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Computers md Chemical Engineering Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 707-721, 1983 0098~1354/83 53.00 + .

Printedin Great 6ritaio. F’ergamoo FTCSSLtd.





Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 U.S.A.

(Received in revisedform 17 January 1983)

Abstract-Several formulations of the transshipment model from Operations Research are

proposed for the optimal synthesis of heat exchanger networks. The linear programming
versions are used for predicting the minimum utility cost, and can handle restricted matches
and multiple utilities. The mixed-integer programming version yields minimum utility cost
networks in which the number of units is minimized, while allowing stream splitting and
selection of most preferred matches. It is shown that the transshipment models can also be
incorporated easily within a mixed-integer programming approach for synthesizing chemical
processing systems. Several numerical examples are presented which show that the proposed
models are computationally very efficient.

Scope-A major component affecting the overall performance of processing systems is the heat
recovery network. The task of a heat recovery network is to exchange the available heat of
all process streams in order to reduce the consumption of heating and cooling utilities. Since
the cost of utilities is usually the dominant item, there is a great incentive to design heat
recovery networks that integrate efficiently process streams.
There are several practical considerations involved in the synthesis of efficient heat recovery
networks. First of all, there are different utilities that can be used for providing the necessary
heating and cooling of process streams. For example fuel,.steam at different levels (high,
medium and low pressure) and hot water can be employed as heating utilities, while cooling
water and refrigerants can be used as cooling utilities. Since all these utilities have different
cost per unit heat, it is very important to synthesize heat exchanger networks for which the
utility cost is at a minimum. Another important aspect in the design of heat recovery networks
is stream splitting which is often necessary to attain better heat integration in the network.
In some cases this can also be achieved by allowing multiple matches between certain pairs
of streams, which then lead to cyclic networks. Finally, another consideration is the
specification of forbidden matches between certain pairs of process streams. This restriction
usually arises in practice because of the plant layout, safety requirements, or process control
difficulties. Therefore, it is important that a procedure for the synthesis of efficient heat
recovery networks should account for all the above considerations.
The main difficulty in the heat recovery problem is its inherent combinatorial nature since
usually there is an enormous number of possible networks. In the last fifteen years a large
number of methods have been proposed for tackling this synthesis problem. A review of all
the previous research work is beyond the scope of this paper, and the reader can find an
excellent coverage on this subject in a recent journal review by Nishida et al. [ 131.The puspose
of this paper is to present an approach for the systematic synthesis of heat recovery networks
which is based on different transshipment models. These models provide efficient procedures
for synthesis, and can be incorporated in a natural form within the MILP formulation for the
synthesis of total processing systems that is given in the third part of this series of papers[l5].

Conclusion and Significance--The transshipment models that have been presented in this paper
provide a systematic framework for the optimal synthesis of heat exchanger networks. The
models for minimum utility cost have the advantage of involving linear programming
problems of small size which can be solved with little computational effort. Also, as has been
shown these models can be extended readily in order to be incorporated in synthesis
procedures of processing systems that are based on mixed-integer programming. The model
for minimum number of units which involves a mixed-integer linear programming problem,
can be used for deriving network configurations that involve stream splitting and selection of
most preferred matches. For the latter aspect a special weighting scheme was developed which
allows the designer to specify different levels of priority for the matches. The numerical
examples have shown the proposed approach to be very efficient and powerful.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
TPresent address: Exxon Research and Engineering, P.O. Box 101, Florham Park, NJ 07932, U.S.A.


INTRODUCTION Minimum utility consumption. This is the most im-

As discussed in the first part of this series of portant design objective for an efficient heat exchanger
papers[l4], the heat recovery network is one of the network, since it corresponds to the maximum heat
crucial components in a total processing system since integration that can be attained in a feasible network
its task is to exchange heat among the streams of the for a fixed minimum temperature approach. Also,
chemical process in order to reduce the consumption since the cost of utilities is commonly the dominant
of utilities. cost item, this objective allows the elimination of many
The heat recovery network synthesis problem that network configurations which are inefficient and
will be considered in this paper can be stated as fol- costly. The prediction of minimum utilities can be
lows. In a processing system there is a set performed prior to developing the actual heat recov-
H = {iii = 1, NH} of hot streams that have to be ery network structure [ 111.This design objective can be
cooled, and a set C = Gili = 1, NC} of cold streams further refined as the prediction of minimum utility
that have to be heated. Each hot stream i has mass cost. This is necessary because in actual networks
flowrate fi, heat capacity (c,), and has to be cooled there is usually a variety of hot and cold utilities
from supply temperature Tf to target temperature TI. employed, and each utility is priced at different cost
Similarly, each cold stream i has mass flowrate 4, (i.e. fuel, heating steam at different pressure levels, hot
heat capacity (cJj and has to be heated from supply water, cooling water, refrigerants, etc).
temperature TJ to target temperature Tj. Since the Minimum number of units. Another important ob-
total heat content of the hot and cold streams is jective is determining the minimum number of heat
usually unequal, and because of thermodynamic con- exchanger units that is required in the network. This
straints in the transfer of heat, auxiliary heating and objective attempts to minimize indirectly the in-
cooling is assumed to be available from a set vestment cost of the network since the cost of each
S = {mlm = 1, NS of hot utilities (e.g. fuel, steam), exchanger is assumed to be a concave function of the
and a set W = {n /n = 1, NW} of cold utilities (e.g. area. As noted by Hohmann [ IO], the minimum num-
cooling water, refrigeration). The objective of the syn- ber of units is usually one less than the total number of
thesis problem is then to develop a network of coun- process streams and necessary utilities.
tercurrent heat exchangers that satisfies the Mod$cation of pinch points. A pinch point can be
specifications at minimum investment and operating regarded as a bottleneck that prevents further heat
cost (e.g. in annualized form). integration in a network. An example of a pinch point
Due to the large number of possible network is shown in Fig. 1, in which the composite hot and cold
configurations and to the nonlinearities involved in streams of a=process are plotted in a temperature/
the investment cost function of the heat exchangers, enthalpy diagram. Note that the presence of the pinch
the main approach that has emerged in the last few point limits the maximum heat integration that is
years is to develop design objectives that will simplify possible. Therefore, it is important to identify the
and reduce the size of this synthesis problem. Al- location of pinch points prior to developing a net-
though these objectives cannot guarantee rigorous work, in order to consider changes in the process that
cost minimization, they have the property of gener- can eliminate or modify these bottlenecks so as to
ating networks with maximum heat recovery which enhance heat integration[l6].
often correspond to optimal or near optimal solutions. The first two design objectives have been used in
The most important objectives can be summarized in previous methods for the synthesis of efficient heat
three major results that can be used for the design of exchanger networks. Flower and Linnhoff[6] pro-
energy efficient networks. The tirst two objectives were posed the thermodynamic-combinatorial algorithm
first identified by Hohmann[lO] and later by Linnhoff (TC) which will generate all minimum utility usage
and Flower [ 1 I], while the third one was proposed by networks with the minimum number of heat ex-
Umeda er al. [ 161. changer units and with no stream splitting. The first

