy of individual;
communication, knowledge and social infrastructure one of the key assumptions in fact is in both cases centrality of
(intellectual capital and social capital). This latter form of capital the consumer, as the active protagonist of energy management
is particularly important for urban competitiveness. and no longer as the end user of the production chain.
In the middle of these two streets, the idea of smart cities is
taken up, strongly encouraged by the more accurately and far-
sighted local governments, which consists in applying the
concept of an autonomous network to the management area of a
single city, and then providing the same links intelligent with
other cities and the national network. The Smart Grid will be
characterized by bidirectional data communication among all
relevant users of the energy conversion chain [3], [4]. The result
is a participatory network (as depicted in Fig. 2) in which
consumers, utilities, and service providers share responsibilities
and benefits [5].
In this scenario Smart Meters, capable of bidirectional data
communication in the connection of consumers to the Smart
Grid, are among the fundamental building blocks of Smart Grid
Figure 1. The concept of Smart City. deployments. At first, outage detection and power restoration
and verification will be improved by smart metering. Mainly

978-1-5386-2222-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

smart metering solutions will help empower consumers with
information to monitor, manage, and control energy usage and
optimize performance and reduce energy losses.
With smart-grid-enabled net metering benefits can be
mutual: utilities could be able to manage peak demand, whilst
consumers can monitor and optimize their energy consumption
based upon the real-time price of energy and individual needs
and offset rising power bills [6],[7]. The implementation of a
Smart Metering solution means that utilities will be able to offer
better targeted tariffs and introduce new business models based
on real-time pricing or active load control, which can be used to
reduce high-cost consumption [8]. Figure 2. The smart Grid.
In order to unfold its full potential, Smart Metering requires
an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for full-scale bi- possibility of storing or temporarily accumulating for more or
directional data communication to be in place. Data collected less predictable times.
through an AMI can be captured, stored, and forwarded to a Three phases are identified: supply, storage/management,
central computer. Moreover, AMI aims at an open system with distribution, which almost never follow linearly over time, and
a connection to the Home Area Network (HAN). Particularly are largely dependent on each other. The first two phases are
relevant in this field is the OPEN Meter project, which aims to strategic for a community/country, and are at the origin of its
specify a comprehensive set of open and public standards for political and economic movements. Think of the supply of
AMI. natural gas, oil, electricity from other nations or economic
More in details the research activities will be focused on the realities, the opportunity to have "home" energy sources or to
measurement devices, communication technologies optimize the power output of engines, power generation plants
(transmission medium and interfaces), protocols and data and transformation processes. Likewise, it may be very
structures suitable for data exchange between the systems and
important in terms of dependence on imports or markets to have
devices, which constitute the network. In the market the number
of smart meters are increasing, and the cost are decreasing, but the ability to store energy, or to have reserves that allow greater
the question to answer is: are the smart meters good for estimate negotiation margins with "suppliers"; the problem of the storage
the Energy consumption? What is the accuracy? capacity of the goods is one of the greatest that humanity has
In concordance with this trend and starting from previous always faced, and has always been the subject of important
experience in the field of remote metering and wireless sensor architectural and urban forms, from Roman tanks to skylines of
networks [8]-[10], the authors propose to evaluate the industrial peripheries of the last two centuries.
performance of a smart meter based on a common chip to C. The Stakeholders of the Grid
measure the energy consumption. In the paper, after a brief
There is, first and foremost, a public subject [12], whether it
review of grid architectures, the chosen smart meter will be
is a national network, capable of forecasting consumption and
discussed in detail and its characterization will be reported.
meeting the needs in time. It also needs to optimize resources
II. THE SMART GRID ARCHITECTURE and coordinate inputs and consumption. In Italy, for the power
grid this role is covered by the Energy Services Manager (ESM),
A. Overview while TERNA manages the main transmission infrastructures.
The development of new energy sources must go hand in Production and Consumption then fall into a series of
hand with that of the infrastructures that manage and use them subjects that interact with the single operator and among them.
