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Mandatory Questions

Interviewer: VTfT II student, Greta Hahn

Interviewee: Frank W. Cox High School Assistant Principal, Whitney Szoke

What kind of preparation did you have for this job?

Mrs. Szoke taught English for nine years in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade all over the state of
Virginia. After being a teacher, she became an administrative assistant for one year in a Virginia
Beach middle school, where she was trained to be an assistant principal and coached to do the
job she does now: a high school assistant principal. Growing up, her family had a large impact
on preparing her for this job. Growing up on sports teams and learning values has also helped
Mrs. Szoke prepare for this job.

What have you learned since becoming an administrator that you didn’t know before you
took the job?

The number one thing Mrs. Szoke has learned since becoming an administrator is that she has
“figured out a work-life balance between her work at school and going home to her husband and
baby son.” She has learned to prioritize things she must get done during the day while staying
organized and on top of things. She explained to me that the administration has numerous
demands which makes her very busy, thus learning to juggle many balls at once. Mrs. Szoke
explained, “I enjoy going into work now knowing what to expect for the day which I like. It keeps
me busy.”

What is the best part of being an administrator?

As a teacher, Mrs. Szoke was not able to coach the teachers around her but as an
administrator, she enjoys being able to help the teachers. She also enjoys the interaction with
students. One of her favorite things to do is to go into the classroom and help as much as she
can. Mrs. Szoke has also enjoyed the interaction with her colleagues- especially working on a
team with the rest of the administrative staff.

What is the most challenging aspect of your job?

The most challenging aspect of Mrs. Szoke’s job is prioritizing things she must get done during
the day. During the school day, she focuses on teachers and students while getting her work
done. But once everyone is out of the school and has gone home for the day, she finishes her
independent work such as answering emails and planning for the days ahead.

What is your advice to someone considering a career in education administration?

If one is considering a career in education administration, Mrs. Szoke says that if you enjoy
working with kids and other adults, this is a great job for you. Mrs. Szoke explained, “Forming
relationships is the foundation of being an administrator.” The job is highly rewarding allowing
one know students, as well as their families. Mrs. Szoke said, “I love seeing the students grow
throughout high school and eventually graduate!” She also advises that if you like to stay busy,
then this is the job for you.

Additional Questions

How was the transition from middle school to high school different? Which do you enjoy

High school and middle school are very different, but as of now, Mrs. Szoke said she enjoys
high school more. In middle school, she spent more time on disciplinary actions for infractions
such as such as fighting and hitting while high school students are more mature. While middle
school students looked up to the staff, they were still young and immature. She enjoys high
school because she is able to know students at a deeper level. She also loves all of the clubs
and sports teams which are much more serious at the high school level.

How do you handle your duties in school while having a one-year-old at home?

Having her son at home is very hard for her, but she has an amazing support system at home.
Her husband and her parents are supportive of Mrs. Szoke and her career and help her all the
time when needed. She explained, “I don’t even take a break for lunch. I would rather get my
work done at school.” Prioritizing is very important to Mrs. Szoke, so she focuses on work at
school so that she can focus on her family at home.

If there was one thing you could change in public schools what would it be?

High schools need a lot of improvement. Mrs. Szoke is a strong believer in students taking
classes that pertain to their interests. She explained that her students are failing classes that are
required, yet excelling in classes that they are interested in. She believes that classes should be
balanced with certain requirements, but classes should have a college feel. Kids should sign up
for classes that steer them in the direction of what they want to do after high school. She says, “I
think there is a movement towards being more creative and allowing students to be able to
pursue classes they are interested in and participate in more internships, such as Virginia
Teachers for Tomorrow.”

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