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Gametogenesis Oogenesis

- Gametogenesis is the process whereby - Oocytogenesis is a process that

a haploid cell (n) is formed from a develops primary oocytes
diploid cell (2n) through meiosis and
cell differentiation.
- Male gametogenesis is called - The process where the sperm meets the
Spermatogensesis and it produces egg .
spermatozoa - Types :
- Female gametogenesis is called 1. External Fertilization - strategy of
Oogenesis and it results in the fertilization in which a sperm cell
formation of ova. unites with an egg cell in the open,
rather than inside specialized
organs within the bodies of the
Spermatogenesis parents
2. Internal Fertilization - gametes
- Occur in testes particularly in
meet inside of the female’s body,
seminiferous tubules
protecting the fertilized egg from
- Starts in spermatogonium.
predation and harsh environments
- Involves 3 processes:
1. Spermatocytogenesis - 2a. Copulation - involves the insertion
spermatogonium to spermatocytes of the penis or other intromittent organ
2. Spermatidogenesis - spermatocytes into the vagina (in most mammals) or to
to spermatids the cloaca in monotremes
3. Spermiogenesis – spermatids to
2b. Cloacal Kiss - consists in that two
animals touch their cloacae together in
- Hypothalamus begins to secrete high
order to transfer the sperm of the male
pulses of GnRH/ Gonadotropin
to the female (in most birds).
Releasing Hormone.
- Pituitary gland releases FSH/ Follicle 3. Ovoviviparity - egg held within
Stimulating Hormone and LH/ female
Leuteinizing Hormone. 4. Viviparity - development within
- FSH causes Sertoli cells of the testes to female followed by live birth
begin the process of spermatogenesis in 5. Oviparity - egg laid outside female
the testes. - Embryonic Differentiation is the
- LH triggers the production of process in which embryonic cells
testosterone from the lyedig cells of the specialize and diverse tissue structures
testis. arise.
- Spermatogonia is the stem cell in the - Polarity in Embryogenesis
outer walls of the tubules. 1. Animal Pole - consists of small cells
- Primary Spermatocytes are that divide rapidly, is thought to
spermatoginum which are divided differentiate into the later embryo
mitotically to replace themselves and to itself, forming the three primary
produce cells. germ layer and participating in
2. Vegetal Pole - contains large yolky 4. Delamination
cells that divide very slowly, is 5. Epiboly
thought to differentiate into the
extraembryonic membranes that
protect and nourish the developing - the formation and development of the
embryo organs of an organism from embryonic
- a process by which the three germ
- a process of rapid and synchronous tissue layers of the embryo develop into
mitotic cell divisions of the zygote to the internal organs of the organism
form numerous cells for building up the - Examples of Germ Layers Outcomes:
offspring’s body 1. Ectoderm- epidermis of skin
- ends with the formation of the blastula 2. Mesoderm – Kidneys
- The cleavage cell cycle comprises only 2 3. Endoderm- Pancreas
phases : M and S.
Growth and Differentiation
- Shape of the embryo does not change
during cleavage because there is no - the process of development by which
movement of blastomeres. embryonic cells specialize and diverse
- Types of Cleavage: tissue structure arise
1. Indeterminate Cleavage – if cells - refers to the organism’s increase in
are separated, each has the mass and size as a result of division of
potential to develop into an entire the fertilized egg and its descendant
organism cells
2. Determinate Cleavage – if cells are - Embryonic Coverings:
separated, they will die. 1. Yolk Sac – surrounds the yolk
2. Amnion – fills with amniotic fluid
3. Chorion – respiratory organ
- The process in which the blastula folds 4. Allantois- depository organ
over itself to form the three germ
Female Reproductive System
- a phase early in the embryonic - Parts and Function:
development of most animals, during 1. Egg Tubes (Oviduct) -the vessel
which the single-layered blastula is through which egg cell travels to
reorganized into a multilayered the uterus.
structure known as the gastrula. 2. Ovaries –
- 3 Germ Layers: 3. Uterus- holds the fertilized egg and
1. Ectoderm nurtures it till it is a fully developed
2. Mesoderm baby.
3. Endoderm 4. Cervix - The cervix is a ring of
- 5 Basic Types of Cell Movement During muscle located at the lower third
Gastrulation portion of the uterus.
