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City Name Generator Tables

This publication is intended to help generate names for cities, something I’ve always had a hard doing. In
order to maintain a realistic feel, this uses elements and words from four real languages that might have
been used to create real city names. Also included is a rough meaning for each of the name parts. This is
to further help the brain storming process for fleshing out your cities.
You can either roll for the names as shown or simply use the tables as city name element references to
build names as you please. You may also choose to mix elements from different languages, such as using
an English prefix and a French suffix, this has occurred with the names of some real cities. You may also
choose to use words from the setting of your campaign, such as a prefix coming from the name of a
great ruler or god, to integrate your cities deeper into the setting of the game.
I make no claim to speak all of these languages. It is completely possible that results may not be exactly
grammatically correct.

Note: More tables for more in depth information about the cities are to come.

Note about the French origins: you may notice that these aren’t as clear cut adjectives on one end and
nouns on the other. For best results it is recommended that if results come up with the same meaning
for both prefix and suffix one or both are rerolled until different meanings are produced.

Note about the Arabic origins: Contrary to how the others are set up, these names are actually two
separate words, not actually a prefix and suffix. For example, the name would be Hamada Aljadid, not
Hamadaaljadid, where all the others produce names that are a single word, such as Löwendorf or Belot.

Table 1: Name Origin (Roll 1d4)

