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 Hi Rama Krishna,

The main difference between SE38 and SA38 is that the former (SE38 is used for
development activities including coding, compiling and execution of the programs.
But the SA38 is mainly for execution of the programs mainly report type programs (the
programs which have a execute button at the top).
Now coming to the ways of controlling them
Both would require access to S_PROGRAM, if you dont give access to S_PROGRAM
having access to SA38 wouldnt make much sense.
So you can have Submit, Submit with a Variant and Submit as background can be given to
this field.
However coming to the development activities its controlled mainly by S_DEVELOP so here
u make sure to not include this object or give only display activity at the max.
So this way you can give access to SA38 activities without giving access to
development activities of SE38
Hope it helps

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