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Celebrate the
New Decade with Us
in Orlando!
December 26, 2019 – January 1, 2020
See page 2 for details
RETREAT Open to Graduates & Non-Graduates!

December 26 – January 1, 2020

at Rosen Shingle Creek
in Orlando, FL
Are you really serious about experiencing
a massive amount of Abundance in your life
In This New Decade?
Take the next step with the 7-Day Success & Life Balance Retreat. Here’s why…

Because goals are extremely important! we always begin the teaching with a bold
statement: “Every person who had taken the Goals & Resistance Course found that the
course never cost them one dime.”

How can we make such a bold statement?

We’ll prove it!


When we asked how many attendees had made $1,000 or more by Releasing ONLY,
again nearly EVERY single person who had taken the Goals & Resistance Course raised
their hand.
Then we asked who made $10,000 or more, $25,000 or more, $100,000 or more,
$500,000 or more, $1,000,000 or more and dozens of people raised their hands and
we calculated it to be over $50 MILLION made by Releasing ONLY in the room. It hit
us like a ton of bricks, we noticed that the ones that kept getting their goals and had
raised their hands were the most SUCCESSFUL and HAPPY people. This new system, in
addition to the Goals & Resistance Course, moved the successful graduates to get their
goals even faster and easier and it will do the same for you!

You’ll have the personal power and ability to have and do

whatever you want on demand!!
The question that we always ask ourselves is, Why doesn’t everyone do it and how can we
get YOU to get the same big results?

About the same time, we also noticed that our most successful students who took the
Financial Freedom & Lifestyle Teleconferences created goal… after goal… after goal
effortlessly and not only did it fast and most importantly they followed exactly the process
that Lester created to the “Tee.” So we coined it “The Success & Life Balance System.”

Now, for the first time, you can learn from us exactly “how to use The Success & Life
Balance System.”

• Lester created all his goals instantly and was happy all the time.
• Lester always said that everybody can do it.
• Lester always said “It’s easy if you do it and impossible if you don’t do it.”
• All the top students were using this very same system.

So, we “introduced” this (Lesterizing process) in the next 7-day Retreats and
Teleconferences, and like clockwork, those who copied it exactly got the same results. In
less that one week the results were absolutely amazing.

photos: Rosen Shingle Creek 3

Now the whole group was mesmerized and wanted it. They asked us to create an entire
Retreat based on using this system.

And, this 7-Day Success & Life Balance System is AMAZINGLY POWERFUL AND EASY TO
USE!! It will show you how to deal with ALL of your goals.

Here’s what attendees are experiencing

Income Almost Doubles
“My average gross income for the month of March is normally less than
$5,000. My gross income for March 2014 will exceed $90,000.”
Bill Gagnon

$250,000 Happens
“I keep going and going with releasing and today my new hire showed
me a catering account that is $250,000 a year and appears to be ours for
the taking. Wonders never cease.”
Joan Oliver

Significant Gain in One Week

“I have achieved the beginning of my goal to allow others to easily take
care of my money and to grow it as I have a new manager and I like what
he is doing and had a significant financial gain on Friday. I have dropped
the belief that money is a big responsibility and burden.”
Suzanne McNitt

Now you have to ask yourself the most important question…
How would your life be like if you could learn a complete system that teaches you how
to create ALL of your goals and not just some? The difference between what the average
releasers do and the releasers who have huge breakthroughs do became very obvious.
Based on our observations we created this course that will teach everybody the same
simple steps that have created results for the super achievers.

Life is a Decision
Now, ask yourself, am I prepared to invest a few dollars in myself – and live the life I’ve
always wanted?

Remember, you can decide to be a “slave” to the mental viruses or decide to dump them
once and for all!!

And, this Retreat is not just about money… let us emphasize that this Retreat is about

Let us make it easy for you – If someone gave you $5,000, would you give them
$2,180 (your cost for this retreat)? Of course you would, right?

Imagine, you actually make money while you attend this Retreat – that is AMAZING!

If we’ve piqued your interest – If you want to start attracting ALL of your goals right away
– If you absolutely, positively want to learn the same techniques that Lester used to attract
everything, then you need to sign up right now!

During these 7 days you’ll discover how to “erase” the Biggest (most insidious) stumbling
block to Having, Being and Doing WHATEVER you really want in your life…with a system
we have rarely shown to anyone before.

See, when you can “let go” of, and dump all of your stumbling blocks within you…


And when you do, you’ll discover how, by simply dropping your mental viruses and
“getting out of your own way”… ALL YOUR GOALS WILL COME TO YOU for the mere
effortless thought of it.

For example:
Money will show up in your life. An unexpected opportunity will fall into your lap. A
person will come into your life to help you through a “sticky patch” in your life… or to
simply add love, fun and laughter to your life, and so on.

All this… AND MORE – will happen for you by attending the 7-Day Success & Life
Balance Retreat.

Why are we offering to show you how to learn how

to be financially successful? Because the more
graduates who become successful,
the more the method will go out to the world.

Will Life Pass You By Because You’re Afraid To Act?

So let’s get clear right now.

1. Right now, imagine – your business or career has taken off. You’ve doubled your
income and your time off. You have more time for your family and for everything you
love to do. You enjoy great health, great relationships and your financial future is
secure. Even better, you know how to create success out of thin air, anywhere and
anytime because you’ve already done just that… several times over, in every area
of your life. How would you feel? How much is that worth?
2. Now, imagine yourself 5 years from now… really imagine it… right now. The year
is 2022. You’re still sitting at the same job, with the same boss. Your income is still
the same. Or, your business is still barely getting by. You still work 16 hour days all
too often. Your health is no better or perhaps worse.

Now – compare the two and notice which one feels better?
The positive one, correct?

Retreat Details
Location Rosen Shingle Creek
9939 Universal Blvd., Orlando, Florida 32819
Dates December 26 – January 1, 2020
Registration for the retreat begins at 7pm with the first meeting at 7:30pm.
Tuition Register Today and pay only$2,180
for this ENTIRE RETREAT PACKAGE which includes room and board and three
fabulous meals per day, double occupancy.
Single occupancy package is available for only $2,400
Includes room & board and three fabulous meals per day.
Travel Shuttle Service
Transportation from the Orlando International Airport is available for under $20/
person, each way from Super Shuttle.

