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Health Teaching About Chickenpox(varicella)

Submitted to: Mr. Roy S. Quito

Submitted by: Marie Flor L. Lugo
What is chickenpox?
 Chickenpox is a highly contagious illness caused by the varicella-
zoster virus (VZV). It is often a mild illness, characterized by an itchy
rash on the face, scalp and trunk with pink spots and tiny fluid-filled
blisters that dry and become scabs four to five days later.
 Initial symptoms include sudden onset of slight fever and feeling
tired and weak. These are soon followed by an itchy blister-like rash.
The blisters eventually dry, crust over and form scabs. The blisters
tend to be more common on covered than on exposed parts of the
body. They may appear on the scalp, armpits, trunk and even on the
eyelids and in the mouth. Mild or asymptomatic infections
occasionally occur in children. The disease is usually more serious in
young infants and adults than in children.

How soon the symptom appears?

 Symptoms commonly appear 14 to 16 days (range of ten to 21 days)
after exposure to someone with chickenpox.

How is chickenpox spread?

 Chickenpox is transmitted from person to person by directly

touching the blisters, saliva or mucus of an infected person. The
virus can also be transmitted through the air by coughing and
sneezing. Chickenpox can be spread indirectly by touching
contaminated items freshly soiled, such as clothing, from an infected
How to prevent
 The chickenpox (varicella) vaccine is the best way to prevent
 If you have already chickenpox, here are some tips that might help
you feel better:

 Get plenty of rest and eat well-balanced meals

 Drink plenty of fluids
 Apply a cool washcloth to your blisters to ease the pain and help dry the
 Do things that take your mind off your pain. For example, watch TV, read,
talk with friends, listen to relaxing music, or work on a hobby you like.
 Avoid stress. It can make the pain worse.
 Wear loose-fitting, natural-fiber clothing.
 Take paracetamol for fever
 Antihistamine to relieve the itchiness

How to prevent spreading the virus by:

 Keeping the rash covered

 Wear mask specially if there are family member had infection
 Not touching or scratching the rash
 Washing your hands often
 Cut the nails specially for kids

Who is most at risk?

 Chickenpox can be a fatal illness for people who have immune
problems, for example those with a chronic medical condition such
as HIV/AIDS or those undergoing treatment for severe asthma or
cancer. These is also risk for pregnant woman and newborn babies

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