T Hoi Composite

Pinch A Tmin

Integroted Heat


Fig. I. Maximum heat integration for composite hot and cold streams.
A structural optimization approach in process synthesis-11 109

step fo the TC algorithm is to divide the entire tem- makes it difficult to include it in an integrated system,
perature range of the streams into temperature inter- and the northwest comer algorithm cannot be used
vals according to partitioning rules that allow feasible any more in this case for obtaining the optimal
heat exchange. Next, the minimum heating and cool- solution.
ing utilities are predicted using the procedure of the
problem table as given in Linnhoff and Flower[l 11. THE TRANS!SDPMENT MODEL
The last step is to generate all networks that require One of the models that is widely used in the field
minimum utilities and have the fewest number of of Operations Research to solve network problems is
units. the transshipment model (see Garfmkel &
A similar strategy for the synthesis of heat recovery Nemhauser [7]; Hillier & Lieberman [9]). The trans-
networks has been proposed by Cerda et al.[3], and hippment model is a variation of the well known
Cerda and Westerberg[4,5]. In the initial phase the transportation problem, and deals with the optimum
minimum utility usage problem is considered. The allocation of resources. In particular, the trans-
temperature range of all the streams is partitioned into portation model seeks to determine the optimum
temperature intervals, but then the problem is mod- network for transporting a commodity (e.g. a prod-
eled as a transportation problem where all possible uct) from sources (e.g. plants) directly to destinations
routes are considered in which heat is shipped from the (e.g. markets). On the other hand, the transshipment
hot streams to the cold streams. Since heat can only model investigates the optimum network for shipping
flow from a hot stream at a higher temperature to a the same commodity, but from sources to inter-
cold stream at a lower temperature, large cost mediate nodes (e.g. warehouses) and then to desti-
coefficients are assigned routes that are thermo- nations.
dynamically infeasible. This linear programming The following analogy with the transshipment
transportation model can be modified if necessary to model can be made for the heat recovery problem.
account for restricted matches among certain streams, Heat can be regarded as a commodity that is shipped
and is solved using the northwest comer algorithm. from hot streams to cold streams through tem-
The next phase is to determine minimum utility net- perature intervals that account for thermodynamic
works involving the least number of units. This is done constraints in the transfer of heat. In particular the
by reformulating the transportation problem as a second law of thermodynamics requires that heat
mixed-integer linear program (MILP), and then relax- flows only from higher to lower temperatures, and
ing the integrality constraints in order to solve it as a therefore these thermodynamic constraints have to be
linear program. The final structure of the heat recov- accounted in the network model. This can actually be
ery network is derived often by hand, and stream done by partitioning the entire temperature range
splitting can be performed if necessary. into temperature intervals according to rules pro-
Several example problems have been solved suc- posed by Linnhoff & Flower[l 11, Grimes[8], and
cessfully using the two synthesis methods described Cerda et u1.[3]. These partitioning procedures guar-
above. Although these methods cannot guarantee antee the feasible transfer of heat in each interval of
minimum cost of the heat exchanger networks, they the network, given the minimum temperature ap-
obtain efficient designs that are in most cases optimal proach AT,,,,. In this way, as shown in Fig. 2, it can
or near optimal solutions. Therefore, the design be considered that heat flows from hot streams to the
objectives of minimum utilities and minimum number corresponding temperature interval, and then to cold
of units provide very powerful targets in the synthesis streams in the same interval with the remainder going
of heat recovery networks. to the next lower temperature interval. Therefore, the
In this paper a number of transshipment models transshipment model for the heat recovery network
will be proposed for the synthesis of heat recovery has the hot streams and heating utilities as sources,
networks. The linear programming versions can be the temperature intervals as the intermediate nodes
used for predicting the minimum utility cost with and and the cold streams and cooling utilities as the
without restricted matches. The mixed-integer ver- destinations. The heat flow pattern for each tem-
sion can be used for developing networks that involve perature interval shown in Fig. 3 is then as follows:
a minimum number of heat exchanger units with (a) Heat flows into a particular interval from all
possible splitting and mixing of streams, and where the hot streams and heating utilities whose tem-
preferences can be assigned to the matches. The main perature range includes the temperature interval.
advantage of these models is that they can be solved (b) Heat flows out of a particular interval to the
with very little or modest computational effort. Also, cold streams and cooling utilities whose temperature
these models can easily be connected with the MILP range includes the temperature interval.
model proposed by Papoulias & Grossmann [ 151 for (c) Heat flows out of a particular interval to the
the synthesis of chemical processing systems. There- next lower temperature interval. This heat is the
fore, by incorporating the transshipment models it is residual (excess) heat that cannot be utilized in the
possible to account for changes in the chemical present interval, and consequently has to flow to a
process that enhance heat integration and can lead to lower temperature interval.
improved heat recovery networks. This objective (d) Heat flows into a particular temperature inter-
cannot be attained using the TC method of Flowers val from the previous interval that is at higher
& Linnhoff[6] which does not account for process temperature. This heat is the residual (excess) heat
stream changes that alter the heat exchanger net- that cannot be utilized in the higher temperature
work. The transportation model of Cerda et al. [3] can interval.
be incorporated in principle within an optimization It should be noted that this network flow pattern
framework that allows for process stream changes. is a special case of the general transshipment
However, the large size of the transportation model model[7,9], since all the flows of heat from hot

Ware houses
(Temperature Intervals 1
- flow of heat

heat residual

Sources Destinotions
( Hotstreams/utiiities) ( Coldstreamslutilities)

Fig. 2. Analogy of heat recovery network with transshipment model.