[11]. The Smart Grids will be one of the areas that will be more Obviously, there are large, "home" energy producers, large and
fashionable in research applied to networks and more. However, small consumers and intermediaries, and there are also
what it is, because it is spoken and how it is part of the current institutional architects and guarantors, such as the Single Buyer
search for the sustainability of the energy, production and social and the Electricity and Gas Authority. Everyone is involved in
sectors. the operation of the Energy Market in different forms and at
different levels and can freely decide to agree or to refer to the
B. The Grid
market, directly or through institutional guarantors, regardless of
First of all, although it may seem desirable, it should be size (hence, for example, the numerous forms of contract of the
remembered that energy, after being produced and before being Energy Account) [13].
consumed, must be managed, transported and distributed, which
means talking about distribution networks. Considerations on D. The Grid Management
electrical networks can be repeated almost unchanged for With regard to power input in the network, the operator has
networks of any nature, suggesting that the topic goes to the several options:
"essential" features related to the network concept. 1) buying electricity from national or non national
So a network carries a good from one point of supply to one producers, acting on the energy markets or through bilateral
of the consumption, considering that the two things do not agreements;
happen at the same time, and therefore considering the
2) produce electricity in processing plants, from other = ∫ = ∫ = (3)
sources, typically hydrocarbons;
The formula for the calculation of apparent power still holds
3) use stored energy under various forms (from gas true:
deposits to hydroelectric basins);
4) manage loads through resource optimization, or trying = = ( + ) = + (4)
to waste nothing. So, the non-active power term can be obtained: it contains at
One of the biggest problems in power grid management is in the same time the reactive power terms and the contributions
fact the peak of consumption, so suddenly there must be plenty deriving from the waveform distortions:
of energy available, while the supplies do not have a variable =√ − (5)
shape, they are constant, and no one makes back what is not
coming consumed. In practice, the energy manager has to In order to obtain also the information about the sign of the
prepare for now the amount of energy provided by the statistics, non-active power, the system prototype applies the Goertzel
trying to minimize the surplus energy margins (Terna daily algorithm. By means of this algorithm, it is possible to compute
publishes forecasts and supply charts on its site). a single DFT component without computing the whole signal
spectrum; this algorithm has a computational complexity equal
E. Development Points to N, the number of point on which is applied, instead of the
As far as intelligent networks are concerned at national FFT algorithm that has a complexity equal to Nlog2N. Firstly,
level, here are some points developed by research and each time window of 200 samples, Goertzel algorithm is
experimentation on the territory (for a decade now). applied for a set of seven different frequencies (35, 40, 45, 50,
- Consumer feedback through smart counters and the ability 55, 60 and 65 Hz), on which, after using a Hanning window, an
to consult and manage domestic consumption trends. Inside the Interpolated Fast Fourier Transform algorithm is applied, in
facilities and homes, irreplaceable help comes from domotics. order to find the actual frequency on the power grid. Thus, as
- Consuming large consumers through Energy defined, only the current and voltage waveform at the computed
Management, i.e. allocating internal or external staff to frequency are considered to determine the signs of the power
businesses that can manage and optimize energy consumption terms, obtaining the phase angle between voltage and current
at all levels of administration. and the frequency.
- Implement as far as possible local governments, large It is reported in the Figure 3 the C-language code segment
manufacturing or small consumers, and consumption modes for the Goertzel algorithm.
compatible with the availability of electricity grids; such as #define pi 3.14159265
low-light lighting, machinery that do not involve cranks or #define NumPoints 200
aggravate punctuality, and which, on the contrary, harmonize a=0;
discontinuities (inverter motors, gradual startup, local b=0;
accumulation, etc…). reW_f = 2.0*cos(2.0*pi/20);
imW_f = 1.0*sin(2.0*pi/20);
III. THE SMART METER for(i=0;i<NumPoints;i++)
A. Power measurement metrics par = V(i) + reW_f*a – b;
b = a;
Widespread dissemination of active and nonlinear loads on a = par;
the power grid results in the noise introduction on the network: }
phenomena such as harmonic distortion, dips and swells, Re_re = 0.5*rew_f*a - b;
Re_im = imW_f*a;
changes significantly the expected sinusoidal signal. Therefore,
Figure 3. C-like code for sign calculation
instead of the classic power analysis in sinusoidal condition, it is
necessary to measure active and reactive power with non-
sinusoidal signals. Several different interpretations about the The Goertzel algorithm transposes into the frequency
significance of such terms can be found in literature ([14]-[17]): domain voltage and current: these signals can be written as:
distortion of the network signal required a different analysis, and
several of this metric requires the frequency domain analysis. = [ ]+ [ ]= (6)
The Fryze’s approach has been chosen: this theory is based = [ ]+ [ ]= (7)
on considering two types of power terms, active and non-active = [cos( )+ ( )] (8)
[14],[17], dividing the load current in two terms, an active one = [cos( )− ( )] (9)
and a reactive one:
= + (1) So it follows:
where [ ] [ ]+ [ ] [ ]= cos( − )=

( ) = ( ) = ( ) (2) = cos ( ) (10)

[ ] [ ]− [ ] [ ]= sin( − )=
The active current [19] term ( ) is accountable for the
active power. Therefore: = sin ( ) (11)
So, the system prototype must have the capability to A typical approach is to find the zero-crossing time from the
determine active and non-active power signs, allowing input signal filtered with a low pass filter, while the period is
bidirectional measurements, following frequency changes on the generally calculated averaging a specified number of measured
power grid. The energy calculation strictly depends on the periods.