For information or to register, call: (888) 735-3731

* For payments plans call our office at (818) 279-2438

Gains from Retreat Participants
Everything is Easier
“Thank you so much for the release technique!!! I have just released myself into a $8,000 gain. I have
done your suggested amount of $100 as a goal. I have gotten so many small money gains and had a
benefit of an asset worth $300,000. I am also in the process of re-establishing my relationship with
my father, by releasing and sending him love. EVERYTHING is easier in my life as I just release on it.
Deals Fall In My Lap
“A friend offered me some part-time project to help ends meet, I got $500 for this. I had the courage to
ask my business partner to pay me part of money owe to me. I got some back. I still managed to pay my
bills on time, although I am still having some outstanding credit card debt. Some deals have been falling
into my lap, made a few sales within a month with ease, which passed my intended target of $100,000.
I am also getting a lot of rental inquiry for the use of my gallery space for press events. Better relations
with my other half, less fighting.” RW
Aversion to money is dropping away
“I just received the most money I ever made in a month yesterday in an educational consulting job that
dropped in my lap last month and pays $60 an hour. I had been releasing on having $3000 or more
each month by releasing only and this opportunity appeared out of the blue. I didn’t go looking for the job
since I had just retired from teaching. They called me and offered me the job and I love what I am doing
and releasing on any feelings of fear or not being good enough. I am committed to using the system and
getting everything by releasing only. My aversion to money is dropping away.” RK
Money Rolls In
“I’ve had the course for a week and in that time a little over $2,500.00 has fallen out of the sky to me.
Larry once said there were only two people that ever took the course that didn’t achieve their financial
goals. I was one of them. Although my life improved incredibly in all the other areas. Perfect health for
18 years, a 25 year marriage that keeps getting better, etc. You can take me off the ‘didn’t get the
money goals’ list.” RM
$425,000 Comes to Her
“This is my first encounter with the Release Technique. I feel I have gained a lot from this course, I
became aware I had a lot of my hidden agendas, negative thoughts and beliefs that were running my
life. As I was releasing, I got more clear and light, feeling more relaxed and more quiet, more peaceful
and more serene. I received $425,000 since using the method. Thank you, thank you.” CP
Business Skyrockets
“Since taking The Abundance Course everything has been working for me. My relationship with my family
is much more harmonious, my relationship with my patients is wonderful—I no longer get stressed out.
Even my golf game has improved. I was out of the office 2 weeks and I had one of our best months.
Some days my goals are achieved as fast as I think about them. I most highly recommend this course to
anyone who wants to improve their business, as well as all aspects of their life.” RA
Money Gains, But Life is 10 Times Greater
“Yes, with the method I’ve had times when I received $2,000, $10,000, $20,000 and more, but the
greatest gain I’ve gotten is letting go of an internal mental program that disapproved of everything I did
and even hated me. My life is immediately 10 times better. I’m more free. Freedom—doesn’t that sound
good down in your gut?” DG

What’s your biggest obstacle?
Hint: it’s something that affects ALL of us—no matter our age, background, or lifestyle.
That’s right.
We are our own worst enemy when it comes to achieving our goals.
Our self-sabotaging activities can take on many forms: procrastination, anxiety, frustration,
In the end, though, they can all be traced back to one common factor: us.
You see, all of these emotions stem from disapproval of ourselves and those around us.
Take procrastination. When it comes to activities we naturally thrive at, we have no problem
completing them. But for activities that require more effort, we drag our feet. That’s because the
first set of activities gives us a temporary ego boost, while the second set hurts our pride. Or
rather, it stirs up negative feelings about ourselves we already had.
Same with doubt. That doubt would never arise if we had complete acceptance and approval
of ourselves to begin with.
Negativity is a vicious cycle. When we fight these feelings of doubt, resentment, and self-loath-
ing, we feel even worse!
That’s because by focusing our energy on what we don’t want, we blind ourselves to the pos-
itive things happening in our lives. This negativity is detrimental not only to our goals but to our
mental and physical health.
Here’s the good news.

Just as you created this obstacle, you can also remove it. Simply take all the resentment you
are harboring toward yourself and others and replace it with love and gratitude.
Sound too easy? That’s because we’ve been conditioned to believe that life must necessar-
ily be difficult and unpleasant.
As children, we threw epic fits when we didn’t get our way. As teenagers, we sulked in our
rooms. As adults, we pound our horns in rush hour traffic as we drive to a job we hate.
But do these actions make anything better?
No, they make things worse!
So the next time you feel disapproval toward yourself, someone else, or a situation, imagine
that the disapproval is a dial. Turn the dial lower and lower until it dissipates and all you are left
with is love.
Notice how much lighter you feel. How much more clear-headed. How much more FREE.
At first, you might find this difficult. Depending on how much negativity has already accu-
mulated inside of you, the process can take time.
Be patient with yourself. Learn to become aware of
your reactions to certain situations. Ask yourself, “Is this
reaction helping or hurting the situation?”
With practice, you will become better at turning an-
ger into acceptance, hate into love.
While you may not be able to change particular cir-
cumstances, you can change your reaction to these cir-
As Deborah from California writes, “I drive about 70
miles round trip to commute to my office in San Francis-
co, in sometimes snail-like traffic over the Bay Bridge. I
decided to send approval to it all and love the ride. In
fact, I’ve written a ‘Love Song to Commuting’ that I sing
on my way to and from San Francisco every day. I now
arrive quite refreshed and peaceful, and I have happy
trips, no matter who is on the road or what is happening
‘out there.’”
Ready to start making meaningful progress in all
areas of your life? Sign up for the Success & Life Balance
Retreat. December 26 – January 1, 2020

For information or to register, call:

(888) 735-3731

The goal is unlimited happiness with no sorrow.
The goal is complete liberation—the attainment of limitlessness.
The goal is Self-Realization.
The goal is Imperturbability.


Releasing is the way.
Each time you release you are happier and lighter.
If you release continually, you will be continually happier and lighter.
Releasing ultimately leads to complete quietude of mind
with its blissful peace.

“If you want one practical key for quickly reaching the Goal, I would recommend
that you take full responsibility for everything that happens to you. We have lost
sight of our mastership and have deluded ourselves into thinking that we are victims
in a world that controls us, that pushes us around. It isn’t so! We are causing what
is happening to us by giving power, our power, to the external world. If you want to
regain your control, you must take full responsibility.
How to regain our control? Examine your thinking and correct it. Develop the habit
of honest introspection by asking yourself, ‘Wherein did I cause this to happen to
me?’ and holding it until the thought that caused the happening comes out of the
subconscious into the conscious plane. Then you recognize your mastership, that
you caused that pleasant or unpleasant experience to happen to you. The more you
will do this, the easier it becomes and the more able you become until, finally, you
recognize that you were always the master.”
It isn’t that you don’t want to be imperturbability.
It is that you have more interest in other things.
Other things are more important to you, either consciously or subconsciously.
Your mind will trick you into stopping the releasing process
at any chance it can get.
It will tell you that you don’t need to continue letting go this negativity
or that you are better than others.
This is especially true when your life situations or problems that you had in the
beginning (before releasing) disappear or turn around completely.
Suddenly there is no more pain and you get complacent. Suddenly you don’t
need to release that much or that often. You go back into the world
to find happiness and joy.
The mind tricks you into stopping.
Become aware of this mechanism. Don’t let it fool you.


The deeper one goes the more one discovers the
innate joys to which there are no limits.
No matter how joyful you get you can always go further.
If you were a thousand times more joyful than you are now,
you could still go on and on…
Mind and ego are not interested in your joy and happiness.


Keep going deeper and deeper, increasing your freedom,
happiness, abundance, health and peace.
Remember, the goal is imperturbability, a state
where nothing and nobody bothers you.
This state allows manifestations with the mere
simple thought about having something.

Going for the Ultimate goal has to lead you toward mastery in the world.
Isn’t that a nice way to live?
You see, you too can experience major shifts, but only if you keep
the momentum going!
You simply need to continue releasing and applying yourself fully
and regularly.
Now is your opportunity to use your time, energy and dedication to
make a giant leap towards freedom and self-mastery.
Are you ready for the fast track to success, filled with amazing personal
gains and realizations?
Are you ready to take the most important decision that will move you
toward imperturbability?
Check out our biggest and best massive savings releasing package!
Commit yourself and keep up the momentum!
Don’t let your mind push you around and into slavery.
Be free.
Realize the Ultimate Goal!

