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To fall in love with the wonders of the world and to make the world’s wonders fall in love with

To travel and see the beauty of the world's diversity. Every person born in this world have dreams in
life that were designed and moulded because of the environment he/she was raised in. But behind
each of that dream is the idea of traveling to other places and explore the wonders of the world. I
too, have a dream of seeing the world at its worst and at its finest. In a fast changing world,
traveling would not be as simple as people just dream it about. It requires so much: money, energy
and most of all time. 

Born in a millennial generation, money is something that is hard earned and easily gone. That is
why, I envision myself to have my very own business, although still uncertain of which it would be
but I have a feeling it would either be a toddler play school or a restaurant/restobar. And putting up
such business like that would require the use of information systems, to do research of the location,
find the best interest of people, do a study of how to make a better business strategy, and to
disseminate the publicity of the business for people to become aware of it. And yet, doing such may
cost a fortune from the establisher of a business especially coming from this era.

A technological era has risen and will reign for a long time, and due to the fast pace of the changes
partaking in this era, it demands us to take a leap in a flash. In the future, envisioning myself to be a
successful business woman and hopefully an amazing homemaker at the same time, it would
definitely ask of me massive amount of energy. And due to that, there would be times I would not
be able to reach out to those others in need of reaching, i.e. my other family- my parents and
brother, because it would most definitely mean I am already living quite far from them. Thus, that
would be the time information system would take part on my daily basis. The ability to press a few
buttons to call them and see them face to face- virtually, of course. Also to be able to be updated
with each other despite the distance, that is of course, through the social media.

Lastly, the most important amongst all is time. The most precious gift anyone could give to anybody
would always be his/her time because it could not be taken back. Time, what is it with technology
and time? Technology in time makes up most of our everyday lives. The future itself is time. Those
dreams and the construction of fulfilling those ideas for future takes up the time of the present. Time
and technology has the idea of information systems as a bridge, how? It connects each other and
give each other the mutual benefit. Information systems makes the use of technology time efficient.
The processes that IS has had been useful and so far had made use of time mostly dealing with
relevant factors.

This basically been my dream for my future in a nutshell- to be successful in my career, to be an

amazing homemaker, to commit time and effort to my family and to make the most out of life. A
person not driven my the power to push the change, but be the person to be part of the change even
without the right hand knowing what the left hand did. Someone who would want to create the most
out of life and at the same time have a legacy to leave behind. Quoting what my mayor said
(Translated from Filipino), “Here in Davao you would not see my name or face in all the projects
that I have accomplished. Like the park that I built in the heart of the city, I called it People’s Park
because it wasn’t my money used for it, it was the people’s money. And if there’s one thing wherein
you would see my full name engraved on, that would be on my gravestone when I finally surrender
myself to the afterlife.” (Duterte, 2016)

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