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Functionality of happiness: Health effects (lower sick leave), Teamwork, Creativity & objectivity: better decision-making, Higher Salary,

increases productivity by 9%, reduces sick leaves. Definition of happiness:

An emotional state that you do not wish to avoid: Pleasure, Positivity, Meaning(satisfaction in helping other people out) and Purpose (Purpose is transcending the smaller self: not self-centered). Joy, Pride,
Awe, Laughter, Hope, Love, Interest, Serenity, Inspiration, Gratitude. Anxiety, Envy, Insecurity, Boredom, Misery, Disappointment, Fear, Anger, Sadness, Grief, Disgust, Frustration. Summary: Happiness
doesn’t just feels good, its also FUNCTIONAL: It improves health and longevity (less abesntieeism) , collegiality(work in team), objectivity (better decision), creativity, productivity, increases pay (Yet we think
opposite is true). Happiness can be long-lasting. MEASUREMENT: Self reporting happiness scores
Asymmetries in Seeking vs Giving Happiness: Seek POSITIVE>>NEG; Give NEG>POS Why do we think negativity promotes productivity: 1) It does promote productivity only in the SHORT RUN (Burst of
adrenaline and stress makes you improve productivity), 2)Because we dislike what we do for work or have grown to dislike it, 3) Because of people we know, who are miserable but productive. WHY
Happiness increase productivity and success in long run (HAPPIER EMPLOYEES -> SATISFACTION ENGAGEMENT MORALE (SEM) -> PRODUCTIVITY) HAP-SEM-PRO – Dave Harison(Its most imp to keep your
employees happy – Correlation > 50%- Happiness at work predict: Attendance/absenteeism, lateness, turnover, work quality/quantity, helping behavior, promotions, substance abuse, happy outside
work). It Takes 2 to BAMBA – Both you and your organization plays a significant role (50% is genetic – out of control, Rest 50: 40% mindset/attitude, 10% external)
BASIC NEEDS AT WORK: Happiness and Income are positively correlated (Avg Income is $75K) PHYSICAL(1. Physical safety, 2. physical Comfort, 3. Physical Health)/EMOTIONAL (1. Being trusted by leaders,
2. being liked by peers, 3. being trusted by direct reports)/MENTAL (Income & Fairness, communication & Transparency, Role Clarity). 3 Things for Coworkers: Adequate salary – avg in industry; Good
medical benefits; Excellent Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – like counselling(Destigmatize EAPs). 3 Things for Yourself: Live within financial means; Maintain Journal; Lead a healthy Lifestyle –
eat/sleep/move (to manage ADT)
ADT: Symptoms- ADD related to ADT, practices to control ADT-Healthy lifestyle, Priority list at work, no email before completion of 1 task, declutter desk, delegate tasks
The Need for Autonomy: One reason is because we do better, both emotionally and physically, when we are in control. Having control increases longevity and happiness. For happiness:
AUTONOMY>MONEY. AUTONOMY AT WORK: PERSONAL(1. Boss’s Support – No Micromanagement, 2. Voice, - Having the freedom to voice your true, authentic opinions combined with…. feeling like
your opinions matter—that they impact decisions taken by the organization;3. Being Oneself – People are not their full self at work, 1/16th of themselves , afraid to bring fun sided to
workplace)/OUTCOMES (1. Goal Clarity - Employees want clarity on what to achieve, 2. Goal ownership – Its more intrinsic rather than extrinsic like accountability, 3. Training and Resources)/PROCESS (1.
HOW – freedom on how to achieve one’s goal ,2. With WHOM you are going to work, 3. WHEN & Where – work@home). 3 Things for Coworkers: Encourage bringing “whole self” to work – shine your
light events; encourage employees to personalize their space; Help employee understand what they need to do to gain autonomy/authority – provide feedback often and informally, don’t wait for year
end appraisals; Give employee back their personal time – discourage contacting during weekend/forced weekend – led to increase of creativity 33%, happiness 25%, productivity 13%. 3 Things for
Yourself: 1. Lead a healthy Lifestyle – eat/sleep/move;2. Become better at “Issue Selling” – persuading others to not just hear your ideas but actually support and even champion them, STRATEGIES FOR
ISSUE SELLING – 1. Frame things in a positive or negative way depending on what is more persuasive, 2. Socialize your idea to gartner more support – even let coworker present your idea on your behalf,
3. Maange your emotions that balance passion with equanimity ; 3.Engage in “Job Crafting” – Move your job in direction that’s more meaningful to you, it will take varierty of form for variety of
employees; 4. Manage and make T2D lists (3 features for T2D lists: Put every task you want to do even the most trivial ones on your T2D list, so long as you intend to do a task, you should put it in, unless
you are going to do it right away – Strike off items when complete and look at T2D list for next day before going to sleep; Transfer items to only one Calendar- If doing an item takes more than 30 mins, it
has to be in the calendar; Share relevant with everyone concerned – reminders one day before)