““WOW! Amazing. The San Diego Retreat was amazing. I gained so much
insight and got so high I was literally floating, was able to release so much.
Loved the Ghandi exercise Carrie really AGFLAP’d me or at least tried to
while Donna ( Beingness) kept whispering in my ear Surrender, Love is all
there is, very profound I released lifetimes of feelings and literally felt years
younger, thank you so much for helping me do the work. I took that on the
road home with me and listened to the In Retreat CD’s all the way home and
had so much love the drive seemed like it didn’t even happen, which it really
didn’t, none of this however Lester and Larry were with me the whole time
and it was such an exhilarating and amazingly loving time.” Debbe

$5,180 $5,180
This Package Includes: This Package Includes:

✔ The Los Angeles Fear of Living Private ✔ The Los Angeles Fear of Living Private
Retreat 2020 — TBD Retreat 2020 — TBD
(Includes two meals a day and shuttle (Includes two meals a day and shuttle
service from Hotel to Larry’s house. Hotel service from Hotel to Larry’s house. Hotel
lodging is not included). A $3,000 value. lodging is not included). A $3,000 value.
(The class is only available with a 5180 (The class is only available with a 5180
package). package).

✔ Two 90-Day Programs ✔ One 90-Day Program
✔ 7-Day Success & Life Balance ✔ 7-Day Success & Life Balance
Retreat—Orlando, FL, Dec. 26, 2019 - Retreat—Orlando, FL, Dec. 26, 2019 -
Jan. 1, 2020 (normally $2,180) absolutely Jan. 1, 2020 (normally $2,180) absolutely
FREE! (Does NOT include room & board.) FREE! (Does NOT include room & board.)
✔ One 30-Day Financial Freedom & Life ✔ AND one other Retreat in the next 12
Mastery Tele-Course Jan. 9–Feb. 9 2020 months absolutely FREE! (Does NOT include
OR the next Health & Wellness Tele-Course room & board.)
✔ Goals and Resistance – Online Home Study ✔ One 30-Day Financial Freedom & Life Mas-
Course tery Tele-Course Jan. 9–Feb. 9 2020 OR
the next Love & Empowered Relationships
✔ Abundance Course – Online Home Study Tele-Course
✔ Goals and Resistance – Online Home Study
✔ Abundance Course – Online Home Study

To sign up, visit: or call 818-279-2438

December 6–15, 2019


Our “Change Your LIfe - Master your Life” Tele-Course
will show you how to
make your life work for you in just five sessions
Friday, Dec. 6, 5:30pm – 8:30pm*
Saturday, Dec. 7, 8:30am – 11:30am*
Sunday, Dec. 8, 8:30am – 11:30am*
Saturday, Dec. 14, 8:30am – 11:30am*
Sunday, Dec. 15, 8:30am – 11:30am*
Also available in the European Timezone!
Friday evening starting at 5:30pm – 8:30pm (UK Time) for 3 hours (9:30am Pacific)
All other times are the same as above.
(*Pacific time)
Simply call in for each session to discover:
• How to quiet your mind and get it to work for • How you can master the real principles of
you, rather than against you. success and systematically recreate your life.
• Master your ability to release all of your • A system you can use to guarantee your best
negativity and limitations, once and for all. life in as little as five sessions.
• Learn what really causes successful people to
win, time after time.
Here’s What You Get When You Register for the
NEW Change Your Life-Master Your Life Tele-Course:
• The Release Technique teachers delivering • You get full access to the Release Technique
the total LIVE Release Technique tele-course teachers throughout an entire weekend.
deliver this to you in the comfort of your own
home… • A releasing partner to help you focus.

• A powerful workbook custom designed to • You will be able to participate in breakout

help you practice and learn the Release groups that allow you to talk in independent,
Technique so that you can live the lifestyle private groups. You will be able to work with
that you deserve. other releasers one-on-one. You have the
ability to raise your hand to ask questions
• Archived recordings of the tele-courses and express opinions, as well as request to
so you can play them back at your work directly with your favorite teacher.
• This tele-course will incorporate a powerful
• If you do not have the Release Technique technology that gives you the experience of
basic set, we will send the Release being right there in the room with all of the
Technique Digital Online Course other participants and teachers.
ABSOLUTELY FREE, a $279 Value so you
can practice Releasing whenever you want. • Access to our support line for Releasing
assistance during the week (a $3,000
• We will also give you the complete FULL value).
MP3 RECORDINGS of Larry and teachers
doing clean ups never released before, yours • Learn how to move from “I Can’t to I Can”
to keep and use again and again. (a $165 and eliminate all your limitations once and
value) for all!
• Don’t just set goals, learn to get goals.

Receive the Release Technique Digital Online Course
ABSOLUTELY FREE, a $279 Value!
Enroll now for the “Live” Life-Changing Tele-Course. Bring a friend who has not
attended a live class you get to go for free. Space is at a premium and the course will
be filled on a first-come basis.
Take full advantage of the NEW “Change Your Life” Tele-Course right from the
comfort of your own home. Or, if you’re traveling or away on vacation you can still take
advantage of it wherever you happen to be. Simply call in using your phone or Skype.
Instead of you having to travel to attend an “on- location” class… make plans to
attend the NEW Change Your Life Tele-Course!

The Results Have Been Proven…
According to all the releasing graduates that have taken advantage of the “full support,” stay-at-
home programs the overwhelming response (from the people that have participated in one, or
more, of the tele-course programs we offer) has been that they love the fact that they can build
up so much focused momentum in their releasing – and knock out so much resistance – without
ever having to leave the comfort of their home or take time away from family/work. And the gains
they’ve experienced? They’ve been phenomenal. We could literally send you pages and pages
worth of exceptional gains.


When people can stay at home and participate in a “full support” telephonic releasing program
they tend to be very relaxed and ready to take their releasing to a much DEEPER level compared
to when they have had to travel miles and find themselves in unfamiliar location with a lot of
unfamiliar people. Anyway, whatever the reason is — the gains we’ve received from people who
participate in the “full support” stay-at-home tele-course programs seem to be off the charts.
Want to be the next person to have a life-changing gain? If so…


• Learn to Love Yourself totally • Apply the Release Technique to maximum
• Have Perfect Health the natural way advantage in all areas of your life!!!
• Understand and put in practice the • Find your Purpose in Life
principles of the Law of Attraction—fast • Learn how to use the “BUTT” System
• Learn much faster with the Accelerated • We will feature the Goals Mastery System
Learning System during this event.
• Realize greater gains from Releasing, faster • Move from “I Can’t to I Can”
than ever before
The Change Your Life-Master Your Life Tele-Course tuition is only $545. You can
even have a payment plan—just pay $295 upon registering and then pay the
additional $250 the next month. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price
is $495 (a $50 savings).

The course is open to all people who want to attend—graduates and non-graduates. If you
have already taken the live Master Your Life Course, you can take the “Change Your Life-Master
Your Life” Tele-Course course for just $350. Email to
process your discount.

Enroll now for the Change Your Life-Master Your Life Tele-Course. Bring a friend who has not
attended a live class you get to go for free. Space is at a premium and the tele-course will be
filled on a first-come basis.

