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NO Judul Kutipan

1 Simulation of the packing of granular Abstract

mixtures of non-convex particles and The simulation of granular materials has
voids characterization consid- erably developed in the last decades
S. Rémond · J. L. Gallias · A. Mizrahi essentially with simple geometry particles.
DOI 10.1007/s10035-007-0082-y The purpose of this paper is to study granular
systems of non-convex particles which are
pres- ent in many industrial processes. Two
shapes of large and two shapes of small non-
convex particles resulting from the cutting of
a hollow cylinder are modelled, and binary
mix- tures containing varying proportions of
small and large par- ticles are generated with
a Monte Carlo simulation. Two different
states of the granular systems are studied:
suspen- sions and packings obtained after
sedimentation. No contact force model is
used and only steric repulsion is taken into
account. The density, the pore size
distribution and the tor- tuosity of the
granular systems are studied. The results are
compared to those obtained with granular
systems of convex particles.
Two shapes of small particles and two
shapes of large par-
ticles have thus been modelled and granular
mixtures con- taining proportions of small
particles varying from 0 to 1 with increments
of 0.2 have been simulated. Two different
states of the granular systems have been
studied: suspen- sions obtained after the
filling of the container and packings obtained
after a sedimentation of suspensions
allowing to minimize the gravitational
potential energy of the system. The density
profiles are relatively homogeneous through-
out the height of the suspensions whereas a
strong segrega- tion between small and large
particles is observed in the packings when
the proportion ofsmall particles is lower than
80%. The densities obtained for all the
systems are much lower than densities of
granular mixtures composed of spherical
particles obtained in similar conditions.
Moreover, there is no optimization of the
packing density in the case of binary
mixtures of non-convex particles contrarily
to binary mix- tures of convex particles.
2 DEM simulation of the undrained shear Abstract
behavior of sand containing dissociated gas A numerical simulation technique is
hydrate proposed using discrete element method
(DEM) to study the undrained shear behavior
Ming Xu, Erxiang Song, Hao Jiang, Juntian of sand containing dissociated gas hydrate.
Hong Dissociation of gas hydrate in sand samples
DOI 10.1007/s10035-016-0675-4 under undrained conditions is simulated first,
followed by undrained bi-axial compression
of these samples, which consist of three
phases, i.e., sand particles, water, and
methane gas. The simula- tions demonstrate
that hydrate dissociation under undrained
conditions generates significant excess pore
pressure and volumetric dilation, the
magnitudes of which are found to be
comparable with those predicted by
theoretical analysis. During the undrained bi-
axial compression, sampleswith dif- ferent
initial degrees of hydrate saturation exhibit
markedly different shear behavior. Complete
strain softening behav- ior, i.e., static
liquefaction, is observed for the samples
with relatively high initial degrees of hydrate
saturation, while other samples reach quasi-
steady state followed by strain hardening at
large strains. The observed static liquefaction
is believed to be a combined result of the
looser sand struc- ture induced by hydrate
dissociation, and the essentially stiff
modulus of fluid under high pore pressure,
despite the exis- tence of gas in sand pores.
The influence of initial sample porosity and
particle shape is also investigated.
In this research, a growth pattern ofpore-
filling is assumed
before hydrate dissociation. Further research
will be car- ried out to study the effect of
other growth patterns (e.g., cementation,
loading-bearing), which may lead to
different response of soil during undrained
dissociation. However, the simulation
technique and findings about the undrained
shear behavior of sand containing
dissociated hydrate (i.e., methane gas)
should also be applicable if shearing happens
after hydrate has been completely
dissociated. In this research, silicon sand is
considered and the particles
are assumed to be rigid, i.e., unbreakable.
Further research is needed to study the
undrained behavior ofbreakable granular
particles containing dissociated gas hydrate.
3 Unified Particle Physics for Real-Time Abstract
Applications We present a unified dynamics framework
Miles Macklin, Matthias Muller, Nuttapong for real-time visual ef- fects. Using particles
Chentanez, Tae-Yong Kim connected by constraints as our fundamental
building block allows us to treat contact and
collisions in a unified manner, and we show
how this representation is flexible enough to
model gases, liquids, deformable solids, rigid
bodies and cloth with two-way interactions.
We address some common problems with
traditional particle-based methods and
describe a parallel constraint solver based on
position-based dynamics that is efficient
enough for real-time applications.