Roll Origin Tables to use Roll Origin Tables to use
1 English 2+3 3 German 6+7
2 French 4+5 4 Arabic 8+9
Table 2: English Prefixes (Roll 1d100)
Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning
00 Aber River mouth 34 Drum Ridge 67 Nant Ravine
01 Ac Oak tree 35 Eccles Church 68 Nans Valley
02 Acc Acorn 36 Eg Island 69 Nor North
03 Ar High 37 Eglos Church 70 Pant Hollow
04 Ard Height 38 Eig Island 71 Parva Little
05 Ash Ash tree 39 Exe Bry 72 Pen Head
06 Ast East 40 Gar Enclosed field 73 Pit Portion
07 Ach Field 41 Gart Enclosed field 74 Pol Pool
08 Auch Field 42 Gill Ravine 75 Pont Bridge
09 Auchter Height 43 Glass Glass 76 Ponty Bridge
10 Avon River 44 Holm Island 77 Porth Harbor
11 Axe Bry 45 Inch Marsh island 78 Roth Red
12 Bal Farm 46 Inner River mouth 79 Shep Sheep
13 Ball Farm 47 Inver River mouth 80 Ship Sheep
14 Balla Homestead 48 Keld Spring 81 Stan Stone
15 Bally Homestead 49 Kil Old church 82 Stow Holy place
16 Bex Box tree 50 Kin Head 83 Strath Vale
17 Blaen Hill 51 King King 84 Streat Road
18 Blen Hill 52 Kirk Church 85 Sud South
19 Bourne Large stream 53 Knock Hill 86 Sut South
20 Brad Broad 54 Kyle Narrows 87 Swin Swine
21 Bre Hill 55 Lan Churchyard 88 Tarn Lake
22 Car Camp 56 Lang Long 89 Tilly Hillock
23 Cheap Market 57 Lhan Church 90 Tra Settlement
24 Chipping Market 58 Lin Lake 91 Tre Settlement
25 Coombe Valley 59 Ling Heather 92 Tullie Hillock
26 Crag A jutting rock 60 Loch Lake 93 Tulloch Hillock
27 Craig A jutting rock 61 Lough Sea inlet 94 Weald High woodland
28 Cul Narrow 62 Lyng Heather 95 Wes West
29 Cum Valley 63 Lynn Lake 96 Whel Mine
30 Dal Meadow 64 Mawr Great 97 Win Unknown
31 Din Fort 65 Moss Swamp 98 Wool Wool
32 Dinas Fort 66 Nan Valley 99 York Yew
33 Dol Meadow
Table 3: English Suffixes (Roll 1d100)
Suffix Meaning Suffix Meaning Suffix Meaning
00 afon River 34 ey Inlet 67 lyn Lake
01 agh Little 35 firth Wood 68 mere Lake
02 ay Island 36 field Field 69 minster Monastery
03 beck Stream 37 folk People 70 more Great
04 beinn Mountain 38 force Waterfall 71 mouth Bay
05 ben Mountain 39 ford Crossing 72 ness Promontory
06 berg Hill 40 forth Ford 73 ock Oak tree
07 berry Hill 41 fos Ditch 74 op Valley
08 bie Village 42 foss Ditch 75 pool Harbor
09 borough Fortification 43 frith Wood 76 port Port
10 bost Farm 44 gate Road 77 shaw Wood
11 brough Fortification 45 garth Enclosure 78 shire Country
12 burn Large Brook 46 ghyll Ravine 79 stead Place
13 bury Fortification 47 glen Narrow valley 80 ster Farm
14 by Settlement 48 gowt Water outfall 81 streat Road
15 carden Thicket 49 ham Homestead 82 stoke Settlement
16 caster Camp 50 hay Hedged enclosure 83 stol Holy place
17 cester Camp 51 hayes Hedged enclosure 84 thrope Settlement
18 chester Camp 52 hirst Wooded hill 85 toft Homestead
19 cheth Wood 53 hithe Wharf 86 ton Enclosure
20 combe Valley 54 holme Island 87 treath Beach
21 coed Forest 55 hope Valley 88 tun Estate
22 cot Cottage 56 howe Mount 89 twaite Forest clearing
23 cott Cottage 57 hurst Wooded hill 90 twatt Forest clearing
24 dale Valley 58 hythe Wharf 91 usk Bry
25 dean Valley 59 ing People of 92 wardine Enclosure
26 den Hill 60 keth Wood 93 wich Place
27 don Hill 61 law Rounded hill 94 wick Bay
28 dow Black 62 ley Woodland clearing 95 wold High woodland
29 duff Black 63 leigh Woodland clearing 96 worth Enclosure
30 dun Fort 64 lin Lake 97 wych Settlement
31 dum Fort 65 llyn Lake 98 wyke Settlement
32 eg Island 66 low Rounded hill 99 y Island
33 esk Bry
Table 4: French Prefixes (Roll 1d100)
Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning
00 Avisé Wise 34 Eiki Oak 67 Mesnil Property
01 Bec Brook 35 El Stream 68 Mont Mountain
02 Bel Beautiful 36 Éle Flat land 69 Moulin Mill
03 Belle Beautiful 37 Epli Apple 70 Mur Wall
04 Bétail Cattle 38 Escalle Shelter 71 Nanti Wealthy
05 Blé Grain 39 Eski Ash tree 72 Neu New
06 Bóki Beech tree 40 Étain Stone 73 Neuf New
07 Bois Wood 41 Étan Stone 74 Navio New
08 Bosc Wood 42 Étenne Stone 75 Ou Wolf
09 Boos Booth 43 Ferme Farm 76 Ours Bear
10 Brecq Slope 44 Flèche Arrow 77 Paix Peace
11 Breq Slope 45 Fleur Flower 78 Pauvre Poor
12 Brûlant Burning 46 Fi Fish 79 Plume Feather
13 Bruque Brook 47 Froid Cold 80 Pont Bridge
14 Cachot Dungeon 48 Foul Dirty 81 Pur Clean
