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Why should public administrators learn to manage social and economic changes in their
respective organizations?

Social change is continuous, inevitable and unpredictable and at the same time affects not
only a few individuals but also the organization or community itself. Therefore, it is important for
public administrators to understand what are the causes of social change, its effect to the society
and how to respond to such changes. There is a need for public administrators to be involved in
the social, economic, scientific and technological changes in the society because national
development which is the goal of the government is a process of overall change under state
directed and planned effort. Proper planning and monitored implementation are a few of the major
roles of a public administrator. It is their responsibility to bring about planned social changes and
effectively respond to unplanned social changes. Moreover, it is essential that public
administrators are aware of the social implications of their public policies and decisions. They
must take caution on such actions so as not to bring negative social impact or worsen the situation
of the state rather than moving towards development.

2. Give and discuss the factors affecting social and economic changes.

The factors affecting social and economic changes can be categorized as:
a) Demographic – Demography pertains to human population relating to size, structure and
development. The quantitative and qualitative demographic factors play an important role in
examining social change. The quantitative aspect refers to the size, composition and density
which are determined by natural reproduction, migration and social mobility. On the other
hand, the qualitative aspect refers to physical potentialities and mental abilities that are
generally determined by genetic order. How does these affect social change? For example,
in studies, these factors have helped in understanding the fertility rate, morality level and
migration rate of certain groups. With these data, readers or socialists can infer on its
respective causes and effects to the society as well as how to respond on the social issues
it caused.
b) Biological – Biological factors include all living things may it be human or non-human beings.
Human beings heavily rely on other living things for survival. Therefore, an increase or
decrease or change in biological state of animals and plants can cause a number of changes
in human society. For example, a rapid increase or decrease in human population through
fertility and mortality can influence the rate of change in a society. Increase in fertility rate
can cause overpopulation in a community that can eventually lead to social issues such as
poverty, food shortage and health problems.
c) Cultural – Culture denotes acquired behavior that is shared by each member of a community.
It includes idealized ways in knowledge, practices, morals, law and beliefs. Culture, like
change, is not constant which is the reason why it is considered as one of the main sources
of social change. In fact, culture affects social change in four ways. First, culture gives speed
and direction to social change. For example, a community with a very conservative culture
might be strict and rigid which can slow down rate of change. Second, culture influences the
direction and character of technological change. Technological change also greatly affects
social change. However, culture dictates the level of acceptance of a new invention as well
as its purpose in the community. Third, culture shapes economy that helps in economic
growth and development. Lastly, culture keeps the social relationship in a community or
group intact. Culture helps in regulating the behavior of people therefore affects the nature,
rate and degree of change.
d) Technological – Technology is fast growing and consistently changes the society by
changing our environments. Inventions and discoveries have helped human beings
understand the world and universe which helped us to respond to different phenomena and
natural calamities. Communication and transportation developments continuously break
barriers between regions and states that eventually helped in trade and commerce as well
as in sharing customs, traditions and habits. Further, technology has proved to be one of the
essential tools used in urbanization, industrialization and modernization of communities.
e) Political – Government is most powerful organization which regulates the social relationships
in a community. Through its power to legislate and repeal laws, it can bring social change in
the society. Additionally, the type of political leadership and individuals in power also
influences the rate and direction of social change.

3. What are the characteristics of social changes?

Social change has eight characteristics consisting of the following:

a) Universal – Social change is universal because it is present in all societies at all times.
There is no any kind of community that remains the same through time. Each society
is expected to experience changes may it be in its structures, functions, institutions and
b) Continuous – Social change is a continuing process without any break. Each and every
society grows and decays to transform itself and accommodate various changing conditions.
c) Temporal – Change takes place through time and requires time-sequence. Other social
changes can show immediate results while some may take years to produce results.
Also, some social changes can spread rapidly while some can disappear rapidly. The speed
of change varies from time to time.
d) Rate or Degree is Not Uniform – Although social change is present in every unit of community
or group, it must be noted that the rate and degree of change varies depending on time,
kind and nature of society. Sometimes, history and culture also affects the rate and degree
of change.
e) Inevitable – Change is essential therefore, it is inevitable. It is part of human nature to lean
on change, create one, accept or even oppose one.
f) Uncertain – The process of social change is complex and dynamic which makes it
unpredictable. However, social changes can be planned or unplanned. Usually the change
resulting from natural calamities cause spontaneous, accidental or sudden decisions. On the
other hand, planned change can occur due to the tendency of human nature to seek for
change. Moreover, the exact nature and content of social change cannot be predicted as
g) Creates Chain Reaction - Social change produces chain-reactions as all the parts of the
society are inter-related and interdependent. Change in one leads to changes in others that
eventually changes the way of life of the community.
h) Multi-causal – Social change is generally caused by different factors such as physical,
biological, demographical, cultural, technological and others that interact with each other to
create change.

4. Discuss the following and differentiate from each other:

a. Evolutionism
b. Functionalism
c. Conflict Theory

Evolutionism refers to Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. In general, it describes the belief
that organisms naturally improve themselves through orthogenesis which means inherited
change. These inherited changes can be through physical or behavioral traits. It is believed that
these changes allow an organism to adapt to its environment and survive changes in its
surroundings. The evolutionism concept is anchored in two main points. First, all living things on
Earth is connected and related to each other. Secondly, the diversity of life is the effect of
modification of populations by natural selection wherein some characteristics are more favored in
the environment over others. Moreover, this theory is also described as the concept of survival of
the fittest wherein those who have the ability to survive and reproduce thrives.

Functionalism theory is about the nature of mental states. Mental states are identified by what
they do rather than by what they are made of. In more simple terms, functionalism is based on
the belief that all aspects of a society serve a purpose and that all are indispensable for the long
term survival of the society. It postulates that a social system is assumed to have a functional
unity in which all parts of the system work together with some degree of internal consistency. It
can also be characterized as an idea that society requires shared norms and values in order to
function properly. Additionally, it denotes that cultural practices have psychological and
physiological functions such as reducing fears and satisfying desires. However, this functionalist
approach was hugely criticized as it focuses on status quo and pays little attention to changes.

The Conflict Theory was a concept introduced by Karl Marx which proposes that society is in a
state of infinite and never-ending conflict because of competition for limited resources. It entails
that social order is achieved through domination and power rather than consensus and
conformity. It also holds on to the premise that individuals and groups within society will work to
maximize their own benefits. Thus, all ideas relating to Conflict Theory suggests existence of
social inequity in the division of resources and conflicts between classes. Conflict Theory sees
society as divided groups based on economic class between working class and ruling class.
However, despite of its negative connotations, theorists believe that inherent societal conflicts
drive change and development in society.

These three physiological/sociological concepts have helped many theorists in understanding

the systems in a community. It can be said that the Darwinian Theory of Evolution has been a
good foundation of both Functionalism and Conflict Theory. Inclining to the concept of natural
selection, functionalists believe that the different adaptations of specific groups must have served
a particular function in human experience. On the other hand, Conflict Theory is more based on
Evolutionism’s concept of survival of the fittest as individuals or groups compete for limited

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