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Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 887– 892

A conceptual programming approach for the design of flexible

L. Tantimuratha, G. Asteris, D.K. Antonopoulos, A.C. Kokossis *
Department of Process Integration, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester, M60 1QD, UK

Received 10 May 2000; accepted 5 January 2001


A conceptual tool is presented to address the flexibility and operability objectives for heat exchanger networks. The approach
presents a screening model to accommodate the considerations ahead of design. The new development is essentially a targeting
tool based on the Area Target Model that is a part of the Hypertarget methodology of (Chem. Engng. Sci., 54 (1999) 519; Chem.
Engng. Sci., 54 (1999) 541; Chem. Engng. Sci., 54 (1999) 685). The targets accommodate for an early pre-processing of matches
and assess implications due to parameter variations. The feasibility targets provide ahead of design information on the costs
incurred due to the variations. Flexibility targets assess the ability of the system to handle variations for different driving forces.
The potential of the matches to handle variations can be further exploited with superstructure schemes. The paper proposes a
systematic algorithmic procedure that converges to flexible networks at the expense of only a minor set of additional constraints.
Examples are presented to illustrate the approach, explain its ability to assess the impact of variations and prove the ease of its
use in real-size problems. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Feasibility targets; Fouling; Pinch analysis; Flexibility targets; Heat transfer coefficients

1. Introduction With frequent operational changes a rather common

feature of modern sites the emphasis should be widened
Heat exchanger networks are usually developed un- to consider their own impact on the design. Screening
der the assumption of fixed design parameters (temper- and targeting tools should subsequently be extended to
ature, flowrates, heat transfer coefficients) that address expected or predicted changes ahead of detailed
represent standard values at nominal operating condi- considerations. The first effort to embed design uncer-
tions. However, the nominal conditions are expected to tainty as part of a mathematical formulation should be
change as different feedstocks are processed, the heat attributed to Halemane and Grossmann (1983). In the
transfer deteriorates (fouling), and the flow conditions steps of this work, a systematic framework has been
are requested to follow different sets of process specifi- presented by Swaney and Grossmann (1985a,b) to ad-
cations. Even for properly developed networks, these dress flexibility. The flexibility analysis comprised two
changes are to deprive the design of its original thermo- similar test problems: one to assess the ability of the
dynamic or economic efficiency. More often than not, design to remain feasible for a given set of variations;
the re-design of a network is rather expensive to pursue. another one to assess the range of variations the design
Consequently, industry is rather sceptical to embark on can afford (flexibility index). The tests could function
energy integration projects where promises for savings
on specific layouts and required an exhaustive enumera-
in fuel and costs are expected to evanesce in a short
tion of vertex points. Grossmann and Floudas (1987)
time of operation.
contributed with a novel MILP formulation to prevent
the exhaustive search.
* Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Chemical The literature of HEN problems is apparently much
and Process Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey,
GU2 7XH, UK; Tel.: + 44-1483-876573; fax: +44-1483-876581.
more extensive. It includes methodologies based on
E-mail addresses: (L. Tantimuratha), thermodynamics (Pinch Analysis) and extends to math- (A.C. Kokossis). ematical programming techniques and formulations of

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888 L. Tantimuratha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 887–892