Fig. 3. Heat flow pattern in each temperature interval of (Pl).

streams to temperature intervals, and from tem- MINIMUM UTILITY COST PROBLEM
perature intervals to cold streams are normally fixed. One of the design objectives employed in the syn-
In such a case the only variables in this transshipment thesis of heat exchanger networks is to determine the
network are the residual heat flows from one tem- minimum utility cost for a set of hot and cold process
perature interval to the next lower temperature inter- streams. This problem will be formulated as a trans-
val, and the flowrates of hot and cold utilities. shipment problem assuming that there are no re-
There are different mathematical formulations of stricted matches among any pair of streams.
the transshipment model that can be employed for The first step is to partition the entire temperature
the systematic synthesis of heat recovery networks. range of all streams into K temperature intervals for
As it will be shown in the next sections, these which any suitable partitioning method can be
formulations can be used for predicting the minimum used[3,8,11]. The intervals are labeled from the high-
utility cost and for deriving networks with minimum est level (k = 1) down to the lowest level (k = K) of
number of units. temperture, with each interval k (k = 1,2,. . . , K)
A structural optimization approach in process synthesis--II 711

having a temperature change of ATb The following The above transshipment model (Pl) is an altema-
sets are defined in order to identify the location of all tive formulation to the reduced transportation model
streams and utilities relative to the temperature inter- proposed by Cerda er a[.[31 for predicting minimum
vals: utility usage in a heat recovery network without any
Hk = i hot stream i is present in interval k} restricted stream matches. However, it should be
C, = noted that the size of the transshipment model is
Icold stream j is present in interval k considerably smaller than the reduced transporation
Sk = m lhot utility n is present in interval k 1
W, = model that has NS + NW + [(K)(K + 1)/2] variables
1n/cold utility m is present in interval k}. (1) and 2K rows. The size of the transshipment model
Let Qg be the heat load of hot stream i entering (PI) is:
temperature interval k. This heat load is given by,
(a) Number of variables = NS + NW + K - 1
Q$ = F,{c,),AT; (2) (b) Number of rows = K.
where AT; is the temperature change of stream i in
This leads to a linear program of small size even for
interval k. Similarly the heat load Q,$ flowing to cold
large number of streams. For example, given 20
streamj from temperature interval k is calculated as,
process streams, 3 hot utilities and 1 cold utility the
Q$ = @c~)~~ATi. (3) maximum number of temperature intervals is 23
according to the partitioning procedure by
All utilities are placed in the appropriate intervals
Grimes[8]. Therefore, the maximum size of the trans-
depending on their inlet and outlet temperatures. If
shipment model is only 26 variables and 23 rows,
Ah,,,kis the enthalpy change of hot utility m in tem-
while the maximum size of the reduced trans-
perature interval k then the heat load Ql entering
portation model of Cerda et al. [3]is 280 variables and
interval k is given by,
46 rows.
Ql= Ff,Ah,,+ (4)
Similarly, the heat load Qz of cold utility in tem- MATCHES
perature interval k is,
A practical consideration in the design of some
Q; = Ff’Ah,,. (5) heat recovery networks is the specification of forbid-
den matches between certain pairs of process streams.
By denoting the residual heat flowing out of interval
This case typically arises because of safety and con-
k as Rk, and by performing a total heat balance on each
trol consider&ons, or because a pair of streams is
interval k (see Fig. 3), the transshipment model for
located too far apart in the plant. Since the trans-
minimum utility cost is given by _
shipment model (Pl) does not account for restricted
minimize Z = 1 s,,,Fms+ 1 w”F,,~ matches, it is necessary to develop a new formulation.
ms.7 IZGW
The model for restricted matches is conceptually
similar to (Pl), but the difference is that only the
s.t. WI unrestricted hot and cold streams can be merged since
the restricted streams must be treated separately. This
is necessary because the forbidden matches must be
Rk - Rk _ , - 1 F,,,SAh, + c FnWAhnk
msSk “Ew, prevented from exchanging heat in the formulation of
heat balance in each interval.
=i&Q:- 1 Q; k=l,Z . . .,K In order to derive the model, assume that the set
i,Ck of restricted matches is specified for only some pro-
cess streams and is given by
F,,,S>OmES, F,,W>One W

R,,=R,=O,R,>Ok=1,2 ,..., K-l P = {(i,j) 1i EH,]’ E C, match between i andj

is forbidden} (6)
where s,,,, w,, are the unit costs for the hot and cold
The streams involved in the set P can then be
utilities. In the case that these cost coefficients are set
to one the above formulation will yield a solution for identified by the subsets
minimum utility consumption. Such a solution will be
equivalent to a minimum cost solution if only one HP=(iliEP}, CP={j(jeP} (7)
type of heating and one type of cooling utility is
considered. The optimal values of the hot and cold The remaining process and utility streams can be
utility flowrates (F,,,‘, m = 1, NS, and Fnw, n = 1, considered to be merged in hot stream h, and cold
stream c. If the partitioning of temperatures is per-
NW) and the residual heat load R, of each interval
formed on all the original process and utility streams
k can easily be determined by solving the linear
programming problem (Pl). The occurrence of any as in problem (Pl), the heat content of the merged
pinch points takes place between the temperature hot and cold streams in each interval k will then be
intervals with no residual heat flow, or equivalently given by
at the point where the residual heat’ load Rk is equal Qii = ,; Q: + & FmSAh,,
to zero. Note that since the residuals Rk do not i$HP
correspond to any particular stream, but rather to the
aggregate of the hot streams, the formulation in (Pl)
is equivalent to merging the streams in composite hot QS = ,$ Q$ + & FnwAh.k. 63)
and cold streams as in Fig. 1. iicp