1. Invagination 5. Vagina - This is an elastic, muscular
2. Involution canal that connects the cervix to
3. Ingression the outside of the woman’s body.
- Female External Genitalia: 11. Pubic Symphysis – a cartilaginous
1. Mons Pubis -fatty pad over the joint that sits between and joins left
pubic symphysis and right the superior rami of the
2. Labia majora and minora -folds of pubic bones.
skin encircling vestibule where find 12. Prepuce (Foreskin) – provides an
urethral and vaginal openings adequate mucosa and skin to cover
3. Clitoris - small mass of erectile the entire penis during erection
tissue 13. Glans Penis – can be described as
4. Bulb of Vestibule - masses of the rounded head of the penis
erectile tissue just deep to the labia “head”
on either side of the vaginal orifice
5. Perineum - Area between the
vagina and anus Morula and Blastocyt
- Bartholin’s Gland secrete fluid to
lubricate vagina - Morula is an early-stage embryo
- Mammary Gland are modified sweat consisting of 16 cells (called
glands that produces milk. blastomeres) in a solid ball within the
Zona pellucida.
Male Reproductive Sytem - Blastocyst an early-stage embryo
consisting of 32 or more cells within the
- Parts and Function
Zona pellucida and it is formed from
1. Penis – used for sexual intercourse
continuous cell divisions from a morula.
2. Scrotum – climate control system
- Trophoblast are specialized cells in the
3. Testicles (testes) – responsible for
walls of a morula or a blastula which are
making testosterone(primary male
responsible for blastocyst implantation
sex hormone for generating sperm)
as well as interactions with the
4. Epididymis – coiled tube at the back
maternal uterus.
of the testes. Transports and stores
- The inner cell mass is a considerable
group of cells found at the blastocyst
5. Vas Deferens – transports mature
cavity (blastocoel) surrounded by the
sperm to urethra
6. Ejaculatory Ducts – these are
- blastocoel is a fluid-filled cavity that
formed by fusion of vas deferens
forms in the animal hemisphere of early
and seminal vesicle.
amphibian and echinoderm embryos, or
7. Urethra – tube that carries urine
between the epiblast and hypoblast of
from the bladder. Also responsible
avian, reptilian, and mammalian
for ejaculating semen.
blastoderm-stage embryos.
8. Seminal Vesicle – sac like pouches
- blastocyst cavity is the fluid-filled cavity
that attach to the vas deferens.
of the blastula that results
9. Prostate gland – additional fluid to
from cleavage of the oocyte (ovum)
ejaculate. Nourishes the sperm.
after fertilization.
10. Bulbourethral gland (Cowper’s
gland) – produces a clear, slippery Implantation
fluid that empties directly into the
urethra. - the stage of pregnancy at which the
embryo adheres to the wall of uterus.
- Mechanisms in Implantation: 8. Middle age - The period of
1. Zona hatching – the blastocyst’s thick adulthood that stretches from age
layer of glycoproteins called zona thirty-one to fifty.
pellucida disintegrates 9. Senior years, or old age - Extend
2. Apposition – the very first, albeit from age fifty-one until the end of
loose connection between the life.
blastocyst and the endometrium
Human Gestation
3. Adhesion – much stronger - Gestation is the period of development
attachment to the endometrium than during the carrying of an embryo or
the loose apposition fetus inside viviparous animals.