4 Quantitative structural analysis of simulated Abstract

granular packings of non-spherical particles A set of computationally generated granular
Ole Stenzel · Martin Salzer · Volker Schmidt packings of frictionless grains is statistically
· analyzed using tools from stochastic
DOI 10.1007/s10035-014-0486-4 geometry. We consider both the graph of the
solid phase (formed using the particle mid-
points) and the pore-phase. Structural
characteristics rooted in the analysis of
random point processes are seen to yield
valuable insights into the underlying
structure of granular systems. The graph of
the solid phase is analyzed using traditional
measures such as edge length and
coordination number, as well as more
instructive measures of the overall transport
properties such as geometric tortuosity,
where significant dif- ferences are observed
in the windedness of paths through the
different particle graphs considered. In
contrast, the distribu- tions ofpore-phase
characteristics have a similar shape for all
considered granular packings. Interestingly,
it is found that prolate and oblate ellipsoid
packings show a striking similar- ity between
their solid-phase graphs as well as between
their pore-phase graphs
In this paper, we considered a set of
computationally gen- erated granular
packings and performed an extensive series
of analyses to quantify the geometric
properties of both the solid and the pore-
phase. A particle graph was generated by
connecting neighboring particles and
analyzed in terms of transport-relevant
characteristics like the degree of con-
nectivity (coordination number), edge
lengths and the wind- edness of percolation
paths (geometric tortuosity). Similarly, the
pore-phase was analyzed by a pore-phase
graph, obtained by a skeletonization of the
pore-phase, as well as by further
characteristics from stochastic geometry
describing the spa- tial extent of the pore-
phase (spherical contact distances and chord
5 An improved film–pore–surface diffusion ABSTRAK
model in the fixed-bed column adsorption The present work was investigated the
for heavy metal ions: Single and multi- adsorption of heavy metal ions including
component systems lead (Pb2+), Cadmium (Cd2+) and Nickel
Mohammad Kavanda,∗, Elahe Fakoorb, (Ni2+) onto a commercial activated carbon
Saeed Mahzoonc, Mansooreh Soleimani (AC) in single and multi-component aqueous
fixed bed column. The model, named film pore-concentration dependant-surface
diffusion (FPCDSD), was able adequately to
consider the details of inter- and intra-pellet
transport mechanisms in column mode and
predict film, pore and surface diffusivities of
the adsorption process considering a
nonlinear isotherm model. A diffusional
kinetic model was developed, to investigate
the effects of several parameters like initial
concentration, flow rate, and bed height, and
also to explain the adsorption kinetics and
evaluation of the mass transfer coefficients.
The detailed calculation methods to
determine the contribution of each resistance
against mass transfer were addressed in the
paper. The model with mass transfer
parameters (with the order of magnitude of
Dp ≈ 10−10 m2 s−1, Ds ≈ 10−15 m2 s−1,
Dz ≈ 10−5 m s−2, and kf ≈ 10−5 m s−1) was
found successful in correlating adsorption
data in single, and multi-component system
under different operating condi- tions.
Sensitivity analysis revealed that the value of
Dp and kf dictate the model performance.
The Biot number was found to increase with
increasing flow rate and initial concentration,
indicating an increase in intraparticle
diffusion resistance.
A mathematical model to explain the
diffusional kinetic behavior of single- and
multi-component adsorption of Pb, Cd, and
Ni ions from aqueous systems was
developed and break- through curves were
predicted. The FPCDSD included three
different diffusional mechanisms (film, pore
and surface dif- fusions) simultaneously.
Simulation results showed that the FPCDSD
model is able to fit the experimental data
using a single set of mass transfer parameters
for a wide range of initial concentrations.
External mass transfer coefficients (kf) were
found in the order of magnitude of 10−5 m
s−1. How- ever, the values of pore (Dp),
surface (Ds) diffusivities, and Dz axial
dispersion were in the order of 10−11 and
10−15 and 10−5 m2 s−1respectively. It was
illustrated that both external mass transfer
and dispersion coefficients increased when
the flow rate was increased. Finally, a model
parameter sensitivity analysis showed that
the effects of the external mass transfer
coefficient and diffusivity were important in
the simulation of the breakthrough curves in
the fixed-bed operation. The Biot number
increased with increasing of flow rate and
ini- tial concentration, which indicates an
increase in intraparticle diffusion resistance
6 Study of the Characteristics of the Flow Abstract
Regimes and Dynamics of Coarse Particles Slurry transport is a very important means of
in Pipeline Transportation transporting solids through a pipeline. To
Xiong Ting, Zhang Xinzhuo, Sape A. improve the efficiency of slurry transport,
Miedema, Chen Xiuhan especially in coarse particle transport, which
is subject to problems such as strong resistance and easy blockage, more of the
internal structure of the flow must be known.
Empirical and analytical models are
inadequate for this purpose. Therefore, in
this study, a coupling mechanism is
established between the computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) and discrete element
method (DEM). The CFD-DEM coupling
was applied and research was conducted on
the internal flow structure characteristics of
microscopic motion and flow transition for
coarse particles in a pipeline. The flow-
regime transition processes of coarse 10-mm
particles were analyzed qualitatively at
velocities of 2 m·s-1, 5 m·s-1, 8 m·s-1 and
10 m·s-1 in a 0.1524-m diameter pipe, and
quantitative analyses were performed on
both the concentration distribution and the
pressure gradient of particles in regimes of
fixed bed flow, sliding bed flow and
heterogeneous flow. Moreover, from the
perspective of force analysis of particles, the
law of sedimentation movement of particles
is discussed, and the reason for the change in
concentration distribution is explained. The
research presented here provides insight into
the internal structure of the flow and gives
quantitative indications of pressure gradient
and concentration distributions.
In summary, the particle flow is the key
factor to achieving high efficiency and
ensuring the
safety of pipeline transportation and an
unstable particle bed can cause pipeline
blockage. In dredging engineering, for the
purpose of achieving lower hydraulic
resistance and higher energy efficiency,
comprehensive investigation should be made
based on the pipe diameter, the particle
diameter and the slurry concentrations, only
then it is possible to ensure that the velocity
offered is in an appropriate range to keep the
particles transported through the pipeline
staying in a stable flow regime
7 Characterization and Modeling of Pores and Abstract
Surfaces in Cement Paste: Correlations to Cement-based materials have complex multi-
Processing and Properties component, multiscale structures that first
Hamlin M. Jennings1,2, Jeffrey W. Bullard3, form through chemical reaction and then
Jeffrey J. Thomas1, Jose E. Andrade1, continue to change with time. As with most
Jeffrey J. Chen4 and George W. Scherer classes of materials, the porosity of cement
paste strongly influ- ences its properties,
including strength, shrinkage, creep,
permeability and diffusion. Pores in cement
paste range in size from nanometers to
millimeters, and numerous investigations
and models have been reported in the
literature. This pa- per reviews some key
concepts and models related to our
understanding of the pore system and surface
area. A major reason for the complexity of
cement-based materials is that the principal
reaction product, calcium silicate hydrate (C-
S-H), forms with a significant volume
fraction of internal, nanometer-scale pores.
This gel pore system contains wa- ter that is
also adsorbed to the solid surfaces, blurring
the distinction between the solid phase and
pores. The gel pore system changes not only
with the chemical composition and extent of
reaction, but also with changes in relative
humid- ity, temperature, and applied load.
Pores can be characterized by their surface
area, size, volume fraction, saturation, and
connectivity, but precise quantitative models
are still not available. A useful approach for
characterizing the structure of cement paste
is to document the influence of time and
external factors on structural changes.
Scientific progress will be facilitated by the
development of models that accurately
describe the structure and use that structure
to predict proper- ties. This is particularly
important because the composition and
chemistry of commercial concretes is
changing more rapidly than laboratory
experimentation can document long-term
properties such as durability. Some of the
possible models are discussed

