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Centre Number: IN472

Candidate Name: Arnav Roshan Jain

Candidate Number: 1905


Evaluation of Project Outcome

I think the aim of raising awareness about the importance of mental health was achieved.
Our presentation was concise, but informative. It catered to each age group and we tried our
best to make sure even the youngest age groups understood. Some of the conversations
were casual discussions whereas in others we prepared some facts and short pieces of
information, this helped us in conveying our point effectively. Our initial survey of 15
questions also had a good number of responses, which further proved lack of awareness of
mental health was an issue.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork

Overall working as a team was a benefit. Each member of our group had different strengths
and weaknesses which were utilised in the best manner. For example, I am good at
designing and researching, so decided to make the survey and two of the poster. Initially we
started of with brainstorming sessions, where each one of us gave inputs, ideas, thoughts on
the issue and how to carry out the project. Our team member Nitin was reluctant to share his
ideas and was unable to contribute in certain discussions. Manav suggested to carry out the
outcome in a school assembly, but after discussion, I suggested that visiting a local area
(apartment) would allow us to interact a varied age group. Nitin agreed with me and Manav
eventually agreed. Most of the discussions flowed smoothly, but we timely disagreed with
each other. We also set clear deallines on when to carry out certain tasks. This worked as a
guide to us, although these deadlines were not always met.This significantly delayed our
project. Nitin was complacent, which reduced the efficiency of project. He was not able to
complete the given tasks. We made sure that each team member was available and willing
to carry out the task on that day. While most of the tasks where worked as a team, some of
them were assigned to certain team members. Manav had designed one poster and I had
designed two of the posters, which we went on to present in the outcome. Manav had also
collated the pictures of the posters and us speaking to various age groups in the form of
PowerPoint presentation

The benefits were that we were more creative. Each one of us had unique ideas for
betterment of the project. I would have never thought of comparing Indian data with other
countries data, but after listening to my teammates perspectives, I realised it was a good
idea. Additionally teamwork helped me improve my communication skills and boosted my
productivity. Working with a team, made my communicate, interact and actually listen to
what others have to say. I got to view this issue from others perspectives, which further
helped me understand the issue and how to go about doing the project.

One of the main problems were that, we had difficulty in making decisions and agreeing on
key aspects of this project. This was eventually sorted out, but only after much discussion.
Deciding an outcome for the project also took up a lot of time, this increased the work load
as deadlines approached. At one point in the project, we had lots of piled up work which put
pressure on each team member. The challenges for me were that was lack of participation.
Our team member Nitin, was not contributing ideas and helping the work process. Nitin was
unable to suggset ideas, draft an explanation and help in designing a posterwhich lead to
delays in submissions.However, he greatly helped in taking the photographs (as part of our

Own work and Contribution

My contribution has greatly helped this project. I was the group leader. Majority of initial
survey was created and drafted by me. The results obtained were also combined and
collated by me. With Manav and Nitin making a few changes with the survey, we collectively
agreed before sending it out. Additionally, I created two of the posters. Using information
from intergovernmental, international, not for profit, governmental sources (see personal
references section),and using pictures, clipart, I tried to make this poster in such a way that
information read from the poster could easily be understood and remembered. Before
Manav and Nitin started sending out the surveys, I helped them make a list of target age
groups and wrote down an approximate number of responses we wanted each age
category. Furthermore I significantly contributed to drafting the explanation. This is one of
the tasks I particularly enjoyed doing. My team members and I sat reflected on our
experiences and workflow.

I also enjoyed speaking, showing and explaining our posters. It was interesting to gather
perspectives from culturally different people and different aged people. As the group leader, I
was also responsible for collating and editing information obtained.

How we could have improved

I think the process of doing our project could have been improved by creating a detailed
plan. Besides keeping deadline, having a plan could guide us on how to go about doing the
project. It would give each team member and our group as a whole a clear idea

We also could have improved, by checking, refining and editing each others work at various
stages of the project. This would have saved us time and effort, in the final stages and
submission of the project.

I don't think this project would have come out better if carried out individually.
Not only would I take a longer time to complete the project, but also would have a constraint
in ideas. Unique ideas and creativity from my team members really helped develop and
successfully finish this project.

Word Count - 943

Personal References

1. No author “What is Mental Health?”. U.S Department of Health and Human

Services, Government of United States of America. No date.
2. No author “ How many people are affected by a mental disorder each year”
World Health Organisation. 2001.

3. No author “Mental Health symptoms” Mayo Clinic. No


4. No author “Children and Mental Health” National Institute of Mental Health

(NIMHANS). Revised 2018.

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