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Jira cloud comes with company-managed and Team-managed projects, formerly called classic and next-
gen projects, respectively. Company managed projects have a huge number of options for planning,
tracking, and reporting on your team's work. They're powerful and highly configurable. Team managed
projects are fast to set up, easy to configure and user-friendly. Only Jira administrators can create
company-managed projects, but any user can create Team-managed projects by default. Also project
configuration can be shared between company-managed projects. Whereas any changes you make to a
Team-managed project won't affect other projects.

In the future Atlassian may introduce the ability to share configurations between Team-managed

What users need to create team-managed projects

By default, any logged in user can create Team-managed projects. Out of the box, Jira gives users the
create Team-managed projects global permission. Jira administrators can prevent users from creating
Team managed projects by managing which groups are granted this permission.

Team-managed project templates

Here you see project template for Team-managed projects.

Currently there are two for software projects, Kanban and Scrum. And you also see three of the service
project templates, IT service project, general service project, and external service project. There are
more templates being added all the time too.

Entering project details

When you create a Team-managed project, you supply the name, use a descriptive name for the project
so it's easy to find. The project key will be used as the prefix of this projects issue keys such as GA. The
key is automatically generated from the project name, the first letter of each word, you can change it
when you create the project and also later. Choose one that is descriptive and easy to type. A project
icon makes the project easier to find, make sure you use a meaningful icon to ensure the project is
easier to find. You can use one of the provided avatars or your own image.

For more information, you can visit Atlassian support page, edit a project details for Jira work
management Cloud.

Controlling access to a project

When you create a Team managed project, you can choose from three levels of access.

- Open allows anyone with access to your site to create and edit issues in the project. This means
that project team members don't have to be separately added to the project because they can
already do their work there.
- Limited means that anyone with access to your site can view and comment on issues, but they
cannot create and edit issues. Team members that need to create and edit issues must be added
to the project.
- Private means that only people who have been added to the project can see the project. This is
a way to prevent the projects issues from being widely visible in the organization. Other people
in your site will never know project exists. Jira administrators can see private projects in the
project directory, but they don't have access to view or interact with a private projects issues
unless they have been added to the project .

You can change the access level for a project at any time.

Roles in team-managed projects

Team-managed software projects come with the following project roles.

- Project administrator can do most things, like update settings and add other administrators to
the project. They can manage features, customized issue types and add rules on the board.
- Members are a part of the team, they ccan create issues, edit them, comment on them, move
them into different statuses and generally collaborate on your projects work.
- Viewers can search through and view issues in your project.

Project dministrators can add people to their projects and set their roles. The person who creates the
project is automatically given the administrator role. If a user is assigned multiple roles in a project, the
most permissive role wins.

There are also other roles for Jira service management, Team-managed projects, which weren't covered

For details on what users can do in each role, see the Atlassian support page on Team-managed project
permissions for Jira software.


The project administrator can edit the default issue types and add new issue types in a Team-managed
project. For example, Team-managed software scrum projects come with the epic, bug, story, tasks and
sub-tasks issue types by default.

Team-managed Kanban projects come with task and sub-task issues types by default. You can customize
your issue types to match any method of your project management you want. You can do this by
deleting of any of the default issue types in the project, renaming the issue type or updating the
descriptions, for example.

You can also create new custom issue types. For example, in a software Kanban project, you may want
to add a document issue type for any updates needed to the documentation.
Issue fields

Fields on an issue are divided up into different sections.

User select show more when viewing issue to see and interact with the hidden fields. This becomes
improtant when you add fields.

Configuring issue fields

The foundation of every Jira issue is its key, summary and status, but some tasks require more
information to help the team taking on that work. Project administrators can customize each issue type
to show different fields. You can add, reorder or remove fields and also create custom fields. By default,
Jira adds a few fields to your issue types that could help provide context to your projects work. They are
summary, description, status, assignee, reporter and labels. Jira also comes with few commonly used
fields you might consider adding, for example, priority and due date.
When you add a field, you select what part of the issue you want it to appear in description, context or
hidden. Don't add too many fields as this can confuse users and they will often leave a half of them
empty, which creates bad data.

For more information, see Atlassian support page, customize an issue fields on Team-managed projects
for Jira software.

Configuring workflow by editing the board

Customizing your Team-managed project workflow is simply done by editing the board. Drag columns to
be in any order you want, click the plus to create new column, and you can set the column limits.

The column will highlight if the limit is exceeded. An example of editing your workflow is if you added a
review step to your work process, you could add a review column and move it to be between in progress
and done. Don't add to many columns as the board will become difficult to use.

Configuring project features

Team-managed projects are very flexible. You can start with the features of a Kanban project and as
your needs change you can add features to make it a scrum project, i.e. by turning on sprints and
estimation, you can change these features at any time. So it doesn't matter what templates you initially
choose when creating a Team-managed project, you can always change it.

Team-managed projects don't have schemes, so any changes made in a Team-managed project apply
only to that project. If you edit workflow or the issue types, create any new issue types, add fields to
screens, etc. No other projects are affected. And if, for example, you had a new issue type to a project,
when you go to issue types Jira administration page, you won't see the issue type there. That page only
shows company-managed project issue types. Note that in the future, Team-managed projects may be
able to share configurations.
Manage apps in a project

Atlassian marketplace apps add new functionality to your Team-managed projects. Use them to
integrate third-party tools and add-ons into your project. When your Jira administrator integrates third-
party apps to your Jira site, project administrators might have the option to display or hide the apps
functionality in their Team-managed projects and adjust its settings, go to project settings, then apps.
Most apps have a toggle that changes their display setting.

You can easily display or hide the app from your project by flippting this toggle on or off. In this example,
we see the slack integration apps page. You can display or hide slack panel on issues in the project. You
can also add chanels to receive notifications. You may not see a settings page for every app installed on
your Jira site.

Each apps settings options are provided by the developers who built them.

If you want more information about an app or how to set it up for your project, check the developer's
website or Atlassian marketplace listing.


- Don't create too many fields

- Don't create too many columns on the board
- Turn on and off project features at any time

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