8 Distributed physical based simulations for ABSTRACT

large VR applications We present a novel software framework for
developing highly an- imated virtual reality
DOI: 10.1109/VR.2006.53 applications. Using a modular application
J´er´emie Allard design, our goal is to alleviate software
engineering issues while yielding efficient
execution on parallel machines. We target
worlds involving numerous animated objects
managed by physical based simulations.
Mixing rigid objects, fluids, mass-spring or
other de- formable objects leads to complex
interactions between them. To- day no
unified simulation algorithm with a
reasonable complexity is available to
manage all these types of objects.
We propose a framework for coupling and
distributing existing al- gorithms. We reuse
and extend the data-flowmodel where an
appli- cation is built from modules
exchanging data through connections. The
model relies on two main classes of modules,
animators and interactors. Animators are
responsible for updating objects’ states from
forces applied to them. These forces are
computed in parallel by interactors using the
objects’ states they receive from animators.
The network interconnecting modules can be
progressively opti- mized. From a simple
fully connected network enforcing a syn-
chronous semantics, it can evolve towards an
active network able to implement a bounding
volume based dynamic routing or an asyn-
chronous data re-sampling.
As a result, we present an application
managing interactions be- tween rigid
objects, mass-spring objects and a fluid. It is
executed in real-time on a 54 processors
cluster driving 5 cameras and 16 projectors
for user interactions.
We presented a software framework for
coupling physical based simulations for large
VR applications. Our approach relies on ob-
jects distributed amongst animators in charge
of updating the ob- jects’ state, and
interactors computing the forces that apply to
ob- jects. This approach enables both a
modular application develop- ment as well as
an efficient distributed execution. Objects
being self-defined, it enables to distribute
them amongst different anima- tors. The
different forces that apply to an object can be
computed independently. It allows to have
several interactors working in parallel.
9 Wall collision and drug-carrier detachment abstract
in dry powder inhalers: Using DEM to In this work, the Discrete Element Method
devise a sub-scale model for CFD (DEM) is used to simulate the dispersion
calculations process ofActive Pharmaceu- tical
M. Ariane, M. Sommerfeld, A. Alexiadis Ingredients (API) after awall collision indry
powders inhaler used for lung delivery. Any
fluid dynamic effects are neglected in this
analysis at the moment. A three-dimensional
model is implementedwith one carrier
particle (diameter 100 μm)and 882 drug
particles (diameter 5 μm). The effect ofthe
impact velocity (varied between 1 and 20 m
s−1), angle of impact (between 5° and 90°)
and the carrier rotation (±100,000 rad s−1)
are investigated for both elastic and sticky
walls. The dispersion process shows a
preferential area of drug detachment located
in the southern hemisphere of the carrier.
The angle of impact with the highest
dispersion is 90° for the velocities over
9ms−1 and between 30° and 45° for lower
velocities. The rotation of the carrier before
the impact, on the other hand, for velocities
higher than 7 m s−1, plays a little role on the
dispersion performance. The DEM results
are fi- nally “distilled” into a simplified
analytic model that could be introduced as a
sub-scale model in Euler/Lagrange CFD
calculations linking fluid dynamics with the
detachment probability of APIs in the
In this study, we used the DEM to simulate
the collision of a drug-
carrier with the walls of a dry powder inhaler
device and the conse- quent detachment of
the APIs. The objective is to evaluate the
influence of the impact velocity, angle and
angular velocity of the carrier on the
dispersion ratio which is the number of drug
particles detached to that initially placed on
the carrier. The main conclusions fore the
case without agglomerate (carrier and APIs)
rotation are: • With increasingimpact angle
the dispersion ratios increase rapidly to-
wards a maximum value.
• High dispersion ratios are already reached
above impact angles of20°; except for very
low velocities (i.e. 1 m s−1) which are rarely
found in inhalers [8].
• Expectedly, increasing impact velocity
yields higher dispersion ratio; at low velocity
(~1 m s−1) the maximum is around 50%,
whereas at high velocity (~20m s−1) the
dispersion ratio is close to 100% already for
a wide range of impact angles (i.e. between
20° and 90°)
10 Dynamics of droplet impact on solid surface Abstract:
with different roughness This paper reports an experimental
Tang, Chenglong investigation on the impact dynamics of
Qin, Mengxiao droplets (water, decane, ethanol, and
Weng, Xinyan tetradecane) onto a flat stainless steel
surface, using high-speed microphotography
Zhang, Xuhui
and with a particular interest in the effect of
Zhang, Peng surface roughness on the impact dynamics.
Li, Jianlin Results show that the impacting water
Huang, Zuohua droplet spreads on the surface in the form of
a rim-bounded lamella and the rim contracts
DOI: back after reaching the maximum spreading,
10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2017.07.002 while this contraction motion is absent for
the fuel liquids. With the increase of Weber
number (We) and surface roughness,
splashing, evidenced by the ejection of
secondary droplets, is favored. The droplet
spreading, which is characterized by a
normalized diameter ?, is accelerated with
increasing We, while the surface roughness
and Ohnesorge number (Oh) tend to slow
down the spreading process.
With the increasing interest in engine
downsizing, spray wall interactions become
more and more inevitable. Modeling the
spray-wall impingement needs
comprehensive understanding of the droplet
impact dynamics under various roughness. In
the present study, we have systematically
investigated the dynamics of the droplet
impact on cold and dry solid surfaces,
emphasizing on the effect of surface
roughness. High speed images show that
although all the impacting liquid droplets
spread on the surface in the form of a rim-
bounded lamella, the water droplet contracts
back after reaching the maximum spreading
the fuel droplets do not have the contraction
motion. To quantify the spreading behavior,
the evolution of the non-dimensional droplet
spreading diameter ? becomes faster with
increasing We while becomes slower with
increasing the surface roughness and
Ohnesorge number (Oh). Additionally, ?max
depends primarily on (We/Oh) and is slightly
reduced by the increase in the surface
roughness. Empirical correlations of ?max as
a function of the surface roughness were
derived and show good agreement with both
the present and previous experimental data.
11 Scale separation between grain detachment Abstract
and grain transport in granular media Based on a discrete element method, this
subjected to an internal flow paper investigates the basic mechanisms and
Antoine Wautier, Stéphane Bonelli, the associated scales related to grain
François Nicot detachment and grain transport processes at
stake in widely graded poly-disperse
assemblies of spheres subjected to internal
fluid flows. From the identification of force
chains, particles sensitive to grain
detachment are iden- tified. Based on the
computation of autocorrelation lengths, a
typical length scale associated with this
phenomenon is then defined. From the
characterization of the void space as a pore
network, particles eligible for grain transport
are identified among the detachable particles.
Based on the definition of a mean travel
distance, the typical length scale associated
with grain transport is finally characterized.
The comparison between the two length
scales highlights a scale separation between
grain detachment and grain transport.
Specific micromechanical tools are
developed in this paper to investigate the
susceptibility of a polydisperse assembly of
spherical particles to grain detachment and
grain trans- port. Basically, the granular
assembly can be considered as a two-phase
medium. A partition of its solid fraction
between chained particles and non-chained
particles makes it possi- ble to analyze the
grain detachment process. Similarly, the void
fraction can be split into two parts
corresponding to an accessible pore network
and a non-accessible pore network. This dual
partition is a fundamental ingredient to
describe the grain transport process.
12 Pore shapes, volume distribution and ABSTRAK
orientations in monodisperse granular Abstract The complex mechanical behaviour
assemblies of granular materials is commonly studied by
Sufian, Adnan considering the evolv- ing particle contact
Russell, Adrian R network. An often overlooked feature is the
Whittle, Andrew J influence of micro-scale geometric
Saadatfar, Mohammad configuration of pores on the macroscopic
response. This paper presents a series of
DOI 10.1007/s10035-015-0590-0 tools to quantify the shape, volume
distribution and orientation characteristics of
the pore space. The proposed approach is
compared against data extracted from
physical and numerical experiments with
monodisperse assemblies of spheres.
Individual pores are represented by
polyhedral pore unit cells obtained by
combining the Delaunay tessella- tion with
an algorithm for merging Delaunay cells
based on the concept of maximal inscribed
sphere, after Al-Raoush et al. (Soil Sci Soc
Am J 67(6):1687–1700, 2003). A pore shape
parameter is proposed that considers pore
volume and surface, and is analytically
related to the void ratio and the number of
edges forming the polyhedral pore unit cell.
The pore volume distribution is shown to be
uniquely described by the analytical k-
gamma distribution proposed by Aste and Di
Matteo (Phys Rev E 77(2):021309, 2008). A
pore orien- tation tensor is introduced to
define the principal orientation of individual
pore units. This is subsequently used to
define a global orientation tensor that reveals
an isotropic pore network for the reference
monodisperse assemblies. The global
orientation tensor is analytically expressed in
terms of the parameters defining the pore
volume distribution
The analytical expression relating pore shape
to local void ratio and local edge numbers in
Eq. 20 continues to reasonably describe the
numerical data in the N-RLPA analysis. This
is illustrated in Fig. 13 for a typical assem-
bly. It is acknowledged that there is some
scatter for Ne = 6, associated with the
increase number of small pores associated
with the alternate merging criteria.
13 Enhanced run-out of dam-break granular Abstract
flows caused by initial fluidization and initial We report results of the run-out of
material expansion experimen- tal dam-break flows in a
Montserrat, S. horizontal channel generated from the
Tamburrino, A. collapse of columns of fine (75 µm) particles
Roche, O. fluidized at various degrees. We find that the
Niño, Y. flow run-out (x) made dimensionless by the
Ihle, C. F. initial column length (xo) is a power
function of the initial column height-to-
10.1007/s10035-016-0604-6 length ratio (r), as shown in previous works
with non-fluidized flows. The run-out of
flows initially fluidized at different degrees
is accounted by x/xo = αrn. For initially non-
fluidized flows, our values of α are
significantly higher than those reported
earlier for flows of coarser granular material
(>0.15 mm), showing that finely grained
flows have longer run-outs com- pared to
their coarser counterparts. The coefficient α
is a function of the initial degree of
fluidization, with a higher growth above 93
% of fluidization, which coincides with the
onset of bed expansion, and it accounts for a
flow run-out increase being up to more than
twice that of non-fluidized flows. The
parameter α is well correlated with the
amount of initial bed expansion, which
undergoes a sharp transition at high degrees
offluidization that has shown to be an
important mechanism for reducing flow
friction. Our results are con- sistent with
earlier findings that showed that bed
expansion significantly increases pore
pressure diffusion timescales in static
columns, suggesting that the long run-out of
initially expanded finely grained flows is due
to their ability to diffuse pore pressure
Our study focused on the run-out ofair-
particle mixture flows using a lock-exchange
flume. The data revealed that the run- out of
flows of fine (75µm) particles increased with
the initial material expansion controlled by
the degree of flu- idization. Our results show
that (i) the dimensionless flow run-out, x/xo ,
scales as a power law of the initial column
height-to-length ratio, r = ho/xo, as reported
in earlier stud- ies on non-fluidized
unidirectional flows of coarse particles
[26,30]; (ii) the exponent n of the power law
depends on particle size and whether
particles are fluidized at different degrees or
not (n = 0.80 for βo = 0 and n = 0.58 for βo >
0), extending the finding by Roche et al. [8]
in axisym- metric configuration; and (iii) the
proportionality parameter in Eq. (2), α, is
strongly dependent on βo and the amount of
bed expansion.
14 Granular Computing : Past , Present and Abstract
Future Granular computing is gradually changing
Yao, Yiyuv from a label to a new field ofstudy. The
10.1007/978-3-540-79721-0 driving forces, the major schools of thought,
and the future research directions on granular
computing are examined. A triarchic theory
of granular computing is outlined. Granular
computing is viewed as an interdisciplinary
study ofhuman-inspired computing, char-
acterized by structured thinking, structured
problem solv- ing, and structured
information processing.
Logical approaches to granular computing
are closely re-
lated to the classical view of concepts. A
concept is defined jointly by the common,
intrinsic properties that are appli- cable to
the objects of the concept and a set of objects
that are instances of the concept. They are
called the intension and the extension of the
concept, respectively. With a logic language,
a formula is treated as a description of a
granule (i.e., the intension of a concept) and
the granule itself is a set of objects forming
the granule (i.e., the extension of a con-
cept). This allows us to study granular
computing in both a logical setting and a set-
theoretical setting [46]. A logic language can
be used to describe the equivalence
of objects, which in turn can be used to form
a granule of objects that are indiscernible
based on the language. This approach is used
by Hobbs [10] for developing a theory of
granularity [13] and by Pawlak [26] for
eveloping the rough set theory. Liu [18, 19]
and colleagues extend the strict logic
equivalence into a weak equivalence,
through which similar objects can be
grouped together
FROM MANUFACTURING TO THE SKIN Delivery systems are extensively used in
OF NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS cosmetic products. This literature review
Costa, Raquel describes some of the delivery systems used
Santos, Lúcia in the cosmetic industry, , some general
considerations about their presence and
10.1016/j.powtec.2017.07.086 incorporation in cosmetic formulations, as
well as their skin interactions. This review
also covers the manufacturing process of a
cosmetic cream formulation, including basic
ingredients, natural antioxidants in
particular. In addition, future perspectives,
recent concerns, and further work regarding
the cosmetic industry are also described.
Natural antioxidants presenthealth benefits
such as anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory, anti-
carcinogenic, and anti-microbial properties
that potentiate their use in cosmetic products.
Furthermore, they can also be used as
preservatives since they avoid the lipid
oxidation that usually occurs in cosmetic
products. However, antioxidants may have
stability issues and difficulties in crossing
the transdermal barrier. Delivery systems can
be used to protect sensitive active ingredients
from degradation and to grant a target and
controlled release. Several types of delivery
systems (e.g. liposomes, niosomes,
transfersomes, lipid nanoparticles, polymeric
microparticles and nanoparticles) have been
used in cosmetic formulations. The use of
delivery systems may improve the
penetration of the antioxidant. Skin
interaction with the different delivery
systems depends mostly on their size,
flexibility and composition. Moreover,
delivery systems should be easily
incorporated in the cosmetic formulation
leading to a final uniform and sensorially
attractive product for the costumer. New
concerns about environmental impact or
animal welfare are emerging with respect to
the cosmetic development, manufacturing
and quality control.