4. Invasion – even further - 3 stages of gestation:
establishment of the blastocyst in the 1. First Trimester (week 1-12)
endometrium. 2. Second Trimester (week 13-27)
3. Third Trimester (week 28-40)
Uterine Cycle
Ovarian Cycle
- 3 Phases:
1. Menstruation- first phase of uterine - Stages:
cycle 1. Follicle Phase - first day of
2. Proliferative – late and early phase menstruation starts
3. Secretory- final phase 2. Ovulation - Release of the mature
egg from the surface of the ovary
Stages of Human Life
3. Luteal Phase - The egg cell released
1. Pregnancy - The development of a during the ovulation phase stays in
zygote into an embryo and then the fallopian tube for 24 hours.
into a fetus in preparation for
Life Cycle of Fruit Flies
2. Infancy - The earliest part of - Drosophila melanogaster
childhood. It is the period from - Life Cycle:
birth through age one. 1. Egg – up to 500 eggs an be laid
3. Toddler years - Occur during ages 2. Larva – maggots
two and three and are the end of 3. Pupa
early childhood. 4. Adult
4. Childhood - Takes place from ages
four to eight. Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins
5. Puberty - The period from ages nine - Twins are two offspring produced by
to thirteen, which is the beginning the same pregnancy
of adolescence. - Types of Twins:
6. Older adolescence - The stage that 1. Monozygotic Twins - identical
takes place between ages fourteen twins/ genetically identical
and eighteen. 2. Dizygotic Twins - fraternal
7. Adulthood - The period from twins/ similar genetically as any
adolescence to the end of life and other brother or sister
begins at age nineteen.
Haplontic Life Cycle of Green Algae Chara 2. Gametogenesis – formation of
- Chara is a fresh water, green alga found
- Formation of male gametes
submerged in shallow water ponds,
tanks, lakes and slow running water.
1. Microsporogenesis – holds
- They adapt vegetative reproduction
hundreds of microsporocytes.
- Sexual Reproduction of Chara
2. Microgametogenesis – formation of
vegetative and generative cell
Diplontic Life Cycle - Formation of female gametes
- Type of life cycle found in flowering 1. Megasporogenesis - The
plants (and in most animals). The megaspore mother cell undergoes
organism is in the diploid stage (all cells meiosis to form 4 haploid
are diploid in chromosome number) megaspore.
except for mature, haploid sex cells 2. Megagametogenesis - The
which are called gametes. megaspore nucleus now begins to
Haplodiplontic Life Cycle divide mitotically to form 8 nuclei.

- Unlike animals, plants have multicellular Pollination

haploid and multicellular diploid stages - Female Reproductive System (Plants)
in their life cycle. 1. Stigma- the part of the pistil where
- Gametes develop in the multicellular the pollen germinates.
haploid gametophyte 2. Style- the stalk that supports the
- Fertilization gives rise to a multicellular stigma and connects it to the ovary.
diploid sporophyte, which produces 3. Pollen Tube- it is where the pollen
haploid spores via meiosis. (male sex cell) travels in order for it
- This type of life cycle is called a to reach the ovary.
haplodiplontic life cycle 4. Ovary- The enlarged basal portion
Gametogenesis and Gametophyte of the pistil where ovules are
produced and it serves as the
- Gametophyte is the development female sex organ of the flower.
through gametogenesis. 5. Ovule- is the structure inside the
a. Male Gametophyte – the ovary which is the female sex cell
microsporangium in the another and it becomes a seed when
contains numerous fertilized by a male sex cell.
microsporocytes. 6. Pistil- comprises of all the parts
b. Female Gametophyte - the listed above. It is generally the
megasporangium in the ovule female reproductive system of a
contains megasporocytes. flower. Groups of pistils are called
- Gametogenesis involves stages in Gynoeciums.
1. Sporogenesis – formation of
- Male Reproductive System (Plants) 2. Unisexual or Imperfect Flower - A
1. Anther- The part of the stamen kind of flower which carries only
where pollen (male sex cell) is one of the reproductive parts. It still
produced. It is the structure at the needs another flower or plant for
top of the stalk(filament). pollination.
