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Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

LIT 4 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

TEST I. True or False

Direction: Read carefully each numbered statement and take note of the underlined part. If that part makes the
statement correct write T. if it does not write F. Write the correct answers on your test papers.

Facts and Figures of China

1. China has more people than any country in the world.
2. The Chinese call their country Ihonguro; which means "Monkey Country".
3. The Yangtze River is the longest river in all of Asia.
4. Shanghai is China's smallest city.
5. The Great Wall of China was built to defined China from Mongol invasion.
6. The name China was derived from the Chin Dynasty.
7. The Mandarin Beijing dialect is China's national language.
8. China is a democratic state.
9. China occupies about one fifth of the Asian Continent.
10. Yangtze river is known as China's Sorrow.
11. In general, Chinese writing does not represent the sounds of words.
12. Since it is based on ideas not phonetics Chinese writing is called ideographic.
13. Confucius is unlike Jesus who was a teacher who taught his people by living among them.
14. The reign of Emperor Shi Huang Ti was a golden era for writers in China.
15. Chinese poetry does not use symbolism.
Test II. Multiple Choice
Direction: Pick out the best answer from the choices inside the parenthesis. Write the answer on your answer

A. Japanese Literature
16. The largest of the four main islands of Japan is (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu).
17. (Typhoons, Tidal waves, Earthquakes) are common in Japan.
18. The capital city of Japan is (Honshu, Yokohama, Osaka, Tokyo).
19. The first human emperor of Japan was (Amaterasu, Kammi, Jimmu Tenno, Izanagi).
20. The fighting force of warriors in Japan is called (Shinto, Daimyos, Samurais).
21. (Shintoism, Taoism, Buddhism) was the ancient religion in Japanese.
22. The first Japanese ruler who prosecuted Christian's in Japan was (Hideyoshi, Nobunaga, Iyeyasu).
23. The first Filipino Catholic saint who was prosecuted in Japan was (Ninoy Aquino, Jose Rizal, Lorenzo Ruiz, Marcelo
del Pilar).
24. The (Kojiki, tanka, haiku, Nihongi) tells history of Japan in poetry.
25. The Tale of Genji was written by (Basho, Lady Murasaki, Saikaku).
26. (Manyo-shu, haiku, tanka) is the oldest collection of poetry in Japan.
27. (Rawabata, Mishima, Basho) is reffered to as Japan's "Emest Hemingway".
28. (Haiku, Tanka, Katakana) is the shortest form of Japanese poetry.
29. (Boxing, Wrestling, Drama) is a favorite form of amusement in Japan.
30. The (North Play, Puppet Play, Kabuki Pjay) is the play for the masses.

B. Chinese Literature
31. Chinese Literature has (modern, periodical, ancient, doubtful) beginnings.
32. The Chinese language has (four, three, two, one) syllable.
33. Confucius was born on (179, 551, 700) B.C.
34. China gave mankind a system of philosophy embodied in the works of (Tu-Fu, Li-Po, Lao-Tse).
35. (Pyramid, Pagoda, Baroque) type of architecture is considered as the most perfect type of Asian Architecture.
36. (Shih Huang, Confucius, Hsu Chen) compiled the first Chinese Dictionary.
37. The central figure of China's intellectual history was (Po-chiu, Li-Po, Confucius).
38. (Lao-Tzu, Tu-Fu, Confucius, Mencius) was the venerated founder of Taoism.
39. (Hwang-Ho, Yangtze, Great Wall, Honchu) is known as the Yellow River in China.
40. (Li-Po, Tu-Fu, Lao-Tzu, T Chiu) was called the immortal poetry.
41. The (Plateu of Tibet, Great Wall, Red Dragon, 3 Kingdoms) was built to defend the country's northern borders.
42. China is the (third, fourth, fifth, second) largest country in the world.
43. The greatest disciple of Confucius (Lao-Tzu, Mencius, Pan Chao, Li-Po).
44. (Pan Chao, Mencius, Sima Q'rian) was the "father of Chinese history".
45. The (Ming Dynasty, tang Dynasty, Manchu Dynasty, Chin Dynasty) was the greatest dynasty to rule China.
46. The longest dynasty in Chinese history was (Han Dynasty, Chou Dynasty, Chin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty).
47. (Wu Wang, Confucius, Han Shen, Hsu Shen) founded the Chou Dynasty.
48. The first Chinese dictionary was compiled by (Shu Huang, Pan Chao, Han Shen, Wu-Wang)
49. China became the mistress of Orient during (Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Manchu Dynasty, Chou Dynasty)
50. The poet of human love and sorrow (Lao Tzu, po Chu 1, Tu-Fu, Li-Po).