Natural ingredients, in particular natural
antioxidants, are gaining popularity among
cosmetic consumers. They can be entrapped
into delivery systems to improve their skin
penetration and to overcome some stability
problems associated with antioxidants.
Delivery systems may be able to protect a
sensitive active ingredient while the product
is stored, only releasing it when it is applied
on the skin, thus allowing a controlled and
targeted release. Mechanical forces, pH, or
temperature could be used as triggers to
promote the liberation. Several types of
delivery systems may be used in cosmetic
formulation and each one of them has some
drawbacks and advantages. The interaction
of each delivery system with the skin mainly
depends on in its composition, flexibility,
and size. The incorporation of the delivery
system in a cream formulation must be
performed assuring the stability of both of
them in order to obtain a successful product.
Despite the success of the delivery systems
and its incorporation in already
commercialized products, some challenges
still remain to overcome. New concerns
about environmental impact or animal
welfare are surging with respect to the
cosmetic development, manufacturing, and
quality control. With regard to delivery
systems, eventually, the main limitation and
future work resides in the passage from the
laboratory scale to industrial production
16 Facial skin pores: a multiethnic study Abstract: Skin pores (SP), as they are called
Flament, Frederic by laymen, are common and benign features
Francois, Ghislain mostly located on the face (nose, cheeks, etc)
Batisse, Dominique that generate many aesthetic concerns or
Cointereau-chardon, Suzy complaints. Despite the prevalence of skin
Elaine, Susi pores, related literature is scarce. With the
aim of describing the prevalence of skin
Belo, Dal pores and anatomic features among ethnic
Bazin, Roland groups, a dermatoscopic instrument, using
polarized lighting, coupled to a digital camera recorded the major features of skin
pores (size, density, coverage) on the cheeks
of 2,585 women in different countries and
continents. A detection threshold of 250 µm,
correlated to clinical scorings by experts,
was input into a specific software to further
allow for automatic counting of the SP
density (N/cm2
) and deter-
mination of their respective sizes in mm2
. Integrating both criteria also led to
establishing the
relative part of the skin surface (as a
percentage) that is actually covered by SP on
cheeks. The results showed that the values of
respective sizes, densities, and skin
coverage: 1) were recorded in all studied
subjects; 2) varied greatly with ethnicity; 3)
plateaued with age in most cases; and 4)
globally reflected self-assessment by
subjects, in particular those who self-declare
having “enlarged pores” like Brazilian
women. Inversely, Chinese women were
clearly distinct from other ethnicities in
having very low density and sizes.
Analyzing the present results suggests that
facial skin pore’s morphology as perceived
by human eye less result from functional
criteria of associated appendages such as
sebaceous glands. To what extent skin pores
may be viewed as additional criteria of a
photo-altered skin is an issue to be further
However, to what extent SP may be enlarged
in size and number by sun exposure or
lifestyle (which are possible additional
contributors to photo-damaged skin) remains
an open issue that clearly calls for further
works, which should not discount a
participating role of sebaceous function. SP
nevertheless remain puzzling; the hope is
that future works will result in greater
17 Experimental and numerical determination Abstract
of representative elementary volume for A series of physical and numerical tests were
granular plant materials conducted to determine representative
elementary volume of granular plant
Wiacek, Joanna material. The load response of pea grain
Molenda, Marek assembly poured into a cuboid test chamber
and subjected to uniaxial confined
Ooi, Jin Y.
compression was studied. The apparatus was
Favier, John equipped with adjustable side walls that
allowed mea- surement of boundary stresses
in samples of varying thick- ness. It was
found that load distribution varied
considerably in samples of thickness smaller
than three times the size of the particle. Less
pressure variation was observed in grain
assemblies of thickness equaled to three, five
and seven times the particle size.
Comparison between experimental data and
numerical DEM results have shown
qualitative agreement. It was found that the
specimen of dimension not smaller than five
times the particle size can be used as a
representative elementary volume in
confined uniaxial compression test of
granular plant materials.
The influence of specimen size on the
mechanical response of granular assembly
subjected to uniaxial compression has been
investigated using DEM and physical
experiment. The study was conducted using
pea grains placed in a chamber of
rectangular cross-section.
The chief conclusions are as follows:
• The effective elastic moduli ofboth
numerical and exper- imental assemblies
were not affected by sample thick- ness of 3,
5 and 7 diameters of particle.
• The lateral force transmission in confined
compression in the form of ratio of
horizontal to vertical pressure was found to
be sensitive to sample size when the sample
thickness is less than five times the particle
• Agood qualitative agreement between the
numerical and experimental vertical
pressure–volumetric strain rela- tionships
and effective elastic moduli was obtained for
granular specimens of various sizes.
• DEM predicted a slightly stiffer response
for the spher- ical assembly as compared to
the experiments on pea grains. The effective
elastic modulus was found to be 4.27 and
4.54MPa for the experimental and numerical
samples respectively, for sample thickness of
five times particle size.
• A specimen of dimension greater than five
times particle size can be used as a
representative elementary volume (REV) in
uniaxial compression confined test of
granular plant material.
18 Effect of particle size ratio and contribution Abstract
of particle size fractions on micromechanics This paper is an extension of the recent work
of uniaxially compressed binary sphere of Wia˛cek (Granul Matter 18:42, 2016),
mixtures wherein geometrical parameters of binary
granular mixtures with various parti- cle size
Wiacek, J. ratio and contribution of the particle size
Parafiniuk, P fractions were investigated. In this study, a
micromechanics of binary mixtures with
Stasiak, M
various ratio of the diameter of small and
large spheres and contribution of small
particles was ana- lyzed using discrete
element simulations ofconfined uniaxial
compression. The study addressed contact
normal orientation distributions, global and
partial contact force distributions and
pressure distribution in packings of frictional
spheres. Additionally, the effect of particle
size ratio and contribution of particle size
fractions on energy dissipation in granular
mixtures was investigated. The particle size
ratio in binary packings was chosen to
prevent small particles from per- colating
through bedding. The bimodality of mixtures
was found to have a strong effect on
distribution of contact nor- mal orientation
and distribution of normal contact forces in
binary mixtures. Stress transfer in binary
packing was also determined by both,
particle size ratio and volume fraction of
small particles. Dissipation of energy was
higher in mixtures with higher particle size
ratios and decreased with increasing
contribution of small spheres in system.