For information or to register, call: (888) 735-3731

* For payments plans call our office at (818) 279-2438
2019 & 2020 Live Classes and
Retreats / Live Classes
7-Day Success & Life Balance Retreat—Orlando, FL
December 26, 2019 - January 1, 2020

Change Your Life Weekend—Amsterdam

January 31–February 2, 2020

Change Your Life Weekend—Philadelphia, PA

March 6 - 8, 2020

Lester’s 7-Day Limitless Retreat- Sedona, AZ

March 22 - 28, 2020

7-Day Final Step Retreat- Lake Tahoe, CA

May 23 – May 29, 2020


Change Your Life Tele-Course

December 6–15, 2019

30-Day Financial Freedom & Life Mastery Tele-Course

January 9 - February 9, 2020

For more information, call 818-279-2438, or go to

Motivation comes from the First Step. I must want Freedom more than I want approval,
want control, or want to be safe.
First you want to be free from your troubles, your problems. You want to be free from misery.
You want to be free from being bothered all the time by everything and everyone. You want to
feel better and then better than that. You want to have things and people.
As you release and release you begin to see feeling better is fine but is not really what it’s all
about. You begin to see, you can feel better and better but there’s still much more. As you re-
lease you begin to recognize more and more that you are much more than you ever realized.
As you release, your mind quiets more and more. As your mind quiets, you get happier be-
cause happiness comes from peace of mind and peace of mind comes from a quiet mind.
As you keep releasing, you have more and more moments, then more and more minutes,
then more and more time when you get in touch with your real Self. Actually, you’re always in
touch with your real Self. What happens is you begin to recognize it more and more, to see that
you are the All. Therein lies the real motivation to release. Once you see who you really are,
really see it, then everything else in life becomes less and less important to you. You get a taste
of the ultimate goodness and you want it all, you want the All and nothing else matters very
much and then it matters less and less.
It begins with a decision, I want Freedom, the ultimate Freedom, more than I want approv-
al, want control, or want to be safe.
When you make that decision, when you really decide, then all else going on in this world
becomes less and less important, less and less interesting.
You begin to see things and people are not what you’ve been looking for. You begin to see
that pursuing happiness in the way you’ve been doing it leads only to more desire. You begin to
see that all those things only take you further and further away from the real happiness, from
the real goal, they only take you further and further away from your real Self.

At some point, you realize that anything other than releasing is pointless. You see that anything
other than releasing is missing the point. You see that releasing is in the direction of all that you re-
ally want and anything else is in the direction of more and more lifetimes of futility and suffering.
You begin to see that you are this close, put your thumb and forefinger together, no, you are even
closer than that. You see that you are what you have been seeking since the first breath you took how
many centuries ago. You see clearly that you are that now. And, you’re not going to settle for anything
less than the whole pie. You are not going to settle. At that point you release continually. At that point
Step Six is in place. Each time you release you’re happier and lighter. Release continually and you’re
continually happier and lighter. Then the tide has turned.
Full realization means just that, full, total, complete. As long as you have one bit of ego left, one
bit of your mind still in place, the work is not done. Motivation comes from seeing you have to track
down each and every bit of ego/mind, you have to track it down and release it.
As long as you have one bit of ego/mind left, you know the work is not done. As long as you have
one bit left, you know that which has ruled you for so long is not going to give up easily, is not going
to give up without a fight, is not going to just go quietly away into the night. You know, how ever much
of ego is left, it’s going to fight like the hell that it is.
It’s so tricky. You feel great, things are falling into line, yet you see that’s not what you’re after.
You see anything other than full realization of your true Self is meaningless. You see you must tena-
ciously track down that remaining ego. You see you cannot wait until it shows it’s face to you. You
must go after it. You must go after it like Inspector Clouceau after a murderer. You must go after the
murderer day and night, each moment, waking and sleeping. You must leave no stone unturned.
You are that which you are seeking. You need only let go of all that is standing in the way
of All-ness. There is nothing to do except release.

Did You Know?

That all Live Classes, as well as CDs, books,
and DVDs are Tax Deductible!
An income tax deduction is
allowed for education expenses
undertaken to maintain and
improve professional skills–
including registration fees, travel,
meals, and lodging.

The gains in the Financial Freedom Teleconference
are so great, we’re doing it again!

Starting January 9 through February 9, 2020

8 teleconferences a week, 2 hours each session:

Thursday, Friday, Monday at 9:30 am and 5:30pm (Pacific Time)
(10:30am Mountain; 11:30am Central; 12:30pm Eastern)
(6:30pm Mountain; 7:30pm Central; 8:30pm Eastern)
and Saturday, Sunday at 9:30am (Pacific Time)
(10:30am Mountain; 11:30am Central; 12:30pm Eastern)
—Now available in European Times too! —
Thursday, Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday at 5:30pm GMT

We’re on a mission to teach you how to have financial free-

dom and live the lifestyle you deserve!
Whatever your money problem is, whatever your job problem is, whatever your income
problem is, you can change it for the better in no time at all, if you fully release on it.
Join us for this amazing month long, on-line event, focused on financial freedom, confidence
and abundance!
This teleconference will show you how to remove your self-sabotaging: “don’t deserve,” “can’t
do it,” “not motivated,” and the fearful thoughts related to money, business, career and will
also ensure you have positive and life-changing gains in other areas of your life.
And all this while you participate from the comfort of your home!

When you join us you will get:
• 8 teleconferences a week, 2 hours each (usually more) each day. That’s more than
enough time and energy to overcome any of your financial issues!
• All new powerful workbook custom designed to help you have the lifestyle that you
deserve delivered straight to you. Brand new powerful exercises, tested and proven in real
life, that will help you close on your goals faster than ever before!
• Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you can play them back at your
convenience. No need to take notes, you can get fully immersed in the releasing!
• A releasing partner to help you focus, which we will assign to you automatically!
• Access to our support line for releasing assistance. If you ever get stuck, we will help you
move through the resistance!

This program is not for those that are just talking the talk but not walking the walk. “How you do
anything is how you do everything,” you heard Larry say numerous times. There are requirements
that you absolutely need to fulfill in order to receive maximum benefits!

The requirements are:

• The willingness to show up and have the strongest intention to participate at the fullest for two
hours a day for one month to do this transformational work
• The ability to block time for this amazing program
• Your intention to stay committed to the process and have a “whatever it takes” attitude to
achieve your goals

If you are not willing to fulfill these requirements, let us ask you:
• Are you better or worse off than you were five years ago?
• Has your net worth grown or shrunk – or are you saying “what net worth”?
• Do you have more or less free time for yourself or to spend with your family and friends?
• Would you like to have more money for a better life, for saving and investing, or perhaps
becoming debt free?
• Would you like to finally break free from the slavery of money deprivation, financial troubles and
If the answers to the last two questions are a strong YES, are you willing to put in effort that
is required to overcome your resistance and change your circumstances?

We want you to know that every step of the way we’ll be coaching you to reach into your
very core to find the best part of you and help you get rid of your blocks and enable you to
experience being unlimited!