15 Cath Battalion 49 Gemme Gem 82 Récolte Crop
16 Catu Battle 50 Génial Great 83 Rhod Wheel
17 Chaud Warm 51 Gour Court 84 Roth Race
18 Chêne Oak 52 Guerre War 85 Roto Wheel
19 Clé Cliff 53 Hau Slope 86 Saul Willow
20 Cli Cliff 54 Haugue Enclosure 87 Thuit Assart
21 Col Court 55 Ho Slope 88 Tombe Fall
22 Cor Court 56 Hom Islet 89 Torp Settlement
23 Coude Cold 57 Homme Islet 90 Tot Property
24 Coul Court 58 Houl Hollow 91 Tourp Settlement
25 Cour Court 59 Libre Free 92 Tu Kill
26 Crique Church 60 Lisière Border 93 Val Small valley
27 Cuivre Copper 61 Londe Wood 94 Verger Orchard
28 Dalle Valley 62 Luisant Shining 95 Veules Steam
29 Dau Valley 63 Mag Field 96 Vergo Alder tree
30 Décès Death 64 Magos Field 97 Vie Life
31 Digue Dike 65 Mar Pond 98 Ville Village
32 D’or Golden 66 Marché Market 99 Volaille Bird
33 Ecorche Flay
Table 5: French Suffixes (Roll 1d100)
Suffix Meaning Suffix Meaning Suffix Meaning
00 ac Property 34 dalle Valley 67 ique Property
01 acée Plant 35 drome Racetrack 68 is Small
02 acum Property 36 é Property 69 quier Marsh
03 age State of being 37 èdre Seat 70 lan Land
04 ago Property 38 ée Border 71 land Land
05 ai Property 39 eau Small 72 lif Cliff
06 aie Orchard 40 eaux Small 73 lon Wood
07 ail Tool 41 ecques Property 74 menil Property
08 ain Small 42 er People 75 mesnil Property
09 aise Origin 43 eraie Orchard 76 mont Hill
10 aix Property 44 ère Tree 77 nil Property
11 al Property 45 erie Shop 78 ois Region
12 ât Property 46 eté Property 79 oise Region
13 archie Leader 47 euse People 80 on Small
14 atif Related to 48 eux Rainy 81 os Property
15 aud Power 49 ex Property 82 ot Small
16 ay Property 50 ey Property 83 otte Small
17 bec Stream 51 fier People 84 pole Market
18 beuf Booth 52 fleur Run of water 85 ptile Leaf
19 bonne Spring 53 gat Badland 86 quire Marsh
20 bosc Wood 54 gate Place 87 ron Forest
21 bot Settlement 55 gard Yard 88 s Property
22 bourg Borough 56 gastte Badland 89 té Property
23 brecque Slope 57 gathe Way 90 tot Property
24 breque Slope 58 ham Home 91 tour Settlement
25 bu Settlement 59 hague Enclosure 92 tuit Assart
26 chatel Castle 60 homme Islet 93 u People
27 cher Swamp 61 hurs House 94 val Small valley
28 clives Cliff 62 hus House 95 vast Badland
29 croc Croft 63 igny Property 96 vic Beach
30 crocq Croft 64 ien Origin 97 ville Village
31 crot Croft 65 ier Tree 98 vy Bay
32 court Courtyard 66 ieux Property 99 y Property
33 dal Valley
Table 6: German Prefixes (Roll 1d100)
Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning
00. Abgrund Abyss 34. Gelder Money 67. Ross Steed
01. Adler Eagle 35. Gewürzen Spice 68. Roten Red
02. Ärmlich Poor 36. Grünen Green 69. Ruhig Quiet
03. Alten Old 37. Golden Golden 70. Salz Salt
04. Bären Bear 38. Handel Trade 71. Sauber Clean
05. Bauern Farmer 39. Heilig Holy 72. Schafs Sheep
06. Baum Tree 40. Helden Hero 73. Schlicht Simple
07. Beil Hatchet 41. Hirsch Stag 74. Schmieds Smith
08. Bucht Bay 42. Höhlen Hole 75. Schnecken Snail
09. Burschen Lad 43. Hügel Hill 76. Schwartz Black
10. Dichter Poet 44. Huhn Chicken 77. Sieg Victory
11. Drecks Dirt 45. Inseln Island 78. Silber Silver
12. Dürr Barren 46. Jung Young 79. Spatz Sparrow
13. Dunkel Dark 47. Lager Warehouse 80. Spitzen Panicle
14. Ekel Disgust 48. Leben Life 81. Steins Stone
15. Eisen Iron 49. Lichten Light 82. Stillen Quiet
16. Enten Duck 50. Löwen Lion 83. Strahlend Radiant
17. Ernten Crop 51. Mühlen Mill 84. Streben Quest
18. Fechter Swordsman 52. Munch Monk 85. Süd South
19. Frieden Peace 53. Nass Wet 86. Sumpf Swamp
20. Gast Guest 54. Neuen New 87. Toten Dead
21. Getreiden Grain 55. Nord North 88. Turm Tower
22. Käfer Beetle 56. Oberen Upper 89. Übel Wicked
23. Katzen Cat 57. Öden Desolate 90. Untern Lower
24. Kerl Guy 58. Osten East 91. Versteckten Hidden
25. Klaren Clear 59. Pilz Mushroom 92. Wahr True
26. Knochen Bone 60. Preis Prize 93. Weissen White
27. Königs King 61. Raubtier Predator 94. Weit Far
28. Kreutz Cross 62. Regen Rain 95. West West
29. Kriegs War 63. Reh Deer 96. Wolfs Wolf
30. Kupfer Copper 64. Reisen Travel 97. Würfel Dice
31. Gans Goose 65. Ritter Knight 98. Zauber Magic
32. Gauner Rogue 66. Rohen Raw 99. Zwischen Between
33. Gedeihen Thriving