The micromechanics of the binary granular
mixtures sub- jected to compressive load was
investigated, using the 3D DEM simulations.
The micromechanical properties of gran-
ular packing strongly determine the internal
response of material to externally applied
loads and its macromechan- ical properties;
however, they alone are also dependent on
few factors. Therefore, in this study, the
analysis of the effect of the geometric and
statistical factors on the micromechanics of
binary sphere packings was conducted. The
geometric factor was the ratio of the
diameter of small and large spheres in
samples, while the statistical one was a
volume fraction of small spheres in mixture.
The par- ticle size ratio in bidisperse samples
was chosen larger than 0.4 to prevent small
particles from percolating through bedding
19 Merging criteria for defining pores and Abstract
constrictions in numerical packing of The void space of granular materials is
spheres generally divided into larger local volumes
Seblany, Feda denoted as pores and throats connecting
Homberg, Ulrike pores. The smallest section in a throat is
Vincens, Eric usually denoted as constriction. A correct
description of pores and constrictions may
Winkler, Paul help to understand the processes related to
Josef, Karl the transport of fluid or fine particles through
granular materials, or to build models of
10.1007/s10035-018-0808-z imbibition for unsaturated granular media. In
the case of numerical granular materials
involving packings of spheres, different
methods can be used to compute the pore
space properties. However, these methods
generally induce an over-segmentation of the
pore network and a merging step is usually
applied to mitigate such undesirable artifacts
even if a precise delineation of a pore is
somewhat subjective. This study provides a
comparison between different merging
criteria for pores in packing of spheres and a
discussion about their implication on both
the pore size distribution and the constriction
size distribution of the material. A
correspondence between these merging
techniques is eventually proposed as a guide
for the user