The MASTERY: MASTERY AT WORK :PERSONAL (1. Feelings; 2. Thoughts; 3. Behaviors). FEELINGS: controlling emotions via 4 strategies – A. Situation Selection -. Labelling your emotions - C. Self
Compassion –. D Cognitive Reappraisal THOUGHTS: One of the most important decision you can make is what you chose to think- master your own mind. BEHAVIOR: Avoid temptations-Putting unhealthy
snacks in in hard to reach places; Not send angry emails. Why personal mastery is important – Emotional Equanimity(we want to lead a happy life); Response flexibility (ability to give themselves choice
when an event happens); Internal Control (control over yourself)
SELF (1. Experience; 2. Meaning - contribute; 3. Purpose - growth) 3 most imp questions: 1. What do you want to experience 2. How do you want to grow 3. How do you want to contribute. VALUES: The
software that explains attitude and behaviors. Most deeply held worldviews (e.g., inclusiveness) or beliefs (compassion), usually reflected in the most aspirational goals (e.g., end of suffering). You get
values through – value list, peak and valleys, top 3 heros . SHADOW VALUES (opposite): Compassion – closed to “non givers”; rationality – “mind addicted”; freedom seeking – “not seeking help”. Why
shadow value and value are imp – Alignment of values with coworkers & happiness, propensity for shadow values to be triggered, self awareness.
3 Things for Coworkers: 1. Encourage mindfulness of work 2. Be the change – discipline, diligence, courage, humility 3. Provide opportunity for 360 feedback 3 Things for Yourself: 1 Self compassion –
emotional control ;2. Counting Breadth – Thought Control ; 3.Pausing before sending emotional email – behavior control
SKILLS MASTERY (1.Core 2.Soft 3.Meta) Meta Skills for deliberate practice/skill development- Growth Mindset, Diligence(10,000 hours-Prof. Ericsson), Humility (to learn). Stress (healthy levels)-critical for
learning and mastery. Those with stress is good attitude perform better. Mastery increases happiness in 3 ways- Competence&Success, Love&Adulation, Flow. FLOW (3 qualities)-Paradoxical sense of
time(the moment slows down, later entire experiences seems to have whizzed by quickly), Focus, Lack of self-consciousness(mental chatter is gone). Flow happens when required ability is just higher than
available ability. 3 THINGS FOR YOURSELF- 1)Recognize 10,000 hours is required for growth &learning (Start with ELEMENT- Intersection between what you enjoy and where your strengths lie, hire a
coach, work alone-“Deliberate practice”) IKIGAI- Intersection between what you enjoy, where your strengths lie,what you’ll be paid for & what the world needs 2) Don’t chase superiority 3) Protect Cream
time . 3 STAGES in progression towards mastery( from PEAK book)- Fun beginning, Squishy/frustrating middle, flowy third. Chasing superiority lower happiness- HEDONIC ADAPTATION ( pleasure not so
high with further success). Cream time comes from circadian rhythms of every person. 3 THINGS FOR CO-WORKERS- 1) Values &Skills development in appraisal process 2) Provide resources for
training/education 3) Encourage development of hobbies (Nobel laureates had 2.85 greater likelihood of serious hobby than average scientists)

BELONGING AT WORK: 1)COWORKER (Trusted by leaders, liked by peers, trust direct reports) 2) ORGANIZATION (Values, VISION(Meaning), MISSION(Purpose)), PHYSICAL SPACE(Layout,Common
Area,Personal Space). Gallop study- Employees who have friends 50% less likely to leave. Friends alert you when you are wrong, sense of belonging increases with friends, Offer assistance in times of
need. The NEED to Belong- Asch Experiment- in an elevator people are turning away from the door. New person who enters also eventually turns away, Cyber ball experiment-

Giving leads to happiness and success in this order: Otherish Givers > Matchers > Takers > Selfless Givers. 3 RULES OF GIVING: Remember to have fun, contain the cost of giving, register the impact.
Belonging at Work: What we seek from our coworkers: To be trusted by leaders, To be liked by peers, To be respected by direct reports. What we need to do: Respect our leaders, Be pleasant/supportive
to our peers, Trust our direct reports. Organization : Values, Vision (meaning), Mission (purpose). Personal Space: Layout & Common area influence creativity and happiness: Incentivize serendipitous
interactions, Personal Space. Gaining Belonging: 3 things you can do for you coworkers: Strive for Losada ratio , that is, 6:1 positive :negative feedback (avoid sandwich feedback), Allow employees to
volunteer for social cause at company time/dime, Hire based on alignment with company Values, Vision (meaning), Mission (purpose). 3 things you can do for yourself: Create micro-moments of love,
Write and read (or send) a gratitude letter, Engage in creative altruism

ABUNDANCE CULTURE: 3 things you can do for your coworkers – No gossip rule, get employees to engage in creative altruism, promote internal (vs external) CSR; FOSTERING ABUNDANCE: 3 things you
can do for yourself – 3 good things journal, minimize time on social media, seek abundance-oriented stimuli: books, movies, people (including non-gossipy coworkers)
Main determinants of happiness at work: “BAMBA” model – mastery, belonging, abundance orientation, basic needs, autonomy
Happiness improves productivity and success in long-run: Happier employees satisfaction engagement morale productivity/ profits
3 deadly happiness sins that the smart and successful commit: #1 Chasing superiority, #2 De-prioritizing relationships – money makes us meaner #3 becoming overly control-seeking
How to stop the self-sabotage: Happiness SIN - Happiness “Habit” (Pursuit of “flow”, Re-prioritizing relationships, Altruism/ Need-to-love, seeking internal control

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