several types and purposes. Most notably, one should 2.2. Outline of de6elopments
refer to the MILP transhipment model by Papoulias
and Grossmann (1983) and the NLP superstructure by The new developments include:
Floudas, Ciric and Grossmann (1986). The former con- 1. conceptual models to screen layouts for grassroots
tributed with a conceptual model able to identify design;
matches of process streams; the latter extended these 2. conceptual models to screen modifications for
developments with superstructure schemes one could retrofit applications;
employ to automatically develop energy integrated net- 3. design procedures for the development of layouts of
works. However, the merits of Pinch Technology had networks with the ability to handle variations.
enabled the method to continue its ascendancy over Models in (1) and (2) apply prior to the development
mathematical programming in the vast majority of of a HEN network. They are formulated as MILP
industrial applications. Its ability to handle large size models and they measure the ability of the primal set to
problems and its potential to transparently explain handle variations at different levels of energy recovery
economic trade-offs has maintained a convincing edge (DTmin). The result of the optimisation curves can be
amongst practitioners and engineers. In due recognition plotted as flexibility targets alongside the Hypertargets.
of the power of thermodynamics, a new generation of Good designs are located in areas of large flexibility
applications illustrated venues to regain all the merits of targets and low total cost (i.e. Hypertargets).
the Pinch Method within a mathematical programming The network development stage represents an addi-
framework. tional challenge. The selected designs from (1) to (2) do
Hypertargets (Briones & Kokossis, 1999a,b,c) com- not represent networks yet. They are simply combina-
bine the merits of thermodynamics and mathematical tions of matches with a promising potential to account
programming and introduce a systematic framework for assumed variations in the design parameters. For
for HEN synthesis and retrofit applications. Hyper- guiding the optimisation search to exploit the potential
targets can be used to provide targets ahead of design of these matches, the mathematical models need be
in the form of a solution stream of design options expanded with a significant amount of additional mod-
available at different driving forces. A library of target- elling information. Instead the paper outlines an itera-
ing models is introduced (ATM, TAME, HEAT) one is tive procedure that requires only incremental
able to launch with minimal effort either to enable the modifications in the model and converges in practice
development of targets or to set up superstructures for within very few iterations.
layout optimisation. The screening models combine in-
formation about the number of matches, the level of
energy recovery and the potential savings on capital 3. Screening model for targeting
investment (heat transfer area, re-piping,
modifications). The new developments are based on the ATM and
TAME models developed by Briones and Kokossis
(1999a,b,c). The models consist of targeting terms for
2. Motivation and the outline of the approach the heat transfer area. They contain energy balances for
different temperature intervals and involve residuals
2.1. Moti6ation that reduce to the minimum heat duties required. The
participation of residuals in re-formulations with an
The application of the ATM (Briones & Kokossis additional consideration of flexibility (Swaney & Gross-
1999a) designates HEN layouts that are attractive from mann, 1985a,b) results in MILP problems with a large
an economic viewpoint. The experience with the use of number of variables. In the new formulation:
the model indicates that there exist numerous combina- 1. all constraints that contain residuals are relaxed;
tions of matches that feature similar — if not identical 2. an additional set of inequality constraints accounts
— performance. The select pool of the design candi- for physical bounds on the available energy to
dates comprises the primal set of the ATM. The de- recover.
tailed optimisation of the candidates eventually Heat balances for hot stream and hot utilities:
determines configurations that, although of similar cost,
perform quite differently in their ability to adjust to iH, % Qij = Q H
i . (1)
j  MA
process variations and parameter changes. The idea to
expand the ATM model has been motivated by the Heat balances for cold stream and cold utilities:
large size of the primal sets in the majority of industrial
applications. Rather than processing all candidates, it jC, % Qij = Q C
j . (2)
would be more efficient to consider only the ones with
an additional potential to handle variations. Heat contents of each hot stream i:
L. Tantimuratha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 887–892 889

difference of each hot stream i, DT H H H

i , is T si − T ti and
the temperature difference of each cold stream j, DT C j ,
is T C C H H C C
ij − T sj ·T si , T ti , T sj and T tj are the source and
target temperatures of hot and cold streams, respec-
tively. And finally, q H i and q j are the uncertain flow

capacity of each stream;a set of inequality constraints

accounts for possible violations of the minimum tem-
perature approach temperature (EMAT). Upper limit
of Qij :with respect to hot stream i:
Fig. 1. A match of hot stream i and cold stream j and the infeasible
Qij 5 q H H H C
i ·{T si − max [T ti , (T sj + EMAT)]}. (7)
with respect to cold stream j:
i = q i ·DT i .
iHS, (3)
Qij 5 q C H C C
j ·{min [T si , (T tj + EMAT)] − (T sj + EMAT)}.
Heat contents of each cold stream j: (8)
j CS, j = q j ·DT j .
(4) Constraints (2) and (3) result from the relaxation of
the residuals. Constraints (2) are not adequate for a
Non-negativity constraints: feasible combination. Fig. 1 shows the case where the
(i, j )  MA, −Qij 5 0,, (5a) EMAT is not satisfied over the whole range of stream
i HU, − Q HU
i 50, (5b) The reformulated ATM/TAME model is optimised
j CU, −Q CU 5 0. (5c) over the primal set to determine acceptable combina-
tions. Plotting the optimisation objective against differ-
Upper bound of Qij : ent values of DTmin determines the flexibility targets.
Flexibility targets that assume a minimum number of
(i, j ) MA, Qij 5min [(q H H C C
i ·DT i ), (q j ·DT j )], (6)
units, Umin, give rise to wave-like shapes ( flexibility
where MA is the set of selected matches, HS and CS wa6es) whose peaks and lows relate to favourable
are the sets of hot and cold process streams, respec- trade-offs. Alternatively, flexibility waves can be devel-
tively. HU and CU are the sets of hot and cold utilities, oped for Umin + 1 and Umin + 2 cases.
respectively. H and C are the sets of hot and cold
streams, including utilities, respectively, i.e. H= 3.1. Example 1
HS @ HU and C = CS @ CU. The amount of heat trans-
ferred between hot stream or utility i and cold stream The data of this small problem is shown in Table 1.
or utility j is represented as Qij ·Q H C
i and Q j are the heat Variations relate to the CP values of hot stream h1
content of each stream and utility. The temperature (929%) and cold stream c1 (9 36%). The primal set