Table 7: German Suffixes (Roll 1d20)

Suffix Meaning Suffix Meaning
1 ach River 11 au Meadow
2 bach Stream 12 berg Mountain
3 brück Bridge 13 burg Keep
4 dorf Village 14 feld Field
5 furt Ford 15 hausen Houses
6 hafen Port 16 heim Settlement
7 hof Farmhouses 17 hut Guard
8 ingen Descendants of 18 kirchen Church
9 stadt City 19 tal Valley
10 wald Forest 20 werth Holm
Table 8: Arabic First Word (Roll 1d6 x 10 + 1d10)
Prefix Meaining Suffix Meaining
10 Agadir Wall 40 Manzil Homestead
11 Aghbal Spring 41 Masar Path
12 Alttariq Road 42 Matjar Shop
13 Alwadi Valley 43 Mazraea Farm
14 Azrou Stone 44 Mersa Port
15 Bistan Orchard 45 Mueaskar Encampment
16 Bordj Fort 46 Qalea Fortress
17 Casbah Old quarter of a town 47 Ras Cape
18 Chott Swampy salt lake 48 Sahil Coast
19 Dar Home 49 Sakhra Rock
20 Djebel Mountain 50 Sebkha Salt pan
21 Erg Dune field 51 Si Saint (Male)
22 Foggara Channel 52 Souk Market
23 Ghaba Forest 53 Suq Market
24 Hadba Plateau 54 Tadrart Rock
25 Hamada Barren plane 55 Tal Hill
26 Hasanana Well 56 Tala Spring
27 Hassi Well 57 Taourirt Hill
28 Hayit Wall 58 Tariq Route
29 Hijr Stone 59 Tatazayad Mount
30 Idhan Sand dunes 60 Tedles Reeds
31 Ifrane Caves 61 Tehe Pass
32 Ighil Hill 62 Tell Hill
33 Ighrem Settlement 63 Tizi Pass
34 Jabal Mount 64 Wahih Oasis
35 Kahf Cavern 65 Wahran City
36 Kalaa Fortress 66 Zaouia Religious school
37 Ksar Fortified town 67 Zemmour Olive tree
38 Lalla Saint (Female) 68 Zeriba Stockade
39 Makan Place 69 Zmala Encampment

Table 9: Arabic Second Word (Roll 1d20)

Suffix Meaining Suffix Meaining
1 Aljadid New 11 Kabir Big
2 Bou Place of 12 Lame Glittering
3 Chergui Eastern 13 Makhfi Hidden
4 Dakn Dark 14 Melloul White
5 Dhahabi Golden 15 Multahab Blazing
6 Eazim Great 16 Muta'alliq Brilliant
7 Fuqara'an Destitute 17 Muzadahur Prosperous
8 Gharbi Western 18 Seghir Small
9 Hamra Red 19 Shamali Northern
10 Janubi Southern 20 Tajul Wandering

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