Since the reduced set of streams to be analyzed is Q~k = 0 ( i , j ) e P, Quk > 0 i e H'k,j E C'k,
given by
k = 1,2,...,K
n'= { i l l = h, i+HP}, C ' = {] IJ = c, j e C P } (9)
FmS > Om e S , FnW > On e W
each hot stream i • H ' will be assigned an individual
heat residual R~ as shown in Fig. 4. Also, the heat Ri.o = Ri.x = 0, Ri.k >_ 0 k = 1, 2 . . . . , K - 1, i e H ' .
exchanged between hot stream i e H ' and cold stream
j e C' in the temperature interval k will be denoted as It should be noted that in the implementation of this
Q~k. It then clearly follows for the forbidden matches model the variables Q~, QC, can be eliminated with
Quk=O, ( i , j ) e P , k = 1,2 . . . . . K. the third and fourth equality constraints in (RP1).
It should be noted that there is the possibility that Therefore, the variables for this model are Fms, Fn w,
a hot stream i e l l ' will exchange heat with cold Q,Tk, and Rik. Although the actual size of the trans-
stream j e C', (i,j) ~ P, in an interval k where stream shipment model is dependent on the particular prob-
i is actually not present. This can happen if hot lem data, it is possible to calculate the following
stream i is present at a higher temperature interval upper bounds on the number of variables and rows:
~" < k, so that the exchange of heat takes place (a) Maximum number of variables = NS +
through the residual R~. Therefore, it is convenient to NW + (NHP + 1)[(NCP + 2)K - 1]
define the subsets of streams for potential heat ex-
change in each interval k, which are given by (b) Maximum number of rows = (NHP + 1)
(NCP + 1)K
H'k = {i I i e H ' , stream i is present in interval/~ < k} where NHP is the number of restricted hot streams,
and NCP is the number of restricted cold streams.
C~, = {j ]j e C', stream j is present in interval k}. For the example of 20 process streams, 3 hot utilities,
(10) 1 cold utility and 1 restricted match, and with 23
temperature intervals, the maximum size of the re-
By performing individual balances for the reduced stricted transshipment model is 140 variables and 92
set of hot and cold streams in each interval (see Fig. rows. The number of actual variables however, will
4), the minimum utility cost problem for restricted be lower since many of the variables Qok will be set
matches will be given by the following transshipment to zero either because some matches are forbidden, or
model, otherwise because they are thermodynamically in-
feasible. It should also be noted that the size of model
minimize Z = ~ smF, s + ~ w,,F,,w
ruES nEW
(RP1) is much smaller than the transportation model
for restricted matches proposed by Cerda et al. [3].
Rt,k -- Ri~,_ ] + ~ Qqk = Q i knt e. H k , , k = 1,2 . . . . . K
j~C'k The objective of the previous transshipment mod-
els is to determine the minimum utility cost and
Q~k "--Q]kjeC'k,k= l , 2 . . . . . K (RP1) location of any pinch points in a heat recovery
i e l . rk
network. However, because there are often many
minimum utility cost networks, a desirable objective
ietf m~Sk I
is to obtain from among these networks one that has
i¢ He ~k = 1,2,...K
the minimum number of heat exchanger units since
this will usually correspond to an optimal or near
e = Y'+ + F,,'+'.,',h,,,+I optimal solution.
je C neW+ J
j(~CP At this point it is assumed that the minimum utility

R+, k-1

eH k •
Intervol k +- J6Ck


Fig. 4. Heat flow pattern in each temperature interval of (RPI).

A structural optimization approach in process synthesis-11 713

cost will have been determined with either of the

transshipment models (PI) or (RPl). Since the utility kESN,
flowrates and their corresponding heat contents will i& t&k = Q$ i E G l=l,2,...NL
then be known, the utility streams can be added to
the sets of process streams so _as to define the
augmented sets H = {H, S} and C = {C, IV> of hot c Q,-U~~,~Oi~H,,j~C,l=1,2 ,..., NL
and cold streams. Also, in general the optimal solu- ksSN,