2. Filament- a stalk-like structure that - Pollination is the transfer
attaches to the base of the flower of pollen from a male part of a plant to
and supports the anther. a female part of a plant, enabling
3. Stamen- considered as the male later fertilization and the production
reproductive system of the flower. of seeds, most often by an animal or
It comprises of the anther and by wind.
filament. Groups of stamens are - Kinds of Pollination:
called Androeciums. 1. Self-Pollination - the pollen only
- Accessories: goes to the stigma of the very same
1. Sepal- The outer parts of the flower.
flower (often green and leaf-like) 2. Cross-Pollination- the pollen moves
that enclose a developing bud. It from a certain flower to another
also secures the developing embryo flower of the same species.
inside. All of them togtehr is know
Plant Embryogenesis
as the Calyx.
2. Petal- The parts of a flower that are - the process of production of plant
often conspicuously colored. Its embryo from a zygote.
purpose is to attract insects to - Stages:
make the agents of pollination. All 1. Single Cell
the petals together are called 2. Polarity
Corolla. 3. Basal Cell divides
3. Receptacle- The part of a flower 4. Two celled pro-embryo
stalk where the parts of the flower 5. Four celled pro-embryo
are attached. It is the serves as the 6. Octant stage
base which supports the entire 7. Globular stage
flower. 8. Heart Shaped Stage
4. Peduncle- the stalk of the flower 9. Torpedo Stage
beneath the receptacle. 10. Walking Stick Stage
5. Phloem- food transporter bundle.
6. Xylem- water transporter bundle. Seedling Growth to Mature Plant
7. Cambium- responsible for dividing - Types of Germination
the vascular bundles and it gives the 1. Epigeal – cotyledons appear above
plant its rigidity. the ground
- Kinds of Flowers: 2. Hypogeal – cotyledons remain
1. Bisexual or Perfect Flower- A kind underground
of flower which carries both the
pistil and stamen. It can pollinate
with itself and reproduce.
- Types of Meristems 4 Major Whorls
1. Apical Meristems – tips of stems
- whorl or verticil is an arrangement of
and roots
sepals, petals, leaves, stipules or
2. Lateral Meristems – facilitate
branches that radiate from a single
growth in thickness or girth in
point and surround or wrap around the
maturing plants
3. Intercalary – occur in some
- A whorl consists of at least three
monocots, at bases of leaf blades.
elements, a pair of opposite leaves is
- Primary Growth in Roots:
not called a whorl.
1. Zone of Cellular Division- contain
- The 4 whorls:
apical mersitem
1. Calyx : a whorl of sepals at the
2. Zone of Cellular Elongation –
location of newly formed cells are
2. Corolla : a whorl of petals above
the calyx.
3. Zone of Cellular Maturation –
3. Androecium : a whorl of stamens,
location of new elongated cells
each comprising a filament and an
complete their differentiation
Double Fertilization 4. Gynoecium : a whorl of the female
parts of a flower:
- A complex fertilization mechanism that
the stigma, style and ovary.
has evolved in flowering

Flower a. Calyx
- Outermost whorl of a flower
- made up of sepals
b. Corolla
- Composed of flowers’ petals
- the first 2 whorls of the flower--- the
calyx and the corolla are collectively
called as perianth.
c. Androecium
- Comprising of filament and anther.
d. Gynoecium
- Found in the center of the flower
- Types of flower based on whorls:
- Comprises of style, stigma and ovary
1. Complete flower- flower with
sepals, petals, stamens and carpels
2. Incomplete Flower- a flower that
lacks one or more of the floral

Maturation of Ovary and Ovule

- Ovary becomes the Fruit

- Ovule becomes the Seed
Plant Nutrition  Micronutrient - required in
minute or trace amounts
- Nutrition is the study of all of the
interactions that occur between people
and food. Macronutrient
- Nutrient refers to any substance
- C, H, O, S, P, Mg, Ca, K, N
required for the growth and
- Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen
maintenance of an organism.
 Functions as the major
- Nutrients provide energy, structure and
components of plant’s organic
regulate process that keep us alive.
Types of Organisms Based on the Mode of - Sulfure
Nutrition  Available to plants in the form
of sulfates.
1. Autotrophs - self-feeding, obtain
 Adversely affect chlorophyll
energy from sunlight and chemicals
to produce their own food.
 chlorosis (yellowing) of leaves
 2 types of Autotrophs:
- Phosphorus
 Occurs in the form of
uses light as an
energy source.
