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Fake Student Admitted to UT Honors College

Senior Creates Success From Hacking and Forging

Lee Morrow
Editor in Chief

After years of hard

work, Andrew Chang-Gu
has gotten his alternate
identity into college.
Bob Jones, the student
Chang-Gu created in his
free time, sprouted from
the Asian’s fuzzy head
while hacking security
“I discovered how easy
it was to create and edit
documents on the school
servers. They don’t even
use HTTPS,” Chang-Gu
said. “After that all I had
to do was forge some
signatures and sneak
some papers into a filing
cabinet when no one was plan in the top ten percent proached, Chang-Gu Patricia Lawler.
around.” of the senior class. decided to keep his hobby “I am so happy Bob got
In his four years at “I was going to make active after he left high in,” Lawler said. “He’s
Midway, Jones has accu- him valedictorian, but school. He chose UT Plan always been one of my
mulated 26 credits and is then someone might have II Honors College for Ben favorite students and I
well on his way to gradu- noticed,” Chang-Gu said. Jones’s future education know he will accomplish
ating on the distinguished As graduation ap- and soon after he ap- great things.”
plied early through Apply Once at UT, where
Texas. Chang-Gu also plans to
The Underground “I had to do a few sup- attend, he will need to
plementary short answers gain access to school
Lee Morrow Editor-in-Chief for the Honors College, records to keep gaining
Blake Johnson Managing Editor but I think it’s worth it,” credit for Jones.
Andrew Chang-Gu Political Correspondent Chang-Gu said. “I want “It’s gonna be hard,”
Cole Manning Feature Correspondent Bob to get the best educa- Chang-Gu said. “But I
tion he possibly can.” want to help out Bob as
Last week Jones re- much as I can. He’s pretty
The Underground is a student publication that informs, entertains and provides a forum for student expression. It is no way affiliated with or sanctioned
by Midway High School. Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the entire newspaper staff, the student body as a whole, administrators,
or Midway ISD. This newspaper does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, age or national orgin in its educational programs,
ceived his acceptance let- determined to get his
activities or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504 and Title VI. The Underground is free for all students, with production costs offset by
advertisements. Ads are available in business card, 1/4, 1/2 and full size page sizes. Call Lee Morrow at 254-666-0222 for more information. ter, exciting his counselor, Ph.D. soon.”
The Underground 3
Midway Robotics Club Orders Autocannon
‘Nothing to do with Mysterious Tank Roaming Premises’ say Officials