network frequency, indeed, in order to avoid error in the
estimation of the consumed energy using a fixed sampling B. Simulations
frequency, an entire number of samples in the time interval These approaches are tested on simulated signal,
analysis must be considered or whereas a number of entire implementing them in Matlab® R2017b. The input signal is a
samples is not available (caused by a not synchronized sinusoidal waveform without offset, and these tests are executed
sampling), an interpolation algorithm could be used. To achieve varying the input frequency in a range from 45 Hz to 55 Hz. For
this goal, an adaptive algorithm able to change the number of this input signal 200 samples are generated, with a rate of 1 kHz,
samples in the time interval analysis could be implemented, so varying randomly the phase in a range equal to the sampling
if the network frequency changes, the metric for the energy interval, results for zero-crossing are averaged on the ten
evaluation have to take into account this changes [19]. computed period measured. In Figure 5 results of simulations
Nowadays, modern meter already implements basic are shown, the percentage relative error computed in the
frequency measurement functions, almost all based on zero- frequency computation by the two algorithms are reported as a
crossing algorithm, such as the TIDM-Metrology from Texas function of the input signal frequency. The input frequency
Instruments, or the STPM series from ST Microcontroller. Zero- obtained with the Goertzel approach has a smaller error for
crossing algorithm is a direct and simple calculation almost all the analyzed frequencies than the one obtained with
method [20]: it computes the time between two consecutive the zero-crossing. Both the techniques have a small error: the
crossing (positive or negative) counting the sample points that zero-crossing has an percentage error smaller than 0.002%,
fall into these events. In addition, in order to execute a correct whereas the Goertzel approach has an error smaller than
calculation also in cases of asynchronous sampling, it is 0.001%.
necessary to extract the time difference between the first counted
sample and the previous crossing time instant, Tδ1, and the
difference between the last counted sample and the following
crossing time instant, Tδ2 (Fig. 4).

Figure 5. Percentage relative error with Goertzel and zero-

crossing techniques
Figure 4. Time difference between the acquired sample and the
crossing time instant
These two time interval could be computed by means of the A. Realized prototype
following formulas: In this paper, an evaluation of the performances of a smart
| +1 | meter based on a common chip to measure the energy
= (12)
consumption is proposed. The prototype of smart meter is
| +1 |+| |
| 1| realized following the OIML “Active Electrical Energy Meters”
= (13) [21], and ensuring bidirectional communication channels for an
| |+| +1 |
Tδ1 computed at the crossing, for the following period, Tδ2 AMI scenario.
computed at the crossing for the previous period. The prototype of the smart meter integrates a voltage and
current measurement unit, and different communication
The algorithm computes the period adding to the counted protocols. In Figure 6, a picture of the measurement unit is
samples these two time interval: the input signal frequency can shown: it is based on the ADE7913 chip, and it communicates
be obtained as: with a microcontroller through SPI interface. It has a DC/DC
isolated and integrated power converter, and three second-order
= + δ1 + δ2 (14)
Σ-Δ analog to digital converter, with sampling rate set to
= (15) 1.024 MHz (an anti-aliasing analog low-pass filter is inserted on
where n is the number of counted samples between the each ADC input, with cut frequency of 5 kHz). This high
crossing, f is the input signal frequency and fs is the sampling sampling rate is necessary due to oversampling the input signal,
frequency. with the effect of spreading the quantization noise over a wider
bandwidth; moreover, with the Σ-Δ modulator, there is a noise ( )
= ; (22)
( )
shaping effect, due to the integrator (high-pass type response for
the quantization noise). The output is a 24-bit data-word, 1 ( + 1) ≥ ( − 1)
and = ; (23)
proportional to the input signal level, with an output frequency −1 ( − 1) > ( + 1)
of 1 kHz, obtained as an output of a digital low pass filter: the 6) the non-active power, as reported in (5), and its sign;
bandwidth of interest obtained is 40 Hz to 3.3 kHz. It is relevant
to underline that this approach is very affordable compared to 7) the energy: = + ∙∆ (24)
other solutions which requires voltage and current transductors: counted on a variable number of point, related to the
with this chip, a shunt resistor, and few passive components it is fundamental frequency which is updated every time interval
possible to achieve an isolated digital output with acquired analysis as reported previously.