tion to (Pl) or (RPl) will indicate the existence of one

Ra>OiEHk RcSN,
or more pinch points in the network, in which case
the problem can be partitioned in subnetworks as no QqkkOiiEHk 1=1,2,...,NL
heat will flow across each pinch point[8]. More
.icclk 1
specifically, if NL - 1 pinch points occur, the K
temperature intervals can be partitioned in NL sets of yY,=0,1iaH,,joC,,I=1,2 ,..., NL.
intervals above and below each pinch point that
define the boundary of the subnetworks. The subsets Note that in the objective function (P2), each
of temperature intervals corresponding to each sub- binary variable y,, is multiplied by the weight eU,that
network I, will be denoted by SN,, I= 1,2,. . . , NL. can account for the cost or preference of the match
In order to satisfy the minimum utility cost solu- between the steams. Since cost coefficients are
tion only the streams within each subnetwork 1 difficult to derive because of the nonlinearities that
should be allowed to exchange heat as otherwise heat are involved in the temperatures, it is more practical
would be transferred across the pinch points, and to think of these weights eV,as coefficients that reflect
hence, the utility usage increased. It is t_herefore preferences of the matches. If there are no particular
convenient to denote as H, c H and C, c C the hot preferences all the weights can be set to one, in which
and cold streams present in subnetwork 1. Following case problem (P2) will provide a solution with min-
a similar treatment as in the problem of restricted imum number of units. However, since very often
matches (RPl), the heat residuals of the hot streams there will exist more than one such solution the
i E H, will be represented by R,, k E SN,, I = 1, NL, objective of selecting preferred matches becomes im-
while the heat exchanged between the streams in the portant. This is particularly true when for the various
subnetwork will be represented by Qiik, i E H,k, j E &, pairs of matches there are significant differences in
k E SN,, where heat transfer coefficients, materials of construction,
or when pairs of streams are located in different
H,k = {i ) i E H,, stream i is present in interval
sections of the plant. In such cases, weights can be
derived so that the optimal solution in (P2) exhibits
C,k = @ (j czC,, stream j is present in interval always the minimum possible number of heat ex-
kdN,j. (11) changers, but if there is a choice, the preferred stream
matches are selected. The derivation and formulas for
The O-l binary variable yV,can then be introduced these weights are given in the Appendix for the cases
to denote the existence of a match between streams when levels of priority are assigned either to individ-
i E H,, and j E C,, in subnetwork 1. It is assumed here ual matches or to groups of matches. It should also
that each one of these potential matches is associated be noted that forbidden matches can be handled
to a potential heat exchanger unit. Since the total readily in (P2) by setting the variables yV,= 0,
heat exchanged between the given pair of streams is (i,j)eP, I= 1,2,. . . NL. Clearly these forbidden
given by the sum of their heat exchange taken over matches would have to be the same as the ones
the intervals of the subnetwork, the binary variables specified in the model (RPl).
can be related to the variables Q,, through the The MILP given by (P2) can be solved either in its
inequalities full form, or otherwise it can be decomposed into the
NL smaller subproblems for each subnetwork, and in
,& Qijk- uij~~,,lO each case standard branch and bound enumeration
ieH,,j:C,,1=1,2,.. . , NL codes can be used. Cerda and Westerberg[4] devel-
oped also a MILP based on the transportation model
where for deriving networks with minimum number of
units, but they propose to use several LP relaxations
&2min c Q$ c Q,$ (13) to avoid solving the original mixed-integer problem.
1 keSN, k E SN, I
corresponds to the upper bound on the heat that can SYSTEMS
be exchanged. Note that when the binary variable yV,
Another important objective in the synthesis of
in (12) takes a zero-value no heat can be exchanged,
heat recovery networks is to consider feasible changes
but when it is set to a value of one any amount of heat in the structure or parameters of the chemical plant
that does not exceed Vi,, can be exchanged. The that can improve heat integration[l6]. As it was
problem of minimizing the number of units in the
described in the introduction section, these im-
heat exchanger network can then be formulated as
provements correspond to the modification or elimi-
the following mixed-integer transshipment problem,
nation of pinch points in the heat recovery network
in order to further reduce the utility cost. However,
minimize Z = f 1 C eVfliil these improvements are only feasible whenever it is
/= 1 iEff,jEC, possible to alter certain process stream flowrates
s.t. (Pa and/or temperatures. Therefore, the above require-
714 S A PAPOULImand I E GROSS),'a~NN

ment necessitates that the heat recovery network Flower[l 1], Grimes[8] and Cerda[3] can be used for
model should be included within a mathematical tMs purpose However, the first procedure yields ap-
framework for the synthesis of a chemical processing proramately twice as many intervals for the same
system, such as the M I L P approach proposed by problem when compared with the other two methods
Papouhas and Grossmann[14, 15] In order to ac- Therefore, the partitioning procedure first proposed
comphsh th~s task, it is proposed to incorporate the by Grimes and then modified by Cerda is the most
heat recovery network m the chemical processing efficient to use, since the resultang model has fewer
system with the mimmum utility cost models (P1) or temperature intervals which in turn reduces the size of
(RPI), since this will ensure that the optamal design the transshipment models In particular, the following
of the integrated system is energy efficmnt The actual rules are applied m the method by Grimes [8]
derivation of the network structure can then be Rule 1 Decrease the supply temperature of each
performed separately using the M I L P model (P2) hot stream/utility by the specified rmmmum tem-
after optimizing the integrated system perature approach ATmm
The transsbapment models for mlmmum utility Rule 2 Place the decreased supply temperatures of
cost can be extended easily so that they can be all hot streams/utlhtms as well as the original supply
incorporated vathm a M I L P synthesis model for temperatures of all cold streams/utlhtles in a hst
arbitrary chemical processing systems All that is These temperatures that define the partmon for cold
reqmred is to treat the flowrate composmons of the streams, are arranged m order of decreasing values
process streams as variables that will account for the The temperatures of the hot streams/utlhtles m the hst
interactmns between the chemmal processing plant vail then be gwen by increasing the temperatures of the
and the heat recovery network Also, ff it Is desired cold streams/utdlties by ATm,. Note that the highest
to mvesttgate several discrete inlet and outlet tem- temperature (first entry m the hst) should correspond
peratures for some of the process streams m a M I L P to a hot utility, and the lowest temperature (last entry
formulatmn[14], individual streams can be defined in the hst) should correspond to a cold utility to ensure
for. each temperature condmon If the set of com- that heating at the highest level and coohng at the
ponents for each stream z is denoted by D, = {d}, by lowest level are always avadable
performing the temperature partmomng on all the Rule 3 The temperature intervals k are numbered
streams, it follows from (P1) that the nummum utility m increasing order, k = 1, 2, , K, starting from the
cost transshipment model for unrestncted matches highest pair of temperatures on this list
will be given by The number of partmoned temperature intervals K
vath the above procedure will then be given by,
rmmmlze Z = ~ SmFmS+ ~ w.F. w K <NH+NC+NW+NS- 1
rueS new
st Step 2 Predwtwn of mmlmurn utthty cost
~. F~(Cp)~ATk'+ ~ FmSAh~k+ Rk_t (P3) In this step the rmmmum utlhty cost for a gwen
IVHk deDt m¢Sk problem is deternuned using either the transshipment
model (PI), or otherwise when there are restncted
-- E E F:j(cp),~ATt -- E F.WAh.k - Rk = 0 matches the model (RP1) These two transshipment
JECk deDt neWk models are essentially network flow problems that can
k=l,2, ,K be solved efficiently with special purpose algonthms
(Bradley et al [1]) or with standard hnear pro-
F.,S>Om~S,F.W>On~W grammmg codes The optimal solutmn of the trans-
shipment models (P1) and (RP1) does not gwe the
Ro=Rx=O, R k > O k = l , 2 , ,K--1 actual network design 0 e actual matches among
streams), but rather has embedded all networks that
The above formulation is a hnear programnung exhibit mimmum utility cost Therefore this step of the
model and can be included in a MILP model for the synthesis strategy reduces significantly the number of
chemical processing plant by adding the objeclave heat recovery networks from further consideration
funetmn and the constraint set of (P3) Also, it Is without excluding any energy efficient designs
possible to add an annuahzed investment cost for all
heat exchangers by considenng this cost to be pro- Step 3 Improvmg heat mtegratwn m the network
porlaonal to the total heat transferred in the network This step is associated vath the elimination or
A nurnencal example for the synthesis of a chemical modification of bottlenecks (pinch points) m the heat
processing plant and its assocmted heat recovery recovery network, in order to further reduce the utility
network is presented by Papouhas & Grossmann[15] cost This improvement can be only done if it is possi-
Clearly, the model for the restricted matches can be ble to alter certain stream flowrates and/or tem-
derived smularly as (P3) peratures Consequently, the Implementation of tlus
step is optional since in many cases it is not allowed to
THE SYNTHESIS PROCEDURE alter any problem data In the case that certmn stream
The transshipment models developed previously in flowrates and temperatures are allowed to vary, the
the paper can be used in the following procedure for nummum uUhty cost problem can be formulated as
the synthesis of heat exchanger networks the transshipment model (P3) However this trans-
shipment model should be connected and solved si-
Step 1 Develop temperature intervals multaneously with the MILP model of the chemical
In the first step the entire temperature range of all processing system that accounts for all vanatlons m
the streams is partmoned into temperature intervals process stream flowrates and temperatures as dis-
The partitlomng methods proposed by Lmnhoff & cussed m Papouhas and Grossmann[15]
A structural optimization approach in process synthesis-11 715