 Promotes healthy root growth
and fruit ripening by aiding in
the translocation of
obtain energy from
 premature leaf development,
inorganic chemical
dead patches in leaves,
processes. Usually
petioles, fruits and visible
purple colors develop.
2. Heterotrophs – organisms that
- Magnesium
cannot make their own food and
 constituent of chlorophyll and
obtain energy from other
protoplasm. It is essential for
formation of carbohydrates,
 Types of Heterotrophs:
fats and vitamins. It also
stimulates phosphorus uptake
and transport.
 chlorosis occurs, withering,
defoliation and presence of
- Nutrient requirements of plants are :
necrotic spots (death of plant
1. Water – fluid of life
2. Carbon Dioxide - one of
- Calcium
the raw materials in
 Present in leaves as calcium
- Essential Nutrients and Elements
 Provides the base for
 Macronutrient – normally neutralization of organic acids.
required in amounts 0.5% Essential for fat metabolism.
of the plant’s dry weight.
 Irregular leaf margin and brown - Molybdenum
scorching or spotting effects,  Constituent of an enzyme
- Potassium  The leaf blade may fail to
 Concerned with the formation expand in the growing leaves.
of carbohydrate and protein, - Boron
photosynthesis, respiration,  It plays a role in flowering,
regulation, enzyme action. pollen germination, pollen tube
 Shoots may die, scorched growth and fruiting.
around the edges and surfaces  Leaf blades may be distorted
are irregularly chlorotic. and stems may become brittle
- Nitrogen and crack.
 Protein synthesis - Chlorine
 Leafy growth  Important in the opening and
 Chlorosis of the leaves due to closing of stomata.
decreased levels of chlorophyll,  Wilting due to a restricted and
stunted, grow slowly, and highly branched root system,
produce fewer tillers than often with stubby tips
Structure and Functions of the Roots
- Anchorage of plant, Absorption of
- Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, Bo, Cl water dissolved, Conduction of water
- Iron and minerals
 Acts as catalyst and an electron
Comparison of Root Systems
carrier during respiration
 Chlorosis of the leaves - Tap Root
- Manganese  typical taproots include a
 Enhances root growth, disease prominent main root directed
resistance and the development vertically downward with
of fruit. numerous smaller lateral roots.
 Chlorosis, necrotic spots on the - Fibrous Root
leaves.  have many long slender roots of
- Copper about equal size with many
 Catalyst and regulator of plant secondary and tertiary roots off
activities. the main roots.
 Young leaves become dark - Adventious Root
green, twisted and deformed.  arise from an organ in the plant
- Zinc other than the root proper or
 It regulates the equilibrium its branches.
between Carbon dioxide, water
and carbonic acid. Root Anatomy
 shortened internodes with - Root Cap
excessive branching (resetting)  Protects the apical meristem of
of small, dark green deformed the roots.
- Region of Cell Division - Mycorrhizae
 A region of rapid mitosis which  A symbiotic interaction
produces new cells for root between a young root and a
growth fungus.
- Region of Elongation  2 types of Mycorrhizae
 Responsible for the increase in 1. Ectomycorrhizal-
the length of the root has mantle.
- Region of Maturation 2. Endomycorrhizal-
 The cells in this region begins to no mantle in roots
differentiate and develop
Routes for Absorption
Cross-Section of Root
- Apoplast
a. Epidermis – dermal tissue  the apoplastic route, water and
b. Cortex – ground tissue solutes (dissolved chemicals)
c. Endodermis -contains casparian move along the range of cell
strips( band of altered walls in walls and extracellularspaces.
endodermis) - Symplast
d. Pericycle - -responsible for the  symplastic route, water and
formation of the lateral branch solutes move along the field of
roots cytosol.
e. Vascular Bundle – xylem and  After entering one cell,
phloem substances can move from cell
Xylem- principal water- to cell via plasmodesmata.
conducting tissue of plants, - Transmembrane
usually contains a  water and solutes move out of
combination of vessels. one cell, across the cell wall,
Phloem - principal food- and into the neighboring cell,
conducting tissue in which may pass them to the
vascular plants next cell in the same way.