samples, for few euros. C. Communication in the automated metering infrastructure
The measurement module has the task to receive and
elaborate these samples: it elaborates data, computing power, As reported before, the modules prototype is equipped with
network frequency and energy [22]. Moreover, it is equipped the wM-Bus at 169 MHz. This approach can take advantage of
with two communication interfaces, a wireless one, with the infrastructure already required by the authority for gas
wM- Bus [10],[23] at 169 MHz, and a wired one, with CAN bus: meters: this automated metering infrastructure for
so it is able to communicates results through these interface in communication would reasonably be available in the urban areas
an AMI scenario [24],[25]. of interest also for a smart energy meter. The system architecture
established by the authority includes mainly three devices: the
measurement devices, which acquire, manage and communicate
data, the data concentrator units (DCU), which are local
gateway, and the central acquisition systems (SAC);
furthermore, it specifies the allowed communication among
different devices. In the prototype system, the wM-Bus interface
ensures the communication with the DCU, thus allowing a
continuous monitoring of the network. Data are sent and stored
by the DCU to the SAC, allowing continuous monitoring of
energy consumption computed by the measurement devices.
Figure 6. The realized prototype
The number of smart meters in cities are increasing and they are
B. Data acquisition and processing added to the IoT network.
The prototype of smart energy meter is based on a unique V. THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
STM32F205RBT6, connected to the measurement unit by an First experimental results have been obtained using a
SPI interface. More in details, the firmware receives every measurement set-up composed by (see Figure 7):
millisecond data from the SPI module previously described.  The Fluke 6105A
The data received is composed by two samples: one related to  Smart Meter prototype, based on chip ADE7913
the voltage and one to the current measured. The main loop of
The Fluke 6105A is an accurate instrument for calibrating
the firmware analyzes the quantities of interest each observation
energy meters and could be used as an energy reference
window of 200 ms (200 samples acquired at 1kHz). The
microcontroller computes: standard: it meets all accuracy requirements of power quality
testing to different energy standards.
1) voltage and current rms values: The first test has been carried out following the OIML R-46
on Active Electrical Energy Meters [21]. Referring to the
= ∑ ( ) ; = ∑ ( ); (16) recommended measurements in distorted conditions, the
1 sinusoidal, DIP, Interharmonic, Flicker, Quadriform and
2) the active power: = ∑ ( ) ∙ ( ); (17) Peaked waveforms have been generated via the Fluke 6105A
3) the apparent power: S = ∙ ; (18) Power Quality Calibrator. For these signals, the signal
frequency was measured with the meter using the two
4) the power factor: PF = ; (19) implemented algorithms. Then the values measured with the
meter prototype have been compared to the parameters
5) the fundamental frequency by means of Goertzel: configured on the Fluke 6105A. Table I shows the results of this
the Goertzel algorithm is applied to 7 frequencies near 50 Hz, as comparison, in particular reporting the percentage errors for the
mentioned before, for the voltage. The spectrum modules M(k0) mentioned waveforms, the results are the mean on 30 repeated
at these frequencies are calculated, then the maximum of the measurements, each of which was done on time interval of
fundamental lobe is searched and an interpolation algorithm is 200 ms (200 S at 1 kHz). The Goertzel algorithm shows a
applied in order to calculate the fundamental frequency f: smaller error than the zero-crossing, bigger than two order of
magnitude for almost all the analyzed input waveforms.
= ∆ ∙ ( + ∙ ); (20)
The second test was performed using an input sinusoidal
where k0 is the index of the maximum, and δ0 is:
signal of 230 V rms and 1 A, sweeping its frequency from 49 Hz
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