Step 4. Selecting networks having minimum number of 270( 260C

units ,c
126 kW
After predicting the minimum utility cost the trans- 128 kW OkW
shipment model (P2) is employed to determine the
minimum number of units and the actual matches that 24SC
should take place in the network. As noted before,
weights can also be used to assign preferences to the t
matches. Problem (P2) involves the solution of .a
MILP which can be solved with standard branch and
bound codes[7, 91, and with the option of decom-
posing the problem into subnetworks. Ct L

It is important to point out that the MILP trans-

shipment problem (P2) does not provide directly the 322 kW
heat exchanger network configuration. However, the
optimal solution of (P2) contains all the necessary
information to derive the network by hand. 1 232 kW /
c t
Specifically, the solution will indicate the pair of
streams involved in each match, the corresponding
amount of heat that is exchanged, and the temperature
intervals over which the exchange of heat takes place.
The derivation of the network configuration will often c
be a simple task since no work is required for merging 387 kW
manually heat exchanger units. Furthermore, since in
the derivation of the model (P2) no assumption was 126 C
made to forbid stream splitting or cyclic networks, by
knowning for instance the temperature intervals over 290 kW
which the actual matches take place one can determine
easily whether stream splitting is required. Clearly,
there will be instances in which one or more different
networks can be derived since the optimal solution of
125 kW

(P2) will not necessarily define a single configuration 125 kW
and/or parameters for the network. In this case a 70( :- I 60C
detailed analysis of the different networks could be 125 kW
performed to select the final solution.
46( :- 36 c
The application of the transshipment models Fig. 5. Result of model (Pl) for problem 4SPI.
presented in this paper is demonstrated on four
different example problems. The first problem has pinch point for this problem occurs between the first
two cold and two hot process streams, and is referred and second temperature interval (24%239”C). Next,
in the literature as the 4SPl problem[2, 81. The data the MILP model (P2) is used in order to obtain the
for the 4SPl problem are shown in Table 1. The minimum number of heat exchanger unit for problem
minimum temperature approach required at all 4SPl. This MILP transshipment model has 7 binary
points of the network is specified as 10°C. In the variables, 21 continuous variables, 30 rows, and the
absence of any restricted matches, the minimum optimal solution was obtained with the LINDO
utility consumption for problem 4SPl is determined computer program in less than 6 seconds on a
using the transshipment model (PI), which is shown DEC-20 computer. In Fig. 6 the heat recovery net-
in Fig. 5 and consists of five temperature intervals. work having the least number of units (5 units) is
The optimal solution was obtained using the shown. The minimum utility usage and number of
LIND0[12] computer code on a DEC-20 computer units is identical to the solution reported by Cerda[2].
in less than 2 sec. The minimum heating required is The second numerical example is again problem
128 kW and the minimum cooling is 250 kW. The 4SP1, but in this case the match between cold stream

Table 1. Data for problem 4SPl

s t l-earn.3 FCp (iW/% Ts 03 Tt (‘Cl Q (W

Cl (Cold) 7.62 60 160 +762

HZ (i1ot) a.79 160 93 -5.39

c3 (Cold) 6.08 116 260 +876

H4 (Hot) 10.55 249 138 -1171

s (Steam) 270 270

cx (Coolingwater) 30 82

176 c

160 C

Fig. 6. Optimal heat recovery network for problem 4SPl.

