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10/01/2020 Mantras for Awakening Psychic Faculties.

| Gnostic Girl

Gnostic Girl

I am seeking self-knowledge through awareness and self-observation, so that I may

change. I am learning about meditation, dreams and out-of-body experiences, and
Gnostic wisdom, most of all I am learning about myself.

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Mantras for Awakening Psychic Faculties.

November 1, 2008 by GnosticGirl

( abilities are fascinating to many people,

however unknown to most in terms of direct experience. Some people seek ‘psychics’ for guidance or to get readings
done about their future, often parting with hard-earned money for the privilege. But the problem with this is, despite
how convincing (or otherwise) the psychic may be, if someone else is telling you something then you don’t really
know the validity of the information for yourself. You would be much better off developing your own psychic
facilities. One way to do this is with Mantras.

A mantra is a series of sounds, vowels or words that have a vibrational affect upon us. Just think about the affects
various sounds can play on our psyche – consider the soothing affect the sound of a meandering stream has upon us,
compared to the agitating sound of a car alarm!

Today we are going to explore the vibrational effect that certain mantras have on 5 major chakras (or energy centers)
of the astral body, and the corresponding psychic faculty of each chakra. There are other chakras, however as we are
looking at psychic facilities the ones I will cover are the most relevant and useful:

1. The Third Eye Chakra, ‘I’

2. The Throat Chakra, ‘E’
3. The Heart Chakra, ‘O’
4. Solar Plexus Chakra, ‘U’
5. The Lung Chakras, ‘A’

Below is a diagram of these chakras, and their autonomic location:



1. The Third Eye Chakra; ‘I’. 1/5
10/01/2020 Mantras for Awakening Psychic Faculties. | Gnostic Girl
The third eye chakra is related to the pituitary gland, which is situated between the eyebrows. Its corresponding phychic faculty is
clairvoyance; this allows us to ‘see’ into the higher dimensions and perceive what our eyes cannot see.

Clairvoyance is most commonly regarded as having ‘visions’ of events both past and future, but can be exercised in many ways.
When going somewhere for the first time, I like to try to visualize the place before hand, then see how accurate I am when I get
there. Sometimes we will play a game at the Gnostic Center where someone puts a piece of paper with an unknown symbol into an
envelope and we have to clairvoyantly ‘see’ what it is. These psychic faculties are latent within all of us, however like any ability they need to be
exercised to be developed.

The mantras that stimulate this chakra center around the vowel ‘I’, which is pronounced as in “Ian” only elongated; “IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
. You gently inhale through the nose, and as you exhale through the mouth you pronounce the mantra. You generally start out loud, and gradually
take the mantra internally.

As you pronounce the mantra you can visualize the chakra spinning. All of the chakras spin in clockwise direction, lying flat like a plate on a table.
You can either visualize it as a glowing disc, or as a lotus flower with 2 petals. It is represented by the color indigo, so you may like to incorporate
this into your visualization also.

The ‘I’ mantra can be combined with other consonants to form powerful mantas for awakening clairvoyance. One such mantra is ‘ISIS’, with the
consonant ‘S’ pronounced as a gentle calm whistle:



Even a trilled ‘R’ on it’s own is said to stimulate clairvoyance;


It is recommended that the mantras are pronounced for at least 20-30 minutes each day for a period of time to stimulate the charka. You may like to
start with 10 minutes and slowly increase your time each day as you feel comfortable; if you over-do it you may develop a resistance to the practice
and not want to continue it.

In addition to the mantras, it is important to exercise the faculty of clairvoyance with activities such as visualizing something you haven’t seen then
checking to see your accuracy. I.e. When speaking to someone on the phone, try to visualize what they are wearing and then ask them. If this faculty
has not been exercised much then it may be weak at first, but keep persisting with the mantras and exercises daily to strengthen it, learning about
how it works as you go.


2. The Throat Chakra; ‘E’

The throat chakra is related to the thyroid gland in the larynx. Its corresponding psychic faculty is ‘clairaudience’, which is the
ability to ‘hear’ into the higher dimension and perceive sounds that are inaudible to the physical ears.

Examples of clairaudience include voices of the deceased or of spiritual beings, and music from higher dimensions. Earlier this year at a Gnostic
retreat during a group mantra and I and another girl perceived music that seemed inaudible to everyone else.