In this paper, different void characteristics in
packings of spheres are derived from a
partition of the space. These char- acteristics
are the distribution of the diameter of the
void sphere having a volume equal to that of
the pore, which characterizes the
morphology of the void space, and the con-
striction size distribution which characterizes
its topology. Since the usual Delaunay or
Voronoï partitions may lead to an artificial
over-segmentation of the pore space, two
dif- ferent techniques for merging local pores
were studied and compared. These
techniques, which lie on the computation of
the inscribed void sphere associated to a
local pore, are the overlapping void spheres
technique and the pore separation technique.
20 Microdynamic analysis of solid flow in a Abstract
shear cell Granular flow in a model shear cell under
Wang, X. con- ditions relevant to those in an annular
Zhu, H. P. cell is investigated based on the results
Yu, A. B. obtained bymeans ofthe discrete element
method. The spatial and statistical
10.1007/s10035-012-0311-x distributions of micrody- namic variables
such as velocity, porosity, coordination
num- ber and contact force are established,
and the dependence of these variables on
some key physical and operational param-
eters of particles and the cell is studied. It is
shown that the normal pressure, shear
velocity of the cell, particle friction
coefficient and rolling friction coefficient
have noticeable influences on these
microdynamic variables. However, the
effects of wall friction coefficient and
damping coefficient are negligible. There is a
linear relationship between overall
coordination number and packing density,
when the coordi- nation number ranges
between 5 and 6.5. The deviation from the
relation derives from the cases where the
normal pressure is varied as a result of the
significant change in the normal contact
forces between particles.

DEM simulation has been used to investigate
the granular flow in a model shear cell with
conditions relevant to annular cells. The
spatial and statistical distributions
ofmicrodynam- ic variables such as velocity,
porosity, coordination number and normal
contact force have been depicted. The depen-
dences of these variables on the operational
conditions and the physical properties of
particles have also been examined.
21 Estimation of the pore size and charge Abstrak
density in human cadaver skin Streaming potential and the cation transport
number were measured in human cadaver
Aguilella, Vicente skin. The transport number was used
Kontturi, Kyosti to estimate the charge density in aqueous
Murtomaki, Lasse pores of skin using both Donnan equilibrium
and Langmuir adsorption isotherm. A
Ramirez, Patricio
microscopic model was employed to
evaluate the pore radius from the streaming
potential and charge density data. The
capillary pore model was extended to
account for any distribution of pore size, and
applied particularly to the gaussian
distribution. The mean radius of the
distribution appeared to be slightly less than
that of the single pore model. In both cases
the radii were ca. 20 nm.
Streaming potential measurements were
carried out in human cadaver skin and nice
linear slopes Delta psi vs. Delta P were
obtained, proving the applicability of the
method in the study of electrokinetic
phenomena in skin. Transport number
measurements with the EMF method showed
that at least a part of the charge density in
skin is due to ion adsorption which was
modelled using the Langmuir adsorption
isotherm. A cylindrical pore model for
stratum corneum was utilized to inter- pret
the streaming potential results in terms of the
pore radius and charge density of stratum
corneum. Also, the distribution of pore radii
was considered, particu- larly the gaussian
distribution. The typical pore radius was
found to be ca. 20 nm which is an order of
mag- nitude larger value than those reported
earlier in the literature. Literature values
cannot, however, be under- stood in the view
of electrokinetic phenomena. Thus, the
nature and origin of the aqueous pores in
human skin is not completely evident yet,
but streaming poten- tial is an alternative
way to characterize the porosity of skin
22 Age-related changes in skin wrinkles Background
assessed by a novel three-dimensional A system has been developed whereby the
morphometric analysis morphology of the skin surface can be
evaluated directly in three dimensions. This
Akazaki, S. system employs a non-invasive device that
Nakahawa, H. utilizes white light of halogen origin, and
Kazama, H. which allows the computation of wrinkle
depth and width, and other parameters of
Osanai, O.
skin surface morphology. Using innovative
Kawai, M. engineering, an optical system has been
Takema, Y. devised so that light is transmitted via a slit
Imokawa, G. and can be used to measure not only replicas
of the skin but also the skin surface directly.
The measurement area is 6Æ4 · 6Æ4 mm,
and the theoretical resolution with a · 50
magnification lens is within 12Æ5 lm.
One hundred and one healthy women (age
range 20–80 years) residing in the Tokyo
area were the subjects used in this study.
This new analytical system provides a rapid
and convenient non-invasive method to
evaluate skin surface morphology in three
dimensions, especially with respect to
wrinkle formation. The results obtained
using this system provide a deeper insight
into the mechanistic relationship between
wrinkles and skin elasticity.
23 Simulation of solitary waves in a Abstract
monodisperse granular chain using COMSOL Solitary wave propagation in a monodisperse
multiphysics : localized plastic deformation granular chain was simulated using the finite
as a dissipation mechanism element method. The model was built to
address a discrepancy between numerical
Musson, Ryan W and experimental results from Lazaridi and
Carlson, William Nesterenko (J Appl Mech Tech Phys
26(3):405–408 1985). In their work, solitary
10.1007/s10035-014-0499-z waves were generated in a chain of particles
through impact ofa piston, and results were
quantified by comparing the chains’
reactions to a rigid wall. Their numerical
calculations resulted in a solitary wave with
a force amplitude of83 N, while it was
measured experimen- tally to be 71 N. In the
present work, the configuration of the
granular chain and piston was duplicated
from Lazaridi and Nesterenko (J Appl Mech
Tech Phys 26(3):405–408, 1985).
Qualitatively similar solitary waves were
produced, and von Mises stress values
indicated that localized plastic deforma- tion
is possible, even at low piston impact
velocities. These results show that localized
plastic deformation was a likely source of
dissipation in experiments performed by
Lazaridi and Nesterenko.