You Too Can Experience Gains Like These:
Makes $8,600 in TWO Days
“Just before the class started, I set an intent to find more buyers for our business. Within two days buyers
were finding me. I have been able to put together a seller in Arizona with properties in North Carolina and sell
them to a buyer in Georgia. I made over $8,600 dollars with two day’s work. We have a lot more properties
to continue this for several months.” Dia, AZ
$36,000 + Increase Happens
“I took the 30 Financial Freedom course in April and Received a $6,250 bonus in July, a $20,000 bonus this
month and just found out my base salary is being increased $10,000 for January 1st. A Big thank you to all
the teachers and yourself for teaching me the method and helping me keep momentum” Ed, FL
Makes $100,000
“I eliminated all my negativity and judgements of others, I discovered my master program. I’m laughing all the
time an d I find the things that used to driver me crazy and upset me totally absurd. My investments went up
$100,000 since Releasing!” Sharon, NV
Another Million
“We began the course less that a year ago. Sense then, my stress level has been reduced dramatically. Our
business is up about a million dollars from a year ago, which is a gain of over 40%. Thanks so much!” Bob
& LeanAnn, WV

You see…part of the problem is that most of the time graduates set the wrong goals! This
teleconference will show you how to remove your self-sabotaging: “don’t deserve,” “can’t do it,” “not
motivated,” and the fearful thoughts and we will help you remove them so you will have results in all
areas of your life.
The truth is that we should be charging at least $3,000 for these teleconferences…and maybe
someday we will. But we want to make this program affordable so we can help as many people as
possible attend.
Usually, people pay thousands of dollars for this kind of mentoring especially since we are actually
going to personally work with each of you on this teleconference for a full month.
So in order to participate, your discounted tuition for attending is just $1,190.
You can even have a payment plan—just pay $495 upon registering and then pay
the additional $695 the next month. We’re so confident that this course will work
for you, and as a result, we will give you enough time to have your financial
problems all cleared up before you make the last payment. If you wish to pay in
full, in one payment, the price is $990 (a $200 savings).
Space is limited! If you are excited about getting clear about doing this program and determining how
you are going to get it done, don’t procrastinate and lose out on this opportunity—it is a one-time
event! The question is, “Are you ready to get what you really deserve in a matter of weeks—not
years?” If yes, sign up NOW!
You can sign up for this new teleconference by
signing up under “live classes” on our website:
or by calling (818) 279-2438
More Gains
$111,000 Worth of Business
“I had a call from a company interested in me and after about 15 seconds of negotiation, they offered me $10,
000 a month for much less of a work than I expected. Between now and July (the approximate length of the
agreement) the total is $100, 000. This is great because one of the goals I’ve been working with is ‘I allow
myself to have $100,000 or more quickly and easily by Releasing only.’ Since I began working on these goals
at the class in Sherman Oaks, I’ve brought in over $111,100 worth of business with ease.” MN
Cures Rheumatoid Arthritis
“A woman I work with asked me what was wrong with me last year. I replied, ‘Rheumatoid Arthritis.’ She then
said, ‘You never had that. It’s incurable.’ Well, before the weekend Abundance Course in Australia I had been
so sick. I lost 25 pounds in two months. I was in bed for months on a number of drugs. I took 9 pills each
day. After the weekend class I was really getting it. Not long after the class I was off all medication. As far as
I am concerned I am cured. I let go of so much self-hatred. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease.
You turn against yourself. Not any more. The Release Technique drains the negative emotions from the body
which are toxic. So I sit here today 100% cured of rheumatoid arthritis. Never believe anyone who says you
cannot be cured of anything EVER.”CA
More Money Gains
“I attended the live weekend class. One thing I released was my aversion to receiving money I didn’t work
hard for. During the weekend, I got an email about a patent I was co-inventor of, but didn’t really like, and that
I thought was a waste of time. Today, one day later, the company has paid me $1,666 for that patent that I
haven’t had to lift a finger for. I’ve worked hard on other patents before and didn’t receive anything. Thanks!”JS
Stops Smoking & Gains £13,022
“Thank you for a fabulous course. This weekend has been the most amazing experience of my life. I have
not smoked in 24 hours, thanks to the technique you showed me, and I opened an envelope this morning
containing a cheque for £13,022. I was not expecting this. It is a refund of taxes, which I had been resisting
paying for 2 years, but which I finally paid 8 weeks ago. The inland revenue issued a refund.” NA
Lets Go of Procrastinating
“Just to say thank you for your wonderful ‘Change Your Life’ teleclass. And thank you for the work you did
with me Sunday evening on procrastination. I have had a great week. A lot of resistance has come up and,
under that, so much disapproving of myself but I’m able to handle it in a way I couldn’t before. I feel light and
happy and capable.
So, thank you all and my thanks to all the teachers and support staff who made this class possible.” JB
Truly Amazing Gains
“This course itself has just been such a huge gain- with all it’s parts - Larry - with his courage, heart, wise
directions and tremendous experience, the amazing teachers who helped my releasing so much, Lester behind
us all the way in spirit and in CDs and books, the participation of the other course participants, my releasing
partners, the transformative exercises we are given in the book, the fact that the course was made friendly
to the European time zones… It’s just a truly amazing course, and I feel very privileged to have taken part in
it and to have made it part of me. I’m also very grateful to have participated in the Lester’s Way retreat in the
middle of the course. The echo of that retreat continues to be a gain.
Clarity that my releasing sometimes benefits from releasing directly on wanting disapproval or wanting to
be controlled or wanting to die. The more I release on them the greater the release of the high level of charge
on them and the quieter I get.” YS

More Gains
Gains Abound Big Time
This was my sixth 90 day and the best yet. I had a wonderful partner and Mentor and made great progress.
I am very healthy and fit considering I can’t walk normally as I used to. (Has MS for years.) My relationship
with Ruth is wonderful, very loving and very supportive since she is my main support. I was rarely angry with
myself for the 90 days and I gave myself lots of love and approval. I increased my net worth by $87,000.
Became more accomplished at releasing pain and am imperturbable more often in spite of the circumstanc-
es. My kids relationship with me is amazing and remains that way. When we all gather it is a loving delight.
I appreciate all the help Danny gave me, especially on the goals. That was worth the price of the course
alone.” MD
Imperturbable Takes Place Easily
“My goal for this course was to allow myself to be imperturbable. After working on and doing all the exercises
I continually put Step One in place and a huge shift has taken place in the last 3 months and I am imper-
turbable. It is a place I have sought to be all my life. I am you and you are me and I love you is repeated all
day. I also ask myself constantly ‘Can it get any better?’ My releasing has stepped up to constantly and am
looking at each minute of my day with joy and gratitude. Thank you Danny and everyone else teaching and
taking the course and I look forward to much more releasing.” DN
Financial Gains Happening Each Week
“Releasing is the only way! I woke up! The more I love me—life becomes effortless, simple and peaceful.
Financial gains are a given each week; amazing people show up and there is a knowingness on all my
goals.” GH
Learns to Heal Herself
“Before I started the Release program I had a Naturopath, chiropractor, Reiki master, craniolsacral therapist,
essential oils practitioner, body talk healer and regular doctor all on my agenda for frequent visits, sometimes
feeling like it was an emergency. I have not seen or thought that I needed any of them in the last year! I have
learned that I am the healer and to stop looking outside of me to be healed.” MR
Has Totally Positive Direction
“My life is going in a totally positive direction since I am releasing. I have love, abundant cash flow, money in
the bank, and my life feels like its opening up in every positive way. Surrendering to Beingness and the #1
goal in life is Imperturbability is the key.
Allowing my self to access all my feelings, love them, say yes to them, and release them is so powerful.
I so get that holding in mind the positive goal and allowing, yet releasing the unwanted is so big. Shifting
consciousness to the awareness of what is really being held in mind is enormous. Becoming more conscious
is fun and rewarding.
My world has opened up 100%. Hanging out with people who are changing consciousness is so great.
I really love my life and feel so happy about the direction I am access all the happiness,
peace and imperturbability.” James Stanton
Greatest Experience of My Life
“This has been the greatest experience of my life. I knew it would be good, there are no words to explain. The
wonderful help from all the mentors and everybody, the deep joy, peace, quiet, and the Knowing Who I Am.
The most wonderful Knowing I have ever Known. I have experienced my Mastership and I have experienced,
it keeps getting better, lighter, easier. I know it’s due to staying connected, doing the work, and the wonderful
help and guidance we get. I am listening to replays again and again, and how much more understanding and
clarity I get each time. I am allowing myself to be in every course. It’s such a wow.” JH