Andrew Chang-Gu
Political Correspondent

When the UPS man

delivered a 600 pound
GAU-8 Avenger Gatling
Cannon to the front of the
school, Elizabeth Davila,
the receptionist, wasn’t
the least bit surprised.
“Ever since the Mid-
way Robotics Club was
created, they’ve been
ordering various weapon
systems and other nick-
knacks,” Davila said.
Indeed, the Robotics
Club has been behind organization is able to Defense contractors. Anti-Armor Vehicle.”
most of the recent pur- spend an estimated 14 When asked about the When asked about
chases in various military million dollars a week organization’s success, the specifics of the gov-
hardware and technology. (more than the total cost Principal Dr. Chris Allen ernment contract and
Just last week, their sec- of Midway’s renovated responded, “We have a whether the project had
ond shipment of reactive stadium), has been par- Robotics Club? Well, I’m anything to do with the
armor plating arrived at tially solved. The secre- sure that they’re doing multiple reports of a
the school. tive Robotics Club has cool stuff.” tank roaming the school
The longstanding ques- finally admitted to be one Cool stuff is probably grounds at night, Robot-
tion of how one school of the highest paid U.S. the best guess right now ics Club sponsor Brady
as to exactly what Gibson denied every-
the Robotics Club thing.
is up to. Ac- “The sightings of an ex-
cording to docu- tremely advanced, highly
ments released armored robotic vehicle,
by Wikileaks, the soon to be equipped with
government has an extremely powerful
reserved over 5 anti-tank weapon, are
billion dollars to completely unsubstanti-
an agency in Mid- ated and are definitely not
way High School related in any way to any
for the funding of Midway Robotics Club
a “Next Genera- project,” Gibson said.
tion Autonomous
Naked Scans, Gropings
Arrive at MHS
Ending the Splash
Lee Morrow Blake Johnson News of this study has
Editor in Chief Managing Editor reached the Midway campus
and students have started
to share ideas with their
Due to last week’s Being a man, a bro, a dude, friends and even question
failed student coup, a superior, requires taking the merit of the myth.
the administra- the initiative and know- “I’ve never been able to
tion has decided to ing how to grab life, set it use a urinal without hav-
implement the same straight, and point it in the ing some feedback, it’s
full body scanners right direction. This is true disgusting,” freshman Chris
that have already inconvenience. To many for all successful bros. Wohlschlag states to the
been introduced in airports students and teachers they This is also true of those press. “If you’re telling me
around the country. seem like a major invasion seeking to use a there’s an angle of urinating
These scanners use x-rays of privacy. urinal, with no into the urinal
to see through clothing, “I don’t want a nudie scan “return” whatso- that will stop
producing a virtually naked and I don’t want some dude ever. this, you’re
image of the body, in order touching my junk,” senior A few months mad.”
to discover hidden weapons Cody Stidham said. “Just ago, before his Other students
and contraband. because some kids tried mysterious and remain a bit
The scanners will be to enact a political power untimely death, more hopeful,
placed at the main entrance change doesn’t mean we professor Van Der crossing their
and will be manned by need these drastic mea- Dick published fingers that such
trained TSA agents. sures.” his scientifi- a myth be true.
Although there is cally acclaimed “People say
considerable anger masterpiece “I the Lochness
over the scanners Don’t Want it Monster isn’t
that have been Back.” In this real, and I’ve
placed at the front novel, Professor seen her with
door, most students Dick studies and searches my own eyes, I wet my
have never even en- for the mythical angle that pants when I did,” junior
TSA agent’s personal van countered these new Davin Fitch said. “If I can
one can urinate into a urinal
Anyone who wishes to opt security measures and just and have no splashback see this myth with my own
out of the scan will undergo ignore them. whatsoever. eyes as well, then maybe
an extensive pat-down of “I’m not sure they real- “Some scientists search my pants can stay just a
the entire body, including ize there’s more than one there entire lives, trying little more clean.”
the groin area. entrance,” sophomore Billy to discover the secrets When the female com-
“These scans may be an Nettles said. of things like evolution, munity of the world was
inconvenience,” electricity, or solar powered approached, they had little
Principal Dr. flamethrowers, which are to say.
Chris Allen said. pretty cool I admit,” Profes- “Men are stupid,” senior
“But they are vi- sor Dick announced at a Monica Finley said.
tal to the safety Urinal press comittee. “Me, The myth, as wonderful
of the school.” however, I’m searching for as it is, is still a myth, and
But to the something far more grand, right now only remains little
less voyeuristic, something that will change more than a small bright
these scans and the course of the future for light at the end of a dark
pat-downs are every man, and transgender tunnel of wet pants and
TSA agents pat down a 4 year old smelly legs.
more than an individuals as well”
Backspace 5
Cole Manning the mid 90’s. Leto and I sat in the shattering roar. Before us was the
Feature Correspondent presence of the rare animals while Fire Breathing Kitten and running
Puppy Closet managed to ride a towards it was Puppy Closet. In a
On November 3, The rainbow bright unicorn, an expe- vain attempt to avenge the fallen
Underground sent fea- rience can only be described as unicorns Puppy Closet was chal-
ture correspondent Cole magical. We could not play forever lenging it to battle, and before we
Manning to investigate though, and with heavy hearts we had time to think the kitten un-
claims of a Fire Breath- continued our expedition. leashed an emerald flame. Puppy
ing Kitten in the Himala- At about ten miles away from Closet was obliterated. Leto and
yan Mountains (and just the heart of the forest we began to I knew we had to get out of there,
get him out of the office). smell Taco Bell and Bengay. We but before we could run the Kitten
This is his account. knew we were close. With every hurled Kathy Bates at us, pinning
mile that brought us closer, the Jared Leto under her enormous
Yesterday I set out on sense of dread and sheer power of weight. I struggled to pry her off of
an expedition to find the what awaited us grew. Soon we him but it was impossible. I knew
wild Fire Breath- I only had one hope
ing Kittens of for survival, David
the Himalayas. Hasselhoff. I began
Accompany- to pray to the mighty
ing me were my shaman in a vain
imaginary friends attempt for anything,
Puppy Closet and and soon my prayers
Jared Leto. We were answered.
had no idea what Above me flew a
awaited us. mighty phoenix and
We flew by in its talons was a
helicopter to the Wal-Mart gift card.
edge of the Ma- I quickly grabbed
genta Forest; the the card and began
pilot said he could take began seeing the corpses of uni- to use the powers of everyday low
us no further but that corns. The sight was too much for prices to drive the Kitten back to
we would find what we Puppy Closet; he fell to his knees the hell from which it came. It
were looking for in the and began to weep. He wept until worked and soon the Kitten was no
heart of the wood. From he couldn’t any longer, and when more.
that point on we began he rose to his feet his fury was so After vanquishing the Kitten, I
our arduous trek through powerful that he had to take a nap. enlisted the help of the unicorns
the forest. We were as- When Puppy Closet finally awoke, to help pull Kathy Bates off of my
tounded by the wild life; we continued our journey and after companion. With the horror of our
the three of us had never a few hours, we found the kitten’s time, we walked out of the Ma-
seen such an abundance lair. genta Forest knowing we would
of tree rabbits, rainbow The smell of Bengay and Taco never return. I know now that when
bright unicorns and spot- Bell was suffocating, but the Fire you go searching for a kitten you’ll
ted turtle bears. How- Breathing Kitten was nowhere find one.
ever the most astounding to be seen. We thought we had
species we found was an caught it at a bad time and decided Dedicated to the memory of Puppy
elusive Kathy Bates. One to come back later; though as we Closet McDinDin (1982-2010)
had not been seen since turned we were stunned by an earth
Midway Independent School District
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