Table 1
Stream data for example 1

Stream Nominal CP (kW/°C) Variation of CP (kW/°C) Tin (°C) Tout (°C)

H1 1.7 90.5 400 280

H2 1.5 – 370 190
H3 0.5 – 410 388
C1 1.25 90.45 200 370
C2 0.8 – 250 400

Table 2
Feasibility and Flexibility targets of each options for example 1

Solution Matches Feasibility target Flexibility target

S1 h1–c1, h1–c2, h2–c1, h2–c2, h2–cu, h3–c1, hu–c2 −11.0 1.85

S2 h1–c1, h1–c2, h2–c1, h2–c2, h2–cu, h3–c2, hu–c2 −11.0 1.76
S3 h1–c1, h2–c1, h2–c2, h2–cu, h3–c2, hu–c1, hu–c2 0.7 0.99
S4 h1–c1, h2–c1, h2–c2, h2–cu, h3–c1, hu–c1, hu–c2 2.5 0.92
890 L. Tantimuratha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 887–892

Table 3 The consideration of time-varying effects (i.e. foul-

Stream data for example 2
ing) can also be addressed with the proposed models.
Stream Nominal CP (kW/°C) Tin (°C) Tout (°C) For example, given a time-variant profile for the heat
transfer coefficients, the fouling resistance can be added
H1 470.00 140 40 into the targeting expressions of the ATM/TAME mod-
H2 825.00 160 120 els. Accordingly, the synthesis objective has to be up-
H3 42.42 210 45
graded in the form of a time-weighted average of the
H4 100.00 260 60
H5 357.14 280 210 targeted heat transfer area. Similar arguments can be
H6 50.00 350 170 made for the flow rates, the temperatures and the
H7 136.36 380 160 availability of utilities.
C1 826.09 270 385
C2 500.00 130 270
C3 363.64 20 130 3.2. Example 2

Consider a larger problem of seven hot and three

(Briones & Kokossis, 1999a) contains four primal solu- cold process streams. The stream data is shown in
tions at DTmin, 10°C. The solutions are listed in Table 2. Table 3 with 9 10% variations in the process flow
The results from the application of the new models are capacities. The availability of options at different DTmin
also summarised in Table 2. The results explain that (U=Umin) is illustrated in Fig. 2. The Figure explains
only two of the four options (i.e. S1 and S2) are ranges of DTmin (30 –35°C) where no flexible solutions
acceptable; the other two of the solutions are unable to are available. The results obtained for Umin have moti-
afford the assumed variations. The meaning of the vated the development of additional curves for Umin + 1
feasibility and flexibility (Table 2) strictly follows the units.
propositions by Swaney and Grossmann (1985a,b). The 1. Fig. 2a presents the Hypertargets (annual costs)
difference is that the results from this model are only against DTmin. The primal set contains matches for
‘promises’ for a performance and do not contain guar- Umin and Umin + 1. The shaded region accounts for
antees the actual, final design will be featuring these flexible solutions; the remaining area relates to
qualifications. There is no real drawback, however, in matches unable to handle variations;
having targets and solutions deviate at this stage. One 2. Fig. 2b concentrates on the flexible designs. The
should bear in mind that all primal solutions corre- shaded area of Fig. 2b relates to matches with Umin
spond to good designs and that additional consider- number of matches. The remaining region is accessi-
ations for flexibility account for an extra ‘bonus’ on the ble with Umin + 1 units. For DTmin \ 25°C flexible
solution. designs require Umin + 1 units.

Fig. 2. Hypertargets, flexibility targets, and number of solutions for Example 2.

L. Tantimuratha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 887–892 891

Fig. 3. The algorithm for network optimisation with the similarity constraints.

3. Fig. 2c explains the flexibility targets against DTmin. inequalities that activate identical connections in the
Fig. 2d plots the cardinality of the primal set. It is superstructures. The iterative procedure is schematically
interesting to see that for small DTmin, the shown in Fig. 3.
deviation from the minimum-number-of-units rule
(Pinch Analysis). 4.1. Example 3

Let us consider the problem discussed in Example 2.