Live Abundance Course
with Larry Crane
Online Home Study Course
This course was recorded live over the phone.

The Brand New Live Abundance Online Home Study

Course pre recorded in a live setting with other PLEASE NOTE: The Digital Online
students. It includes “How To Do It” streaming Home Study Course is an online
audios, and comes complete with a power-packed streaming product, and is now
supported on smart phones &
105-page workbook in PDF format, and 10 FREE mobile devices.
✔ As an Added Bonus you get access to a Wed night Free Live Tele-Conference Call.
✔ Plus you can also have private consultations for a year – you’ll have a direct phone
number to our FREE SUPPORT CALL center 5 days a week. This is a total value of over
$3,000 at no extra cost!
✔ Learn the world-famous Release Technique streamed from your computer with the latest
version of the Abundance Course taught by Larry Crane back in 2014. This pre recording
is Larry at his best after teaching this course for over 30 Years.

What’s Included:
The entire Release Technique Digital Online Audio Set (5 Sessions in all with over 23 hours
of course work) – Larry Crane personally guides you through the entire process of using the
Release Technique with other Students.
105-page Workbook in PDF format.
This is a HANDS ON course and Larry gives provides you with a powerful but easy to use
workbook so you actually interact with course as if you were in a live class!
Ongoing and Unlimited FREE Telephone Coaching Support – Any time you have a question or
problem using the Release Technique
All you have to do is call into Release Technique, toll free, and speak with one the Release
Support Team members who are available to mentor you one-on-one in using the Release
Technique to achieve your goals.
Take advice from someone who already knows how to make millions with Releasing. Who else
invites you to call them up personally, any time you’ve got a problem?
Weekly, Live Teleconferences – You get free access to weekly, live teleconferences to help
you increase your financial abundance through the Release Technique.

FREE Bonus #1: (Valued at $25.00)—You’ll receive rare never heard before audio recordings
of Larry Crane Live in Various Retreats.
FREE Bonus #2: (Valued at $25.00)—You’ll receive rare audio recordings of Larry Crane’s
exclusive cleanups recorded at Various Live Retreats.
FREE Bonus #3: (Valued at $25.00)—You’ll receive the rare audio recording of “In My Own
Words” in which you receive personal tips from Lester himself, on how to achieve that natural
state he called “Happiness With No Sorrow”.
FREE Bonus #4: (Valued at $25.00)—You will receive another rare Lester audio, titled: “Will
Power” – (it’s not what you think) – in which Lester talks about the role that will power plays
in helping to free oneself from self-imposed limitations.
FREE Bonus #5: (Valued at $25.00)—“How To Eliminate Resistance to Having Success”
(called the “General Clean-up” CD) which I will walk you through very powerful exercises to
bring you up into a place of quiet, powerful, beingness. A place where you will experience a
rich taste of the state of limitlessness that Lester enjoyed everyday.
FREE Bonus #6: (Valued at $25.00)—My brand new CD, “How To Be In Release” will teach
you how to remain in releasing mode 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no matter what you’re
doing. This CD will show you how to blow the suppression hinges off your resistance and
allow many years of suppressed negativity to come up and out with ease.
FREE Bonus #7: (Valued At $25.00)—“Health.” I will show you how to use Lester’s famous
‘Butt System’ so you can have unlimited abundance in all areas of your life without lifting a
FREE Bonus #8: (Valued At $25.00)—“Anger Management.” It shows you how to eliminate
anger and frustration.
FREE Bonus #9: (Valued At $25.00)—“How to have Unlimited Health & Wellness.”

Just those FREE bonuses alone have a value of $175.00 but you can get them today
for… FREE!

But, that’s not all… you also get

FREE Bonus #10: The “Happiness, What is it?” movie (Valued At $35.00).
The total value of this program is $4,260.00 and it is yours for just $335! For
a limited time you can get this course for only $197 if you use coupon code
LAC18. And It All Comes With A Full 30-Day No-Risk, 100% Money-Back
Wait, we would like to offer one more very special BONUS. One-On-One Coaching With the
Release Technique Instructors When You Purchase The Release Technique – For A Very Limited
Time Only You Get Personal, One-On-One Phone Coaching With one of the Release Technique
Instructors. (You Get a Direct Los Angeles Office Number).

For a limited time, use Coupon code LAC18 to get this

amazing course for only $197 (originally $335)
Amazing Love & Relationships Gains
Experiences Oneness Experiences Real Joy & Peace
“Wow! Yesterday’s calls were great! Last night’s seg- “When the first couple of people were sharing their gains
ment with Joe felt like being wrapped up in a cocoon. I was overcome with gratitude. The realization that, for
It was a fabulous feeling of imperturbability. When you me, the search was over and the war was over, landed
experience oneness you feel the love with all. I slept with a lot of loving force. Yes I know it’s just the begin-
soundly all night long. I am experiencing now how the ning. But to a lot of the “stuff” it has been the end. The
process of releasing all attachment to any belief is first thing I bought was the online releasing package. I
healing.” MM got started but I was a bit clumsy. Having an every day
methodical look at this program for a month has been
Turns Ego & Selfishness into Loving
remarkable. For the first time in my life I experience real
“Two important aspects that produced huge gains for joy/peace. I wake up releasing and go to sleep releasing
me were doing the pride exercise everyday and letting and releasing in between. The biggest gain is having
go of the aversion to change, completely. The first turned no question as to who I AM really And what I am not.
ego selfishness into loving selflessness. The second And it is no longer just an intellectual exercise. Being
turned “I can’t” into “I can,” “I have,” and best of all “I convinced of the fact and living the reality is just a bit
am” (abundance, imperturbability).” RM different.” D.R.
Husband Recovers from Brain Hemorrhage Releases on Son’s Illness & Feels Better
“Since beginning the Release Technique about two years “Since my son has had ‘sleepy spells’ I have noticed that
ago, I have had a continuing series of gains in health I started to fear the worst. I have been releasing every
and a real sense of calm and joy. Releasing helped my day and seeing my son as healthy. I feel very much at
husband recover completely from a brain hemorrhage peace today and am able to feel in control again and feel
in January. He lost a software development contracting the security I seemed to let slip through my fingers as I
opportunity while he was ill but it was replaced by a felt a PTSD type of syndrome which is normal when this
better opportunity for more money per hour. I’ve also type of diagnosis happens with a child. I will continue to
gained new customers for my business. release and release even more every second until he is
Recently, I have been working to increase the size of all better. Seeing him as healthy and feeling imperturb-
my financial gains and had two wonderful events occur. able feels like a huge weight has life’s off my shoulders
1.) An issue that had occurred with my medical insur- and the sadness has passed. Who knows what good
ance was cleared up and the company agreed to pay things will come but I know my goals will be obtained
their full amount on a $35,000 charge. Instead of owing any minute now.” TS
over $16,000 to the medical provider, I will only need
to pay $3,900. 2.) Also I was notified that a company I Better and Better at Love
used to work for has decided to allow former employees, “I noticed that I do not desire sugar as I have in the past. I
who would be eligible for a pension at age 65, to take also noticed that it feels better to eat far less and not feel
the entire amount now if they so choose. I have about full. These were not conscious decisions, but observa-
$29,000 coming that I can roll into an IRA. This was tions of my behavior. As a result I have more energy and
totally unexpected! I am truly grateful.” CW can focus with greater clarity. Life seems to be lot easier.
Situations take care of themselves and I am not needed
Long Time Releaser Gets Mind Quieter
to control them or even be concerned about them. I
“The gains I have had from this course are unmatchable know they will work out with the best possible outcome.
and I have been releasing for a long time. Time doesn’t I have to laugh when speaking to customer service
present any limitation to me. Awareness, discrimination reps, for example, over the last three weeks. There
are constant. One is either realized or not and stopping couldn’t be more pleasant, courteous or helpful people
before realization/ imperturbability is not an option. on the planet. It’s amazing when you send anyone love
Loving all equally is truth. Fortunate to be able to find before an interaction.” JB
these words. Mind quieter and quieter. Beingness.” R.M.