The most significant experience I have had with clairaudenice (and clairvoyance) happened when I was about 16 years old. I had disembarked from
a train and needed to get to the other side of the tracks. I got to the crossing as my train was pulling out of the station, and as it passed me I began to
cross. The boom gates were still down but there were no gates over the pedestrian part.

I am half deaf, and as such I can’t tell the direction of sound very well. And the train was blocking my view of the other on-coming train which I
couldn’t hear coming towards me.

All of a sudden I had a vision that flashed into my mind; it was of a TV commercial I had seen which warned drivers in the country to be careful in
the absence of boom gates. In the commercial a car was in this exact same situation and got cleaned up by the oncoming train. I was like, “weird,
where did that come from?”. Not realizing my situation I kept walking.

Then there was a voice, but it wasn’t a voice I heard with my ears; there was no sound, no words, yet there was; like someone talking to you with
mental telepathy I suppose. This ‘voice’ calmly and gently said “step back”. I really didn’t think about it, I just did what it said…  I took a step
backwards almost unconsciously as the other train came sailing passed me – whoosh! It missed me by about 2 inches. If I didn’t step back I would
have been cleaned up. Up until that point I had no idea the train was coming – none at all!

The mantras for clairaudience center around the vowel ‘E’, pronounced as ‘Egg’; “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”. (http://7581611030895131025-a-
attredirects=0&auth=ANoY7cqPEWKBVy6jZTjZ5vLxilMjTnM4GVaZ_mJg6rjISTdinn8g0EQSkq8uQ0LCQMlLPUIEH0M6sImLBjqH5PnOpoFNcEAcA 2/5
10/01/2020 Mantras for Awakening Psychic Faculties. | Gnostic Girl
dImJcDLA3QeginFusX4cmavZOPo) It can be helpful to simultaneously visualize this chakra as a blue disc or lotus flower with 16 petals spinning in
a clockwise direction.

Combined with consonants, effective mantras for this faculty include ‘EN’; “EEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNN” (http://7581611030895131025-a-
4GAmUb8L-fDXhnAt3dbUX3Rx3uMD8K2OsH0G27ElPHmApZBzzpVLdKNsijj7XGLhqvE_LGd). (http://7581611030895131025-a-1802744773732722657-

Another is ‘Aum Chi Va Tun E’;


TUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN….EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” (http://7581611030895131025-a-1802744773732722657-s-

To exercise this faculty I like to do one of these mantras for 20-30 minutes, followed by a concentration practice on a piece of quality classical music
such as Beethoven, really listening to the sounds as intently as possible.


3. The Heart Chakra; ‘O’

As the name suggests, the heart chakra is located in the center of your chest in the area of the heart. The psychic faculty related to
this chakra is intuition, the faculty more familiar to the majority of people. Intuition is that hunch you get, that subtle feeling that
tells us information that is beyond the rational mind. Intuition is also essential to correctly interpret dream symbolism and to understand what
dreams mean.

‘O’ is the principle letter for this chakra, pronounced as “Oh”; “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” (http://7581611030895131025-a-
You can visualize it either as a green disc or lotus flower with 12 petals spinning as you pronounce the mantra.

This can also be combined with the letter ‘M’; “OOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM” (http://7581611030895131025-a-1802744773732722657-s-
or ‘N’; “OOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN” (http://7581611030895131025-a-1802744773732722657-s-

Again it is important to exercise this faculty, and some ways I like to do this include using intuition to guide me when I don’t know the exact
direction to somewhere, or using intuition to see which queue in the supermarket will get to the cashier first.


4. Solar Plexus Chakra; ‘U’

The solar plexus chakra is located in the area just above the navel, and is related to the pancreas. Its corresponding faculty is
telepathy, which is the ability to perceive the thoughts and emotions of others. Examples of telepathy include thinking about
something when someone in your company says exactly what you were thinking about, or when you think about a person and a few minutes later
they call you on the phone – it is likely in these situations you communicated telepathically.

You vocalize the mantra “U” to stimulate this chakra, pronounced as in ‘Moon; “UUUUUUUUUUUUU” (http://7581611030895131025-a-
OOD1VR7VMTx9nkxzsa8jqPgnxhvfb74G9Upx9I0688QaoOh5mnN9A4zCIIjATXGhLL). At the same time visualize a golden disc or lotus flower of 10
petals spinning.

