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Listening to my teacher

When I am in school my teacher
likes me to listen carefully.

When I listen carefully, I know
exactly what to do. Then I can do
excellent work.

Feeling frustrated

Some?mes things don’t go my way and

this makes me feel frustrated.
When I feel frustrated, I can do lots of
things to calm down.
•  I can count to ten.
•  I can prac?ce my deep breathing.
•  I can talk to my friend or an adult.
•  I can go for a walk.
•  I can do something different.
•  Once I have calmed down, I will feel
much beEer.

Telling the truth

When someone asks me a ques?on

I should always tell the truth.
When I always tell the truth, people
will trust me and believe me.
Some?mes the truth can get me in
trouble but it is s?ll important for
me to say exactly how things

Making Friends

When I start something new, I meet

new people. Some?mes, I can feel
nervous when mee?ng new people.
It is ok to feel like this.
To make friends I can smile, look at
the person I am speaking to and say
Hello! My name is _________.
What is your name?
PuMng my hand up when I
want to share my ideas in

There are many children in my
class. If I have something to say I
must remember to put my hand up.
When I put my hand up, the teacher
knows that I have an idea and will
ask me when it is my turn.
When children forget to put their
hand up everyone speaks at once
and it gets very loud, then no-one
can be heard properly.

Thinking before I speak

Some?mes people say or do
something that annoys me. I must
remember to think before I say
something mean or hurOul.
When I think before I speak, I make
sure that I don’t say something that
could make someone else feel sad.

Making mistakes

Some?mes when I am doing my
work I make mistakes. This makes
me feel sad and angry. I must
remember that making mistakes is
ok. I can learn a lot from one
mistake and I will know how to do it
right then. When I make a mistake I
must remember to stay calm and
ask for help if I need it.

Everyone makes mistakes that’s
why pencils have erasers.

Playing Games; winning and

Playing games is lots of fun. I like to play
different games with my friends or
people in different classes. Some?mes I
win. When I win I feel very happy but I
must remember not to boast about it as
this might upset the person who didn’t
Some?mes I don’t win. When I don’t win,
I might feel a liEle bit sad. I must
remember to say ‘Well Done!’ or ‘Good
Game!’ to the winner. This shows that I
am a good friend and a good team
Hearing an alarm

Some?mes at school or at home I
might hear an alarm. This is a loud
ringing noise. If I hear this sound, I
must stay calm and walk outside
with my class or another adult, then
I will be safe.
I can go back inside when an adult
tells me it is ok.

Respec?ng other peoples

When I am at school, some
children may have cool things which
I would like.
I can ask to look at it or use it. If my
friend says yes, I must look aUer it
and give it back when they ask.
If the person says no, I don’t touch

Being organised

When I am at school I need to be organised.
When I am organised I can find the things I
need quickly and do my work really well.
At the start of the day, I need to take my
chair down, take out my homework and my
pencil case from my bag. During the day I
need to keep my desk ?dy and put books
and copies back when I am finished with
them. At the end of the day I need to put
the things I need for my homework into my
bag. If I am organized I will be ready to do
any work my teacher gives me.

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