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IVY D. DI-ZON teacher is known to be a person whose job is to teach stu-dents about a cer-tain

Be­come one, you should ac­quire a bach­e­lor’s de­gree by com­plet­ing all the re­quire­ments set
forth by the Com-mis-sion on Higher Ed-u-ca-tion aside from pass-ing the Li-cen-sure Ex-am-i-na-tion
for Teachers. But then, how can a teacher cope up with the ram-pant change in our com-mu-nity and
be aware of the changes and improvement of the stu-dents he/she will be deal-ing with?

Nowa­days, the term “Mil­len­nial Teacher” is widely spread­ing. But what is it? Why mil­len­nial?

Nowa­days, the term “Mil­len­nial Teacher” is widely spread­ing. But what is it? Why mil­len­nial?

Teachers to-day must be clas-si-fied as mil-len-nial to cope up with the stu-dents. Since stu-dents are
aware and ex-posed to tech-nol-ogy, some teachers are left be-hind and would teach tra-di-tion-ally,
which is, ad­mit­tedly, con­sid­ered “bor­ing” to stu­dents. Stu­dents want ex­po­sure, hands on
ac-tiv-i-ties and more per-for-mances. These are some rea-sons why, as a teacher, you should
be-come tech-no-log-i-cally ad-vance to-gether with the learn-ing of the stu-dents and be highly
com-pet-i-tive. To be con-sid-ered mil-len-nial, a teacher must be aware of how to use and op-er-ate
the gad-gets that can be used in the teach-ing and learn-ing en-deavor, must learn how to surf the
in-ter-net as well as get-ting and us-ing online ser-vices for learn-ing, must be tech-no-log-i-cally
equipped, if the school doesn’t have one, and must be up-dated with all the new ser-vices and
ap-pli-ca-tions read-ily avail-able for con-sump-tion.

Teachers to-day must be clas-si-fied as mil-len-nial to cope up with the stu-dents. Since stu-dents are
aware and ex-posed to tech-nol-ogy, some teachers are left be-hind and would teach tra-di-tion-ally,
which is, ad­mit­tedly, con­sid­ered “bor­ing” to stu­dents. Stu­dents want ex­po­sure, hands on
ac-tiv-i-ties and more per-for-mances. These are some rea-sons why, as a teacher, you should
be-come tech-no-log-i-cally ad-vance to-gether with the learn-ing of the stu-dents and be highly
com-pet-i-tive. To be con-sid-ered mil-len-nial, a teacher must be aware of how to use and op-er-ate
the gad-gets that can be used in the teach-ing and learn-ing en-deavor, must learn how to surf the
in-ter-net as well as get-ting and us-ing online ser-vices for learn-ing, must be tech-no-log-i-cally
equipped, if the school doesn’t have one, and must be up­dated with all the new ser­vices and
ap-pli-ca-tions read-ily avail-able for con-sump-tion.

With one click, a stu-dent can learn. But surely, the ex-pe-ri-enced teachers, as we call, do not want
to be left be­hind the mil­len­ni­als, in fact, we re­ally be­lieve that “the ex­pe­ri­ence is the best
teacher.” But though ex-pe-ri-enced, a newly grad-u-ate, classy and mil-len-nial teacher,
ad-mit-tedly, is in de-mand.

In short, a teacher must not be con-tented for just hav-ing his PRC li-cense with him, he must
con-tinue to study and grow to be able to sat-isfy the needs and wants of the mil-len-ni-ums aside
from be-com-ing fully equipped with the all nec-es-sary tech-no-log-i-cal needs and ad-vances in
or-der to be con-sid-ered a MIL-LEN-NIAL TEACHER!

--oOo— I at Pam-panga High School The au-thor is Teacher

Meeting the teaching demands of millennials

Manila Times9 Nov 2017BY MA. GLAIZA LEE

Year after year, class after class, teachers must remain constant in their desire to make a good
impact in the lives of their students. But it doesn’t mean they should teach the same educational
contents in the same way over and over again.

As they say, teaching is a neverending learning process. Finding and learning new pedagogical
methods and best practices in the want to keep their passion from burning low and losing their
competitive edge.

Educational context - frequent - cial realities, assessment methods and what have you - keeps on
changing. These factors affect teaching and learning environment. But it doesn’t mean they have to
stop learning and improving. In the ever-evolving world, teachers must remain relevant by keeping
up with the constant changes in educational research, technology and development and
continuously pursuing professional development.

To ensure optimal student learning, there is a need to constantly broaden their knowledge on the
subject/s they are teaching, improve their teaching skills and methods, and enhance their
communication skills so that the students will grasp the knowledge they need to survive the
competitive world.

Educators have to discover new teaching strategies and make changes in their lecture style and
syllabus to suit the need of the students, and learn to plan their time and stay organize to be more
students rather than in completing paperwork.

They also need to take full advantage development programs that are available for them.
Conferences, seminars, researches, post graduate studies, and other projects can help teachers gain
more knowledge and industry insights, increasing their readiness and effectiveness.

Understanding the importance of continuing education for the Filipino teachers and educators, Globe
Telecom designed PRISM, a digital literacy training program which aims to equip school teachers with
technological expertise to become more effective educators. The development program helps
Filipino educators to take advantage of the available educational Philippine schools and empowering
every Filipino with world-class learning through technology.

“Students today are digital natives who are raised in the era of computers, mobile phones, and
instant connectivity. It is crucial for teachers to learn how to apply information and communications
technology tools in the classroom if they want to motivate their students to learn the skills needed to
adapt to the digital age. We want to create a better education system and make a huge impact to the
lives of the students in the best way that we can. We want teachers to discover new and exciting
ways to nurture critical Globe myBusiness senior advisor Derrick Heng.

He shared that PRISM is Globe’s response to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 4,
which is to “ensure inclusive and quality education for all and pro

Globe recently partnered with the Philippine Normal University (PNU), the largest training institution
for teachers in the country. This year, Globe reached out to approxifrom PNU - from all over the
country who participated in the PRISM Digital Literacy Program conducted in various venues in Metro
Manila, Naga City, Cebu and Pampanga.

The teacher participants underwent nomination and selection process conducted by Globe and the
Private Education Assistance Committee ( PEAC). The PEAC National Secretariat processed the
nominations submitted by schools nationwide. The Vetting Committee, composed of two
representatives from the Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations ( COCOPEA), a
Department of Education regional director, and the PEAC executive director, closely selected the
nominated teachers.

The selected teachers underwent a three- week professional development program conducted by
Globe. They underwent a two-day immersive bootcamp, distance project- based learning, and
personalized coaching. They also learned about Edmodo, a key component of the program. The
interactive social learning platform enables distance learning for three weeks, through access to
multimedia resources to guide them through the learning process. It allowed them to collaborate
with learning coaches and other teachers in real time.

The program culminated with the teacher participants showcasing their various projects on
technologyenabled instruction through the application and synthesis of what they learned
throughout the program. Teachers who went through the program have shown 80 percent
improvement in terms of digital literacy.

“We recognize the need to transform the way we teach to meet the demands of millennial learners.
Through PRISM, we will be able to better equip our teachers and educators. We look forward to
seeing more of our faculty maximize the use of technology in improving the quality of graduates and
educators we produce. We hope to see a ripple-effect of having the PRISM program adopted to other
campuses of the university, and to other teachers and teacher-educators throughout

- pine Normal University president Dr. Ester B. Ogena.

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