In this paper, we presented finite element
simulations of soli- tary wave propagation in
granular chains, which matched qualitatively
and semi-quantitatively with numerical and
experimental studies performed by Lazaridi
and Nesterenko [1]. We have shown that the
penalty method in COMSOL Multiphysics
will produce solitary waves which are sim-
ilar to those produced from numerical
experiments which assume Hertzian contact,
as well as real experiments. Using this
method, it was shown that plastic
deformation is a viable dissipation
mechanism which could account for
differences in Lazaridi and Nesterenko’s
numerical and experimental works. Thiswas
shown to be the case even at an impact
veloc- ity of 0.5 m/s. It was also shown that a
source of difference between numerical and
experimental results from [1] could have
been attributed to a difference in boundary
conditions in the two cases
24 Simulation of the pressure distribution Abstract
under a two-dimensional heap of polygonal Granular heaps in two dimensions are
particles studied using the molecular dynamics
Matuttis, Hans-georg method with convex poly- gons. The angle
of repose shows a dependence on the size
dispersion of the particles. There is a
pressure minimum under the apex of the
heap which depends strongly on the way the
heap is built. The results and the
comparisons with the experiments suggest
that there is not such a thing as a generic
pressure distribution for granular heaps.

25 Three-dimensional distinct element Abstract

simulation of spherocylinder crystallization We present a three-dimensional distinct
element model (DEM) able to handle
Pournin, L populations of spherocylin- ders. We report
Weber, M on granular crystallization occurring when
Tsukahara, M vibrating mono-disperse assemblies of
Ferrez, J. A. spherocylinders that faithfully reproduce the
Ramaioli, M corresponding results of physical
experiments from the literature.
Liebling, Th. M.
We have presented a performing distinct
element simulation scheme able to handle
non-spherical grains in three dimen- sions,
and validated this model by faithfully
reproducing the crystallization of
spherocylinders experimentally observed by
[20]. In the setups we simulated, we observe
that the crystallization process first shows a
relatively fast global rearrangement stage
followed by a slower phase with occa- sional
local rearrangements. The faster phase is
logarithmic whenever the energy available
for the grains to move is high enough. Our
simulation results raise many questions
which need further investigation. They
concern among others the particle
trajectories during the whole process, the
energy dis- tribution within the medium, the
influence of the boundary conditions, i.e.
container shapes and the crystallization of
grains with more complex shapes.

26 Mesoscale simulation of clay aggregate Abstract

formation and mechanical properties This paper proposes a novel methodology for
understanding the meso-scale aggregation of
Ebrahimi, Davoud clay platelets in water. We use Molecular
Pellenq, Roland J Dynamics simulations using the CLAYFF
force fields to represent the interactions
Whittle, Andrew J
between two layers of Wyoming
montmorillonite (Na-smectite) in bulk water.
The analyses are used to establish the
potential of mean force at different spacings
between the layers for edge-to-edge and
face-to-face interactions. This is accom-
plished by finding the change in free energy
as a function of the separation distance
between the platelets using thermo- dynamic
perturbation theory with a simple overlap
sampling method. These nanoscale results
are then used to calibrate the Gay–Berne
(GB) potential that represents each platelet
as a single-site ellipsoidal body. A coarse-
graining upscaling approach then uses the
GB potentials and molecular dynam- ics to
represent the meso-scale aggregation of clay
platelets (at submicron length scale). Results
from meso-scale sim- ulations obtain the
equilibrium/jamming configurations for
mono-disperse clay platelets. The results
show aggregation for a range of clay
platelets dimensions and pressures with
mean stack size ranging from 3 to 8 platelets.
The par- ticle assemblies become more
ordered and exhibit more pronounced elastic
anisotropy at higher confining pressures. The
results are in good agreement with
previously measured nano-indentation
moduli over a wide range of clay packing

We propose a new methodology to study
aggregation of clay particles at the meso-
scale based on the atomistic interaction
between two clay platelets in an aqueous
envi- ronment. Full atomistic simulation of
the clay (Na-Wyoming montmorillonite)-
water system for edge-to-edge and face- to-
face interaction of clay platelets were used to
calculate changes in free energy as a
function of the separation distance using
perturbation theory. At the meso-scale clay
platelets were approximated by ellipsoidal
particles and their interac- tion for different
orientations were defined using Gay–Berne
potential calibrated for edge-to-edge and
face-to-face inter- actions from the atomistic
scale. Results of the simulations show an
increase in the average aggregate size by
increas- ing platelet diameter. An increase in
the confining pressure creates a more
ordered system and average aggregate size
increases until reaching to a maximum
ordered state. Further increase of pressure
results in decrease in average aggre- gate
size since orientation of platelets remains
constant and they start to slide against each
other. The computed mean stack size (3–8)
for Na-smectite is in good agreement with
experiments (3–10). Moreover, our
mesoscale model is also able to match quite
closely the measured elastic indentation
modulus for shale and clay specimens over a
wide range of packing density. The current
analyses are limited to a sin- gle species of
smectite (Na-Wyoming montmorillonite)
with disperse assemblies of platelets. The
method can be used to cation exchange
capacity, CEC = 102 meq/100g and mono-
study the effect of amount and type of
isomorphous substi- tution on the
microstructure and mechanical properties of
clay aggregates. The heterogeneity of the
platelet sizes at the meso-scale can change
the distribution of aggregate sizes. The
research can be extended to study effects of
polydis- perse assemblies of clay platelets
27 DEM simulation of diametrical compression Abstract
Khanal, Manoj A 2 Dimensional discrete element analysis is
Schubert, Wolfgang car- ried out with diametrical stressing
Tomas, Jurgen condition to understand the fracture
behaviour of particle compounds. The new
10.1007/s10035-005-0200-7 surface generation and particle size
distributions are also analysed to study an
efficiency of the crushing system. Concrete
spheres of150mmdiameter with properties
ofB35 (35 N/mm2 com- pressive strength)
are chosen to represent particle compounds.
The paper discusses the discrete element
approach for crack propagation analysis and
their correlations in particle com- pounds.