1 and hot stream 2 is forbidden. The minimum utility stream is required above and below the pinch point,
consumption for this problem is determined using the and there are two cyclic matches in the network
restricted transshipment model (RPl) which was (Cl-HI, Cl-H3). Therefore, it is clear that the MILP
solved using LINDO in less than 2 set (DEC-20). The model (P2) has embedded in it all minimum cost
minimum heating required is 260 kW and the min- utility networks with or without stream splitting and
imum cooling is 382 kW, which are identical to the with cyclic matches.
values reported by Cerda[2]. The final network for The last problem solved was the lOSP1 problem[2],
the restricted 4SPl problem having the least number which has 5 hot and 5 cold process streams as shown
of units (5 units) is shown in Fig. 7, and was obtained in Table 3. This particular problem requires cooling
in less than 5 sec. water as the only utility, since there is excess heat at
The next example is the 7SP4 problem, which has all points of the heat recovery network and no pinch
6 hot streams and 1 cold stream. The minimum utility point occurs. In order to obtain the network structure
cost problem was solved first and the optimal heating requiring the minimum number of units the MILP
and cooling utility requirements found are included model for lOSP1 is solved. This MILP model has 30
with the problem data in Table 2. The minimum binary variables, 172 continuous variables and 119
temperature approach required at all points in the constraints and was solved in less than 30sec using
network is specified to be 20”F, and there is a pinch LINDO on a DEC-20 computer. The optimal solu-
point at 430410°F. The MILP model for problem tion corresponds to an unsplit network with 10 heat
7SP4 has 14 binary variables, 54 continuous variables exchanger units as shown in Fig. 9. It is interesting
and 58 constraints. The optimal solution was ob- to note that the MILP transportation formulation of
tained in 10 set with the LINDO code, and is shown Cerda and Westerberg[4] for the lOSP1 problem, has
in Fig. 8. This design represents a minimum utility the same number of binary variables and rows but
cost network with the least number of heat ex- requires 357 continuous variables.
changers (10 units). Note that splitting of the cold Finally, to illustrate the application of weights for

136.5 C 210.3 C


762 kW
136 c

Fig. 7. Optimal heat recovery network for restricted problem 4SPl.

A structural optimization approach in process synthesis--II 717

Table 2. Data for problem 7SP4

stre.¶ms Pep (B&F) Ts (=iV Te (% Q (Btu)

Cl (Cold) 47.0 60 '710 +30,550

Hl (Hot) 15.0 675 150 -7,875

H2 (Hot) 11.0 590 450 -1,540

B3 (Hot) 4.5 540 115 -1,912

H4 (Hot) 60.0 430 345 -5,100

A5 (Hot) 12.0 400 100 -3,600

H6 (Hot) 125.0 300 230 -8,750

w (Water) 11.03 80 140 6,618

F (Fuel) 8.390.0 800 801 -8,390

Fig. 8. Optimal heat recovery network for problem 7SP4.

Table 3. Data for problem lOSP1

streams Fcp W/%) Ts &I Tt (%) 9 WV

Cl (Cold) 7.62 60 160 i762

C2 (Cold) 6.08 116 222 +644
C3 (Cold) 8.44 38 221 +1545
C4 (cold) 17.28 82 177 +1642

C5 (Cold) 13.90 93 205 +1557

H6 (Hot) 8.79 160 93 -589

H7 (Hot) 10.55 249 138 -1170

H8 (Hot) 14.77 227 66 -2378

89 (Hot) 12.56 271 149 -1532

HI0 (Rot) 17.73 199 66 -2358
w (water) 42.66 38 82 1877

CACE Vol. 7. No. C-D

718 and I. E. GROSSMANN


1 r-

l--Ll-j ,



s 9
@- --I l- 2

> I s I
A structural optimization approach in process synthesis-11 719

227 271


“2d 1642 p



Fig. 10. Optimal heat recovery network for problem lOSP1 with preferred matches.

Table 4. Preferred matches for problem lOSP1

Cl c2 c3 C4 c5 cn



R8 1



Level of priority Weights

p-1 6.25

p-2 6.5

p-3 6.75

p-4 7

preferred matches in problem IOSPl, it was assumed matches it was assumed that the 10 process stream8
that four different levels of priority were assigned to were located in three different sections of the plant.
the 30 possible matches as shown in Table 4. As can Therefore, the level of priority p = 2 corresponds to
be seen the highest level of priority p = 1, was matches that take place within each of the three
assigned to the matches with cooling water because sections in the plant, the level p = 3 corresponds to
of the advantage of controlling directly the target the matches that take place between the adjacent
temperatures of the hot streams. For the remaining sections, and the lowest level p = 4 takes place be-
120 S. A. PAPOULIASand I. E. GR~~~MANN