Sessions with a Master of Personal Transformation
by Lester Levenson, narrated by Larry Crane

Activate your beingness and ignite your unlimited potential

Lester Levenson, a recognized American Master, and Larry Crane, a Master teacher, will guide you
step-by-step to becoming enlightened. In addition, each section contains rare Lester Levenson
audios that expand on the content.
If you already own The Release Technique audio set – you will find this audio set much more
advanced and chock full of over 30 Lester sessions, which will further enhance your ability to
maximize enlightenment and oneness.
With Lester’s Enlightenment Course you’ll be
experientially guided (by Lester and Larry Crane) through
the effortless process of disengaging from the limited
thinking that keeps you from knowing what it’s like to
feel at Oneness with everything.
The Enlightenment Course will help you:
• Knock out subconscious negativity that stops you
from living a clear and fulfilling life
• Feel free and more alive than you ever felt in life
• Be consistently positive, happy, and loving in all
• Achieve your goals easily and consistently
• Letting go of negative and self-destructive addictions
• Enjoy being naturally relaxed in normally “high stress” situations: Greg Worsley reports:
“My former ‘high tension days’ are now enjoyable.”
• Easily “let go” of any “charged” feelings “on the spot” – including fears, phobias, anxiety,
stress and panic attacks
• Naturally enter into the “flow-state” and finally MASTER your life—all resistance and self-
doubt will melt away…and all your goals will be “pulled” into your life.
Get in touch with your unlimited side more consistently.

#1066-CD #1066-HUB #1066-BND

Lester’s Enlightenment CD set Lester’s Enlightenment Lester’s Enlightenment
$335 Digital Online set $225 Bundle
Includes 30 CDs plus workbook includes workbook PDF $435
(plus $12.95 shipping & handling) and digital streaming audios Digital online set and
(download only, no shipping) Workbook/CD set
S hipping included for domestic
and international orders.

To order, go to:
Graduates who have recently
participated in the new
Teleconferences and Retreats
have been treated to a way
of Releasing that is much
Lester’s method.

Life is Transformed
“Each retreat gets better and I’m able to dig deeper to bring up my negative programs and my garbage.
Since I’ve been releasing my life has been transformed. People pull me aside and ask me if I’m in love! In
a manner of speaking, I am. Releasing teaches you to love yourself completely. When you learn this you
are able to love everyone else as well. It is an amazing experience! I’ve let go of my fear about my child
which makes me a much more loving mother. My previous gains include going off my medications. This
enabled me to feel alive again. I’ve also lost weight. I am accepting of people and life with much less ‘trying
to control.’ One of the biggest gains is falling in to a program that has an amazing support system. There’s
nothing like it. Larry and the teachers are always willing to help if you become stuck. The 90 Day Program
is a must. The momentum creates miracles! I highly recommend Releasing to everyone.” SB
Fear of Living Vanishes
“As usual the last day has brought the deepest of realizations. The ‘Fear of Leaving’ vanished, ‘Living’
has expanded beyond this physical ‘living’ to eternal living, here and now and beyond, Attachments and
aversions to living has disappeared! I AM FREE…” Eloise Murtaugh
Chronic Muscle Ache is Gone
“Halfway into Lesson 1, I began to feel warm in the area of my heart — a friendly glow spreading throughout
my chest. How nice! Then I found the tension, clutching feelings in different areas of my stomach and chest
when thoughts of a disturbing person or situation arose. I had been to this place within myself before, when
working to stop a 40 plus year nicotine addiction. Give myself approval? Are you kidding? I have never
approved of myself! How have I made it this far in life?
I listened to the first two CDs five times in the first two days. On the first day I was able, while at work, to
stop some negative thoughts and send them away. The morning of the second day, I awoke as usual at 4am,
but I felt more alert than usual. My first thought was directed toward a chronic muscle ache in my back.
Then I realized that I was picturing my body with an injury. I was able at once to change that impression
and pictured my body as healthy and whole. The pain vanished.” BK
The Greatest Gift
“Your relentless effort in teaching us Releasing must rank as the greatest Gift of Healing to this age. Through
releasing it became clear to me that the ego as master of my life is my only enemy. So I resolved to put my
ego in its true place as the servant of my Spirit. As I did so, I gained an instant Experience of my true self
as a Majestic, Complete expression of Life, lacking nothing!
I understand now that Releasing is both true Self-respect and true Self-love. I have also finally discov-
ered that loving everything is the greatest power that sustains releasing because it disarms and heals the
ego.” VD