4. Network optimisation At DTmin = 30°C, a combination is selected from the
optimal set featuring 12 units. The flexibility target for
As one is required to translate the selected matches the combination is 1.30 and indicates an appropriate
— as they are available from the screening models — candidate to account for the parameter variations of
to detailed networks, superstructure models (Floudas et that problem. A superstructure set up and optimised on
al., 1986) need to be formulated at all vertex points. the basis of these matches yields the network of Fig. 4a.
The number of constraints faces a dramatic increase
with the parameters whose variations are considered.
Even for simple problems, the NLP model constitutes
an enormous formulation that prohibits applications of
industrial interest. However, the benefit in processing a
suitable match can be exploited through an iterative
procedure that proceeds along the following steps:
1. solve the NLP optimisation with the parameters at
the nominal point; use a single superstructure model
S0; obtain an optimal network Li ;
2. check Li at each vertex point to confirm feasibility;
terminate in cases all tests are successful;
3. for a vertex point i that relates to an infeasible
variation include an additional superstructure model
Si ; augment the mathematical formulation; iterate
with Step (1).
Step (1) usually results in inappropriate layouts. Al-
though the initial combination of matches has a poten-
tial to account for variations, the mathematical
formulation is driving the search towards cost-effective
configurations. Step (2) is trivial to complete and iden-
tifies usually one or two violations. Step (3) requires
further explanation on the type of constraints that need
be included in the formulation. The additional con-
straints ensure that all superstructure models Si con-
verge to the same layout. They are expressed as Fig. 4. Network solutions for Example 3.
892 L. Tantimuratha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 887–892

The cost of the network is 6690 k$ per year (ie. within References
the range of Hypertargets) but it fails to handle the
expected variations in the parameters. The results from Briones, V., & Kokossis, A. (1999a). Hypertargets: a conceptual
the iterative scheme that is proposed iterative earlier programming approach for the optimisation of industrial heat
exchanger networks-I. Grassroots design and network complexity.
yields the network of Fig. 4b. The procedure converges Chemical Engineering Science, 54, 519– 539.
in two iterations. The network (of the same combina- Briones, V., & Kokossis, A. (1999b). Hypertargets: a conceptual
tion) features a different structure from the network A programming approach for the optimisation of industrial heat
with a very small penalty in the total cost (1.9%). exchanger networks-II. Retrofit design. Chemical Engineering Sci-
Moreover, the network can afford all of the variations. ence, 54, 541– 561.
Briones, V., & Kokossis, A. (1999c). Hypertargets: a conceptual
programming approach for the optimisation of industrial heat
exchanger networks-III. Industrial applications. Chemical Engi-
5. Conclusion neering Science, 54, 685– 706.
Floudas, V. A., Ciric, A. R., & Grossmann, I. E. (1986). Automatic
The paper outlines a conceptual tool that is able to synthesis of optimum heat exchanger network configurations.
address flexibility objectives for heat exchanger net- American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal, 32 (2), 276–
works. The work extends the screening models (ATM/
Grossmann, I. E., & Floudas, C. A. (1987). Active constraint strategy
TAME) of the Hypertarget methodology (Briones & for flexibility analysis in chemical processes. Computers and
Kokossis, 1999a,b,c) to enable variations in the process Chemical Engineering, 11 (6), 675– 693.
parameters. The new models retain the screening nature Halemane, K. P., & Grossmann, I. E. (1983). Optimal process design
of the early developments in their ability to identify under uncertainty. American Institute of Chemical Engineering
Journal, 29 (3), 425– 433.
options ahead of detailed calculations. Flexibility
Papoulias, S. A., & Grossmann, I. E. (1983). A structural optimiza-
targets are calculated alongside the Hypertargets and tion approach in process analysis-II: heat recovery networks.
are useful to assess trade-offs between the design flexi- Computers and Chemical Engineering, 7 (6), 707– 721.
bility and economics. Moreover, the optimisation ap- Swaney, R. E., & Grossmann, I. E. (1985a). An index for operational
proach is enabled with an iterative scheme to materialise flexibility in chemical process design: part I-formulation and
the targets of the screening stage. The procedure opti- theory. American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal, 31 (4),
621– 630.
mises the network layout using superstructure develop-
Swaney, R. E., & Grossmann, I. E. (1985b). An index for operational
ments. Although it addresses a much larger problem, flexibility in chemical process design: part II-computational al-
the additional synthesis effort is very limited: in most gorithms. American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal,
cases, the scheme converges within two iterations. 31 (4), 631– 641.

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