tween the two sections that are furthest apart. By mization approach in process synthesis. Part I: Utility
using the weights shown in Table 4, (with a = 6 as systems. Comput. Chem. Engng 7, 695 (1983).
discussed in the Appendix), the network that was 15. S. Papoulias & I. E. Grossmann, A structural opti-
obtained is shown in Fig. 10. Note that this network mization approach in process synthesis. Part III: Total
processing systems. Comput. Chem. Engng 7,723 (1983).
has 10 heat exchanger units and involves 3 matches
16. T. Umeda, T. Harada & K. Shiroko, A thermodynamic
with p = 1, 5 matches with p = 2, and one match for approach to the synthesis of heat integration systems in
both p = 3 and p = 4 priority. Therefore, with respect chemical processes. Comput. Chem. Engng 3,373 (1979).
to the configuration in Fig. 9, there are 3 more
matches at the level p = 2 and only one at the level APPENDIX
p = 3, thus resulting in a system that requires less Weighting scheme for preferred matches
integration among the three sections in the plant. The In the formulation of the transshipment model 42) for
computer time requirements for this problem were minimizing the number of units, the weights eV, were in-
considerably higher (9 min) due to the existence of a cluded in the objective function to denote the preference or
large number of networks with minimum number of priority level of matching hot stream i and cold stream j in
units. It should be noted that when the weights were subnetwork 1. As shown in this Appendix, these weights can
be selected so as to obtain networks with minimum number
set to one for simply obtaining a network with
of units but containing stream matches with highest priority.
minimum number of units, the computer time was This procedure is useful in the case when several or many
much smaller because the LINDO computer code networks exist with minimum number of units.
would determine as the optimal solution the first Firstly, assume that the designer specifies a different
network in the enumeration. with 10 units. priority level p to each triplet (i, j, I), i GH,, j E C,,
1=1,2 ,..., NL,wherep=1,2 ,..., N,andNisthecardin-
Acknowledgements-The authors would like to acknowledge ality of the triplets. The value p = 1 will denote the highest
financial support provided by the Exxon Education Foun- priority level, whereas the value p = N corresponds to the
dation and by the National Science Foundation under lowest priority. Therefore, p is a one-to-one mapping from
Grant CPE 79-26398. The helpful suggestions of Professor each triplet (i, j, I), and therefore one can define the weights
Lorenz Biegler on the presentation of the paper are greatly r, in decreasing level of priority as
yP=yp(i,,,O=eiil ~=1,2,...,N. (Al)
1. G. H. Bradley, G. G. Brown & G. W. Graves, Design In order to obtain the weights y given specified priorities
and implementation of large scale primal transshipment p, for each individual triplet, the following functional form
algorithms. Management Sci. 24 (I), l-34 (1977). is assumed
2. J. Cerda, Transportation models for the optimal syn-
thesis of heat exchanger networks. Ph.D. Thesis, y,=a+plN p=1,2 ,..., N. (A2)
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh (1980).
3. J. Cerda, A. W. Westerberg, D. Mason & B. Linhoff, The parameter a in (A2) must be chosen so that it can be
Minimum utility usage in heat exchanger network guaranteed that the weighted objective function in (P2) will
synthesis-A transportation problem. Teth. Rep. DRC- lead to networks containing matches with highest priority,
06-25-S 1, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh but with the smallest number that is possible. This can
(1981). actually be achieved by requiring that the sum of the q + 1
4. J. Cerda & A. W. Westerberg, Network flow models for weights of highest priority be larger than the sum of the q
heat exchanger network synthesis: Part 2. Finding min- weights of lowest priority for any q <N; that is
imum match solutions. Tech. Rep. DRC-06-26-81,
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh (1981). ,?+I N
5. J. Cerda & A. W. Westerberg, Network flow models for
heat exchanger network synthesis: Part 3. Solutions with p=l
CYP>P’N-‘i+l y,for llq<N N22. (A3)

stream splitting and cyclic structure. Tech. Rep. DRC-

06-27-81, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh Since
6. J. R. Flower & B. Linhoff, A thermodynamic- i P = (q)(q + 1)/2
combinatorial approach to the design of opiimum heat p=,
exchanger networks. A.I.Ch.E.J. 26, 1 (1980).
I. R. S. Garfinkel & G. L. Nemhauser, Integer Pro- by substituting (A2) and (A4) in (A3), the inequality can be
arumminn. Wilev. New York (1972). written as
8. L. E. Grimes, The synthesis and evaluation of networks
of heat exchanger that feature the minimum number of (q + 1)a + (q + l)(q + 2)/2N > aN + (N + 1)/2
units. M.S. Thesis, Carnegie-Mellon University, -(N - q)a - (N - q)(N - q + 1)/2N (A5)
Pittsburgh (1980).
9. F. S. Hillier & G. J. Lieberman, Operations Research. which in turn can be simplified to yield,
Holden-Day, San Francisco (1980).
10. E. C. Hohmann, Optimum networks for heat exchange. a > [q(N - q - 1) - 11/N. (A6)
Ph.D. Thesis, University S. California, Los Angeles
(1971). Since the r.h.s. of (A6) is maximized at q = (N - 1)/2, the
11. B. Linhoff & J. R. Flower, Synthesis of heat exchanger inequality in (A6) will hold for all q, q = 1,2, . . . , N - 1 if
networks, Part I. Systematic generation of energy opti-
mal networks. A.LCh.E.J. 24, 633 (1978). a z=[(N - 1)2- 4]/4N. (A7)
12. L. E. S&rage. User’s Manual for LINDO. The Scientific
Press, Palo-Alto (1981). _ Therefore, a choice of a satisfying (A7) will guarantee that
13. N. Nishida. G. SteDhanODOUlOS& A. W. Westerbere. the weights as given by (A2) will produce networks with
Journal Review: Process Synthesis. A.Z.Ch.E.J. 27, 3G minimum number of units but with the most preferable
(1981). matches. It should be noted that if N is too large the
14. S. Papoulias & I. E. Grossmann, A structural opti- proposed choice of a may be higher than needed since it is
A structural optimization approach in process synthesis-11 721

sufficient that (A6) holds for a valid upper bound q ” on the Assuming that the weights 7, are given as
number of matches. Since the r.h.s. increases monotonically
in q, for q 5 (N - 1)/2, the choice of q” is justified if it lies y,,=afp/NG p=l,2,...,NG (A9)
below this value. Also, since the r.h.s. in (A7) is smaller than
N/4, a practical choice for large N is given by and by following a similar reasoning in imposing the
inequality in (A3), the parameter a that must be chosen to
a > min{q “(N - q” - 1)/N, N/4} (A8) guarantee minimum number of units with most preferred
In the case that priority levels are assigned to groups of matches is given by
matches and not to individual matches the procedure must
be modified somewhat. For this case, assume that the N
matches are partitioned in NG groups, where each group
G, = {(i,j, I) 1p = (i, j, l)}, has cardinality up, and priority
level p = 1,2, . . . , NG. If an upper bound q” is given, it is
convenient to define the indices r and t as follows:
(a) r is the largest integer such that
- ipoP-
p=l \
q”+l- i
u&(r+l) 1.(AlO)
, Finally, to test the validity of the upper bound q”, it is
c up,q”+ 1 necessary to check whether the r.h.s. in (AlO) decreases
when evaluated at q u - 1. If the test fails, the upper bound
(b) 1 is the smallest integer such that q” must be reduced.

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