More Gains
Finds the Secret Behind the Course in Miracles
“The day I bought the Release Technique course was the greatest day in my entire life. I wanted to tell you
that the Release Technique is not just the secret behind THE SECRET, but it is the secret behind A COURSE
IN MIRACLES. I had been studying the course of miracles, yet after nine years I was unable to have it work for
me. Now I see that every sentence in THE COURSE is unlocked after about 3 months of doing the Abundance
Course.” B.B.
Enough Money For Whatever I Need
“In the past six months, I have had enough money for whatever I needed. I spent money as I wanted to. I would
allow myself to go out to dinners and lunches without checking any bank balances. And the amazing thing
is that my bank account always has more money than I thought it would. I wanted to attend three retreats
and did not know where the money would come from. The money showed up with some to spare. I had not
checked my 401K for six months. The stock market was down, so I didn’t bother. I checked the other day and
it was up by $10,000.” C.R.
This stuff works!!!
“This morning I reminded myself that there is no higher power than releasing, and made a decision to release
for 15 min. on each of my 3 goals, with written Goal Charts for each. Immediately after my phone rang, no
kidding. It was a customer who wanted us to install her $20,000 system! This, after my partner Jim tried
calling her last night, and got hung up on twice. This stuff works!!!” W.K.
Multiple Sclerosis is Gone
“Since completing the Health & Fitness course I had some amazing gains. Complete releasement of grief at my
father’s sudden illness and passing. Complete releasement of my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis—including
the dissolution of any physical symptoms or fears that it would return. Complete releasement of any pain,
swelling or limitations of my surgically rebuilt (4 surgeries) foot & ankle. I am now enjoying a full range of motion
and I am able to take on very physically laborious projects without any discomfort or fear that I’ll pay for it later.
Last week I moved 2 tons of landscaping rock 1/2 acre with only a wheelbarrow in 3 hours–with ease.” J.A.
Drops Smoking Habit
“I dropped a 25-year smoking habit with no withdrawal symptoms and no crabbiness. On day two of not
smoking, I found it hard to believe that I ever smoked. I enjoyed five days of clean, fresh air and no smoking
at Camp Allen and I know that it will continue for the rest of my life. Plus, I will not exchange that released
addiction for another because I am a releaser. Thank you, Larry, for helping to take me there!” K.H.
87 Year Old Invigorated
“I am 87 years old. Just the week before coming here I was spending most of the day sleeping in bed. Since
being here, I am sleeping less and have more energy each day. I have gained physical strength. I am more
mentally alert. My daughter says my face has become younger.” O.L.
Total Peace & Perfection
“There are no words to describe total peace and perfection. No way to put a price on finally being me: I am.
My love and joy are boundless. Thanks to all of me for showing up.” T.D.
3 Referrals for Her Business
“The first night of the retreat, I got in touch with a program, ‘I should be different. I’m not good enough.’ I did the
mirror exercise later and Beingness told me I am whole, complete, perfect as I am. I believed it and this belief
has stayed with me. In tonight’s exercise, ‘What do I have to give up to be loveable?’, I was able to truthfully
answer, ‘Nothing.’ I received three referrals for my business this week by releasing only. This was very exciting
for me since I used to think I have to do something to ‘make things happen.’ I let go of needs for approval
across my relationships; letting go of my not good enough program has me giving myself approval.” J.G.

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The Digital Online Home Study Course is an online
streaming product, and is now supported on
smart phones & mobile devices.
To order, go to:

Join us on facebook!
Have your friends join us on facebook!
Join us in experiencing the new way to get informed information,
see the very latest Release Technique news before anyone else does,
share and post your gains on this exciting website, go to—
This will help you be in touch with the Releasing community in
a fast, efficient way and allow millions of people to hear about The
Release Technique and end suffering in the world.

If you would like a demonstration

of the Release Technique,
call us at

More Gains
Dissolves All of the Past
“I felt the total need to let go and dissolve all of my past. After I did, I felt great, less burdened and I also felt
like I eliminated another area that I use to subconsciously reprogram myself to feel lack. Early in the retreat,
we did an exercise to release worry. That was one of my main intentions for this retreat. I felt like the garbage
truck came through and I had a wonderful fresh start after it left!” D.Z.
Heals Gallbladder
“I feel more peaceful and clear. I’ve experienced loving myself more and moments of complete quiet. It feels
so good to be laughing so much. I feel it’s more possible to attain my goals. One of my goals was to heal my
gallbladder and now it feels much better and more possible to completely heal it. I also met several people
who wanted to keep in touch and we all have the same service provider, so our calls are free!” I.A.
Gets Freer
“This has been a very positive week for me. My intentions at the beginning of the week changed at mid-week.
I changed my intention to that of simply being completely released and going free – reaching my ultimate state
of imperturbability. Although I did not reach this goal, I was able to gain a greater ability to discriminate. As
circumstances arose during this week’s activities, I was quickly able to bring it to wanting approval, control or
security. Then, I was able to let go of whatever the situation was at that moment. For me, this is a significant
step forward to freedom and imperturbability.” R.B.
Acute Awareness
“I noticed an acute awareness of minute-by-minute thoughts and how they affected my behavior. I now have
a deep inner connection with my own spirituality. I was able to connect with inner joyousness with ease. I had
the realization that forgiveness of self is all that is required. I also realized that approval and loving of self is
all healing.” R.D.

We’ve just launched a

new online
Releasing community.
Many of the teachers and other releasers who
are using the method as a daily practice are
sharing their first-hand experiences. You’re
invited to join in and share your own.
Also, when you join in, you can download
previews of the never before heard
Lester audios.

Go to:
The Programs Course
to Clean Up the Past, Beliefs and Programs
This entirely NEW breakthrough program is radically charged to awaken you to what
you really are. You will experience infinite beingness and go deeper than you have
ever experienced before.
I urge you to let nothing stop you from acquiring this life-changing audio set. I feel absolutely
convinced that you will gain a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion,
misery, melancholy and failure. You will be guided to your true place of beingness to resolve
difficulties, and have IMPERTURBABILITY, happiness and peace of mind.

Not only will this new Programs Course audio set help you clean up the past—but it will help
you to clean all those subconscious programs that have been sabotaging you all your life. We
will clean up programs like these:
• I’m not good enough. • No matter what I do I can’t win.
• I lack self confidence. • Humiliation and shame.
• I lack self respect. • Feeling like a victim.
• No matter what I do it’s never good • The “why me” syndrome.
enough. • Why am I such a loser?
• Fear, self hatred, jealously, shame, • Feeling ridiculed.
grief, anger and hatred. • Feeling like I don’t belong or feel like an
• I hate myself. outsider.
• I hate my life. • My life will always be filled with pain
• Self doubt. and struggle.
• I’m so stupid.

This 7-week intensive home study course comes on eight audios, complete with workbook,
three bonus audios and a telephone partner to release with (upon request). This is an
advance course for Release Technique graduates only.

Now available as CD set or

Digital Streaming Audio DIGITAL
Now supports smart phones and mobile devices! STREAMING
1063-CD — $335 1063-HUB — $269
The Programs Course CD set The Programs Course
Includes 17 CDs plus workbook Digital Online set
(plus $12.95 shipping & handling) includes workbook PDF
and digital streaming audios
(Save money—no shipping!)

To order, go to: or call 818-279-2438

Get the New Release Technique APP, visit
The Release Technique
Abundance Course
Brand New Announcement!
Now the Release Technique has an APP
for Apple iphones, ipads and Android

Now you can take the Release Technique

on the Road and have instant access
to the course that now includes bonus
audios a workbook.

The Abundance Course (including all

audios & workbook exercises) is now a
turnkey app solution and available when-
ever you wish from your mobile device(s).

For over 50 years and over 100,000

graduates, the Release Technique has
proven to be a powerful, unique, simple,
and very practical tool that will dramati-
cally improve the quality of your life.

How? This innovative, emotional Release Technique will teach you step-by-step how to
eliminate any and all negativity on the spot—leaving you in a powerfully positive position
to create only the good things in life that you desire.

It includes 31 audio sessions (20 course audios + 11 bonus audios) in all and a 123 page
workbook (original price $279). Harvard, Columbia, UCLA & Penn State University Studies
validate the effectiveness of the Release Technique.

Go to: to get your app.


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