Special Absorptive Structures Nutritional Adaptation by Plants

- Root Hairs - Symbiosis of plants and soil microbes

 Slender extensions of  root nodules and rhizobacteria
specialized epidermal cells that - Symbiosis of plants and fungi
increase the surface are  often lack root hairs
available for absorption. - Parasitism
- Root Nodules  Absorbs water, minerals,
 Localized swellings in roots of products to host
certain plants where bacterial - Predation
cells exist symbiotically with the  Kapoy oi :<
Animal Nutrition as enzymes, hormones, parts of
muscles, and bones.
- Calorie is a unit of energy that indicates
 proteins also contain 4 Calories
the amount of energy contained in
per gram
 Kwashiorkor is a condition
- The greater the number of Calories in a
resulting from inadequate
quantity of food, the greater energy it
protein intake.
- Fats
 Calorie (Cal) =kilocalorie (kcal)
 are used to build cell
1Calorie = 1000 calorie (cal) 1
membranes, steroid hormones,
calorie = 4.18 Joules (J)
and other cellular structures;
- metabolic rate— the sum of all the
 contain higher amount of
energy used in biochemical reactions
energy per gram than
over a given time interval
carbohydrates or proteins,
 amount of energy an animal
about 9 Calories per gram.
uses in a unit of time
 ADD (Attention Deficit
- Animals use chemical energy harvested
Disorder) – a neurological
from the food they eat to fuel
metabolism and activity.
Essential Nutrients
Nutritional Requirements for Animals
- Essential amino acids
- Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and
 Needed for the synthesis of
Essential Nutrients
proteins and enzymes; among
- Carbohydrates
the 20 amino acids
 Serve as a major energy source
 9 could not be synthesized by
for the cells in the body
humans: lysine, tryptophan,
 On the average, carbohydrates
threonine, methionine,
contain 4 Calories per gram.
phenylalanine, leucine,
 Carbohydrates are molecules
isoleucine, valine and histidine.
made up of carbon and water.
- Essential fatty acids
They come in three forms:
 the ones they cannot make, are
sugars, starches, and fiber.
certain fatty acids that contain
 Merasmus- a form of
one or more double bonds and
malnutrition. It happens when
are thus unsaturated.
the intake of nutrients and
 Example is linoleic acid in
energy is too low for a person's
needs. It leads to wasting, or
- Vitamins
the loss of body fat and
 Organic molecules required in
small amounts for normal
- Proteins
 Proteins can also be used as an
 Fat-soluble Vitamins: A D E K
energy source but the body
 Water-soluble Vitamins: B B2
mainly uses these as building
B3 B12 C
materials for cell structures and
- Trace elements or minerals - Fluid Feeders
 these form part of enzymes,  Suck fluids containing nutrients
body tissues, and body fluids. from a living host
 iodine, zinc, molybdenum,  Mosquitoes
manganese, selenium - Bulk Feeders
 Eat relatively large chunks of
- The cell takes in biological molecules  Mr Bean :> wa nakoi lingaw
and particulate matter by forming new
Kinds of Digestive Compartments in Animals
vesicles from the plasma membrane.
- Types: - Food vacuoles in unicellular organism
 Phagocytosis - Gastrovascular cavity/ incomplete
 Engulfment of organic digestive system
fragments or big - Complete digestive system/ alimentary
particles canal
 Pinocytosis
Digestive System
 Uptake of extracellular
fluid by a cell using - physically and chemically breakdown
small vesicles derived food products so that they can be
from the plasma absorbed and transported to cells.
membrane.  Pathway:
 Receptor-Mediated
 the membrane ingestion digestion absorption and
receptor recognition of transport assimilation oxidation
specific solutes which (energy) storing excretion (egesting)
are then taken up by - Types of digestion:
the cell via receptor-  Intracellular Digestion
coated pits.  occurs in sponges,
Types of Animals Based on Feeding coelenterates
Mechanisms  Extracellular Digestion
 occurs in chordates,
- Substrate Feeders annelids, and
 Animals that live in or on their crustaceans
food source.
