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Prepared by Regina Goh of IGS Research and Development Department

This survey is carried out to investigate the main issues faced by all the staffs that are doing administrative
related tasks and how with the implementation of proper management system should help all concerned in the
efficiency and effectiveness of work done. All participants’ answers in this survey will be kept confidential.
Please return the completed survey to any members of Research and Development Department.

POSITION & DEPARTMENT : ______________________

WORK TASK(S) : ______________________

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : ______________________

GENDER : ______________________

AGE : ______________________

Instruction: Please tick the chosen answer for each of the following questions.

1. The process of administrative tasks at work at the moment (e.g. inputting information, data, obtaining
materials and etc) are:

a. ( ) Easy and convenient

b. ( ) Moderately acceptable
c. ( ) No opinion
d. ( ) Inconvenient and slow
e. ( ) Quite a hassle

2. On average, how long do you take to complete a simple administrative task such as keying in data?
a. ( ) 1 day
b. ( ) 3 days
c. ( ) 5 days
d. ( ) 7 days
e. ( ) More than a week

3. What are the issues when dealing with administrative tasks? (P.S. You may tick more than one for this)
a. ( ) Lack of computers
b. ( ) Lack of fast internet
c. ( ) Lack of modern technologies such as modern management system
d. ( ) Lack of cooperation and communication among staffs
e. If any others, please specify: ______________________________________________________


Instruction: Please circle the chosen answer of your choice for each of the statements below

Strongly Strongly
Statement Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
1. Information obtained in the current process is
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very accurate.
2. Administrative work are done in the shortest
1 2 3 4 5
possible of time using the current method.
3. It is easy to share information using the
1 2 3 4 5
current methods.
4. Disseminations of information are very
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efficient currently.
5. Inputting attendance in the staffroom
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computer right now is very easy.
6. Stored information and data of students are
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accurate and easily obtainable.
7. There is a lack of transparency with the
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information using current methods.
8. Asking for information from a colleague is
1 2 3 4 5
quite fast and efficient currently.
9. Information are all currently centralised and
1 2 3 4 5
10. Communication or making requests of digital
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materials is easy and efficient.

Instruction: Please answer the following questions

1. Are the current processes of inputting data and administrative tasks in general suitable for you? Why?


2. Do you personally think we need better work processes so work could become efficient? Why?


3. Do you think introducing a management system will be a good idea and beneficial? How come?


4. Do you have any comments or suggestions?


Thank you for your time in answering this survey!

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