The discrete element simulation provides an
excellent tool to investigate the fracture
behaviour of the complicated mate- rials like
particle compounds. It was shown that the
analysis can be used to understand the
different stages dur- ing fracturing ofthe
materials through the simulations, which is
almost impossible in the experiments.
During fracture, the inter-particle bonds are
deleted between the particles, which
represents the crack initiation and
propagation in more real- istic way. The
particle size distributions were analysed at
different velocities and finer fragments were
observed at the higher velocity, as expected.
It was observed that it is very difficult to
achieve the ideal particle size distributions.
The new surface generation and the broken
bonds were also anal- ysed and obtained a
maximum limit from where the process
becomes inefficient, which is very useful for
designing an optimal comminution process.
28 Numerical simulation of particle flow in a Abstract
sand trap Sand traps are used tomeasureAeolian flux.
Since they modify the surrounding wind
Araújo, A. D. velocity field their gauging represents an
Andrade, J. S. important challenge.We use numerical
Maia, L. P. simula- tions under the assumption
ofhomogeneous turbulence based on
Herrmann, H. J.
FLUENT to systematically study the flow
field and trap- ping efficiency of one of the
most common devices based on a hollow
cylinder with two slits. In particular, we
investigate the dependence on the wind
speed, the Stokes number, the permeability
of the membrane on the slit and the saltation
In this paper, we have studied numerically
the behavior of a sand trap frequently used to
measure aeolian sand transport in the
field.We solved the turbulent wind velocity
field in the presence of the sand trap and
investigated the effect of the membrane
permeability. We studied quantitatively the
par- ticle trajectories carried by the fluid for
different membrane permeabilities. We have
shownhowthe efficiencyofthe sand trap
on the Stokes number and gave some insight
about the effect of the membrane
permeability on the capturing process. First,
it is important to mention that the typical
grain size
found in natural sand is not in the range that
has impact on the efficiency of the sand trap.
However, in the limit of low Stokes numbers
(small grain size) the increase observed in
the efficiency of the sand trap for the case of
high permeabil- ity, should generate a small
deviation in the sand flux.
29 Simple shear simulation of 3D irregularly- Abstract
shaped particles by image-based DEM This paper describes an image-based DEM
taking account of the irregular shape of solid
Katagiri, Jun particles in a direct manner. A micro X-Ray
Matsushima, Takashi CT at SPring-8 (a syn- chrotron radiation
Yamada, Yasuo facility in Japan) was employed to obtain
high quality CT images for detecting
10.1007/s10035-010-0207-6 correctly the shape of particles. The digitized
3D shape data of each particle was
automatically obtained by an original image-
process- ing technique. The particle shape
was modeled by a cluster of several spherical
elements using dynamic optimization
method. The accuracy of the modeling can
be controlled by the number of elements
forming each particle. Using such modeled
particles a series of simple shear simulations
were performed for the specimens with
various void ratios. It was found that 10-
elementmodelcan quantitatively reproduce
the shear behavior of relatively-dense
specimens. On the other hand, in order to
well simulate the packing structure and the
shear behavior of loose specimens, 10-
element model is found to be insufficient and
more accurate model would be necessary.
This result implies that the overall grain
shape that is relevant to the moment
transmission between grains is important in
densely-packed granular assembly, while
small surface angularity plays considerable
role in loosely-packed granular assembly.

Particle shapes of Toyoura sand were
measured using micro X-rayCT at SPring-8,
and a certain number ofparticle shapes were
obtained by image-processing of CT data. A
series of simple shear DEM simulations
under constant confining pressure or
constant volume conditions were carried out
and the results were quantitatively compared
with physical ele- ment tests. Under constant
confining pressure conditions, the 10-
element model yields good results in
accordance with the experimental results,
though the loosely-packed specimen cannot
be prepared in the simulation possibly due to
the lack ofsmall surface angularity. As for
the simulations under con- stant volume
conditions, the quantitative agreement with
the experiment was not attained even in the
10-element model. This may also come from
the insufficient modeling of the surface
angularity, because this constant volume
behavior appears in relatively-loose
Nevertheless, the quantitative agreement
between the experiments and the simulations
for the relatively-dense specimens implies
that the overall grain shape plays an
important role for such specimens. This
result is consistent with the previous research
in which the overall grain shape is closely
related to the rolling resistance mobilized by
the multiple contact points between two
grains [17,21]. In this way, various scale in
grain shape affects the overall mechan- ical
properties of granular material in a
complicated manner. Accordingly, the
accuracyofthe grain shapemodeling should
be adequately chosen depending on the
problem concerned.
30 Simulation of Granular Compacts in two Abstract
dimensions Simulations of granular packings in 2-D by
throwing disks in a rectangular die are
Vidales, A M performed. Different size distributions as
Kenkre, V M bimodal, uniform and gaussian are used.
Hurd, A Once the array of particles is done, a
relaxation process is carried on using a large-
amplitude, low-frequency vertical shaking.
This relaxation is performed a number N of
times. Then, we measure the density of the
package, contact distribution, coordination
number distribution, entropy and also the
disks size distri- bution vs. height. The
dependence of all these magnitudes on the
number N of “shakings” used to relax the
packing and on the size distribution
parameters are explored and discussed

In this paper we presented a simulation
algorithm to gen- erate random packings of
disks in 2-D where the radii size distribution
can in principle be any one desired. We got
re- sults for uniform, gaussian and bimodal.
After the packing is ready, a low-frequency
high-amplitude relaxation pro- cess is
performed. The algorithm is very fast,
consuming a few seconds of CPU time. In
general, except for high a in the bimodal
case, the
mean coordination number is four,
independently of dis- persion and relaxation.
The relaxation process is useful for the
of the disks in the packing, lowering
considerably the num- ber of bridges. It does
not practically affect the density of the
system and does not cause considerable
segregation, except for the bimodal
distribution at high a. The initial number of
bridges is higher for the bimodal distribution
compared with the other distributions.
Distributions with greater a values improve
the pack-
ing efficiency for the first two distributions
and make it worse in the bimodal case.
Given the advantages of the present
algorithm respect
to CPU time and size distributions
possibilities, a wide variety of experimental
set ups can be simulated in order to predict
the force contact distributions before a com-
pressing process is carried on. Present efforts
are driven in that direction.
31 Comparison between two different mesh Abstract
descriptions used for simulation of sieving Particle screening is an essential technology
processes in many industrial fields. Related studies are
often based on numerical simulations. This
Alkhaldi, Hashem paper presents two different approaches for
Ergenzinger, Christian the mesh description used in the simulation
Fleißner, Florian of a particle screening process. The
Eberhard, Peter particular problem of inter- est is the
separation of round shape particles
10.1007/s10035-008-0084-4 ofdifferent sizes using a tumbling vertical
cylinder while the particulate mate- rial is
continuously fed into its interior. The first
mesh model considers a probabilistic
approach while the second model deals with
the mesh in a very detailed way and
considers the contact with individual wires
that build up the mesh. The first model has
the advantage that it is much simpler. In an
attempt to better understand the mechanism
of the particle trans- port between the
different layers of the screening system,
computational studies for different mesh
probability factors have been performed. The
results show that the two models have the
same trend of results, but no complete
agreement is achieved. Although the second
model is much more sophis- ticated and
computationally more expensive, the
agreement between the two models can be
improved by adjusting the probability factor
in the first model

A comparison between these two models
was performed.
It was shown that the probabilistic scaling
factor of the first model affects simulation
results as expected. For an appro- priately
chosen value of this scaling factor the results
of the two different approaches match to
some extend. Although the results show no
total agreement even for the identified factor,
the simulations have similar trends in their
results. It must be judged for the specific
application whether higher accuracy or
shorter computation times are more

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