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Background : The idea of intervention and supporting is important to review the definition
of health education and health promotion. Organized health education intervention activities
in the process of development and change to maintain, improve, or interrupt a pattern of
behavior or living conditions associated with an increased risk of illness, injury, disability or
death. Green (1980) has developed a model approach that can be used to make health
planning and evaluation known as the PRECEDE framework. PRECEDE (Predisposing,
Reinforcing and Enabling Causes in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation). PRECEDE
provides a series of steps that help planners to recognize problems from educational needs to
program development in order to fulfill those needs. However in 1991 Green repaired the
framework to become PRECEDE-PROCEED (Policy, Regulatory, Organizational Construct
in Educational and Environmental Development). PRECEDE-PROCEED must be done
together in the planning, implementation and evaluation process. PRECEDE is used in the
problem diagnosis phase, priority setting of problems and program objectives, while
PROCEED is used to set policy goals and criteria, as well as implementation and evaluation.
Purpose: To find out and analyze the application of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model in
health education and public health empowerment.
Method: The method used to arrange the review literature by using an electronic data base, a
method of searching journals using the Google Scholar and the National Library of Republic
Indonesia. Journals were obtained from various research journals. The criteria for inclusion
literature are research journals between 2014-2019 and can access full text.
Results: From the results of a review of 5 research journals consisting of 4 domestic research
journals and 1 foreign research journal that discussed the application of the PRECEDE-
PROCEED model in health promotion in several cases of health problems such as adolescent
reproductive health problems, TB cases, DHF and problems oropharyngeal dysphagia (OPD)
or swallowing disorder. The five journals show the results that the PRECEDE-PROCEED
model succeeded in increasing knowledge and the occurrence of behavior changes. Three of
the five journals showed that the PRECEDE-PROCEED model succeeded in increasing
knowledge and the occurrence of behavioral changes in the community related to health, one
other journal showed that the implementation of behavior change was influenced by several
factors (predisposing factors, reinforcing factors, driving factors) and one other journal shows
that assessing community needs is important in planning and produces effective and
sustainable output.

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