You can also add the letter “N” to make the mantra; “UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (http://7581611030895131025-a-


5. The Lung Chakras; ‘A’

The pulmonary chakras relate to the facility of memory, specifically to the recollection of past lives. The vowel ‘A’ stimulates the
lung chakras, pronounced as ‘Ah’; “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (http://7581611030895131025-a-1802744773732722657-s- 3/5
10/01/2020 Mantras for Awakening Psychic Faculties. | Gnostic Girl
VYA8GHXujEp2Q951EOW)“. At the same time you can visualize your lungs vibrating.

Again the letter ‘N’ can be added to this; “AAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNN (http://7581611030895131025-a-1802744773732722657-s-

This is a particularly good mantra to recite before bed, so as to get information about your past lives in dreams.

( I would suggest you spend a month exploring

each faculty individually, practicing the mantras daily and also investigating how the faculty works. As I said earlier, it is really
important that the faculties are exercised in daily life so as to become familiar with them and to strengthen them.

Once you have explored each faculty, to maintain them you can combine all the vowels together as one mantra; ‘I, E, O, U, A’;

Another effective mantra that combines all the faculties is ‘CHIS, CHES, CHOS, CHUS, CHAS’; “CHIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSS…
CHAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (http://7581611030895131025-a-1802744773732722657-s-

Psychic faculties are qualities of the consciousness, and as such they are more effective when the consciousness is activated with awareness.
However as our psyche is comprised of only 3% consciousness and 97% subconscious, they are easily swamped by the subconscious (or egos) and
usually are not readily accessible. As such the mantras need to be practiced daily to keep the chakras activated and the faculties awakened.

Psychic faculties can however be activated permanently with a serious psychological work on one’s self, which is what I am currently undertaking
through the teachings found here (

Reference: ‘The Power of Mantras’ by Samael Aun Weor. (

Posted in Chakras, Mantras, Practices, Psychic Faculties | Tagged Chakras, Mantras, Psychic Faculties | 6 Comments

6 Responses

Concentrative Meditation - Visualization of a Place. « Gnostic Girl on November 17, 2008 at 10:24 am | Reply
[…] and as such also strengthens faculties of the consciousness (of which I outlined in my ‘mantras for awakening psychic facilities’ post).
This type of visualization can yield unexpected information about the place you are […]

What to expect in the astral, and how to interpret dream and astral experiences. « Gnostic Girl on December 15, 2008 at 11:29 pm | Reply
[…] Intuition is a faculty of the consciousness.  It is that ‘hunch’ or ‘gut feeling’ you get about something that is beyond the rational mind.
With intuition we can tap into information from higher dimensions and become aware of things we would not otherwise be able to know. 
By developing intuition, you can begin to use it as a tool to discern wether what you are seeing is real or just a projection of the mind.  In a
previous post I talk about how to temporarily activate intuition (and other psychic faculties) with mantras.  You can read about it here. […]

sofy on February 16, 2009 at 5:53 pm | Reply

Hi thank you for information it really help me , but i was wondering if you could help me? I’m trying to find the others chakras vowels,
the one for Corona and the others two the base and the second one prostate , i really learning a lot about samael aun weor teaching ..thank

gnosticgirl on February 16, 2009 at 9:09 pm | Reply

I believe the chakra of the sexual centre corresponds to the mantra ‘S’, and I believe the crown chakra corresponds to the mantra ‘n’ but
I am not sure. In terms of psychic faculties I am unsure of these also, but I’ll see what I can find out!

epsychic on March 15, 2009 at 11:20 pm | Reply

A good article.

For opening the crown chakra I use the mantra ABBA. Make it long and drawn out, with controlled breathing.

The first aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb, on a gentle intake of breath, and the second half bbbbbaaaaaa, with a gentle outbreath.

I find this helps me to increase my awareness of the higher realms that are always all around us.

I hope this tip proves useful.

Practical investigation challenge: Using the mantra “ISIS” for clairvoyance. « Gnostic Girl on October 19, 2009 at 12:52 pm | Reply 4/5
10/01/2020 Mantras for Awakening Psychic Faculties. | Gnostic Girl
[…] made a sound file of what this mantra sounds like, which is available for free download from the “Mantras for Awakening Psychic
Faculties”  post. Just click on the “ISIS” link in the post to take you to the download […]

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