 Caterpillars Feeding on Particulate Matter
- Filter Feeders - Suspension Feeders
 Include many aquatic animals  use ciliated surfaces to produce
which draw in water and strain currents that draw drifting food
small organisms and food particles into their mouths
particles present in the medium
 Humpback whale’s baleen
- Types of Suspension Feeders: Teeth Anatomy
 Filter Feeding
- Enamel: hardest substance in the body
 strain food from water
- Pulp Cavity: contains arteries, veins,
as it passes through
and nerves.
 Deposit Feeding
- Alveolus: made of alveolar bone
 pass the substrate
- Root: made of dentin
through their bodies,
- Gingiva: gum
removing nutrients
- Periodontal membrane: periosteum
from it.
found around the tooth
Overview of Digestion - Cementum: material that holds the
tooth in the alveolus.
- 2 main groups of organs in digestive
- Deglutition
 Reflex initiated by presence of
 Alimentary Canal(nutrition)
food in pharynx .
 Mouth
 Pharynx Stomach
 Esophagus
- Monogastric
 Stomach
- Ruminant
 Small intestine
- 4 compartments:
 Large intestine
 Reticulum
 Accessory Digestive Organs
 Rumen
 Teeth
 Omasum
 Tongue
 Abomasum
 Gall bladder
- J-shaped muscular organ
 Salivary glands
- Parts:
 Liver
 Cardiac
 Pancreas
 Fundic
Digestion in Mouth  Body
 Pyloric regions
- Prehension
- Regulation of Gastric Secretions are
 Bringing the food to the mouth
enhanced by gastrins.
- Mastication or Chewing
 To crush the food, increase Small Intestine
surface area and allow
- Composed of 3 segments:
enzymes to act on molecules
 Duodenum – releases bile
- The pH of the mouth is 7.2
 Jejunum- active site for nutrient
- Acids in mouth:
 Stomach acid
 Ileum
 Foods
 Waste product of mouth -pH of small intestine is 7.0
- Mongastric teeth -ileocecal valve (sphincter) regulates flow into
 Mechanically reduce particle large intestine.
- Bile assists the breakdown of fats in small - Transpiration (evaporation of water
intestine. from the leaves) decreases at night,
when the vapor pressure gradient
Large Intestine
between the leaf and the atmosphere
- Final part of the digestive tract and has is less.
3 regions: - Closing the stomata will reduce water
 Caecum – short pouch that links loss; but limit CO2 uptake.
small intestine
Structures for Gas Exchange in Plants
 Colon – to convert the liquid
chyme into semi-solid faeces - The stomata of plants are surrounded
for storage and disposal by two sausage-shaped guard cells
 Excrete thru rectum and anus - Guard cells are distinctive because of
their cell wall construction: thicker on
Gas Exchange in Plants
the inside and thinner elsewhere
- the uptake of molecular oxygen from - This results in bulging out and bowing
the environment and the discharge of when they become turgid
carbon dioxide to the environment. - Guard cells regulate the opening and
- Sometimes called as respiration closing of stomata
- Cellular respiration obtain energy - When guard cells take in water from
- Gases involved in gas exchange are: neighboring cells by osmosis, they
 Oxygen become more turgid.
 Carbon dioxide - When the cells lose water and become
flaccid, they become less bowed, and
Basic Principles influencing gas exchange the pore closes.