Test III. Identification

Directions: From the pool of words below, choose the term that is being stated or described in each numbered item.
Write your answer in your test papers.

Ideographs Li-Po Kabuki play Mahabharata

Confucius Po Chu l Manyo Shu Ramayana
China Katakana Haiku Panchatantra
Hwang Ho Kojiki Japan Shakuntala
Beijing Nihongi Tanka Tokyo
Shanghai Noh play Vedas Canton
Symbolism Joruri play avatars

51. He is one the truly great men that China has produced. Kung Fu-tze is his real name; "Kung" being his proper
name,"Fu" signifying revered, and "tse" signifying teacher.
52. This country is called "the Red Dragon" because in Chinese tradition and art, the dragon is the ancient symbol of
power, fertility, and well-being.
53. It is the art or practice of using conventional or traditional objects and signs as a method of revealing or suggesting
ideas, ideals, truths, or otherwise intangible states.
54. It is the capital of China.
55. It is called the Yellow river and is "China's Sorrow" because when the rain falls, the river overflows its banks and
inundates the plains, causing destructive floods yearly.
56. It is the largest city in China.
57. He is one of the leading Chinese poets of the eight century. His writing deal with the good things in life and with the
pathos of human destiny.
58. He is a well-known Chinese poet who represented the classical tradition in Chinese literature, politics and morality.
59. The name of this country means "the source of the sun," or more poetically "the land of the rising sun."
60. It is a five-line poem. The first and third lines have five syllables each and the others seven, making a total of thirty-
one syllable per poem.
61. It is a short poem of seventeen-syllable of three lines arranged in five, seven, and five syllables.
62. It is the earliest Japanese literary work which relates the creation of the world, describes the gods and goddesses of
the mythological period, and contains facts about the earliest history of Japan.
63. It tells the early history of Japan in poetry and shows the profound influence of the Chinese.
64. It is the basic alphabet of Japan which only consists of forty-seven characters.
65. It is the play for the masses and is less intellectual and more realistic, even sensational.
66. This play uses beautifully made puppets and lifelike in size.
67. During the early times, it was a play reserved for the nobility, and the audience dressed themselves in ceremonial
robes. Legend says that this play has its origin in dance and this dance was invented by the gods.
68. The oldest collection of poetry which was compiled in 800 A.D. and is called the "Collection of myriad leaves”.

Test IV. Literary Analysis

Directions: Analyze each literature written below and answer the questions that follow below. Write your answer in
your test paper.


by Toyohiko Kagawa

1 2 3
I cannot invent Shining from wear, Is hid in my hand;
New things, Were suddenly fair, That my hand is big,
Like the airships Bright with a light Big,
Which sail Falling from heaven Because of his plan.
On silver wings; Gold, and silver, and bronze That God,
But today Lights from the window of Heaven. Who dwells in my hand,
A wonderful thought And the thought Knows his secret plan,
In the dawn was given Was this: Of the things He will do for the world
And the stripes on my robe, That a secret plan. Using my hand!

(5 points each)

68-72. What does the poet mean by his hands becoming big?
73-77. Why do you think the post chose the great thought to be born at dawn"?
78-84. What great thought came to his mind? Is this indeed an important discovery? why or why not?
85-90. Do the poet's "hands become big" because "God dwells on them"? Why?


poem from THE BOOK OF ODES

The morning glory climbs above my head –

Pale flowers of white and purple, blue and red.
I am disquieted.

Down in the withered grass something stirred;

I thought it was his footfall that I heard.
Then a grasshopper chirped.

I climb the hill just as the moon showed;

I saw him coming from the southern road.
My heart lays down its load.

91-98. What is subject matter of Morning Glory"? How about the theme? State it and explain.
99-105. Would you call this a cheerful or a sad poem? Explain your answer Give details from the poem.

Good Luck!

Prepared by: Checked by:


Instructor Dean, College of Arts, Sciences and Education

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