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SalesAchiever – Web Edition Specification Draft 1.


To create a version of our current software on the web. The website should be able to be hosted on
our cloud environment as well as on-premise environments for clients if they wish to host the
application themselves.

Some Technical Requirements:

The web edition is single tenant, so one Website for one client linked to one set of application files
and one database.

The web edition is driven mainly from already created APIs that are being used for the Mobile
Edition. If new APIs are needed or APIs need to be changed for Web, we can easily make those

The web edition is mainly the front-end interaction tool for the users, most of the logic will be driven
via the server in the background.

The technology and framework to be used is open at this point.

Purpose of the software:

The CRM software allows users to maintain and manage their Companies (Accounts), Contacts,
Projects, Opportunities (Deals), Quotes, Actions and provide insights into the captured data.

The Data relationship between the above modules or multi-level. E.g. Companies are assigned
different Roles to a single Project, and or multiple projects. Same with the other modules.

Actions are linked to the users and are linked to Outlook and Gmail Calendars. We have an Outlook
Add in Tool that allows users to link and save the emails including attachments in the software and
database and be easily tracked through the CRM system.

The Typical flow of data of some of the processes, will be as follows

User logs onto the system

User runs a Company list to find a particular company, they can search, sort by, filter, change the
layout of the list.

In the company record, they can see the related records from other modules, i.e. the linked Projects
or Linked Contacts, they can see the action summary, all the quotes linked and create PDFs report
based on the company record i.e. Profile Report (This is generated using Crystal reports)

Ideally, we would like a Form\Screen creator, where an Admin user can setup a template or layout
for each of the tabs within a Module. E.g. Setup what fields are displayed in the overview tab on the
companies’ records. The form creator can have the drag and drop ability to move around fields,
create sections, link fields to sections etc

General Screenshots
Note all colours/Icons are still open to interpretation, we would like to use the Windows 11 font and
preferably a single icon pack for all the needs

Home page

List Manager

Company Module
Contacts module
Projects Module

Settings or Administration

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