1. Desiccation - Guard cells of most plants regularly
2. Rely on diffusion of gases down become turgid in the day (stomata
pressure gradients open), when photosynthesis occurs,
a. Partial pressures and become flaccid at night (stomata
b. Fick’s law closed), regardless of the availability of
i. Proportional to the water
surface area and - Transpiration rates increase with
inversely temperature and wind velocity because
proportional to the both conditions cause water molecules
thickness of to evaporate more readily
membrane. - When CO2 concentrations are high,
ii. R= Dap/d guard cells are triggered to decrease
3. Surface-to-Volume Ratio the opening
4. Ventilation - Lenticels are the epidermis of woody
5. Respiratory Pigments or Proteins stems breaks up to form tiny pores
- Pneumatophores are specialized root
Gas Exchange in Plants structures that grow out from the water
- The stomata and cuticle have evolved in surface and facilitate the aeration
response to one or both of these necessary for root respiration in
requirements hydrophytic trees
- By opening and closing the stomata,  Air enters or leaves the
guard cells help balance the plant’s respiratory system through
requirement to conserve water with its nasal cavities where air is
requirement for photosynthesis. filtered by hair and cilia,
warmed by blood vessels, and
Plant Adaptation to Water Lost
moistened with mucus
- Xerophytes - Pharynx
 Plants that are adapted to live  a funnel-shaped tube about 13
in dry or arid environment cm long that connects the
 Presence of deep invaginations nasal cavity and the mouth to
(stomatal crypts) in the the esophagus and the larynx.
epidermal layer  the throat
- Crassulacean Acid Metabolism CAM - Larynx
 a specialized form of  the “voice box,”
photosynthesis found in  forms the junction between the
succulents of the family pharynx and the trachea and
Crassulaceae and several other houses the vocal cords.
families. - Trachea
 the stomata can remain closed  Windpipe
during the day, when  a mobile, flexible tube about 12
evaporative stresses are cm long. It connects the larynx
greater. to the bronchi.
- Chlorophyll, the pigment that gives - Bronchi
leaves their green color, is one of the  are the first two branches of
first molecules to be broken down for the trachea.
its nutrients.  They enter the lungs and
- Leaves will change its color from green branch into bronchioles.
to yellow (xanthophyll) and orange - Lungs
(carotene)  two bulky pinkish masses
- Deep red color is due to anthocyanin which take up most of the
which is associated with high sugar space in the chest cavity.
content, low temperature and highlight  right lung is divided into three
intensity. lobes and the left lung has two
Human Respiratory System - Diaphragm
- Share responsibility with the  the main muscle involved in
cardiovascular system for supplying the respiration.
body with O2 and disposing of CO2 - Gas exchange takes place in the
- Nasal Cavity alveoli.
 a space posterior to the nose -
that is divided lengthwise by a
thin wall.

The coordination of Gas Exchange and Respiratory Problems:
- Asthma
- Oxygen Transport  Severe allergic reaction
 Oxygen diffuses down a characterized by the
pressure gradient from the constriction of bronchioles.
lungs into the blood plasma → - Emphysema
RBC → binds to hemoglobin (4  Condition in which the alveoli
molecules per hemoglobin). deteriorate, causing the lungs
 Hemoglobin gives up its oxygen to lose their elasticity.
in tissues where partial - Pneumonia
pressure of oxygen is low,  Condition in which the alveoli
blood is warmer, partial become filled with fluid,
pressure of carbon dioxide is preventing the exchange of
higher, and the pH is lower; gases.
- Carbon Dioxide Transport - Lung Cancer
 Carbon dioxide diffuses down  Irregular & uncontrolled growth
its partial pressure gradient of tumors in the lung tissue
from the tissues into the blood - Tuberculosis
plasma and red blood cells →  an airborne infectious disease
air in the alveoli. caused by organisms of the
 7% is dissolved in plasma, 23% Mycobacterium tuberculosis
binds with hemoglobin to form complex.
carbaminohemoglobin, and
70% is in bicarbonate form.
- Coordination of Air Flow with Blood
 Gas exchange in the alveoli is
most efficient when air flows
equal the rate of blood flow.
 Carbon dioxide can dissolve in
plasma, and about 70% forms
bicarbonate ions.
- The nervous system controls oxygen
and carbon dioxide levels
- The brain monitors the pH of the
cerebrospinal fluid through sensors
- Secondary control is exerted by sensors
in the aorta and carotid arteries that
monitor blood levels of oxygen as well
as carbon dioxide (via blood pH).

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